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The Recipe Thread (EADD Version)

Yeah I like Singha. Chang is my favourite though only because it's cheaper (in Thailand at least) and stronger. ABV 6.5% I think.
Hawaiian Wedding Cake

1 1/2 c white sugar
1 tsp Baking soda ( Bicarbonate of Soda )
2 C plain Flour
2 Eggs
20 ounces of crushed pineapple with juice
Nuts ( I usually put Macademia in mine but I ran out so none today )
3/4 cup coconut
Rum flavour extract ( The flavour is not as strong if you use actual rum but you could do a combo )

In a bowl add flour, sugar and b/soda. Mix then add eggs, pineapple, Coconut, Vanilla, rum then your crushed nuts. Mix and pour into a tin. I bake mine at gas mark 4. Cooking time varies, usually about half an hour.

I'm putting a buttermilk frosting on mine ( store bought today ) I put flaked almond around the sides and toasted coconut on top.
who'd use rum extract when you can have the real thing ;D

Sounds nice.
If I remember I'll post a pic of it later. Mmm, food porn. Its a very dense, moist cake. Terribly sweet and tropical.
Finally, Its finished. Whew.


Thanks Kate, It actually should have looked better. I used a smaller tip on my pastry bag by mistake but was far too lazy to change it out. I've been on the go all day. Hopefully it'll taste just as professional.
I have a load of butter beans and kidney beans and some minced lamb and was hoping to make something nice and easy with them and some mushrooms, onions, garlic, and some peppers tomorrow for dinner.

Do you think that just putting them all in a pan, maybe with some tinned tomatoes too and some other ingredients would be nice? What other ingredients could I add to make it even tastier?

Thanks in advance,

Yeah sounds perfect mate. Chuck them in a pan with some tomatoes and some spices + herbs. Serve with rice or pasta. Easy but tasty.
I have a load of butter beans and kidney beans and some minced lamb and was hoping to make something nice and easy with them and some mushrooms, onions, garlic, and some peppers tomorrow for dinner.

Do you think that just putting them all in a pan, maybe with some tinned tomatoes too and some other ingredients would be nice? What other ingredients could I add to make it even tastier?

Thanks in advance,


sounds like you are all set for an awesome chilli! i make veggie ones, being vegetarian and all, and use chilli peppers, lemon juice, oregano, cumin, paprika and hendersons relish. sometimes coriander instead of oregano, sometimes some rosemary, whatever i have around really :p

it's a chuck it all in, taste, add more type of recipe but it always tastes pretty good :)

I have a load of butter beans and kidney beans and some minced lamb and was hoping to make something nice and easy with them and some mushrooms, onions, garlic, and some peppers tomorrow for dinner.

Do you think that just putting them all in a pan, maybe with some tinned tomatoes too and some other ingredients would be nice? What other ingredients could I add to make it even tastier?

Thanks in advance,


I don't know about the mushrooms but from the ingredients you've listed you could make an amazing Moroccan dish. Or even a nice rice dish.

I also think Effie's idea of a chilli sounds tasty too.
We actually have quite a few chilis growing in the garden so a chilli might be a good idea, we have cumin, oregano and a load of other nice herbs and spices in the kitchen too.

Think it will have to be a bit of a throw it all in the pan and taste it while it is cooking job for sure. Looking forward to cooking it, I love just throwing a load of things together and ending up with something really tasty.
If you're going for a chilli con carne type dish but with lamb mince instead of beef you can use chilli, cumin, ground coriander seeds, pakrika and a pinch of cinnamon with some tobasco and worcestershire sauce as well as the tomatoes and beef / lamb stock. Garnish with oregano or coriander and a slice / juice of lime. If you have any red wine a glass of that in when the tomatoes go in will make it rich and tasty.

Will be delicious.
I made this the other week and it was delicious. Forgot to take pics, so you'll have to use your imagination for mouthwatering imagery.


* 8 Good quality pork sausages, snipped/sliced into bite size pieces (about 6 pieces per sausage)
* Tbsp olive oil
* 1 onion, chopped
* 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
* 1 red pepper, chopped
* handful chestnut mushrooms, sliced
* 4 sundried tomatoes
* Small glass red wine
* jar of passata
* 1 Tsp sugar
* 1/2 tsp paprika
* handful chopped basil

1. Gently fry the sausage in a large pan (a wok is good) in the olive oil until cooked through and golden brown.

2. Remove sausage and keep to one side. Now, in the same pan fry the onions and garlic untill softened. After 5 mins or so add the peppers, mushrooms and sundried tomatoes, cook for a further few mins then return the sausages to the pan.

3. turn the heat up high, add the red wine and cook for a few mins to reduce slightly.

4. Add the passata, sugar, basil and paprika and simmer for half an hour (or as long as you can, the longer the better. Even tastes great reheated the next day!)

5. Season to taste and serve with mash, pasta, or veg of choice. I went with mash. T'was good.
I had two thoughts yesterday morning: "I want a burrito" and "I want kimchi." Therefore, I went into town and bought kimchi and a load of korean sacues and decided to make a korean burrito (burrean).

Korean salsa

2-3 large tomatoes coarsly chopped
1 clove garlic finely topped
1 tsp gochujang
1 tsp korean miso paste
half the spring onion whites
squeeze of lime

Mix all ingredients together and set aside to become super tasty!

Meat filling - 4 servings

450g Pork mince (or whatever mince you fancy I guess)
4 Cloves of gardlic finely chopped
Greens of a bunch of spring onions chopped
Grated ginger
1 tsp Gochujang
1 tsp korean miso paste
Chopped coriander

So this is simple, mix all the ingredients together and fry off until it's cooked innit.

Kimchi fried rice

Enough cooked rice for 4 people
lotsa kimchi coarsly chopped
chopped garlic and grated ginger
splash of soy sauce

Fry the garlic, ginger and kimchi for 1-2 minutes. Add the rice and the soy suace and fry for a further minute.


1 ripe avodaco
1 clove of garlic made into paste
juice of half a lime
spring onion whites
chopped tomato flesh
salt and pepper

Chop the avocado to the consistency you want your guac. Add garlic paste to taste. Mix in lime juice and the rest of the ingredients.

Serve it all in tortillas like a normal burrito. I didn't have any cheese but I suspect that would have tasted reight good on it too.