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Social Trans People & Dating Apps (Offshoot Thread from Gay Guys Thread)

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Definition of transphobia

: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people // Homophobia and transphobia are still major issues among LGBTQ youth, who are at higher risk for verbal harassment by classmates …

so @Foreigner just isn't sexually attracted to transgendered ppl - that doesn't mean he's transphobic by definition
Yes, everyone who dislikes you is a sock-puppet. It can't be possible that two different people both think your views are wrong and that you have a propensity to well, overstate your ability to argue.

He keeps mentioning how clever you are because that's what you do. That's why I mention it as well. Because when someone constantly does it and then they don't reach the mark, you remind them about it.

I've told you before. People do not like it when other people go around talking about how smart they are, especially when expectation does not match up with reality. It grates on people. So people make fun of it.

Smart people don't have to tell anyone that they're smart, because people just naturally notice they are smarter than them. They also know that going around declaring they're smarter than everyone else irritates people so they tend to refrain.

You repeat this diatribe over and over but there's no evidence of it.

If you think I'm an idiot or stupid then I would prefer you just come out and insult me directly rather than dance around some made-up point like a coward about how I think I'm smarter than I am. Why don't you just own what you really want to say? It would spare us all the energy of reading your contrivances. Notice that you're the only person here doing character assassination attempts and ad homs, all because you're upset that somebody has a different view of reality than you. That is very telling.
I have a couple things to say, you need to read the longer post.

I don't really need to because it all boils down to what it said below.

You said, you will only sleep with a biological, XY male. That means you exclude trans men. That makes you transphobic. So what you have trans male friends, no one is talking about that. You would never consider a trans male as a sexual or romantic partner. You exclude us based on our trans status, end of story.

I sleep with men that have real dicks. That, by virtue, must be XY men. What part of that are you not understanding?

I exclude you based on the fact that you don't have a dick.

Sorry that you are butt hurt about it but that doesn't make me transphobic. It means I have sexual preferences.

Your line of reasoning would be no different than straight women saying they feel discriminated against because I won't date them.

You aren't entitled to denigrate men because they won't sleep with you. You are delusional.

Oh my god if you're going to accuse me of thinking things go back to my big post, put that ginormous huge intelligent brain of yours to work and *actually read* it is not that hard. Maybe someone can read it out loud to you. I do not think me and cis man are the same and I literally have never said that. God. Damn. It's like I'm talking to someone whose form of argument is to just make up statements the other person didn't say to try and make them look unreasonable. It's definitely *a* strategy but I'm dubious it's a good one. That is around the fifth time you've done that. I had to correct a few in the bigger post too.

You acknowledge that you and cis men are not the same yet you call me transphobic because my sexuality is governed by that very difference. You are delusional.

Tbh if you don't go and just read the longer post that already covered everything you just typed out in detail even you could understand then we can keep going, because a debate where you go 'WHY DO YOU THINK THIS' and I go 'i never said I think that, please provide a quote' and you never do is lame. Super lame.

All of your posts exhibit the same cognitive dissonance. I could pick any post as an example. Reading a longer version makes no difference.

You acknowledge that you are not the same as a cis man yet you call me transphobic for pointing out that very difference.

Man I came here because I thought this would be a challenge but it's barely even an exercise in disagreement. You literally make stuff up to get mad about, why? Be mad about actual things.

This line doesn't even make sense. I am directly responding to things you have said. I'm not sitting here typing to myself.

Maybe the trans revolution is doomed to fail. I wouldn't know, I haven't been paying attention to that. It isn't really my thing, I've told you I'm not progressive here I'm far too cynical for that, I'm a realist. But it does suit your attempt at an argument by portraying me as some kind of radical. Swing and a miss buddy. I mean, based on your repeated firm statements of being an ally you'll probably be at the revolution before me! Let me know how it goes. I look forward to hearing about it. (But really I'm being 100% honest here the most I've been to is a Pride March lmao).

Well, you use the same flawed reasoning as radical leftists to condemn people who won't have their sexuality forcibly conformed in order to make you feel better about yourself. Telling a gay man that he's transphobic because he only likes to sleep with men who have real penises is the very definition of HOMOPHOBIC. You want the world to bend to your delusional reality and I refuse to do that.

Gender dysphoria is a psychiatric condition and it's very clear why. You deserve dignity, respect and people who will give you the kinds of relationships you want, but this coercive, contrived way of of making anyone who won't sexually consider you look like a bigot is, IMO, a sign of mental illness. I'm not buying into it. I live in reality and you clearly live in some altered version of it. I'm glad you can find men of all ilks to bang you. Just because they will doesn't mean I am transphobic because I will not. You need to get that through your thick skull.

It doesn't matter how much I explain to you that I will only be with men who have real dicks, you see it as hateful. Oh well. That's your problem. Trans men are men but they are not the kind of men I will have sexual relations with. Yes, I exclude them all, on the basis that they don't have dicks, which is a product of them being XX. I don't have sex with XX humans. God, why does it have to be explained to this level? Because you are delusional, that's why. If you had a real dick I might consider you, but you don't. C'est la vie. Don't blame me, blame God, or nature, or whomever/whatever made things the way they are.
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I'm gay & I like men who are men.

What a wild post to read through.

The fact that I like men is what makes me gay. So if I like men, why I would I be attracted to a man who looks like a female? lol
It makes no sense.

Most of the people I've known who have dated trans folks have been "straight/bi" men, who like the feminine look. I don't consider these guys "gay", because they're still not attracted to MEN.

People also have preferences & can't control who they find attractive. Nobody HAS to be attracted to anyone. It doesn't make them "phobic" either.
It's like saying I'm a misogynist because I refuse to date women. lol

I couldn't date a "man" who was originally a woman either. It wouldn't feel natural to me.

Everyone should be free to like who they like. People have the right to have preferences & their own thoughts.
I'm gay & I like men who are men.

What a wild post to read through.

The fact that I like men is what makes me gay. So if I like men, why I would I be attracted to a man who looks like a female? lol
It makes no sense.

Most of the people I've known who have dated trans folks have been "straight/bi" men, who like the feminine look. I don't consider these guys "gay", because they're still not attracted to MEN.

People also have preferences & can't control who they find attractive. Nobody HAS to be attracted to anyone. It doesn't make them "phobic" either.
It's like saying I'm a misogynist because I refuse to date women. lol

I couldn't date a "man" who was originally a woman either. It wouldn't feel natural to me.

Everyone should be free to like who they like. People have the right to have preferences & their own thoughts.

I've known gay men who have fucked trans guys but it's usually a novelty and a one off. Nobody I know in my entire gay community is in an LTR with a trans guy. That's because they want cocks. And that's because they are big old homos.

Trans men are basically part woman and gay men aren't into women. It's not that difficult to understand.

It's the same reason why the overwhelming majority of straight men won't date a trans woman with a dick. They want pussy.


Why pretend this is so much more complicated than it is or based on some hate agenda? People aren't born hateful, they are born with attractions to who they are attracted to.
I've known gay men who have fucked trans guys but it's usually a novelty and a one off. Nobody I know in my entire gay community is in an LTR with a trans guy. That's because they want cocks. And that's because they are big old homos.

Trans men are basically part woman and gay men aren't into women. It's not that difficult to understand.

It's the same reason why the overwhelming majority of straight men won't date a trans woman with a dick. They want pussy.


Why pretend this is so much more complicated than it is or based on some hate agenda? People aren't born hateful, they are born with attractions to who they are attracted to.
It's anecdotal but one of my closest friends, who I consider "straight" is dating & has always had a thing for trans women.
But he often ends up not totally happy anyway because he likes breasts & vagina. If he were attracted to men who look like men, we would have dated a long ass time ago since we are so close, but unfortunately he does not like men who look like men. So I wouldn't consider him "gay".

I think human sexuality is a lot more complex than we've all realized, but there seems to be this push to make it all more confusing.
What ever happened to just "being gay", like being a man who likes men. I have a lesbian sister & she acts & looks like a regular female & likes women who look like females.

I feel like us "original" gays are being over shadowed by all this gender stuff. Not to mention outcasted cause it seems like if you're a normal "straight acting" (whatever that means anymore) guy and you like guys, some how that's bad & isn't "gay enough". You have to be X, Y & Z other wise you're a bigot or a phobe.

It's all really silly. I encourage people to be themselves & who they wanna be. In fact I like people who are unique and different. But I don't feel like I should have to change who I am to make any one else happy or comfortable.
Wanna bet? Maybe not have a relationship with but ladyboys are very popular sexually.

I don't know how to qualify this statement. Define "popular", by the numbers. Do you really think the majority of straight men would be into that? As opposed to bi guys? I thought it was more of a fetish type thing. Then again I don't know much about that side of things.
It's anecdotal but one of my closest friends, who I consider "straight" is dating & has always had a thing for trans women.
But he often ends up not totally happy anyway because he likes breasts & vagina.

I think human sexuality is a lot more complex than we've all realized, but there seems to be this push to make it all more confusing.
What ever happened to just "being gay", like being a man who likes men. I have a lesbian sister & she acts & looks like a regular female & likes women who look like females.

I feel like us "original" gays are being over shadowed by all this gender stuff. Not to mention outcasted cause it seems like if you're a normal "straight acting" (whatever that means anymore) guy and you like guys, some how that's bad & isn't "gay enough". You have to be X, Y & Z other wise you're a bigot or a phobe.

It's all really silly. I encourage people to be themselves & who they wanna be. In fact I like people who are unique and different. But I don't feel like I should have to change who I am to make any one else happy or comfortable.

Well, this is essentially what I'm saying. There is somebody for everybody out there. I want to see trans people happy and in compatible relationships, just like anybody else. But I am being attacked for saying what I want for myself. Just because I won't sleep with a trans man doesn't mean I hate trans people. This is so stupid. Nobody is entitled to have somebody else like them. That's not the way the world works. And the more somebody tries to do it, the more I will actually hate them -- not as a trans person, but as a human being.
Well, this is essentially what I'm saying. There is somebody for everybody out there. I want to see trans people happy and in compatible relationships, just like anybody else. But I am being attacked for saying what I want for myself. Just because I won't sleep with a trans man doesn't mean I hate trans people. This is so stupid. Nobody is entitled to have somebody else like them. That's not the way the world works. And the more somebody tries to do it, the more I will actually hate them -- not as a trans person, but as a human being.
I agree with you.

That's why I wanted to jump in and defend you a little bit, cause I don't think you're doing anything wrong.
You can't control who you're attracted to & you have every right to not be attracted to whomever.

Everyone has their own personal struggles. I've known some trans women (never met a ftm trans) who are in decent relationships with bi guys.
I hope everyone has the chance to find love, romance & fun along the way in their life, no matter what gender they are or were.

I think some trans women are funny as hell & very unique & avant garde. But I'm just not sexually attracted to men who look like women. If I was, I'd just be straight. lol

Hell, if we both are men & like men, maybe you should hit me up some time. :cool::Bj:
I don't really need to because it all boils down to what it said below.

I sleep with men that have real dicks. That, by virtue, must be XY men. What part of that are you not understanding?

I exclude you based on the fact that you don't have a dick.

Sorry that you are butt hurt about it but that doesn't make me transphobic. It means I have sexual preferences.

Your line of reasoning would be no different than straight women saying they feel discriminated against because I won't date them.

You aren't entitled to denigrate men because they won't sleep with you. You are delusional.

You acknowledge that you and cis men are not the same yet you call me transphobic because my sexuality is governed by that very difference. You are delusional.

All of your posts exhibit the same cognitive dissonance. I could pick any post as an example. Reading a longer version makes no difference.

You acknowledge that you are not the same as a cis man yet you call me transphobic for pointing out that very difference.

This line doesn't even make sense. I am directly responding to things you have said. I'm not sitting here typing to myself.

Well, you use the same flawed reasoning as radical leftists to condemn people who won't have their sexuality forcibly conformed in order to make you feel better about yourself. Telling a gay man that he's transphobic because he only likes to sleep with men who have real penises is the very definition of HOMOPHOBIC. You want the world to bend to your delusional reality and I refuse to do that.

Gender dysphoria is a psychiatric condition and it's very clear why. You deserve dignity, respect and people who will give you the kinds of relationships you want, but this coercive, contrived way of of making anyone who won't sexually consider you look like a bigot is, IMO, a sign of mental illness. I'm not buying into it. I live in reality and you clearly live in some altered version of it. I'm glad you can find men of all ilks to bang you. Just because they will doesn't mean I am transphobic because I will not. You need to get that through your thick skull.

It doesn't matter how much I explain to you that I will only be with men who have real dicks, you see it as hateful. Oh well. That's your problem. Trans men are men but they are not the kind of men I will have sexual relations with. Yes, I exclude them all, on the basis that they don't have dicks, which is a product of them being XX. I don't have sex with XX humans. God, why does it have to be explained to this level? Because you are delusional, that's why. If you had a real dick I might consider you, but you don't. C'est la vie. Don't blame me, blame God, or nature, or whomever/whatever made things the way they are.

I'm going to make this very simple for you because big brain is struggling.

Genital preference = not transphobic.

Excluding trans people because they are trans = transphobic.

Having a sexual preference would include trans men, as they are men. Other gay men don't have an issue with this, it's just your tiny group.

Initially your only stipulation was that the person you fuck have a dick. You then shifted the goalposts so that they have to be genetically male.

Here is something for you to understand. Pay attention because it's very important. You, a cis gay man, do not get to decide what transphobia is. We do. Otherwise I get to decide what homophobia is.

Hypothetical example (not something I truly believe)

Cis gay men are basically all effeminate caricatures of themselves who walk around being annoying and irritating to everyone who has to meet them.

I'm not being homophobic though, because see I just don't think that's a homophobic statement and as someone who isn't gay, I am obviously the authority on this type of discrimination.

I ask you again. QUOTE ME where I have said cis and trans men are the same. Literally provide an actual quote of when I have said that. Because you have made up stuff I didn't say several times, including your hilarious caps lock rage fest where you screamed you don't want to fuck my vagina when I never said you should and in fact said the exact opposite. You can't just keep saying that I said it, if I said it provide some *actual evidence* for your claim.

You have a very inflated sense of your own self importance. Here's something that needs to be broken down because I'm clearly speaking to a child with the reasoning skills of a pre-schooler.

Trans men don't want to have sex with you if you don't want to have sex with them. You are running around here as though trans men everywhere want to fuck you. They do not. I honestly wouldn't go near you with a ten foot pole. I couldn't be more turned off by the thought of being alone in a room with you. You think you're turned off? Times that by a million and you'll reach how I feel. Literally nobody wants to have sex with someone who is turned off by them. How are you not understanding this simple concept. How come only you get to not want to have sex with people you're turned off by but trans people obviously for some reason aren't. Literally ridiculous.

You are transphobic. I'm sorry, it must be really hard to come to terms with this. It can be painful. You'll get over it.

I am literally one of the least radical leftist trans people you will ever meet and you still can't manage to be not transphobic. Some trans people belief having a genital preference is transphobic. I do not. Damn son.
I worked on reception at a brothel/escort agency and the #1 out-of-the-ordinary request was for ladyboys (sorry for the terminology there but it works best for me).

Also, sex tourism is huge in Thailand (including with Aussie men) and something like 1 in 4 prostitutes are ladyboys.

Porn -- These results go on for a very long time:

I've known gay men who have fucked trans guys but it's usually a novelty and a one off. Nobody I know in my entire gay community is in an LTR with a trans guy. That's because they want cocks. And that's because they are big old homos.

Trans men are basically part woman and gay men aren't into women. It's not that difficult to understand.

It's the same reason why the overwhelming majority of straight men won't date a trans woman with a dick. They want pussy.


Why pretend this is so much more complicated than it is or based on some hate agenda? People aren't born hateful, they are born with attractions to who they are attracted to.

'trans men are part women'

You are doing the work for me here. Misgendering, again. Transphobic.

A transgender man with full GRS is almost indistinguishable on sight with a natal man and you cant see chromosomes anyway so you wouldn't know any better.

I accept I'll never be a biological man.

Getting transphobes to accept their bigotry or even the concept that they don't get to define what transphobia is because they're not trans is remarkably difficult.
Why would having a sexual preference HAVE to include trans men?

Isn't that why it's called preference? Lol If it's a preference, then you're not required to have to like anybody.

I like men, but I wouldn't get with a 300lb 50 year old. Does that make me fatphobic or age-phobic (whatever term there is for that)?

How can you expect acceptance from others while labeling them & telling them how to think & feel? Most of the trans people I've met are not like that.
I'm gay & I like men who are men.

What a wild post to read through.

The fact that I like men is what makes me gay. So if I like men, why I would I be attracted to a man who looks like a female? lol
It makes no sense.

Most of the people I've known who have dated trans folks have been "straight/bi" men, who like the feminine look. I don't consider these guys "gay", because they're still not attracted to MEN.

People also have preferences & can't control who they find attractive. Nobody HAS to be attracted to anyone. It doesn't make them "phobic" either.
It's like saying I'm a misogynist because I refuse to date women. lol

I couldn't date a "man" who was originally a woman either. It wouldn't feel natural to me.

Everyone should be free to like who they like. People have the right to have preferences & their own thoughts.

I don't look like a female. I look like an assigned male at birth person while dressed. I have a male gender identity. You're gonna have to learn some specific terminology here if you want to accurately describe what you're interested in. My birth certificate says male. I'm not biologically female, but I'm also not biologically male.

If you want someone who is a natal male just say that. If you say you're interested in men, then that includes trans men. If you say it doesn't, then you are viewing them as women. That means you're misgendering them and that makes you transphobic.

You still don't have to fuck any, in case that wasn't made clear.
Why would having a sexual preference HAVE to include trans men?

Isn't that why it's called preference? Lol If it's a preference, then you're not required to have to like anybody.

I like men, but I wouldn't get with a 300lb 50 year old. Does that make me fatphobic or age-phobic (whatever term there is for that)?

How can you expect acceptance from others while labeling them & telling them how to think & feel? Most of the trans people I've met are not like that.

Don't want to get called transphobic? Don't be a transphobe.

I actually don't really care if you are one nor am I interested in changing your opinions. I'm just telling you that you are.

Next up, white people telling black people what is and isn't racist!
@Foreigner you could literally change one word in your sentence and it would reflect reality.

*Some* cis gay men are in to cock. Some... Do not care. My support worker is one of those. Has fucked cis men, has fucked trans men. Won't fuck a cis woman.

No LTR with cis gay men for trans men? Well, golly gee. I better call up my 3 cis gay ex boyfriends and tell them they don't exist. Lmfao. Right.

Wow, you scream victimhood like crazy. lol

You're incredibly hyperfocused on labels & identities & it really shows.

I didn't wanna say anything because I've spoken to you before & thought we had a nice conversation & I knew you'd interpret what I'd say as something disrespectful & then go unhinged and call me all your favorite identity labels. I didn't call you a single name yet look at you being the biggest bigot in the room. Nothing says closed minded like "everyone I dislike is this, this & this & this & this". You can't even accept other people's thoughts or opinions without going unhinged, yet you think everyone else are the ones with closed minds. Have you never had friends or family that thought differently than you but you still got along anyway? Or is that ancient history now?

Have you ever considered taking a really good long look in the mirror?
I mean you want acceptance but then shit on & label everyone who isn't like you & then demonize them. Do you not see that hypocrisy?

You literally think that me being myself & my own identity victimizes you. You must not have any real life struggles to deal with if this is the forefront of your focus & anger. Ever had to starve or go without electricity for a month? Ever have to dig cigarette butts out of ashtrays cause you had no money? Ever been abused in a relationship or by people you've known? Have you lost a parent? I'll gladly trade worrying about gender issues over these things.

You think you know who everyone else is yet you don't even know who you are yourself.
So you can fuck off with that attitude. It's actually pretty psychotic. Who gives a shit if men act like men? Is that seriously what keeps you up at night? Must really be nice.

I had to laugh, you saying only you can define what transphobia is because you're trans. lol
Then you go on to talk about how I'm evil because I act like a normal dude. lol
Well I'm a gay male & since I am, you don't get to define what homophobia is.
And you trying to demonize and erase my identity is homophobic, since me being gay means "only I can define homophobia".
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Well, this is essentially what I'm saying. There is somebody for everybody out there. I want to see trans people happy and in compatible relationships, just like anybody else. But I am being attacked for saying what I want for myself. Just because I won't sleep with a trans man doesn't mean I hate trans people. This is so stupid. Nobody is entitled to have somebody else like them. That's not the way the world works. And the more somebody tries to do it, the more I will actually hate them -- not as a trans person, but as a human being.

Yeah that's true.. You shouldn't be criticised for your preferences. I haven't read most of this 😏 TL/DR!

Since being on here though I've been more appreciative of the whole LGBT+ movement.

I don't like this trend of teenagers being almost *encouraged* to transition in some countries (and of course money is a big factor). Sometimes without parental consent.

I'm very wary of language changes (in all areas) and not a fan of the pronoun thing, but I've found I can moderate my language if it seems important to the person or it's relevant to the discussion.

But I think on the whole it's a positive, progressive thing. It might even lead toward correcting the massive imbalance between the Masculine and Feminine *principles* in the world currently (as in Yin vs Yang, Dark vs Light, Night vs Day).

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