The Suicide Support Thread

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Thanks for that Hun that was kind of you. I've been on so many different meds, I'm currently on sertraline and olanzapine but I'm still getting awful hallucinations, my therapist has said they may never go and I will just have to learn to live with them which is going to be hard because they can be very disturbing. I hope I find the right combo soon, I can't cope with being suicidal most of the time, it is exhausting
^Not even posting how shit I feel Abject. Want some company? Will likely get us through till morning. What's going on?
What's going on?
Absolutely nothing.
It's all so empty, yet I'm left with this crusty periphery reminding me of what is possible, what I can't have.
I know that expressing all this shit won't make it go away, hell it won't help at all,
but I know that's not the case for some of you.
So, sepher, I will ask you, what is going on?
If there's anything I can do to help you get through the morning, just let me know.

Please feel free to PM me, if you're so inclined (although I'm about to sleep)
If it makes anyone feel ANY better, I've been where you all are. Often. I'm there now, be honest. According to Mr. Boyfriend, I come across as a "pretty tough lady"-which I guess means everyone gets to pile their responsibilities/moods/crap on ME and I'm just supposed to shoulder it and not snap? Bullshit. I had a full on breakdown Tuesday night and had to stay home from work Wed & Thurs to recover.

Believe me, if I had a dollar for every time I wished I'd just go in my sleep, (and for Christ's sake I'm only 39) ... just so I wouldn't have to put my mom through anything (since she's my last remaining relative) ... I'd be rich as hell.

I thought about it again tonight. I am recovering from what I call a "critical crash". This (to me) means I am hanging by a THREAD of wanting to put a gun to my head or OD but as Dorothy Parker once said:

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

(I think there's an updated version of this from Girl Interrupted.)

I get very, very, very tired. Being unable to relax is, well, exhausting. If I close my eyes forever...then of course, when I do close my eyes, I hear my mom's voice in my mind, YOU WOULD DO THAT TO ME?? (Jewish mother, what can I say.) No, Ma, of course I can't do that to you.

I have NEVER gotten support from a suicide hotline. NEVER. They always made me feel like an asshole because they made me feel like my problems just weren't big enough to kill myself over. I HAVE gotten support from the Samaritans. They do listen, and they don't judge. You can email them - and even though they're in the UK, sometimes hanging on for 12 hours for that response is what gets you through another day.

As for me? I waffle between life and death all the time, meaning, I get so tired sometimes, I just want to literally lay down and sleep and just live in the world of my dreams. I'm the most hypersensitive person that ever lived and EVERYTHING hurts my feelings. I hate it. My lizard bit me. I cried. (go ahead, laugh, I did after I got over myself.) I hate living like this. It just sucks when you go along and go along and go along and then WHAM you're overwhelmed and everything is fucked up and you feel like you're trapped like a fucking rat with your back against the wall and you just want to squeeze your eyes shut and scream, "GO AWAY, GO AWAY OR GODDAMNIT ALL I'LL MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!"

You think, it's lonely where I am. Nobody cares.

We do. I care. Even in the midst of my OWN feelings of not giving a shit about my OWN life (after all, all my family but my mom is dead, and I saw how life went on, which would be, if I could find a PAINLESS way to do it, my way out, but I am far too chickenshit to do anything PAINFUL and what if I REALLY DID DIE? That's scary as shit.)

I don't know any of you from adam but God knows I can relate in some small way to the pain that you all feel. The loneliness. The "who gives a fuck if I live or die"? The "my life is shit so what does it matter?" Been there, done that. Still there, still doing that. Reminds me of that old Far Side cartoon - there's this guy who finds this ridiculous looking thing in the cushions of his couch...and the caption is "Gary finds his purpose." Get it?

We're all in this together. We can all support one another. The goddamn xanax is finally kicking in so I'm calm now and can think clearly and am not ready to jam a .38 down my throat because I'm tired of...well, feeling. (Oh, those feelings, those rotten bastards. I don't like them sometimes.).

This may sound new-agey, but fuck it, I don't care, some of you might need to hear it - take it for what it's worth;

You, reading this, you, ALL of you on this thread, matter, I love you as my fellow human beings, I don't give a flying banana how fucked up your life is, it's OK, we'll get through it. Together. I won't off myself if you don't. Deal?

Don't leave me, dammit! I need all the support I can get!

It sounds like the way your living is not working so please be willing to try something new even if it's scary or unfamiliar. There is hope, and you don't have to live in fear or alone because their are people who want to get to know you and accept you just the way you are.
Shogun, welcome aboard. Thanks for that, nice post. Oddly, I'm smiling at lots of it. Not because it's funny really, but because I recognise lots of it. Some dark stuff there, but more than that there's lots of straight 'this is your human condition, deal with it, get a grip, we're all like this, you're not special far as that goes matey at least, for all you're special in lots of other ways' stuff there also that seems to be a lot easier to deal with the older I get.

This especially:

We're all in this together. We can all support one another.

You, reading this, you, ALL of you on this thread, matter, I love you as my fellow human beings, I don't give a flying banana how fucked up your life is, it's OK, we'll get through it. Together. I won't off myself if you don't. Deal?

Don't leave me, dammit! I need all the support I can get!

Soon as you realise this is a two way straight, and your belief that people matter, that they're important, that the universe went to all the trouble of making them so they could experience all this, the better your life starts to become, cos all of that also applies to the self. I'm important. I say that not as an ego-maniac, but because it is true. I just need to work on believing it a bit harder some more. We are all thinking, feeling, human beings. Acting like one is no bad thing, even if it means we occasionally experience bad things because of that. ;)

p.s. Samaritans FTW. Life-savers on the end of a phone. Had some good chats with those guys a couple of times. Better than the alternative, surely. :)
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Shogun, I started out my life like you describe yours--everything hurt. If it chafed someone else physically, like scratchy material or a label on clothing, to me it felt like someone taking a grater to my skin. If it was a harmless little verbal barb that anyone else could laugh at, I felt shamed and bruised for weeks. I sincerely have no idea what happened--other than a lot of trauma and having no one to turn to---but it all changed. i feel like I woke up one morning and said, "chapter two." It's a mystery to me, but one of the reasons I have a lot of faith in the future. Life changes, we change. Life changes us and we change life right back. I never stop believing in surprise.
Does anyone (preferably in Australia) know what happens when you check yourself into the hospital because you're suicidal?
^ I am not sure, I don't live in Australia. However, it's certainly a good idea if you are feeling suicidal.

I'm sure you would get to talk to a doctor, probably a mental health professional like a psychiatrist. It's possible that if you state you are feeling suicidal, that they could keep you for a few days. I'm not sure what the laws are like there.

Either way, your life is absolutely worth living. Best of luck. <3
here in the US they can't let you leave if you want to harm yourself or others. they will keep you until you've gone under a psych evaluation to potentially diagnose any conditions or until they feel you are ok to let go. Ive gone through the process before so I could get a bed to detox.
why go to the hospital? i mean ive gone there like 6 times in the past 6 months, they always confiscate my razor blades and booze though
Some people have no choice but to seek help from hospitals, Glitter..
Abject, if you need help, and you feel you have no-one to turn to, perhaps checking in to hospital would be a good idea.
I'm not exactly sure how they treat suicidal patients over the age of 18, but when I was 17 my friend was constantly in & out of hospital for suicidal behaviour.
They made her stay in a mental health ward every time, until they felt she was able to leave..
Once she was there for almost 3 months :-(
The system could be different nowadays.
I will look into it for you today <3
death is a sweet beautiful temptress when life is so painful but it's probably better to stick with it till the end
Just took an od but my partner came home half way through so I handed the rest over. I know I won't die of this much I've taken way more on other occasions. I hope I sleep though the hallucinations have had me awake for days it is pure torture
i cant understand why people go to a hospital, for the one facti want to die, why am i going to go somewhere dedicated to saving people, whne all i want to is impede this processs. i am tired of living, its not worthe it,fuck livin on the street, once i figure out the highest bridge, im gone i still have lots of vodka but fuck that, its over
I know how you feel glitter hugs to you Hun seems like tonight is suicide night for many of us. Pm me if you want to talk about anything
Appreciate it tripnot, I've had a look at some legal documents/websites since I made the post

I also remembered how stupid it is of me to hope someone would be able to help
Hello everyone I'm Eric B and am a long time lurker of the BL forums. I hope everyone is keeping their head up and getting through today. Reading this thread makes me appreciate life a lot more and has led me to be a more compassionate person. Take care guys!
Appreciate it tripnot, I've had a look at some legal documents/websites since I made the post

I also remembered how stupid it is of me to hope someone would be able to help

Help is all around us, sometimes we just need to find a way to reach out and grab it..
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