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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

Too quick to ban

Obviously missed something here. SmokingAces is a good guy. He just speaks his mind. I know he cares a lot about this place but he generally calls a spade a spade. Some people dont appreciate that but i do. Not sure what happened but nor do i care. Just a bit sad one of the forums more knowledgeable members wont be posting. I hope this is only a temp ban and he returns.
Ihad never heard of him before yesterday, but I can see what the consensus is and I don't think it will do the forum and the memebers any good if I'm still around by the time he gets back.

Despite my further post I promise Ill keep my nose out of things for the time being
Ihad never heard of him before yesterday, but I can see what the consensus is and I don't think it will do the forum and the memebers any good if I'm still around by the time he gets back.

Despite my further post I promise Ill keep my nose out of things for the time being
New name for Sid bro.
Ihad never heard of him before yesterday, but I can see what the consensus is and I don't think it will do the forum and the memebers any good if I'm still around by the time he gets back.

Despite my further post I promise Ill keep my nose out of things for the time being


Whats your issue with SmokingAces?

No offense Stee but you need to chill man! Stop putting yourself down as well!!

Whats your issue with SmokingAces?

No offense Stee but you need to chill man! Stop putting yourself down as well!!

I tried to make comments on a thread yesterday In an attempt to avoid anyone getting infracted, which upset him so much that I basically enabled the main thing I tried to avoid. I didn't know it was Sid as he made it clear that he was not happy with my presence here, so I have kept out of his way as Like I said, the last thing I want to do is alienate people so it was simply easier to keep a low profile around him so that I could at least prevent any further inflammation of any conflict, so I havn't followed his posts enough to get to know him or even spot his change of username.

If things hadn't already backfired on me they certainly have now I know its Sid, I would say that's me well fucked as I had already managed to piss him off in some manner or another. I have no issue with him apart from the fact that for reasons I am not even aware of I have become an obstacle to his comfort on the board, which is collectively more important than any of my own issues and if I'm not careful I will become the main problem to some level of overall harmony.

I'm just trying to limit the damage now but I've now put myself in a position that every word I post does more harm to EADD and the members, so please just accept that I will fuck off for a while while everything settles, and by the time he returns from a ban that is my fault more than his, I either need to try and appeal to him that my intentions were in the best spirit possible, and if I am unsuccessful then it will at least know one way or another whether I belong here or not.
I think you need to chill out bro and stop taking everything so personally. I have no idea what occurred but you seem so down on yourself atm. Sid speaks his mind. Thats just the way he is. I personally like your input to the forum too. But dont be a victim. Dont play the poor me card..leave that to others. Be a participant. Anyway thats my thoughts without any direct knowledge of what happened but it sounds to me like a storm in a teacup. If you cant speak your mind here anymore then what is the point of posting? I am off to a wine forum without all the bullshit and drama.
I think you need to chill out bro and stop taking everything so personally. I have no idea what occurred but you seem so down on yourself atm. Sid speaks his mind. Thats just the way he is. I personally like your input to the forum too. But dont be a victim. Dont play the poor me card..leave that to others. Be a participant. Anyway thats my thoughts without any direct knowledge of what happened but it sounds to me like a storm in a teacup. If you cant speak your mind here anymore then what is the point of posting? I am off to a wine forum without all the bullshit and drama.


really nail on the head here mate,

Stee, for the last few months nearly every post you've made contains an apology of some sort :\

I don't get why you need to add 'sorry for inflicting you with my woe is me posts' etc etc...

If it was me I would just not post it rather than post an apology, Why you think your opinons/voice are less important than others I will never know, You need to realise that we are all on the same wavelength, there are no better/worse chatters here, just people with opinions that are as valid as the nextman

Please stop putting yourself down/apologising, its cringey to read and even sorta saddening that you think so little of yourself

Hope you take these words on board mate because you do bring knowledge and info to this place

really nail on the head here mate,

Stee, for the last few months nearly every post you've made contains an apology of some sort :\

I don't get why you need to add 'sorry for inflicting you with my woe is me posts' etc etc...

If it was me I would just not post it rather than post an apology, Why you think your opinons/voice are less important than others I will never know, You need to realise that we are all on the same wavelength, there are no better/worse chatters here, just people with opinions that are as valid as the nextman

Please stop putting yourself down/apologising, its cringey to read and even sorta saddening that you think so little of yourself

Hope you take these words on board mate because you do bring knowledge and info to this place
This. Exactly what i was trying to say but BCF expressed it better i think. We are saying the same thing though. If a post requires an apology prefixing it then perhaps its not worth posting it. You never used to do this but for whatever reason you seem to feel like some burden on the other members here. You are not. Post what you like...but as i said dont be the poor me victim. Be a participant. Thats not having a go at you. I am just expressing how your recent posts come across. Anyway i am off to get recommendations for Napa Valley cabernet.

If EADD decends into drama once again i for one wont be back. Its been bloody wonderful lately...i go away for a couple of days and its all gone to the shit again. I come to this place for info, a laugh and good conversation. Not personal drama and bullshit. Looks like its wine forums and facebook for me. I will pop back in at some stage and see if things have improved but until then those that have my email can contact me there.

Consumer Out
I wasn't going to comment on this but I love Bluelight n feel passionate about EADD. Please don't infract me for thus as all I want n am trying to do is the right thing. If you feel I am being inappropriate or disrespectful with this please let me know n I will remove this.

OK here goes. Please hear me out til the end, please?!. It's well known that Sid n I have had our differences but I've been lurking this past month n I actually grown fond of him. I can see that he loves this forum as I n we all do. After seeing a post of his where he expressed his unhappiness due to his situation my heart went out to him n I text him (was debating trying to phone but I was scared to but I was concerned for him).

I suggested in private to make an appeal to have his ban overturned n he said he's a lot going on in his real life. I don't think I'd be allowed to talk to people in power as I've annoyed some (which is a shame cause one I think extremely highly of n always will do!). But why not talk to Sid n if he does want to appeal this, maybe construct a polite PM explaining why you feel it may have been harsh (he may have been angry when he said hecdidn't wish to appeal - I don't know).

I may regret this but yes he has had a lot to deal with; caring for a family member, several bereavements, his mental ill-health. And to be fair Sid is a highly valued, respected n popular member of this forum. He is honest, produces knowledgeable posts on many substances, Cares for thr harm reduction aspect to BL n the people here.

I have been pondering over this all night but for the love I have for this forum I have to take a risk here n do the right thing. If we were to compare the posting stats of the last month when Sid was posting, with the previous month when he wasn't, I bet traffic doubled when he was present.

I've had lots of chances here - is there not any chance we could do this for Sid now? If he does move as he said he was thinking of doing, then he'll need our support. Look at how many members are upset n want him back? He has heart which is what's needed.

While I understand that members cannot be allowed to get away with inappropriate behaviour because they are popular, could his circumstances not be taken into consideration? Also, on re-reading the post he was clearly expressing his passion for the forum n his passion for HR. Isn't that what BL is all about? In Conjunction with the several deaths of his friends in his recent past is it not understandable the fire n passion in his words came from a worrisome, caring n compassionate place?

Obviously it's not up to any of us n I can only speak for myself but we really need posters like Sid right now. This forum had come alive the past month in a way I haven't seen since Knock was alive it's beautiful.

That's all. I really hope that I've not spoke out of turn here or annoyed anyone but I had to try. I had to say this. Sometimes I have to not think about myself n put others first. This is one of those sometimes.

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[MENTION=306868]steewith2ees[/MENTION] please clear your inbox. I have englandgz74's email he wants me to pass on to you. Then i am logging out for good.
I think Sid should be unbanned, His post in question was a combination of a lot of things, mainly frustration at this place/meph/general unhappiness in his current situation

Whether the mods decide to unban him I do not know.

Evey I don't want to start any arguments or anything but you must realise how hypocritical parts of that post are? especially the 'Sometimes I have to not think about myself n put others first' part, If you truly believed that you would have left a long time ago... but that is all in the past now

the forum has been great this past month, people have been getting on etc, please keep this vibe going evey, I have noticed you are not jumping on every thread to post and I have respect for you for that, I didn't think you would be able to, also, please stop with the dragging the past up business, it's not helpful and just keeps all that crap in the minds of us all, it's not helpful, maybe delete your post in a bit, I will delete this too

Btw thank you for the kind words re my methadone, it is going well thanks :)

ok enough of this, lets keep this good vibe going

Hopefully Sid will be unbanned soon
[MENTION=306868]steewith2ees[/MENTION] please clear your inbox. I have englandgz74's email he wants me to pass on to you. Then i am logging out for good.

Man I will be sad to see you go, I have your email still though so I shall keep in touch, good luck bro!! :)
Thanks bcf n please don't delete your post. I need to learn to rale in criticism n weigh up whether I feel it's warrant or not without acting like a complete spoult brat. I love this forum I dom't agree that I should have left a long time ago but should have made changes. I will take your views on board re not going into the past but feel it's warranted intl that post as I don't want to appear two faced. In saying all this I feel that staff have had a hard job lately n I feel are just trying to do the right thing with us all.
Oh I'm not completelg unselfish I would like to get fit n work towards becoming a PT too.

Fair enough evey, You see what I am saying though,

anyway lets keep the good vibes going and leave the past in the past, not helpful for anyone to keep dragging it up and especially for new users, they don't need to witness that period

That's great that you are planning to clean up and become a PT, I take it you are still using 3fpm.. it's ok if you are, it's better to tell the truth than to lie because we can all tell when you use it, your posts become very long and frantic, it just feels like a slap in the face to us all when you lie about your usage

How is that going btw? I guess in a way you are glad for the ban as it will cut your supply off so even if you want it it's not going to be possible,

How is the bupe taper going also? you must nearly be off them by now?
Yea. I didn't lie I told friends in private but had to keep it off the board for obvious reasons. As it's getting banned next Friday n relevant parties are involved I feel I can be honest which is liberating. I'm not ay lying - I hate it. And it hets worst on 3-FPM because it makes me literally say stuff I'd not normally say. I will be glad to be rid of it for good. I'm sorry I could not be fully honest with everyone about my usage. Again I had my reasoms butbit was so incredibly frustrating becausr there was times I needed to ask for advice n couldn't. I looked on drugs-forum n I could not find owt there on RCs.

When I read your posts about going on maintenance you reminded me of my journey. I know yours was Heroin n mine, codeine n your on methadone whereas I'm subs. But it was things like receiving parcels. I used to get the 60mg codeine pills from illegal pharmacies n I used to worri about getting (I also found this thrilling too which is strange) but anyway I wanted to reach out to you n offer support. I was secretly worried about you when you'd say yoy'd use Heroin n use codeine to get off. I understand the theory but it mat prove disastrous long time.

I hope it works our for you with your gf moving in too. Hope the methadone is ok. My addiction doc who isxa psych, stopped my taper for a while aa I completely broke down n he didn't feel I was in a good place mentally. He also said that 3-FPM will stop antidepressants working (sertaline) n so it would be a waste of time me taking them if using stims. I actually think he's right I feel the benefits of sertaline more off 3-FPM (it's better than citalopram. However I've asked to start my taper again in a fortnight n go down to 1.2 mg Thanks for asking means a lot <3

I'm glad you can be honest here now, you must understand for us all it was SO frustrating when you were obviously high as a kite on the stuff but telling us all you were sober, it was VERY obvious u were off yer head on the stuff!!

Yeah the methadone is actually good, I am getting a nice little buzz off it too which is nice! lol
Thankfully now I don't need to waste a tenner (yes!! a tenner for 24 nurofen plus, ireland is outrageous when it comes to medicine, they have NO generic brands, so everything is fucking expensive!!) each day so I am saving myself a fair whack of money which is good!!

Thanks, I hope it works out too, we are currently looking for a place but everywhere is so expensive, but now I'm not buying lots of heroin I might be able to afford it!

I'm glad that the sertraline is working better now you are off the 3, my little bro used to take sertraline and said it really helped him so hopefully you will notice the same :)
Can i ask how it was obvious? Was it the compulsive posting? It literally did become compulsive to post n I was totally obvious to how annoying I was. I just thought people were baiting n genuinely thought I was helping the forum n couldn't u derstand the hostility. Wow I was disillusioned. . N+ is line £7 for 32 here which equates to about 409 mg codeine. I thought codeine had been made prescription only in Ireland or is that southern Ireland only.

Have you thought of opening a separate bank account n putting half the money you'd use for Heroin towards a place? You've then got a concrete reward then in replacement of Heroin though may atill take awhile.

When you were on the 3 and denying it your posts were usually twice as long as usual, full of spelling errors, you would jump from topic to topic, you were posting on near every thread on the forum too lol, it was VERY obvious to anyone who has done stimulants, the fact you were denying it was driving us mad because you were quite clearly buzzing your nut off!! haha

Ireland isn't 'prescription only' its 'pharmacists discretion' : the codeine containing meds are kept out of sight and you need to ask the pharmacist for them, they grill you about what you are using them for then talk among themselves as to whether they are going to serve you, it's very fucking annoying!! I have had an 'impacted wisdom tooth' for a very long time ;)

That is a good idea actually, the money i would use for heroin will go into a separate account, My gf will be amazed if I actually do that!
Your code doesn't work.

What was he banned for then? Or is it disallowed to discuss the details publicly?

Darlin, it's just as allowed as any one elses rap sheet.

Not for public consumption. It would be callous and malicious not to mention un-professional to discuss other peoples details publicly. Oui?