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The Psychoactive Substances Act - Update: Illegals R Us

Nothing old-fashioned about basing policy on evidence, Sprout. Problem is that it's apparently too new-fangled for virtually all governments worldwide to even consider yet. At least publicly.
So i just did the sensible thing and got reacquainted with BTC this afternoon. Pah, what ban? I may or may not of bought Psychoactive Substances that didnt get banned yesterday but decades ago...

Three cheers for stupidity =D
Glad I'll be leaving the UK soon.
As for this act, people will figure a way around it. Probably involving two precursors, add a drop from vial A to vial B, shake and let dry.
This will either be loopholed in under a month, vendors will sell from Europe or people will just move to the darkweb.
I remember reading a BBC article on this ban and that the UK "intends to go after the darkweb next"; if the CIA, NSA and FBI took years to shut down SR1 (due to the owner being incompetent) the only way to stop the darkweb is to stop uk citizens accessing TOR, in which case I'm leaving because the sound of Orwell spinning in his grave is already giving me a headache.

Just read this online:
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Well day one of this ban lets hope it doesn't work I don't agree with it.

Whichever jammy cunt took advice from some of the pieces someone circulated to some of the more well-equipped supplement and regent providers several months back could do well to contact that someone if they refuse acknowledgement. *cough*
*Looking at you, Mr Pseudonym*
I don't usually do conspiracies but it's just sprung to mind that leaving the EU would have massive implications for international supply both in and out of the country. The delay in enacting and hiding their knowledge of its impact on wider society a few weeks before half of typically far more prohibitionist Conservative government compare the EU to a Fourth Reich is perhaps a little more intertwined than we think.

*Foil hat*
Tbh the RC trade was one of the first things i thought of re: "brexit".
The less regulated flow of goods across european national borders has been one of the (numerous) reasons for the success of clearnet NPS vendors in the uk and other parts of europe, right?

As for conspiracy theories (and implications of the uk leaving the eu) - i'm not the person to ask.
But using my own country as an example - NPS/RC drugs and their vendors have been pretty effectively policed here.
Nobody knows what % of "analogues of scheduled drugs" are intercepted entering the country - but strictly from anecdotal evidence, i would say a fair proportion.
A bit of sex shop/head shop trade still exists in synth 'noid blends here - which bothers me (being probably the most dangerous branch of the RC family tree) - and weird shit that has been wildly succesful in britain (analogues of LSD, phenmetrazine, benzos) is totally unheard of here; by users, dealers, health professionals specialising in drug treatment....it's not like you go to a club and notice everyone is on some (or one of many) new drugs.
Id say most Australians who have consumed a research chem have done so either unknowingly (ie cathinones in "ecstasy", or as an active cut in meth perhaps) - or in 'noid blends. Sadly few of such people (in the latter category) seem even slightly aware of the risks of those blends/chems; but they make up the bulk of the rc market here imo.
Sad, because they often choose blends due to workplace drug testing (ie they wanna smoke some comparatively very safe cannabis, but instead resort to using random chems, of unknown safety, potency etc - sold in unknown doses).

So...as far as RC markets go, australia pretty successfully negated the whole thing, using the very broad 'analogue act' - and tight customs/mail border controls.
Clearnet vendors have been few and far between - and either been scams or quickly shit down.
I was working a bit in a "heady" type herb store at the time the israeli mephedrone pills hit the scene. The federal police were sniffing around, so i stopped working there and never looked back - but obviously part of the Australian authorities' success in shutting down widespread use of RC drugs here was related to the legislation.
People here said it would be impossible to enforce, too - the law here basically states that substances which are similar to scheduled illicit drugs are also - by association - illicit.
This would make lots of everyday substances illegal; take melatonin, for example - N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine.
Yes, its a Rx drug here...but customs let it come through when i buy it online.

Note my inability to describe the technicalities of the act? That's because i'm not a chemist, pharmacologist or whatever.
And neither are most cops - they can (generally) assume to know what street drugs are - and have field tests to quickly determine whether a citizen is carrying rock salt or methamphetamine - and frankly, the problems with the analogue act make the various Prosecutions lawyers nervous.
A charge for supplying 25i-NBOMe (which resulted in a teenage kid's death) was dropped a couple of years back when the Dept of Public Prosecutions deemed it to have been "legal at the time of sale".
That's bullshit - the analogue act is ~10 years old i think.
NBOMes have been doing the rounds - what, maybe 5 or 6 years?

My uninformed suspicion is that a trial to convince a judge that these super-potent phen psychedelics were so closely related to similar, scheduled drugs (i'm pretty sure some of the DOx series are specifically banned here - not to mention some of the 2C-x drugs, such as 2C-B, which i believe is specifically banned.

Obviously for people that get caught bringing kilos+ into Australia, the federal prosecutors can justify the time and cost of having experts in the field testify - in a sufficiently big case, the cost and hassle of building a legal case around complex chemistry/pharmacology. I would be surprised if many law enforcement officers, the legal teams of either the defence or prosecution - let alone the Judge/Magistrate, etc - would be able to follow and comprehend enough of the proceedings to accurarely judge it.
You might have a chemist for the prosecution and one for the defence; whoever is adjudicating on the case is going to have to take these witnesses at their word; messy for prosecutors - and in the case of the kid that sold his mate a couple of NBOMe blotters - probably "not worth it".
I've never known anyone to be charged for importing "personal" (ish) amounts of RCs, but perhaps it happens more than i realise.

So, a lot of the RC drugs are kept off this island by customs (upgraded to the militarised and highly thuggish "Border Force" by our previous dickhead PM) ability to detect drugs in the mail.
I've not had a good look at the UK legislation - but i suspect the Australian model may have helped inform it; it may be an updated (usable) version, or similarly unworkable.

I wil say though - if the 'Brexit' campaign is successful - UK drug users could find themselves pretty effectively cut off from the RC vendors of mainland Europe and the rest of the world, if border-interceptions of drugs in the mail are any sort of priority for law enforcement over there. Being an island makes it that much easier for them.

Having said that, cutting off the world's biggest consumer market of research chems overnight seems unrealistic.
The whole thing will probably just change from "out in the open" to "underground".
I'm not sure what is worse?
Be interesting to see what happens....just play safe guys.
I've just been checking this bill out and I see that alcohol, tobacco, sugar and poppers are fine.
Good to know we can get fat, smoke and drink ourselves to death while having anal sex.
Good job :)
Has anyone thought that, under this "legistation", that Ethanol, Caffeine & Nicotine SHOULD be under this?

(Sorry if this has already been discussed as I've not read the whole gobshitery* of this thread ;)

* = Banter - don't take anything I say as personal or "correct": I still have huge love for all uv yuz :) <3 )
Yep, along with Chocolate, the Sun, music... Basically anything that changes the way you feel.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves, makin ya'selfs happy... SHAME 0ON YOU 8);)
Yeah with ya ma man there's some cracking old school drugs around my way these days.
I think all the moaning I did a few years ago worked :)