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The Official Tramadol Discussion Thread

Right now I am on 150mg of tramadol and 50mg doxylamine succinate. Just drank some CWE codeine solution 5 minutes ago, when that hits me I should be feeling kick ass, I have some promethazine for when the codeine starts to wear off too.

I really do enjoy tramadol combined with codeine and 1st gen antihistamines. Benzo's smooth out the buzz a little too and definately add a positive aspect.
am i the only one who is addicted but uses in moderation? i have been taking them for six months as an alternative to ssri's (citalopram) and i only ever take 150mg or 200mg in the morning and then nothing else. this dose has stayed stable and they make me feel like life is not a hostile empty hole. my depression has an antisocial effect on my character (mostly aggression and rage). i find they work

has anyone had successfull long term moderate use?!?!?!

yes. yes, yes, yes to all you said. i take the exact same dose.... maybe every 2nd day, at night before I go to sleep. I use them to calm my anxieties and completely relax and fall asleep (and stay asleep... long enough too). It is the most effective solution to insomnia that I could get ahold of. Of course I had to get it while in Peru... because in Canada you need prescription and there you don't. When people (like you) say they take tramadol anytime BEFORE the night or when they're intending to fall asleep I'm at a lose of comprehension. Because to me these are sleep pills. Not something you use to stay awake and go about your activities and be happy, something to make you drunk with joy and peace and forces you to turn off for 12 hours. So please explain me why you take this in the morning. And how you can stay awake! I don't see or understand the benefit of taking it after you wake up.... all I could see is it making you extremely dizzy and nausiated.
Right now I am on 150mg of tramadol and 50mg doxylamine succinate. Just drank some CWE codeine solution 5 minutes ago, when that hits me I should be feeling kick ass, I have some promethazine for when the codeine starts to wear off too.

I really do enjoy tramadol combined with codeine and 1st gen antihistamines. Benzo's smooth out the buzz a little too and definately add a positive aspect.

Should have taken the doxylamine after the codeine tho. It will probably inhibit the metabolism of codeine to some extent(make it last longer but weaker).
I like tramadol for when I run out of my percocets. I even gave my wife 30 percs to make sure I had at least one a day after I used up the other 60. She has no will power so I finished those 30 off yesterday. 10 days to go till I get more so I caled to see if i could pay cash to have the trammies refilled. Turns out the way the doc wrote the scrip, 60 is only a 15 day supply so I was able to go get another 60 this morning. I do not get any buzz from them. I take 400 mgs first thing and it at least helps with w/ds and does give a bit of energy. I take a 50 mg phenergan with them cause on an empty stomach they make me want to puke. I have read the mega potentiate thread but I don't recall seeing anything for tramadol. Is there any way of taking something with them to get a buzz, Other than valium since I usually take one of those at the same time as well.
^ weed, other benzo's, and maybe energy drinks. Take the tramadol rectally, and space out your doses.
DXM monster I was under the impression doxylamine didn't inhibit metabolism of codeine. I know promethazine does and thats why I waited until the codeine was wearing off before taking that.

Sleeplessdwarf I find codeine is a great potentiator/synergizer of tramadol. I love to do CWE with my trams. :D
that stuff sucks. never did anything to me at all. might as well have taken an asprine. I take 60mg of oxy's a day, and at least 10mg x 5-10 pills of percocts a day and i dont even get high off them. Im kinda glad about that. I take them cause i was in a car accident 3 years ago,,
i love tramadol because it takes care of the back pain i have from a herniated disk. it puts me in a good mood and allows me to function through the day but there is no way, imo, that these can be taken as a recreational drug because it doesnt cause any kind of body high or euphoria. maybe thats just me and thats unfortunate because i have unlimited access to these pills.
^^Well Im glad it helps your pain but gives you no pleasure. Because it got me hella high at first and thats what started my heavy addiction to them.

DXM monster I was under the impression doxylamine didn't inhibit metabolism of codeine. I know promethazine does and thats why I waited until the codeine was wearing off before taking that.

Sleeplessdwarf I find codeine is a great potentiator/synergizer of tramadol. I love to do CWE with my trams. :D

Im not too sure either, I just thought most sedative antihistamines inhibit metabolism to some extent. Oh well, maybe someone who knows can chime in. Hope you had fun.
I have withdrawn from Tramadol alone, and a combination of other opiates separately (hydrocodone, oxycontin, fentanyl) and IMHO Tramadol withdrawal was worse than the harder opiates. When withdrawing you get a combination of opiate withdrawal and SNRI withdrawal. A week and a half of pure mental and physical hell.
^The physical withdrawals were actually pretty mild, for me atleast. But Id have to agree with you on the mental withdrawals. Pure Insanity! The depression was soo fucking intense I thought I would top myself if it didnt stop/go down soon enough. Lucky/Unlucky(pick one) for me I got on heroin and that cured me of my trem addiction. So now Im on 50mgs of methadone which does almost nothing, it just keeps the withdrawals at bay, it dosnt even do much for my cravings..
aside from codeine and doccylamine succinate is there any other otc medicine that will enhance the tramadol high?
ok so just ate 1 grapefruit and a 1/2. So far today i have taken 4-6mg xanax75mg murelax, 7.5mg mogadon, chewed 150mg tramadol 6 tablets containing 12.8 mg of codeine. I am about to take another 150mg tramadol (am i better to chew this or swallow whole, I plan to mix this the 50mg doccilamine succinate and a cwextract. how far apart should i dose these?

Eg i had no idea until it was posted that "Should have taken the doxylamine after the codeine tho. It will probably inhibit the metabolism of codeine to some extent(make it last longer but weaker".

Take the tramadol first, then drink the extract how long should i wait before taking the doxylamine succinate?
aside from codeine and doccylamine succinate is there any other otc medicine that will enhance the tramadol high?

I would assume that since Tramadol acts on the opiate receptors, most things that enhance opiates would also do the same for Tramadol. There's plenty of threads on other opiates if you search. Try "opiate potentiators" or something to that effect.
just got the wisdom teeth out

So i just got my wisdom teeth out and they prescribed me 50mg Tramadol.
i am 5'10 and i weigh around 130-135 pounds.
it says to take 1 every 4-6 hours.
but the question im wondering is what a good amount for someone who has never taken pills, to take to get the high that goes along with tramadol.

^ I'm similiar weight and height as you. Back when I had no tolerance, just 50mg's would give me a good buzz. 100mg's would get me fucked up. Start low. If you're not feeling enough, just take more. The amount that gets absorbed gets higher as you re-dose, so keep that in mind.
Some friends and i tried tramadol the other day , felt strange. It had some weird feeling to it that i didnt like. I'd take T3 over it