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The 'Say something nice about another Bluelighter' thread V.another cheesy thread

Agreed. He's a funny man, yet considerate also... and hilarious fake cock pictures to boot! Much needed here.

right, 'nuff niceness im off... see ya next week sometime

you're decent too. you're funny, unpredictable, caring, interesting n an all-round, decent bloke, even though for some reason you don't like showing it on here. I can never figure you out, Raasy. You're different on E-mail to what you are on Bluelight n maybe you'll be annoyed at me for exposing it but hayho blame the JD lol... I know it's the 'net n you don't take the net seriously but people online are as real as people in real life.

I've been on net chat since Thursday 5 March 1998 at 12:55 pm n it's been people on the Internet who have got me through some of the most DIFFICULT times of my life, for instance, my Taid dying on my Mam's birthday....and a LOT more..... You got me through a difficult time....

there's a song by Savage Garden, but I won't lower the tone too much hahahahahaha

Seriously though, when you were banned you did not understand why people saw the worst in you n never saw the good that you did, I'm trying to get people to see this and you're doing your best to get them to see the worst in you. Why????? is it alcohol at work here????? or a front???? ahhhhhh to fuckkkk....... more JD......

You were supposed to say something nice about me in return. Otherwise what's the fucking point of this??

Dick. ;)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's the felix we know n love lol

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Shambles FTW - to me, he seems like he knows pretty much everything about drugs and a lot of other interesting things too. Not only that, but he comes across as being a genuinely nice, funny guy. This board would be shit without him,so it's a shame he posts less than he used to.
Shambles FTW - to me, he seems like he knows pretty much everything about drugs and a lot of other interesting things too. Not only that, but he comes across as being a genuinely nice, funny guy. This board would be shit without him,so it's a shame he posts less than he used to.

Definately this.

Its nice to see a positively titled thread but that doesnt stop the fact that EADD has gone totally toxic. Weve lost so many good posters over the last couple of months from this shit. Arguments, alternative accounts and a genuine sprinkle of mental ill health dont go down well in a group of frankly vulnerable people, most of whom wouldnt have found there way here if they hadnt already blown a fuse in their heads. I doubt shambles wants to be on here more than is absolutely necessary while people are being so evil to each other.

In the spirit of the thread, big up to fubar,si, ali and sadie atm whos simple words of advice have been enough to keep the party going in my head untill my next appointment at my dsp

Big ups to our 3 mods go without saying.

And honerable mentions to ructions, blondin and Kat - 3 original droughters who have managed to go the distance without going mad or getting off opiates altogether

we were recently discussing the definition of two-faced, evey. well...

i'm surprised this made it to 8 posts before the knives came out.



Bit cuntish to make a point of it publicly, yeah. Boozed up. (Can someone invent alcohol that doesn't impair judgement?? It would be such a good drug) point was completely true though, something I've perhaps bottled up for a while. Edited it out now anyway so as not to draw attention to it.
As was said In ancient Papua New Guinea, "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.".
^ nice.
Bit cuntish to make a point of it publicly, yeah.
so it's ok for you to call people out in public but if somebody does it to you, they're a cunt? you're a class act, raas.

on topic, for all our differences, i enjoy shm's contribution in the forum. he's an interesting fellow with a quick wit.

we also have a lot in common, i think. something we'd probably both prefer to not admit :)


'kin 'ell, kill 'em with kindness? ;)

I'm a bit wary of being nice right now...so y'all cunts basically.

Threads going quite well isn't it?
As was said In ancient Papua New Guinea, "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.".

I suspect some confuse asshole with sun shining - alas blinding them.

'kin 'ell, kill 'em with kindness? ;)

I'm a bit wary of being nice right now...so y'all cunts basically.

Threads going quite well isn't it?

Don't jinx it <3
^ nice.so it's ok for you to call people out in public but if somebody does it to you, they're a cunt? you're a class act, raas.


I think Raasy was having a go at himself there. Ali. I don't think he was going at you this morning, to be fair.

^ if that's the case, then i withdraw my comment with an apology.

i echo steewith2ees. i think it's sad - but i'm not entirely surprised to find - that a thread that was intended to be positive, was derailed with negativity in fewer than 10 replies. and i was not surprised to see who it was. oh well.

on topic, i got some e-love for snolly. a great staffer in her time and a fun, upbeat presence in the forum generally.

I agree that Snollz is a lovely person. She's been there for me a lot n I agree that she was an ace mod, hardworking, fair n just. And interesting too :)


She's fun, bobbly, high-spirited, full of love, emoathic, truthworthy n brings positive vibes to this place.

Scotchy: he's fair, just, kind-hearted, sincere, thoughtful, comical. I know you don't like it but I worry for you more than any of BLer. I'm scared what you are doing to yourself I truly am. I know I'm hypocritical but as everyone says this is a HR n if owt happened to you n I never said anything I'd feel bad. You're excellent at Smod in my opion as you are fair n care for the members. You've been there for me as a friend n I don't forget that sort of thing - you truly are a goid person n it's clearly obvious that you care for you children the way you were happy at your girl's reading progress in that Friday thread, clearly shows that <3 ya, Scotchy x

Big Fury, Beary Beeeee (Bearlove): lovable, entertaining, wacky, honest, lovable, no-nonsense n I'm honoured n proud to call you my friend <3

FUBAR: brings banter to the place. He's hilarious n comical but can be serious, empathic n understanding. He has me in stiches laughing most days. Very good at HR n knows his drugs.

Sprouty: an adorable Bluelighter <3. Focused on HR, he's a heart of gold, empathic, lovely, sincere, honest, compassionate, caring, informative n determined. Never stop being you, lil Sprouty. You've done this place well :) <3 You don't get involved with drama. You're coming into your own as a mod. Your threads are very imformative n good for EADD.

Ali: As I've said loved you as an admin, think you're an amazing friend n always have been. You take no BS, tell it as it is but are sincere, compassionate n just. You've an interesting sense of humour especially when trolls starts you've a way of tackling them that's had me in tears of laughter but at the same time there was no malice or cruelty in your words. Bluelight is richer for your presence n hope this continues.

Raasy, my lil' Raasy, you're one of the most unique Bluelighters I've ever talked too. Very much quirky, hilariously comical, trollih in a non-malicious, non-devious, harmless way. I could be one minute rowing like ell with you, the next laughing with you but like it or not you'll always be my lil' Raasy n this forum is light-hearted n fun in your presence. I know when you say some remarks here you've never any intention of hurting anyone but is banter n fun. You're a very misunderstood character, Raasy, but you're my friend----you're always my friend, you've been there for me so much for for problems in real life n forum-related. I want you to to that I love you n truly thank you for that always <3 n will be here if ever the favour needs returning.

Ceres only just getting to know you but I like what I've seen so far. Your gifs are interesting n have this forum in fits in laughter. You've loved here so much, your humour is magnetic n your contribution in debates is interesting n valuable.

My lil' curi n Urby. You two were my ass-kickers for a long time on this forum. You kicked my backside from one end of Eadd to the other, trashed my arse with your words n put me in my place. And when needs be you two were there for me. You defended me n for that I'll be grateful. I was touched n you'll never realise how much your words, at a certain time, touched me n held me up when I was falling into a dark trench. Thank you <3
You both contribute to EADD. you're our lurkers---our eyes n security. Please post more n let us interact more with you. Curi I hope your one year old enjoys this first proper Christmas n Urby hope you n yours have great health with your future arrival. Look forward to the good times ahead <3

Treacle I don't know you yet but I've two people who interact with you who only have good things to say about you; how loving, sincere n honest you are. I'm glad you have come back to EADD because I can clearly see how loved n wanted you aren I like your contribution on Bluelight

Stee: you n I have had our disagreement but I contacted you privately n you were kind enough to reply sincerely n I like to think we have sorted things out. I wish you'd come back to EADD because, despite everything, your posts were very knowledgeable. It was clearly obvious that you care n wish to help others. Goodness I was so angry with you at the time but now we've talked I see you were just trying to be honest about a few things. You've a good awareness of drugs such as opiates n benzos n this is invaluable n very much needed in EADD. I sincerely hope that you will consider coming back. If not then I wish you a very happy Christmas n new years n that life is good for you.

Dan n Summer: you're both missed on here by many posters. Despite everything I hope that you're both settling well into your flat. Enjoy these times n embrace them. Summer please come back or let us know you're ok <3

Kate n Felix. Kate your presence here is calming. You're nurter us like a mother hen. I miss your "cuppa tras" that you make. I miss Felix' talk of his loft conversion, world war 2, other history n other shananigans. Please come back or at least pop your head in n let us know how things are going.

Pasha: I miss you. Despite everything I know you cared about this place n tried damn hard. Please come back, pasha, this place isn't the same without you n you're missed. If you're lurking won't you please come back or skype me at least? <3 I sincerely n whole heartedly miss you <3

Julie thanks for your support, your honest n sincerity. I like the way you make game posts n finf you extremely intelligent, even if I don't understand half your posts <3

MDB I love you---you've been my friend for two years now n I don't know how you've put up with me hahaha <3 You've come a long way, mate. I do really worry for you n we've talked a lot in private. As for you posts - well they're just bloody ace man n you're a very much valued member of EADD. I truly love you, MDB <3

Snollz: Even tho she has now turned against me n hates me I think it's only fair to include her in this list. You're a good person, having an infectous way of making things lovely n drawing out people's good points. You've a big, warm heart n that's clear the way you love your pers n are tbere for your friends. You bring about lovely n interesting chat, you draw people in n they want to be around you. You're a peaceful soul you have a clever way of explaining things n you listen to others. You're non-judgement, kind, warm, helpful, loving person n are beautiful both inside n out. You're funny, have a nice sense of humour; are interesting, quarky, unique n are a special person. I <3 you even though you now hate me.
You helped me during my permaban. You listened to my endless obsessive, panicking, paranoid thoughts about coming back n you kept reassuring me when a lot of others would have thrown in the towel long back. If it werent for you; your advice, explanations, opinions, n for listening I seriously would have lost my sanity. You held me up when I was falling into a deep, dark, scary place n for that i will always be thankful n grateful. You calmed me down endless times whenI would have lost it with someone when I often jumped to the wrong conclusions. You truly showed me compassion n that you cared in a way that no one else ever had. So no matter what's happened you're a calming n special part of this community; treasured n loved by so many here past n present n EADD is FAR richer in your presence.
I will always <3 you no matter what n will never forget what you did for me this summer. You're friends, family n partner are very luky to have you in their lives. Never stop being you <3 Evey xxxx

Will edit this as I've probably missed people I'm sorry if I have. Edit: just realised I've spent an hour n half writing this lol.

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Aw fanks Evey, Heart of gold <3

Fubar, Ceres, Treacle and dimples (Bear) <3 <3 <3 Not in any particular order.

She's fun, bobbly, high-spirited, full of love, emoathic, truthworthy n brings positive vibes to this place.

Scotchy: he's fair, just, kind-hearted, sincere, thoughtful, comical. I know you don't like it but I worry for you more than any of BLer. I'm scared what you are doing to yourself I truly am. I know I'm hypocritical but as everyone says this is a HR n if owt happened to you n I never said anything I'd feel bad. You're excellent at Smod in my opion as you are fair n care for the members. You've been there for me as a friend n I don't forget that sort of thing - you truly are a goid person n it's clearly obvious that you care for you children the way you were happy at your girl's reading progress in that Friday thread, clearly shows that <3 ya, Scotchy x

Big Fury, Beary Beeeee (Bearlove): lovable, entertaining, wacky, honest, lovable, no-nonsense n I'm honoured n proud to call you my friend <3

FUBAR: brings banter to the place. He's hilarious n comical but can be serious, empathic n understanding. He has me in stiches laughing most days. Very good at HR n knows his drugs.

Sprouty: an adorable Bluelighter <3. Focused on HR, he's a heart of gold, empathic, lovely, sincere, honest, compassionate, caring, informative n determined. Never stop being you, lil Sprouty. You've done this place well :) <3 You don't get involved with drama. You're coming into your own as a mod. Your threads are very imformative n good for EADD.

Ali: As I've said loved you as an admin, think you're an amazing friend n always have been. You take no BS, tell it as it is but are sincere, compassionate n just. You've an interesting sense of humour especially when trolls starts you've a way of tackling them that's had me in tears of laughter but at the same time there was no malice or cruelty in your words. Bluelight is richer for your presence n hope this continues.

Raasy, my lil' Raasy, you're one of the most unique Bluelighters I've ever talked too. Very much quirky, hilariously comical, trollih in a non-malicious, non-devious, harmless way. I could be one minute rowing like ell with you, the next laughing with you but like it or not you'll always be my lil' Raasy n this forum is light-hearted n fun in your presence. I know when you say some remarks here you've never any intention of hurting anyone but is banter n fun. You're a very misunderstood character, Raasy, but you're my friend----you're always my friend, you've been there for me so much for for problems in real life n forum-related. I want you to to that I love you n truly thank you for that always <3 n will be here if ever the favour needs returning.

Ceres only just getting to know you but I like what I've seen so far. Your gifs are interesting n have this forum in fits in laughter. You've loved here so much, your humour is magnetic n your contribution in debates is interesting n valuable.

My lil' curi n Urby. You two were my ass-kickers for a long time on this forum. You kicked my backside from one end of Eadd to the other, trashed my arse with your words n put me in my place. And when needs be you two were there for me. You defended me n for that I'll be grateful. I was touched n you'll never realise how much your words, at a certain time, touched me n held me up when I was falling into a dark trench. Thank you <3
You both contribute to EADD. you're our lurkers---our eyes n security. Please post more n let us interact more with you. Curi I hope your one year old enjoys this first proper Christmas n Urby hope you n yours have great health with your future arrival. Look forward to the good times ahead <3

Treacle I don't know you yet but I've two people who interact with you who only have good things to say about you; how loving, sincere n honest you are. I'm glad you have come back to EADD because I can clearly see how loved n wanted you aren I like your contribution on Bluelight

Stee: you n I have had our disagreement but I contacted you privately n you were kind enough to reply sincerely n I like to think we have sorted things out. I wish you'd come back to EADD because, despite everything, your posts were very knowledgeable. It was clearly obvious that you care n wish to help others. Goodness I was so angry with you at the time but now we've talked I see you were just trying to be honest about a few things. You've a good awareness of drugs such as opiates n benzos n this is invaluable n very much needed in EADD. I sincerely hope that you will consider coming back. If not then I wish you a very happy Christmas n new years n that life is good for you.

Dan n Summer: you're both missed on here by many posters. Despite everything I hope that you're both settling well into your flat. Enjoy these times n embrace them. Summer please come back or let us know you're ok <3

Kate n Felix. Kate your presence here is calming. You're nurter us like a mother hen. I miss your "cuppa tras" that you make. I miss Felix' talk of his loft conversion, world war 2, other history n other shananigans. Please come back or at least pop your head in n let us know how things are going.

Pasha: I miss you. Despite everything I know you cared about this place n tried damn hard. Please come back, pasha, this place isn't the same without you n you're missed. If you're lurking won't you please come back or skype me at least? <3 I sincerely n whole heartedly miss you <3

Julie thanks for your support, your honest n sincerity. I like the way you make game posts n finf you extremely intelligent, even if I don't understand half your posts <3

MDB I love you---you've been my friend for two years now n I don't know how you've put up with me hahaha <3 You've come a long way, mate. I do really worry for you n we've talked a lot in private. As for you posts - well they're just bloody ace man n you're a very much valued member of EADD. I truly love you, MDB <3

Will edit this as I've probably missed people I'm sorry if I have. Edit: just realised I've spent an hour n half writing this lol.


Evey, that is such a touching post. I was actually filling up reading that, and not just because what you said about myself (which was lovely, thank you), but what you said about everyone.

I only just realised that I didn't say nice things I just named people.

Fubar because, well, you're Fubar! You bring so much to the place and you're absolutely golden!

Ceres: you have an amazing mind and I adore you.

Treacle: because you already know I love you to bits.

Dimples: You're funny and level headed and simply amazing.

And last but deffo not least Sprout and you know why. I love you to the moon and back and would do anything for you. I love you my lil Padwan. Step son of mine ;)
Evey, that is such a touching post. I was actually filling up reading that, and not just because what you said about myself (which was lovely, thank you), but what you said about everyone.


That's ok MOST of the people on EADD are geniune, real, caring, HONEST n sincere people xxxx it's an honour <3

Oh wow, you've made me blush and I think my eyes are leaking.... ;)

Thank you!
