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The worst thing you ever saw high?

The first time i dropped an e i wandered of on a mission left the party

saw this poor bloody guy running being hit with a basebal bat out of car , sick shit i think it kinda traumatized me / changed me

3d time i dropped and e on a major festive event i saw this guy al bloody with all his clothes ripped of crying , that was the worst i've never seen a guy cry after a fight before or after , it made quite an impression probably because he was crying i think.
Fried Man said:
People having obvious sex in the corner is WAY fuct up!!!!!!

That just bugs the fuck out of me. I was at a club a while back and right on the dancefloor against the speakers these two people are going at it. Get a fucking room.

Another time at a club when I was rolling I needed to piss so I went up to the bathroom and into the section with the stalls. I walk in and this this bouncer is looking through the crack in one of the stall doors. I asked him what the hell he was looking at and he turns around to me and is like "SOME-BODYS GETTIN' BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWNNNNN!"

Just the way he said it and the face he made...8(
...wow. I don't even think i can compete with the previous tales of the trippin' plane - but i did have an 'alien abductee' kind of moment on Mushies once...

...i used to live in a delapidated farmhouse in the middle of the Aussie bush. Miles from anywhere. We (my housmates and i) used to just wander the property fucked up on pot, when on one lucky occasion we stumbled upon a little patch of Mushies. Back to the house we tramp, like a bunch of trippy gnomes - brew up the mushies into some form of soupy concoction (did i mention we were absolutley clueless about how to ingest mushies?), and proceeded to pass the brew, and the bong, 'til none of us could see straight.

So far, so good.

...one of my genius housemates decides they're getting cold. It's about 9pm and all we have for heating is a big old fireplace - and we're out of wood. What to do....

EVERYONE GRABS AXES, has one last sip of the brew, and we're off....

...no-one remebers what we did - but the next thing we know, it's morning, no-fire was lit, and there was a shitload of firewood piled at the door. We checked our axes for blood, and everyone seemed ok...

...except the dead cow in the next paddock, that was fine the day before.
One of the most hilarious things I've ever seen happened whilst stoned. I had been smoking with mates and we'd gone to the shop for munch. Having bought my food I was sitting outside waiting for my mate to leave the shop. This toddler of about 1 or 2 years of age (I don't know where his parents were before anyone asks, memory hazy) walks up to the door of the shop and starts leaning on it trying to get in. He's really putting every last ounce of weight in to it but is obviously lacking the neccesary force to get the door open. I then see a man who serves at the local chip shop (and a face familiar to us) walk up to the door and look down at the kid. He proceeds to yank it open, and of course the kid falls flat on his face and starts crying. How he did not realise this would happen is beyond me. The bloke just looks up at me with a 'shit, what did I do?' face and walks off. It really was one of those moments that's funny normally, but side splittingly hilarious when stoned.

I also recently went to a rave where some matey died in the morning. I left the building and walked past this bloke on the ground surrounded by other people. I didn't really pay any attention to the scene, there was nothing out of the ordinary happening. A few minutes there's police/ambulance everywhere and my mates are explaing that someone's just died. Turns out it waws the bloke I had practically stepped over a few minutes ago.
Watched my brother od, wasn't a pretty sight or pretty sounds, i will never forget the sounds....but he did make it through.
I was driving down the highway the other day gone off a blunt of B8 when a multi-car pile up occoured directly in front of me. It was unbelievably surreal and I had to force myself to look away from the fucked up bodies in their fucked up cars and keep driving. Normally, I would have stopped to help, but I sort have felt that at that moment if I was exposed to death I would have lost my shit and started to panic, which would have helped no one.
Coming down from acid I drive to my friends house (me and him bought the acid together and ate it together but we didnt trip together) to smoke some weed. Im looking for him around his neighborhood cause he told me he would be out in the road. I notice a line of rocks going accross this road and slowly notice more and more...

My friend collected rocks for hours and spelled out IM ON ACID with the rocks on the road, like.. big enough for a plane to read it from the sky. I died laughing.
Got a few I can't seem to shake...The first happened almost ten years ago when I was a ski bum in steamboat...I had just finished smokin' a bowl of Grape Ape before meeting friends at Rendevouz...Anyhow I told myself I wasn't going through the park this time as I was late, but as I got to the Hits I noticed some local rippers I had to show up(my first year there)...So I go to bust a 720 off the first table-top when my right ski flies off during the first spin, so I slow my rotation to stop at one and lift my dangling leg as to not drag at landing...Well, I hear this snap, crackle, pop and next thing I knew I'm flat on my back with my right ski boot stuck in the snow resting next to my left hip-bone...My femur(thigh) bone shattered into 8 pieces and was bent like my knee...Kind of trippy for a second looking at my leg and realizing I now have two knee-joints...To make a long story short, I was like that for 20 minutes until Ski Patrol had enough qualified homies to straighten me out...Then the 20 minute snowmobile ride UP(yeah Up) to mid-mountain where they had patrollers waiting to ski me down to the bottom for a waiting ambulance...The dude immediatley IV's me some morphine...I find out it is 3:05---over an hour to get me to the bottom, so the park was never on Sunshine anymore...Get a titanium rod in my leg...Funny thing is my pipe(metal) was in my pocket, so a week later when I get out of the hospital we look at my X-rays and right above my broken leg is a bowl and a lighter...no joke...

Five years later I blow out every ligament in both Knees at the same time...Hurt like hell, but a cake walk compared to the femur...And no I don't ski anymore, or run for that matter...But I'm alive...although living in Detroit aint really livin'...

RIP ChunderBoy
I seensome bad shit but Ill just list two

One was being high as shit and seeing my homie layed out in a hospital bed near death. This dude was always a rowdy kid know what im sayin. A big kid, gangsta, always crackin shit and fightin and being himself. Always with the matching clothes he dressed real good, mathc the du rag to the Timb's, you know the deal.

Seein him after he been in the hospital for a week after almost dying in a car accident, a really really fuckin bad one.
His hair wasnt cut, he was all gettin skinny and shit from not being able to eat (the entire left side of his face got smashed & shattered in the crash), jaw wired shut, cuts all over his face, cant move, cant get up to go to the bathroom, cant barely talk from the massive morphine IV doses he was gettin. every 7 minutes and he was beggin by the 5th.

I was high as hell and it was so sad to see someone so strong layed out and helpless. It aint that bad its just a mental thing that fucks with your head. it was also fucked up because he was gonna be going for another operation the next day and there was a good chance of him not surviving thru it.

Then the other thing was that same night, as we were getting ready to leave cuz visiting hours was over, i passed out (at least i was in a hospital so they could watch me) and my heart was flatline for a minute. technically i was dead. and the shit i seen was the scariest shti i ever seen in my life. i aint even tryina remember it.

that shit was a long night.
me getting mugged suffering a broken elbow and loss of 250 bucks just in time for a cop to pull up (I was actually glad to see a cop) and save me from a worse fate
The worst thing I ever saw was the time when I woke up, still completely fucked up, not remembering anything from the previous night, staring up at the white hospital room ceiling. :(
Come to think of it, myself in the mirror early morning New Years Day... Coming down from some ecstasy and I just popped some Klonopin and did a couple bumps of Heroin. I lit a cigarette and started nodding hardcore. Went to bathroom to puke. I turned and looked in the mirror. I wasnt happy with the person I saw...:(
Come to think of it, myself in the mirror early morning New Years Day... Coming down from some ecstasy and I just popped some Klonopin and did a couple bumps of Heroin. I lit a cigarette and started nodding hardcore. Went to bathroom to puke. I turned and looked in the mirror. I wasnt happy with the person I saw...

Sounds like the beginning of a horror story or something. Don't leave us hanging ClubbinGuido, who was behind you?!
I was stoned outta my tree walkin down the road once, and this lady on a bike rode out on the road right infront of a bus, the bus didn't stop.