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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television True Detective

did i miss what the deal with the dead old dude tied to the bed was? was he dead when they first showed him in the beginning scene? i was stoned.

i do know that television is ruined for me after this show. i'm like 3 episodes behind on the walking dead because it pales in comparison and i don't even really care about it anymore.

thank god for golf and baseball season.
did i miss what the deal with the dead old dude tied to the bed was? was he dead when they first showed him in the beginning scene? i was stoned.

i do know that television is ruined for me after this show. i'm like 3 episodes behind on the walking dead because it pales in comparison and i don't even really care about it anymore.

thank god for golf and baseball season.

CS - he's definitely not dead, which I missed the first time around too, and Pander had to rewind it for me.

he's errol's grand/father, Bill Childress. "Old Bill". A first or a second cousin of the Reverend Tuttle who was murdered by other animal faces after the tape was stolen by Rust. Errol probably got fed up with being a caretaker for the cult and all the pain/degradation that goes along with that (his grand/father did that to his face) and burned (sewed?) his mouth shut and tied him to the bed. "Where's Old Bill?" "He's in his house." Pander says that the bare springs probably help with the bed sores thing.

At like 230 am last night when I was almost done thinking about this show I remembered that Errol mentions that Remus is waiting for Rust just outside Carcosa. Had to break out my Plutarch and re-read the story. Romulus murders (maybe) his brother Remus after disagreeing on the location of the foundation of Rome. Remus then haunts Romulus until he starts Lepurcalia(?), the feast and ritualistic exorcism of vengeful ancestral ghosts from which we get the saying about how May weddings are unlucky. Just to throw some more shit in there.
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wait, not a Tuttle, a Childress. Childress bastards of Tuttles that the old black lady explains in Haunted Houses/episode 6. sorry for the mix up everyone.

AV Club said:
But to the viewer and the characters, the most intense, trivial aspects of the investigation are the closest True Detective comes to having an equivalent to the play in The King In Yellow. They’re little details that draw us in deeper and deeper until all we can think or talk about comes out like the babbling of someone obsessed with the geography of Carcosa or the lineage of its monarchy.

people who read The King In Yellow become insane obsessed ramblers who kill and eat people and fuck their sisters and daughters and commit war crimes. The King In Yellow novel only quotes snippets of this 'play' and instead focuses on what happens to the people who read it. let's hope true detective doesn't take us that far.
Eventually it got to the point where the show wasn't gonna be able to live up to the hype. People looked way too into it and blew it up to be simething more than it was. In interviews the writer specifically told us Errol was the killer, it wasn't going to involve anything supernatural, rust and Marty aren't the killers, there's not any huge twists, and the show is a CHARACTER STUDY, not a whodunit. ...

... Altho I gotta say for a show without any twist endings I feel like cohles epiphany was the biggest twist of all
I have mixed feelings about the ending. Episode four was so much of an awesome raging beast that the eighth episode's bayou boogeyman could not help but be reduced to a Halloween prop in comparison. I liked that it ended without grand revelations or supernatural/literary syntheses -- that is, I appreciate Pizzolatto simply making it about the importance of choosing which stories we tell ourselves to believe in, and further, I thought Cohle's glint of cosmic hope was both surprising and welcome -- but for me to feel like his character had a natural resolution would have required there to be far greater exposition of the themes in the final dialogue between the detectives. The way it played out though, he reached that state so fast that it was disengaging.

Regardless, the first season of True Detective pulled off atmosphere, cinematography, and acting exceedingly well. I never expected to encounter another great crime show so soon after Breaking Bad ended.
Does HBO do paid-streaming or anything? Cannot wait hrs for this to go online :(

So @~1130p-ish, it was online. I'm about 5% through getting my copy, and internet goes out!!! Just finally got back online this afternoon... Finale was good but not great, not my favorite episode but definitely not a letdown :)
I thought they had? Wasn't this to be a new cast, new plot next year?

hbo has not officially renewed the series yet - nick pizelw.rjhurgh whatever says he's written next season, but that won't matter much if the show isn't renewed.
i re-watched the finale again. i appreciate the ending more now, kinda just overlook the actual detective work which was never the focal point to begin with, and just other lil' shit that doesn't really matter. i just appreciate the journey rust and marty have been on, what they went through to shape the way they look at things in the world, especially rust.

since we have had some nice weather lately, i look forward to going for run and see some regular folk out and about that always say hi and comment on the weather so i can reply with "top notch, constitutional"

just actin a fool sometimes i'll say some errol shit out loud "can you smell the flowers miss billy" :\

i'd bet the farm hbo renews it for season 2. could imagine netflix pickin it up if not lol. that would be wild, we all binge watch that shit in one day ;p but tbh even tho it sucked waiting a week in between episodes, it was great reading all the discussions.
joe the stoner said:
kinda just overlook the actual detective work which was never the focal point to begin with,

totally srs

this season of true detective for me was a character study and not a show about "whodunnit?" perhaps that's just me, but when i look at it like that i appreciate it more.
No man I agree w/ that, it was totally character study first and foremost, but I couldn't help but think how appropriate the title was throughout. It was def a better character study, but the entirety of the plot and the suspense coming w/ it was raw 'detective' and better than any cop/detective media I've seen in forever.
[edit to add: the entirety of their characters revolved around their detective work, the way cohle was off the force and still obsessed/solved it was a study of his character, a character of a 'true detective', so really one in the same, no? Sry for the jpg joke I was exaggerating I guess, I just meant it was one in the same, I'd been saying 'character study' to pply I've been watching w/ irl and it just seems ridiculous to separate the two IMO- it was a character study of true detectives]
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yea, i hear where ya coming from.

in this humorous scene marty says to rust "don't ever change, man" but that is exactly what happened, cohle did change. he would of never said those words during the conversation with marty back in '95 "once there was only dark. if you ask me, light’s winning" and yes, it was what he experienced as a detective that brought about this change. so i see what you mean in regards to the title and separating the two.

in my original post i left out what i meant by overlooking the actual detective work, it was more like the detail that cracked the case, questioning the old lady at the retirement home who had no problem recalling something trivial that happened over 15 years ago like it was yesterday.

that's what i meant when i appreciate it more as a character study. at times i'll feel like a misanthrope with a very cynical outlook on life. deep down tho i know we would not be here today if humanity were inherently evil. in a way i can relate to cohle in 1995 and also in the present.

we are on the same page now =)

and no need to say sry about the .jpg joke lol, i love communicating through images and gifs =) all in good fun man.
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