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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

TV shows you secretly love watching!

but it's far from regular viewing. i don't remember the last time i watched it.
DarthMom said:
if only it still played on tv! that and diffrent strokes.

edit, meant for demon in trees

Luckily I prepared myself with a pile of VHS copies. Over and over again. There' s just something about that Mrs. Garrett.
The Amazing Race

hey no need to feel guilty bout that show imo.. i mean you get to see cool locations and there is minimal drama

now, survivor on the other hand... lol I love that show. I had never seen it until like a year or two ago and since then i've downloaded every single episode.

i love that show too =D
--Room Raiders
--I Love the '80s
--Date My Mom
--Fear Factor (just for the gross parts, though ;) )
--Any show with Dennis Miller in it (in spite of me being liberal)
-- (occasionally) Two and a Half Men
--( " " ) Becker
continuousbeing2 said:
buffy the vampire slayer

great great show

yeah, but you don't have to secretly love it, do you? Or do you?

As far as myself:

Second season (i think) of SIMPLE LIFE (Paris vs Nicole)

Kyle XY

okay, i guess i can't say 'secretly' because i was pretty vocal about my love of this show...

Cheaters (!!!!)

and the Australian show THE TRIBE (tee hee) but NOT the series it spawned.

and, when i'm really drunk, THAT'S SO RAVEN.

well lets see like im not really secretive about it but family guy, futurama, venture brothers, aqua teen, anime(about 25 different anime, it would take too long to tell u all of them) south park, harvey birdman, metalacolypse, the oblongs, mission hill, simpsons, american dad, drawn together, i also like a lot fo shows on the food network, i watch em when i cant decide what to eat
^^how are any of those shows embarassing to admit to watching??

I *sometimes* watch Dr. Phil.......

/runs and hides

Seriously though, probably once every three months. Only when I am extremely lazy--and nothing else is on
physix said:
yand, when i'm really drunk, THAT'S SO RAVEN.


now that i really dont get

(and i just realized that with this comment.... i have admited that i know what that show is. sigh)
I actually don't let my TV leave Cartoon Network.
I love the show Will and Grace and Even Stevens, I just dont watch them in front of my parents.
wanderlust said:
now that i really dont get

(and i just realized that with this comment.... i have admited that i know what that show is. sigh)


i like the timing on the show... but only when i'm drumk...
The Rockford Files.

Well I don't secretly watch it per se, but only a few people are aware that I'm a fan of this great show.
I feel like the biggest loser admitting this....when the Saddle Club is on, i watch it obsessively. Pretty pathetic considering I'm 25 years old LOL.

I'm a horse-freak, have been since i was a kid. I used to work with this girl who's cousin played Lisa on the show. This girl went and got an autograph for me. It was rather embarrassing. Apparently the chick who played Lisa thought it was hilarious that she was signing an autograph for someone who was ten or so years older than her.
Lizzy McGuire...

Is it wrong for a 21 year old male, ex-meth addict, to enjoy this show?
Scrubs, I wouldn't say I love watching it, just embarrassed that I do.
I am addicted to Scrubs, I watch around 6 - 8 episodes a day, every day, without fail. I know nearly every single line word for word.

Just so you know, Sarah Chalke (Elliot) will have my babies...

... yes that's right.
Gene Simmons Family Jewels :(

I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be adding fuel to that mass of burning garbage, but it lures me in and before I know it I've sat through the 4 hour marathon and have this urge to go buy all the KISS action figures and blacklight posters I can get my hands on. Help me stop.