  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

the S+G social thread vers. NFL offseason = S+G offseason

every superstar athlete pretty much gets into golf, either during or after their playing days

most kids quit immediately after trying it because it's hard as fuck, almost nobody picks up a club for the first time and goes out and shoots anything better than 18+ over par

to paraphrase marshall faulk: I love golf because when I was a kid I was naturally good at every sport and finally I found something that was extremely difficult and I finally felt humbled

I wasn't even talking shit on MMA, but, whatever
An elite sprinter joins the rugby:

(I think this sport is so much more exciting than American football. Football is great to play, but it's very tedious to watch. I keep screaming "START THE PLAY ALREADY" at the TV, until I can't stand it any more)

the build up is what makes it though, thats why the NFL is smart for having each team play one game a week. if you think the nfl is slow paced youd be writing off baseball by the all star break

and wyld I think I agree with what youre saying, I just don't care enough about mma or boxing really to keep talking about it at length
the build up is what makes it though, thats why the NFL is smart for having each team play one game a week. if you think the nfl is slow paced youd be writing off baseball by the all star break

I do think they should speed up baseball, but the pauses there are a natural part of the sport. Football, on the other hand, is not supposed to have the players stand around waiting for commercials to end. For perspective, what would boxing be like if the fighters had to wait five minutes between rounds?

The sport is different than it used to be. What you're watching is not football. It's adball. It should be torn down and rebuilt from scratch.

I forget who it was, but somebody was working on an adblock-like device that would allow fans at stadiums to skip the commercial pauses and cut right to the action
Holy shit dude. I know this has nothing to do with sports or gaming, but I think I ran into David Nichols the other day at my pharmacy. I was wondering why the old dude talking about pharmacology work and JWH compounds with my pharmacist looked familiar. I have no idea what he would be doing down in South Florida, though, which is why it didn't occur to me that that is who it might have been until today.
let there be separate threads for the AFC, NFC, SEC, and the rest of NCAA

and just one fantasy thread, you guys can talk in about the BL fantasy league within the bluelight fantasy league

If you want to talk fantasy football with Ali you should just pm him cuz. w/o the bl fantasy players in there it would only be the two of you.
Lol every person I met that is young that golf's is preppy, spoiled, and a tool.
you talking about me?

I've noticed a pattern in past few months

i'm going to throw this out there for the protection of the entire forum

sometimes i share some thoughts and hint towards my lifestyle, these posts are for anyone on BL who wants to read them, they are never directed towards specific individuals

yet a group of like 3-4 children want talk shit and get personal with me

sure I've played a little prevent D, mostly cause i fucking love talking about myself on the internet

notice I've never counter-attacked to any of the faggotry

and i'm a conveyer of ball busting and ragging on my friends, it's a good time

yeah, friends; people who've i established a genuine positive relationship with

so just stop, you're wasting your time, but more importantly, my time

okay, now the real question is:

If you want to talk fantasy football with Ali you should just pm him cuz. w/o the bl fantasy players in there it would only be the two of you.

could be true

i was assuming that some of you guys were in other leagues besides just the BL

than again, i really don't have anything to talk about with fantasy football once the draft is over

carry on, my little request wasn't very well thought out

and the afc/nfc separate threads is dumb, but the sec/ncaa separation might not be a bad idea, but really a game changer

who's going to start the pick'em thread?
who's picking the rams every week with me?
i think if 3,4 picks dolphins every week, than i'm going to support him, he understands all my feels during the past 8 years or so

fuck it, i predict another perfect season down in MIA
no im just pointing out the facts. i lived in a gated golf cart community for most of my life. We had a house right on the golf course. i entered a tourney once,got third place. and said fuck this.

But ya,usually golfers tend to be really snobby and think they are better than everyone else
I'm usually to stoned on the golf course to give a fuck about anyone else. I just assumed thats why they all dress so badly
no im just pointing out the facts. i lived in a gated golf cart community for most of my life. We had a house right on the golf course. i entered a tourney once,got third place. and said fuck this.

But ya,usually golfers tend to be really snobby and think they are better than everyone else
honestly bro, i'm a little upset you'd lump me into that group
i think you'll change your mind after, maybe?, reading this
i just like playing the game, i can't help it

but yes, can't deny what you're saying, i don't play golf with people like that unless by coincidence
i don't even like playing with guys who get all pissy when they play bad and definitely not with people who think that just because they're good at golf, that it actually means something other than they're good at golf....

most of my friends are activity based, i may like playing golf with somebody, but would never go camping with lol

to me the type of the golfers you're referring to kind of makes sense,

they're probably self made CEOs making 6figures, drive 3 cars, have a trophy wife, while having 2-3 prized mistresses on the side, they may be assholes, but chances are they're enjoying the fuck out of life

and i'm weird, i'm cool with anyone that's willing to spend time with and engage with me, just as long as they understand basic social boundaries
to me, everyone is fun to be around when it's just 1-on-1 conversational type setting....IME, once you isolate people away from intimate settings and throw them in a room with other people brings out the worst in them

I fucking love golf for so many reasons:
-it's an escape from everyday bullshit, it's fantasy land,

-i like being out on the course, surrounded by the beauty of mother earth, sure the etiquette is a little quirky and there's a fine line between being proper and being an uptight douche , for me it's an anxiety free zone that brings out the best of my personality

-i'm not really competitive, sure i usually play for small stakes vs my usual partners, but i don't really care if i beat them and genuinely root for them
but it's the other 'competition' that i'm into: my body vs my mind vs the course, and no matter how i play i always win, playing well definitely gives us a sense of accomplishment, but i don't play with a chip on my shoulder, shaving strokes just so i can say 'durrrr look at me i shot fucking even par', i fucking hate golfers, who immediately after they tell you that they played golf yesterday, tell me what they scored...i just don't care, that's not what the game is about maaaaan

- although it's not intense cardio, it's exercise, since i can't afford to pay the membership rate + the price of gas of driving the extra 40 miles a day, i'm not going to be riding a cart more than a few times per year

- i'm at a crossroads in my life, obviously, like most people in their mid 20s, I've been through some shit, i'm just getting off of bupe and need something to aid in my recovery towards sobriety, i don't want to be a drug addict, alcoholic, or gambling addict... my desire for the game just may save my life......starting September first I've got a season pass at a pretty sweet course and i plan on playing at least 6 rounds a week, probably 36 holes on saturdays, i finally have the motivation to get my ass up in the morning and not stroll into my dead end job 12 minutes late every day, instead of 8:12am it's going to be 6:00am sharp, cause it's starting to get dark early and i need to tee off by 3pm

-even though this club i'm joining is very affordable.....($600/year for anyone under 35 years old....shittier public courses drowned in leagues every day are asking $850 for green fees, only on M-F).... i'll probably run into wealthy entrepreneurs , maybe i hit it off with some guy who offers me a job, affordable housing, or just wants me fuck his wife on the side? I've got a friend who's joining with me, but he won't be playing nearly as much as me, so i'll be playing with random people most of the time, and self introducing my self to people is the way to go, i can't remember the last time i met someone cool who was a friend of a friend.....

- the euphoria: hitting a ball from 150+ yards out, watching it sail in the air, waiting to see where it lands....that's the SHIT, those 10 seconds throw me into this soothing zen-like state of mind, and if the ball actually sticks on the green, not gonna lie, it's comparable to taking a filthy puff of some MDPV smoke

- i kind of want to date at some point in my life again, and playing golf is a must, i know what i want...and don't give me the they're all dykes or fat chicks bullshit, I know a few guys who are either around my age and dating cute golf chicks and older dudes who appear happily married to a woman who can keep up with typical hackers.....i also know guys who've destroyed their marriages because they played too much golf, met a woman who didn't golf, suddenly couldn't golf as much as he'd like because their wives would rather them stay at home, 'be there for the kids' and watch shitty sitcoms before they argue over cleaning up the kitchen

-and lastly, my degree is in sport management, school i went to has a good pro golf management program, which is an extension of my major, so I've taken most of the classes other than the golf specific ones, i'm starting to think i want to get my PGA card and become a club pro at some hoity toity country club, allowing me to make property owner type money while doing what i love, something that i can do into my 80's....I've got long ways to go to be good enough to earn my PGA card believe you need to shoot around 5 over par during your test, right now i average about 22 over par

buuuuut, through a fantasy draft 2 nights ago, a last second thing where they needed a final guy,i was reintroduced to a dude that i golfed against back in high school, i recognized him from being one of the only non-douchebag good golfers from other schools.....well turns out he has the course record a sweet club in the area, and he's gives lessons for a living, but he's willing to give me them for free while getting me on that course for free.....I've never taken lessons before, but i'm 6'2 perfect frame to crush the ball if only i had the training and applied my self to become more flexible and shit .... but, everyone knows that what separates good golfers from special ones is what they're able to do on and around the green

save it for your next dump
Fucking Redskins need to change their name. Calling Indians redskins is plainly insulting. Anybody that says it isn't is either a fan of genocide or is lying.
Fucking Redskins need to change their name. Calling Indians redskins is plainly insulting. Anybody that says it isn't is either a fan of genocide or is lying.

Calling Native Americans Indians is insulting

/end sarcasm
The heavyweight division is so dead. I really miss it. The Klitschko fight I saw today is one of the worst I've ever seen.
Golf is the greatest sport on earth. Every single person that plays my local muni is a total fuck up.