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The Official Tramadol Discussion Thread

To me the tone of your post indicates your already concerned. Do you use this substance for a medical reason or is it to get high? Also 30 pills a month is not bad. When My addition was at its worse i used 8-12 pills a day everyday. I dunno it sounds like yours is still under control. That being said I think if you are resorting to asking BL if you should be concerned it is a sign that you already are. You can quit tramadol, or at least reduce your dose. Even if it is not permanent it will give you a break and that is good because it will lower your tolerance.

Yea, sounds like fun though, but i would look for other drugs to take its place, addiction is different for everyone, but i've heard the w/d of tram is extra shitty bc it can happen only after a few uses so u might be in a fucked position. i personally find joy in snorting some tramadol, followed by smoking herb. and found that after a couple of days of quitting usage, it was all i could think about. but i didn't experience any of the physical dependence, just mild psychological bullshit. but for u, ur in a position where ur either gonna increase ur dosage, or decrease it. i would go with the latter if ur honestly worried. remember, long term usage is bad for both ur mind and body so try and take it easier....that is, if ur worried. :|
ive only been taking tramadol for 2-3 weeks, i usually end up going up to 400mg in a day with my prescribed dose of 20mg valium (helps with seizures i suppose), wondering if i took one extra 10mg valium i could take one more 50mg? Or is it just not worth the risk?

a) No one can tall you for sure.
b) For nearly everybody it's safe to take up to 400mg without benzos.
c) Benzos lower the risk of seizure.
d) Seizures in reasonable doses aren't very common. (I don't know the accual numbers)
e) Seizure is definitly one of the things you don't won't to experience. [think of the possibility of loosing teeth, brrrrr]

You have to decide for yourself. If you feel good on 400mg, don't go further.
a) No one can tall you for sure.
b) For nearly everybody it's safe to take up to 400mg without benzos.
c) Benzos lower the risk of seizure.
d) Seizures in reasonable doses aren't very common. (I don't know the accual numbers)
e) Seizure is definitly one of the things you don't won't to experience. [think of the possibility of loosing teeth, brrrrr]

You have to decide for yourself. If you feel good on 400mg, don't go further.

nah not gonna risk it, im not getting as good effects off 400mg as before but ill just try taking a break.
Am I the only one that thinks the itching from a high dose of Tramadol is WAY worse that codeine? Every one says codeine is bad...Tramadol is so much worse. I have to eat SO many Benadryl and it helps SOMETIMES.

Also does anyone know of the long term effects of Tram use? I mean yeah dependence and addiction... I've been doing it for at least 3 years without a single physical withdrawal. I'm just wondering if there is any other data out there, outside of addiction.
PT, you are one lucky girl not to have withdrawals and still get the effects of tram. I have been taking tram for nearly 10 years and have not expeirenced anything but the addiction/withdrawals. My yearly physical comes back clean, and the main worry I have, for the dose I take, is damage to my liver, and so far I have no problems with it. I am sorta surprised as I took norco, 10-325, for over a year and the last few months I took 15 to 20 a day and not realizing the danger of tylenol, did no CWE on them, but so far so good on my liver!
How are these little bad larrys? I'm planning on buy 180 of them. I'm tired of paying for expensive little oxycodone 30mg pills.
How are these little bad larrys? I'm planning on buy 180 of them. I'm tired of paying for expensive little oxycodone 30mg pills.

They are not even comparable to oxy30s, they are pleasurable in their own way though. You should try them a few times before you buy 180. They are speedy at first but get more pleasurable the more you do them. Basically your body has to get used to the speed seratonagenic effects before you really begin to enjoy the opiate effects of tramadol. Do not take them expecting an oxycodone similar high or you will be disappointed. Take tramadol to be something other than sober, but do not expect oxy.

+ 1 - i think people over panic a little bit when it comes to tramadol

I'm personally not in a panic, but I do know that tramadol has negative interactions with a lot of other drugs. I've gone into serotonin shock mixing tramadol with other drugs so I am a bit leary of mixing it ever since then.
Have any of you lot tried Dihydrocodiene? I find it to be very similar to tramadol only slightly less stimulating, though not by much.
Thanks for that response Decay. That will probably help a lot when I give these things a go. I was mainly going into it at an angle of it's just another way to not be sober, but I can't lie and say I wasn't expected something similar to oxys
anybodt notice how hard it is to masterbate when under the influence of tramadol?
If you turn your hand upside down, it will feel like someone else is jacking it.
Well, I sometimes have an issue getting off on tramadol. It just depends how high I am but the bf usually has issues. I usually just give up when I've had enough cause there is no way it is gonna happen with him. He doesn't make a big deal about it cause he knows it is the Tram doin it.
Yeah I get this lack of sex drive but sometimes I just gotta ya know? but it takes forever
i think i've def. gone into some sorta serotonin shock... prob 800mgs...while back when i just discovered it after ultram for a broken foot...saw 100mg pills online and...well.bad idea. got all white/dialated pupils, passing out, cold/hot flashes, sweating like a hog....actually the more ya take em the less euphoric/opiate feel y
a get with em...def can get tolerance fairly quickly...worked great for broken foot but don't do shit for my back :( but whenever stop taking them, just feel a little spacey but def get the "zaps"...which can last for a while depending how long they have been used for etc.