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The Official Tramadol Discussion Thread

what drugs did you mix the tramadol with ? i have heard people talk about this before. (serotonin syndrome )

i would say that taking mdma or lsd (or any other serotonergic / tryptaminergic ) with tramadol is not wise - all other drugs should be fine - obv you need to be careful.... and not over do it !!

its like all things moderation.... dont go drinking too much if your popping valium etc - but one beer and a couple of valium can be quite relaxing and totally harmless....

im not saying that combining drugs is completely harmless

im saying that people over panic and scare each other a bit too much on here esp with regards to tramadol...

bit like someone saying im gonna take 5 T3's and then someone saying - hey man make sure you do a CWE with that !!!

its Over the Top and it makes us experienced and educated drug users ( i have been using for 16 years never once been to hospital - did a lot of shit too ) , look like a bunch of pussys - which will detract from how seriously we are taken by those who look up to us and turn to us for council

by being too paranoid we reduce harm reduction!!

nbd js

yes man i have - i fucking loved that stuff - opiate high much more powerful than tramadol i thought - but i like tramadol as its more speedy - seems that way to me anyway

dhc should be about 15-25% equiv of morphine depending on the individuals cyp-2d6 cytochrome pathway efficiency ....

its addictive as hell tho... my doc would rather give me codeine and tramadol than dhc ....

First I just wanna say I am a very experienced drug user. I have been using drugs since 1994 and have never been admitted to a hospital due to my usage. That is not to say I have not be around people who took too much or should have gone to a hospital themselves. It is also not to say that the time I had a DXM and tramadol interaction I should not have gone to the hospital. Unfortunately for me I was at a party where no one was willing to take me nor would they let me call an ambulance. Needless to say I don't hangout there any more.

I am not here to perpetuate fear or generate paranoia surrounding drugs, but I will seek to clarify a point even if I know the answer because that is the purpose of this site; to gain knowledge myself and share information I learn and others teach me. If I don't post about our findings how is the new member or the quiet lurker going to learn it? My thought is that if a person is using tramadol and is reading no other thread on this board then I would like to make the knowledge available on this thread as well. There will be times I may make a statement or ask a question about something I am already fairly certain about if for no other reason to share the knowledge with a concerned reader.

Ive had problems with tramadol and mdma, and another time with tramadol and DXM.

The first instance was with DXM, I had taken tramadol a few hours before going to a party at a nightclub. At the club I purchased what I was told were good mdma tablets. Turned out to be a high dose of DXM, was very unpleasant and is the reason I purchased a reagent test kit and no longer buy pills at nightclubs or from strangers.

The time it happened with mdma I had taken tramadol around lunchtime and assumed it was out of my system by the time i took the mdma, I also did not think it would be the same as the previous serotonin syndrome incident because that was DXM and not MDMA. Both times were extremely unpleasant; I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

I have been using DHC off and on for over 2 years. I'm on hiatus from DHC right now as I am on vicodin and percocet due to a fall from a high retaining wall. I'm looking at 2-3 months recovery time. I cant really speak to the effectiveness vs morphine but I can say that I feel great after 180mg of DHC. I find it very euphoric and mildly stimulating initially and stoning for hours after the initial euphoria wears off. Occasionally I get a bit of anxiety when it first comes on but that fades as the DHC converts to dihydromophine.

PS, sorry for the long response. I just came up on my last painkiller dose and it causes my fingers to type in a flurry of words and ideas.

Well, I sometimes have an issue getting off on tramadol. It just depends how high I am but the bf usually has issues. I usually just give up when I've had enough cause there is no way it is gonna happen with him. He doesn't make a big deal about it cause he knows it is the Tram doin it.

When I use tramadol I can still get off it just takes much longer then normal, but the orgasm is INCREDIBLE! The wife doesn't seem to mind, she is guaranteed several orgasms when I'm on tramadol.
I've tried Tramadol plenty. I've taken 400mgs easy, felt no real opiate effects. It seems like it's a pretty decent for pain, but it didn't get me high like I was expecting (maybe because I'm used to OC's or dope). Not my cup of tea apparently.
Like I said before not everyone gets high off of it.

I dunno guys, does anyone else seem to have the problem that Tramadol effects you so much that your significant other always knows that you are on it and that you maybe start to annoy people a bit when you are high? You're just not yourself on it at all?, or so your told.
Like I said before not everyone gets high off of it.

I dunno guys, does anyone else seem to have the problem that Tramadol effects you so much that your significant other always knows that you are on it and that you maybe start to annoy people a bit when you are high? You're just not yourself on it at all?, or so your told.
I have two separate friends who when they do it are so zonked out they suck to be around. You can have a whole conversation with them where only you talk and they stare right at you and when you are finished talking they are just sitting there jaw dropped open staring at you but don't respond as if you've said nothing at all. I dunno if it is the quantities they do or an intolerance to the drug. I really don't wanna be around either one of them on the drug unless I am on it too, and even then they kinda suck to be around.
First I just wanna say I am a very experienced drug user. I have been using drugs since 1994 and have never been admitted to a hospital due to my usage. That is not to say I have not be around people who took too much or should have gone to a hospital themselves. It is also not to say that the time I had a DXM and tramadol interaction I should not have gone to the hospital. Unfortunately for me I was at a party where no one was willing to take me nor would they let me call an ambulance. Needless to say I don't hangout there any more.

thats cool - i agree with you that its good to share knowledge (thats why im here too - to learn and to teach). i think its a very good thing that web sites like this exist because they really do prevent harm - and prob now and then help to save lives. Since the useage of pretty much all recreational drugs (except say alcohol , nicoteine and caffeine) is basically illegal , it is difficult for the public to gain support and advice elsewhere because of fear of legal investigation and all that may well ensue after this ; (as well as the fear that they may judged / looked down upon).

Moral Decay said:
I am not here to perpetuate fear or generate paranoia surrounding drugs, but I will seek to clarify a point even if I know the answer because that is the purpose of this site; to gain knowledge myself and share information I learn and others teach me. If I don't post about our findings how is the new member or the quiet lurker going to learn it? My thought is that if a person is using tramadol and is reading no other thread on this board then I would like to make the knowledge available on this thread as well. There will be times I may make a statement or ask a question about something I am already fairly certain about if for no other reason to share the knowledge with a concerned reader.

Again im with you comlpetely - please bare in mind that my comments were not an attack on you directly. they werent even an attack on anyone - just an observation. Like you i am here to prevent harm and where prevention is not possible - to reduce harm . I was making an observation that all of us (prob myself included at some points ) sometimes go a bit over the top when it comes to talking about interactions etc and sometimes this undermines the harm reduction (as i explained in my previous post) . I do hope that you can see my point with this MD - and hope that you maybe even agree with me (at least to some extent). Still i am just one man (and capable of error) - and my opinion is one of many . but like you say - we should share and learn knowledge . so i like to have my say as much as anyone else :)

Moral Decay said:
Ive had problems with tramadol and mdma, and another time with tramadol and DXM.

The first instance was with DXM, I had taken tramadol a few hours before going to a party at a nightclub. At the club I purchased what I was told were good mdma tablets. Turned out to be a high dose of DXM, was very unpleasant and is the reason I purchased a reagent test kit and no longer buy pills at nightclubs or from strangers.

The time it happened with mdma I had taken tramadol around lunchtime and assumed it was out of my system by the time i took the mdma, I also did not think it would be the same as the previous serotonin syndrome incident because that was DXM and not MDMA. Both times were extremely unpleasant; I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

i have used dxm myself - but never with tramadol . i know that tramadol has nmda antagonist properties like dxm does. ( i do notice these when i take tramadol.... )

i actually wasnt aware that dxm is a SRI (i just checked on wiki )
thank you for teaching me that man. :)

I'm sorry that you have had serotonin syndrome . that cant have ben very nice. never had it myself . even though i used to take citalopram and ecstasy... i think i have been incredibly lucky in my life. its important for me to remember that just because nothing has happend to me serotonin syndrome wise , or seizure wise - or near death wise - it does not mean that it wont.
And i also must remember that peoples' comments on their fears of these thigns happening to themselves and others - are still very valid.

like i said , what i say is merely an observation , i do think it was a valid point (even though i did waffle on a bit , invariably i always do when it comes to psycho active substances - because they fascinate me so much... )

Moral Decay said:
I have been using DHC off and on for over 2 years. I'm on hiatus from DHC right now as I am on vicodin and percocet due to a fall from a high retaining wall. I'm looking at 2-3 months recovery time. I cant really speak to the effectiveness vs morphine but I can say that I feel great after 180mg of DHC. I find it very euphoric and mildly stimulating initially and stoning for hours after the initial euphoria wears off. Occasionally I get a bit of anxiety when it first comes on but that fades as the DHC converts to dihydromophine.

i used to find dhc incredibly euphoric . i got pretty hooked on the stuff.
when one of my previous doctors was reviewing my medication he was like "hmmm yes - now the dihydrocodeine (he looked me in the eye) , these are the ones that your going to like" then he took me off them and gave me tramadol instead.... :\

its good talking to you about meds MD - peace out man
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thats cool - i agree with you that its good to share knowledge (thats why im here too - to learn and to teach). i think its a very good thing that web sites like this exist because they really do prevent harm - and prob now and then help to save lives. Since the useage of pretty much all recreational drugs (except say alcohol , nicoteine and caffeine) is basically illegal , it is difficult for the public to gain support and advice elsewhere because of fear of legal investigation and all that may well ensue after this ; (as well as the fear that they may judged / looked down upon).

Again im with you comlpetely - please bare in mind that my comments were not an attack on you directly. they werent even an attack on anyone - just an observation. Like you i am here to prevent harm and where prevention is not possible - to reduce harm . I was making an observation that all of us (prob myself included at some points ) sometimes go a bit over the top when it comes to talking about interactions etc and sometimes this undermines the harm reduction (as i explained in my previous post) . I do hope that you can see my point with this MD - and hope that you maybe even agree with me (at least to some extent). Still i am just one man (and capable of error) - and my opinion is one of many . but like you say - we should share and learn knowledge . so i like to have my say as much as anyone else :)

i have used dxm myself - but never with tramadol . i know that tramadol has nmda antagonist properties like dxm does. ( i do notice these when i take tramadol.... )

i actually wasnt aware that dxm is a SRI (i just checked on wiki )
thank you for teaching me that man. :)

I'm sorry that you have had serotonin syndrome . that cant have ben very nice. never had it myself . even though i used to take citalopram and ecstasy... i think i have been incredibly lucky in my life. its important for me to remember that just because nothing has happend to me serotonin syndrome wise , or seizure wise - or near death wise - that it does not mean that it wont , or that what people say when they worry about these things is invalid.

like i said , what i say is merely an observation , i do think it was a valid point (even though i did waffle on a bit , invariably i always do when it comes to psycho active substances - because they fascinate me so much...

i used to find dhc incredibly euphoric . i got pretty hooked on the stuff.
when one of my previous doctors was reviewing my medication he was like "hmmm yes - now the dihydrocodeine (he looked me in the eye) , these are the ones that your going to like" then he took me off them and gave me tramadol instead.... :\

its good talking to you about meds MD - peace out man

I do agree that fear seems to be perpetuated, I felt as though you were referring to me specifically because it followed my statement. I do not take offense, though my post might have made it sound I did, I just felt the need to explain myself. I look forward to talking with you and other in this thread/forum and am glad to say it is one of the more enjoyable parts of my day to day life. I am also glad you were able to learn from one of my mistakes, that is after all why we are here. ;)
I do agree that fear seems to be perpetuated, I felt as though you were referring to me specifically because it followed my statement. I do not take offense, though my post might have made it sound I did, I just felt the need to explain myself. I look forward to talking with you and other in this thread/forum and am glad to say it is one of the more enjoyable parts of my day to day life. I am also glad you were able to learn from one of my mistakes, that is after all why we are here. ;)

im glad no offence is taken ( i apologise if i have been a moody git in the past as well man) :)

and yeah exactly thats why we are here to learn from each other

- will catch you soon no doubt :)

peace out
i take tramadol every day, and i've never mixed it (intentionally) with mdma for fear of serotonin syndrome. it has warnings on the info that comes with the pills not to mix it with any ssri, and especially mdma.

my only experience with the combo was when i was helping my friend fill capsules with some "pure" and i got a tidbit on my finger and licked it off, just to taste it. the rest of the night i felt horribly strange, and i still cant believe that tiny little bit caused such a bad feeling, but i definately dont want to mix them.. i had done tramadol and bupe all day beforehand..

and also this maybe off topic but does anyone know if mixing bupe and mdma is ok? i have to take tram everyday or i withdraw horribly, so i cant try mdma. but if i could take only bupe for a couple days then i could do some..(if it mixed ok) does anyone know for sure? thanks
Zoloft and tramadol, that's just asking for serotonin overload.

Make your pre-seizure head zaps go away by pulling the full seizure, that's what you just said to us.
i take tramadol every day, and i've never mixed it (intentionally) with mdma for fear of serotonin syndrome. it has warnings on the info that comes with the pills not to mix it with any ssri, and especially mdma.

my only experience with the combo was when i was helping my friend fill capsules with some "pure" and i got a tidbit on my finger and licked it off, just to taste it. the rest of the night i felt horribly strange, and i still cant believe that tiny little bit caused such a bad feeling, but i definately dont want to mix them.. i had done tramadol and bupe all day beforehand..

and also this maybe off topic but does anyone know if mixing bupe and mdma is ok? i have to take tram everyday or i withdraw horribly, so i cant try mdma. but if i could take only bupe for a couple days then i could do some..(if it mixed ok) does anyone know for sure? thanks

hmmm im not sure about this one - im gonna ask my friend captain heroin about this - i will get back to you

from what i can find out so far - bupe does not have any serotonin or noradrenalin(nor-epinephrine) actions ....... but i want to check this out more before giving advice.....

until someone comes back to you on this - i would suggest holding fire

also bare in mind the half life of tramadol - make sure its totally out of your system before you even consider taking mdma ..... (im not sure 2 days would be long enough man - id be tempted to leave it a week - and im not one to over worry about tramadol [ check out my prev posts in this thread] )

ill get back to you soon ... any of you other guys got some input on this ? moral ?


I take trammies a couple of times a week. Usually no more than 400-500 mgs for the day. I get a nice opiate buzz and a definite mood lift/antidepressant effect. If I take it more than 3-4 days in a row tolerance kicks in. I also get weird head zaps if I go more than a few days in a row and than stop. If you ever get these head zaps 25mg of zoloft makes them disappear right away.

Psychadelic Jay said:
Zoloft and tramadol, that's just asking for serotonin overload.

Make your pre-seizure head zaps go away by pulling the full seizure, that's what you just said to us.

hmmmm , well those zaps you are talking about black-lighter are a result of serotonin levels *reducing* i believe - im not sure i would call them pre-seizure zaps ( Psychadelic Jay) .. i think pre-seizure symptoms would probably be as a result of an increase in serotonin ...

still i do think Psychadelic Jay has a good point here - i mean - most responsible users try to avoid taking SSRI's or other serotonin "increasing" drugs (re-uptake inhibtors or releasing agents) with tramadol (or even a day or two after tramadol) cause as we all know there *is* a seizure risk with tramadol. the risk is prob not as high as some might think but it is a real risk....

im not sure that take an antidepressant to counter tramadol / serotonin reducing zaps is a good idea.. i think the half life of most of these anti-deprassants is pretty big.... what if it hasnt worn off by the time you take your next trammy dose ?

i do not think this is a good piece of harm reducing input Black-lighter. your probably gonna get a fair few insults as a result of posting it

you might even want to consider deleting your post....

peace out
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I would imagine that as it is a seratonin releasing agent, not just an 5HT receptor agonist that you might have to wait some time. I don't get the feeling that it depletes my seratonin as much as MDMA (less comedown), but probably give it 5 days at least.

When you say it's a bitch that it interacts with every other fun drug, what do you mean - cross tollerance? For everything bar MDMA and perhaps ephedrine, you should be fine after a day or two.

In therms of interactions, I have been interested in trying some combos - I was thinking mushrooms and tramadol (increased seratononin might be nice), or perhaps MDMA and a dose of tramadol as the MDMA is wearing off (might bring back the high a bit - don't know about droping at the same time, not to fond of seratonin syndrome). I've tried tramadol on the tail end of some mushrooms but didn't really do much - all those receptors must have been cowering from the pscylocibin.

Has anyone else had any experiences of combos with this drug.

Not really cross tolerance but the need to abstain for such a long period to fully get the effects of MDMA etc.

Also after taking MDMA and waiting atleast 24 hours I can barley feel the tram, leaving me in tram WD and a nasty comedown.

I'd really avoid serotonergics and dopaminergics (especially) for atleast 24 hours after tram...basically any stims or psyches.

Your suggestions of taking tram after MDMA, is asking for serious trouble imo.

Stick to combos like tram + benzos, tram + a little booz, tram and weed, even then tread carefully and know your limits.
I'd really avoid serotonergics and dopaminergics (especially) for atleast 24 hours after tram...basically any stims or psyches.

surely you mean its most important to avoid serotonergics? (since thats what tramadol is)
surely you mean its most important to avoid serotonergics? (since thats what tramadol is)

Yes lol, im pretty faded

Wasn't that what I said anyway? lol

"avoid serotonergics and dopaminergics after tram for atleast 24 hrs"
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Yes lol, im pretty faded

Wasn't that what I said anyway? lol

"avoid serotonergics and dopaminergics after tram for atleast 24 hrs"

lazygit said:
I'd really avoid serotonergics and dopaminergics (especially) for atleast 24 hours after tram...basically any stims or psyches.

lol , no worries well you said dopaminergics(especially) rather than serotonergics(especially) like i have highlighted above. no big deal :)

where abouts in UK you from anyway man ?

pm me if ya like

peace out
hmmm im not sure about this one - im gonna ask my friend captain heroin about this - i will get back to you

from what i can find out so far - bupe does not have any serotonin or noradrenalin(nor-epinephrine) actions ....... but i want to check this out more before giving advice.....

until someone comes back to you on this - i would suggest holding fire

also bare in mind the half life of tramadol - make sure its totally out of your system before you even consider taking mdma ..... (im not sure 2 days would be long enough man - id be tempted to leave it a week - and im not one to over worry about tramadol [ check out my prev posts in this thread] )

ill get back to you soon ... any of you other guys got some input on this ? moral ?


If I recall correctly the half life of the parent drug tramadol is 5-7 hours, and the half-life of the metabolite (and most active compound) O-Desmethyltramadol is approximately 9 hours giving tramadol a 14-16 hour half-life. Depending on the dose taken it could take a very long time to leave the body completely.

I personally have taken mdma 24-32 hours after consuming 200mg of tramadol and been fine. Now I'm not saying this will be the case for everyone but this was my expereince. Also I have taken tramadol with in 12 hours of mdma(that is AFTER the MDMA) and not had problems. Again that is not to say it is totally safe, just that I have not had problems taking tramadol so soon after MDMA. I'm guessing this is due to the main action of mdma flooding the brain with serotonin soon after ingestion and my serotonin levels decreasing prior to consuming the tramadol, but that would just be a guess as I do not know for sure. I have as indicated in previous posts had problems taking MDMA soon after tramadol.
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thanks for the advice. im still unsure whether or not ill try to go with bupe for a while so i can take some mdma... im thinking id probably wait at least a good week just to be safe, but i really dont think i could go that long without tram. ive taken it everyday for a couple years now and i might just take it for the rest of my life..lol i think i may just leave mdma as a drug i wont ever try. ive had enough experimentation with other drugs anyway, and ill choose to stick with tram and the occasional bupe or opiate.
by the way, someone said mixing tram with a little alcohol is good, and for many people it is, but for some it is very bad.
the first time i took tram i thought it was weak (as i was used to OC) and took 350 mgs, then drank 3 beers, and had one of the worst experiences of my life. i got cold sweats, i turned as white as a ghost, my sight was all blurry and i couldnt see straight, i had to force myself to breath and kept having these twitching fits. long story short it scared me to death and i thought i was definately going to have a seizure or die all night. i still think i got lucky that night and im still alive. :)
i haven't had a sip of alcohol since.
so people, please be very careful when drinking on tram, bupe, or anything for that matter, its just not worth it.
I take Effexor ER (Pristiq) plus Tramadol - was told that should be ok by my psychiatrist, have others have issues with this? I know there is serotonin syndrome potential but haven't had that. I do wake up with bad headaches sometimes.

Also - what is the take on Tramadol + Hydro/Oxy? Does it potentiate or diminish the effects of "real" opiates? Thanks.
I actually took some tramadol last night. Looked it up on wiki and saw that it could give euphoric effects. However, I fell asleep waiting to feel anything, and I only took 100mg. Next day I was throwing up and nauseous. I hate it. Im still a little dizzy.
Tramadol works well for some and does nothing for others. When it works for you then you understand what all the fuss is about. Good stuff for me!

I have found that tramadol literally "kills" other opiates for me. Others claim that tram potetiates other narcotics, so it goes both ways!
thanks for the advice. im still unsure whether or not ill try to go with bupe for a while so i can take some mdma... im thinking id probably wait at least a good week just to be safe, but i really dont think i could go that long without tram. ive taken it everyday for a couple years now and i might just take it for the rest of my life..lol i think i may just leave mdma as a drug i wont ever try. ive had enough experimentation with other drugs anyway, and ill choose to stick with tram and the occasional bupe or opiate.
by the way, someone said mixing tram with a little alcohol is good, and for many people it is, but for some it is very bad.
the first time i took tram i thought it was weak (as i was used to OC) and took 350 mgs, then drank 3 beers, and had one of the worst experiences of my life. i got cold sweats, i turned as white as a ghost, my sight was all blurry and i couldnt see straight, i had to force myself to breath and kept having these twitching fits. long story short it scared me to death and i thought i was definately going to have a seizure or die all night. i still think i got lucky that night and im still alive. :)
i haven't had a sip of alcohol since.
so people, please be very careful when drinking on tram, bupe, or anything for that matter, its just not worth it.

The one time I drank on tramadol I had gone to a winery for a wedding with my wife, the day we were leaving we went to a wine tasting, I probably drank about two full glasses worth of wine spread over about 6 tasted wines(I realize your supposed to spit the wine out but I find that to be wasteful LOL). I felt fantastic for about 30 minutes then I felt very anxious and my heart was beating irregularly, I too had to focus on breathing and didn't think I would make it through the night. I have friends who drink hard liquor on it regularly but I just can't do it, I felt terrible for days after.

I take Effexor ER (Pristiq) plus Tramadol - was told that should be ok by my psychiatrist, have others have issues with this? I know there is serotonin syndrome potential but haven't had that. I do wake up with bad headaches sometimes.

I would think if your psych told you it is safe you should be ok, but you might wanna call the pharmacy you get your script filled at and ask them if there is an interaction. Anytime I get a new medicine I always ask the pharmacist if it will interact with any other medicines I am taking, even ones I am not prescribed simply because they do not keep track of every medication you are using, they have no way of knowing if you get other prescribed at different pharmacies.

As for the headaches, I would not be too concerned with these as long as they are not every day. When I am using tramadol I wake up with headaches often and usually can not start the day until I have had my morning dose of tramadol because of the headache. I think that this is just a common tramadol hangover effect even from low doses. My wife has tried tramadol a few times but decided not to continue using it because she didn't like the headaches she got the next day. I find that any headaches I get from tramadol can either be cured by taking more tramadol (if it has worn off) or by taking 200-300mg of ibuprofen (if I am still under the effects of the tramadol).