The Suicide Support Thread

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^ no not yet I'm still in the assessment phase, I may even be doing CAT first. I'm so depressed I saw yet another pain management dr that discharged me because he couldn't help me he is the 3rd specialist since sept to do exactly the same thing and it has made my mental health worse as I was really hoping for better results. The hallucinations may never go either, it all seems very bleak right now
Best of luck Doomed2pain!

I'm going through a really hard time right now. I'm in a lot of pain and am having a lot of flashbacks at the moment.
i think i'm gonna kill myself but i want it to look like an accident so i can cause my loved ones the least amount of pain
i think i'm gonna kill myself but i want it to look like an accident so i can cause my loved ones the least amount of pain

I know what you mean... I waited too long and it got too warm to do the plan I had before.. If I was up north, it would have been much easier, but in TX it's too warm to freeze to death :(
i think i'm gonna kill myself but i want it to look like an accident so i can cause my loved ones the least amount of pain

Come on MrFlowers, you know there's no way you can do that without hurting your loved ones immensely, it's not like there's a sliding scale of grief where this way of going out will only cause this much pain and that way will only cause that much. It would be raw grief and loss any which way. I know you've felt like this a while and it must seem like things will always be how they are now but there is always hope of a better future. Cling to that idea and hold on. <3

Back to having constant thoughts of death and feeling suicidal, I can't cope with this. Therapy tomorrow is going to be hellish having to discuss every bad thing that has happened to me, having to discuss my hallucinations I hate all of it

Doomed2Pain, hope thing go OK today and you can come away from your therapy session feeling a little better. <3

I'm going through a really hard time right now. I'm in a lot of pain and am having a lot of flashbacks at the moment.

Hope the pain from the accident at least eases off soon and you feel better Capt. H. <3
Hope the pain from the accident at least eases off soon and you feel better Capt. H. <3

Thanks Sepher. It's just stressful because I need time to rest up in bed but am so busy that I really don't have extra time to be resting up. :|

Thanks... :\

I need to get out of this hole...

I'm sure you can if you work towards it. :)

I hope every1 is doing ok here today..nothing but <3 4 all u guys! ..

Same to you sconnie. I'm in a bit of pain this morning, and am waiting to feel better.
Best way Abject, keep putting it off till tomorrow. And then do the same tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. Just keep going till things get better.

I've been flashing almost constantly on suicide all week, my stress levels are through the roof wondering how I'm gonna pay my rent this month and keep everything together, it all seems to be falling apart, all my efforts to move forward undone. Not good. :(
Hang in there Sepher. I know there is nothing like financial worry to fuel hopelessness. When I thought we were going to lose our house last year I just kept thinking, "I can deal with anything else if I just have a place to deal with it in".

Abject, Sepher's advice of putting it off is actually very good. There is a part of you that very much does not want to die while there is a part of you that does. Fool the part of you that does with one day at a time and eventually you might starve it out.
Best way Abject, keep putting it off till tomorrow. And then do the same tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. Just keep going till things get better.

I've been flashing almost constantly on suicide all week, my stress levels are through the roof wondering how I'm gonna pay my rent this month and keep everything together, it all seems to be falling apart, all my efforts to move forward undone. Not good. :(

So sorry to hear about the stress you're going through. Best of luck. <3
Oh, I'll be right. I've been through tougher times, I'll get through this too. Just hard switching the suicidal thinking off. It's been a tough week but yesterday was a better day at least, feel better again this morning. Good night's sleep can work minor miracles sometimes, things usually look better in the morning.

Thanks Herb, Capt. H, Spork, <3 back atcha.
Well I'm still in a bad way had to give my partner my meds just to be on the safe side, and all things sharp or that I can make sharp have been hidden so I don't try to hurt myself. I hate being like this, it is a nightmare
Well I'm still in a bad way had to give my partner my meds just to be on the safe side, and all things sharp or that I can make sharp have been hidden so I don't try to hurt myself. I hate being like this, it is a nightmare

I'm so sorry to hear you're in a bad way. I have to fight suicidal thoughts 98% of my days. Sometimes with no rhyme or reason. I feel like putting the things that you could harm yourself with either with your partner or hidden is a positive thing: out of sight out of mind. It may sound cliche and a general response, but it's true- therapy can really change your life. It's changed the life of a friend that's very close to me & they now lead a fulfilling life and always try to help me not feel the way I do.

I dream of a day when we're all free from pain, sorrow, and death.
I do see a therapist and take psych meds but I'm still struggling especially with the hallucinations. Thanks for the advice though
^ I'm sorry :( My psych meds always give me a ton of side effects, none of which are pleasant. Finally, I found something that seems to be working. I hope you find the relief you need one day very soon- you deserve it <3
((( Doomed2Pain ))) Can't imagine how tough it is really, my problems seem very small sometimes. Hang in there chick. <3
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