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RCs The MDPV Mega Thread (Methylenedioxypyrovalerone)

I really wish I had stocked up in September. MDPV was perfect for me and did exactly what I wanted it to do. Early on I found myself on multi-day runs that weren't always pleasant but over time I nailed down exactly where my happy zone was and it was perfect.

Now that it's banned, what is everyone else doing? I tried 4FA and 4-MEC and they were ok but not really euphoric and definitely didn't have the pro-sexual benefits. Recently I got excited when I heard early reports about Benzo Fury but now it seems everyone has cooled down on that one.
I really wish I had stocked up in September. MDPV was perfect for me and did exactly what I wanted it to do. Early on I found myself on multi-day runs that weren't always pleasant but over time I nailed down exactly where my happy zone was and it was perfect.

Now that it's banned, what is everyone else doing? I tried 4FA and 4-MEC and they were ok but not really euphoric and definitely didn't have the pro-sexual benefits. Recently I got excited when I heard early reports about Benzo Fury but now it seems everyone has cooled down on that one.

Me too - unfortunately, just at the time everyone was rushing to buy it all before the law changed, I just didn't have any money at that particular time. I regret that, because I quite like it, in small doses. Bit of a crash a couple of days afterwards but that could be because we redosed too soon.

I've fallen back to Benzo Fury's but I'm not sure about them. They take ages to come on (even when I crush them and snort them, which is a very unpleasant experience) and they're too mild.
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When i was in Phoenix in September they were selling whole grams for ten dollars of Eight Ballz bath salts which was basically pure MDPV. Should have stocked up on it then...damn!
mdpv brown patches on skin

I have already posted a question in ODs on this. I have been doing a ton of coke lately and was concerned when I got some brown patches on my arms, someone replied saying itscommon with mdpv usage. I know suspect that the "coke" I've been using has been cut with mdpv. I have a bad chest/cough, had tinitus a couple of weeks ago (apparently side effects from mdpv). My friend who does loads of the same supply seems to be suffering from all the bad comedown symptoms.The appearance of the "coke" has seemed slightly clumpy/sticky which I think would be down to the mdpv. Do aany of you think I'm right? it also tastes sweet/fizzy....
This shit is the most awful drug known to mankind. Thank goodness the DEA stepped in and imposed a temporary ban in Ariozna (since the politicians in this state are too fucking dumb to do it). I have nothing against tweakers, cokeheads, etc. But people on this shit are WAY tweaked out and do crazy shit, like complain of seeing demons. Anything with the word "pyro" in it has to be bad...
i used to smoke mdpv until it became like rocking horse shit to get hold of used to take it in a group and a gram would last 5 of us about 4 hours smoking it was a hell of alot better than snorting in my opinion but the after effects (comedown) were leathal although i would take this again and again if i could get hold of it
My ex (who was a regular here on Bluelight), OD'ed from MDPV after a year-long addiction with this substance. He had been abusing drugs since he was about 14, off and on, and being one of the smartest people I've ever met, his drug use increased with RC's that can easily be obtained online. It started out with the pre-mephedrone ("meow-meow") era, where he discovered (from purchasing mescaline online), that he could fulfill his sniff fix by simply getting a PO box and ordering baggie after baggie.
Back in June of 2010, he offered me a line of what he described as "a more euphoric mephedrone" which to me, sounded bomb. I'd done meph a few times and thought it was a better version of coke (which I think is the most boring drug to use) with slight bits of Molly mixed in. So, when I did my first line of peeves, 8 hours before I had work the next morning, I thought, "this will be fine, that stuff wore off in no time."
And I got the results that seem to be the most popular- for the first few hours, I felt great. It was a nice buzz, nothing FANTASTIC, but it fueled our conversation I wished to have for over a year. I took a few more lines, and by the next time I look at the clock, I'm supposed to be at work (for my stepmom's law firm, first day) in less than half an hour. So I called in- "Oh, I have a flat, I'm so anxious I don't know what to do"
Which they bought. I put off coming in for a good 4 hours, then finally drove in a panic to work, shaking, anxiously awaiting their approval, and what do you know? I sideswipe the curb and actually give myself a flat tire. Karma at it's finest! I went into work looking extremely cracked out, and they told me to go home and rest.
I luckily surpassed the extreme depression phase of the long comedown, but the moral of the story is- don't do MPDV.
My ex was eventually shooting it up, and when his mom found him dead in his apartment, she found hundreds of needles.
Please, please, please, stay away from this horrible drug.

(And- is anyone else really irked by all of the media attention accompanied with ignorance about bath salts and how suddenly now, after someone displays the ultimate zombie paralysis, NOW the drug is getting the false attention it needs?
^I'm sorry for your loss.

I did not think it was possible, but MDPV makes meth seem tame by comparison. I've known many who said they liked it more than meth or coke. I've seen harden tweakers and crackheads freak out on MDPV bath salts. MDPV seems to be more of a mind fuck than traditional uppers.

I liked to smoke 8 ballz, a MDPV containing bath salt. It had a rush like smoking crack.You don't have to freebase it to smoke it, the salt smokes fine on foil. God slamming it must be nuts!

MDPV seems to have no medical use, it sucks for ADD, too short acting for an appetite suppressant.Good aphrodisiac though, if your not too paranoid to be with a girl.And it goes great with alcohol, though it's easy to get carried away. There seem to be a thin line between a dose that gets you pleasantly spun and one where you're paralyzed by the fear. Best cure for the fear is a couple beers.

Part of me is glad it's banned, and yet part of me misses it and wishes that I stocked up on it.Still, I truly think cocaine is safer than bath salts. Legalize meth and coke, so no one has to sniff bath salts.

And I too think it's bullshit bath salts get blamed for the zombies. Florida was one of the first states to ban the good bath salts.It seems obvious that it's due to 2012 Mayan apocalypse;). Why not wait till toxicology is done?
So i went to hospital and through the whole psykotic stage. Can't find the new mdpv thread....
MDPV, a potential ADD medication?

So heres a little backstory to my experience:

Since Thursday, I've been binging on PV for couple days w/o sleep, but did not suffer any of the side effects like paranoia, vasconstriction, chest pains, or stimulant induced psychosis. This was my second experience on this substance, and I must say it's really not that bad of a drug, although it holds little to no recreational value. It helped me a lot with concentration, felt like the ultimate ADD medication, I wrote like a 7 page essay without realizing it. And would be mesmerized by reading...anything that seems remotely interesting, which my sober self with attention deficit disorder would've just got up and left without finishing the first page.
In fact, IMO and IME it is fairly safe, benign, and mundane drug, but due to it's property as a very very potent stimulant and how the substance works on the the brains reward system given it's very mild euphoria, it can pose to be very dangerous for those who are uneducated about the substance and had done little to no research before hand, especially those idiots who are out there trying to chase that "high", the initial rush (minimal, can be even compared to MPH) and end up resorting to dangerous ROAs such as slamming it or smoking it and taking on heroic doses that would just give you an 8 hr + anxiety attack and heart problems. What people need to realize is that this substance holds absolutely no recreational value, once you realize that, your mentality changes and you overly compulsive desire to redose will be greatly reduced, because you know thats all the "buzz" it can really give. And vaping or slamming the stuff would definitely give you an intense rush, akin to smoking crack, but shortly afterwards would just lead you to psychotic behavior.
That is why I am seriously enraged about how the government and media portrays this substance, as some kind of supercrack or super meth, and repeatedly dubs it the name of "bath salts". Those commercialized vendors who sell these packaged "bath salts" or "legal highs" who used to put PV in their own personal cocktail of RC's, and prior to that they did the same shit with 4MMC. So to end of my rant, we shouldnt be so quick to judge and stigmatize MDPV as some kinda psychotic-inducing demon drug that makes you rape goats and go on these beserk violent rampages. We, as a responsible therapeutic and recreational users shouldn't be pulled into what they media wants us to think, and resist being mindlessly tagged along with their own political agenda and their hopeless War on Drugs. So the florida zombie man is just one of those political propaganda, but we can't blame them for their lack of knowledge, since those commercialized legal high vendors would throw out any any newly sythzed compounds that might theoretically be recreational or mix a cocktail of RCs to try to imitate the classic narcotics. So what i meant to say is to encourage people to do their own research and educate themselves in regards to harm reduction, because those vendors who sold the bath salts are just money-grubbing companies just trying to make a quick buck and don't really give a shit about it's clientele. And in regards to the government's biased approach on educating the public of these RCs is based on a very ignorant and heavily politicized bullshit. Sorry there, i went off in a little rant

Now back on topic, after having great results from experimenting with MDPV with sem-responsible use, by only railing 5mg lines every 3-4 hrs and rinsing my nasals with saline solution, I came to a conclusion that this substance has a tremendous potential to be a ADHD medication. To the contrary of popular view, I find the effects to be very calming and the initial rush is what gives the slight anxiety but it is short-lived, not to mention it is quite long lasting as opposed to the prescribed ADD medications (Adderall, Dexedrine, Ritalin). Even kind of giving in to self-indulgence (hence the propensity to redose) I was able to refrain myself from taking on doses anything even remotely higher than 10mg and I would give plenty of time space out each redose, because I know that I don't need it. But it did lead to a small binge sesh, where I was up for 24+ hrs sleep deprived, but still had massive, yet smooth mental concentration. When I did finally decided not to redose anymore, I did not experience any sort of crash or go into delirium. Moments later after my last dose, I was sleeping fine, but woke up with slight headache (probably from dehydration, although I sipped on water thru out my binge and ate accordingly as I would). So I recommend anyone who wants to try out this drug, dont go over 5mg when dosing and dont redose after until 4 hrs into it, and id say only a max of 2 doses a day and ull be good to go. Sleep wasn't a problem, and apetite wasn't a problem either. Don't use PV if you want to a proper stimulant euphoria, just stick with AMPs for that, please. I wouldn't recommend daily use of pv, but just those days that you need it, like you need to get up super early and have a stacked schedule for work, errands you got to do, or whatever tasks you got to accomplish. And make sure you get your beauty sleep!
tl;dr but no...

just no...

that's like asking if crystal meth would be a good add med...

there's a reason they make desoxyn...
its possible.

its kinda like shooting heroin for a headache though.

if your ganna do it take it ORALLY. and be sure you have a mg scale to weigh your dose.
Absolutely not.

2-fma perhaps but mdpv NO NO NO

Even 2-fma is uncharted waters, but I find it to work better than dexedrine personally. Doesn't make it safe.
I found MDPV to be a shitty ADD drug. I swear crack is more effective. IMHO it's basically only good for getting high, probably why it was never developed as a pharmaceutical. But if it works for you great.
Since Thursday, I've been binging on PV for couple days w/o sleep,

Now back on topic, after having great results from experimenting with MDPV with sem-responsible use,

Binging on a substance for a couple of days without sleep is not semi-responsible use.

MDPV is not something you should experiment with to supplement ADD meds. Doctors are there for a reason.

Also if:
What people need to realize is that this substance holds absolutely no recreational value,

Why were you binging on the substance if it has no recreational value?
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Can MDPV diminish or kill a Mephedrone "roll"?

An acquaintance of mine has been holding a very hq batch of 4MMC (I'd even go as far as saying it's just like the stuff we have encountered during pre-ban), not going into any further detail as how this person was able to acquire such quality product, but my guess its probably refurbished from the left overs from Chinese labs or something during the time of Mephedrone's peak production. I can personally attest to this person's strong claim on this batch's quality, for I have taken some of it on a night out a couple months ago and was peaking harder than ever, intense eye wiggles, jaw clenching, and smiles all around. Not to mention the extreme energy boost and ego boost that 4MMC provides, properties that Mdma lacks. I also know that this particular batch wasn't tainted by-products or adulterated, because I did not experience any sort of crash or the depression that accompanied with it.

In retrospect, I was lucky enough to be given a chance to experience the legendary pre-ban drone, and I must admit it was an experience that I'd never forget. The combination of feeling like you're truly a super-god much like you would experience if you're snow blowing on some pre-levamisole era gold dust, free from RC adulterants, accompanied by the unique loved up euphoria that are characteristic to the empathogenic properties of Mdma, made me think think this thing is the ultimate drug! Having the best of both words. However as any user will learn, theres no such thing, and there will never be a "miracle" drug. Aware of the cardiotoxicity and the obvious neurotoxicty along with the disgusting corrosive nature of this substance proves it could be very detrimental to health, but I sure as hell wouldn't mind using it every now and then, as long as I don't over indulge and keep it to a maximum of two oral doses (one stacked initial high dosage then boost with a smaller dosage couple hrs later). IME, I've never experienced any sort of side effects from using responsibly.

Back onto topic: So i've decided to dose some of this hq drone for a show, but I wanted something to pump me up, sorta like pre-drinking for partying, I wanted something to get me into the mood, a "pre-raving" sesh. I had some PV in a small vial stashed in my med cabinet, and at the time I thought maybe a little bump ~5mg will get the party mood going. After taking a small pump of pv, about 30 min later i parachuted about 350 mg of drone. Now, usually this is on the steeper side of the my usual initial dose, but I didn't want to redose later on in the night. And given the potency and quality of this batch, it should send me off to cloud 9 and maybe even beyond lol. I noticed that whenever I parachute substances, it drastically prolongs its onset time, usually would take me 1 hr and half to start kicking in, hence the reason I decided to do the bump of pv. I start to realize the problem, around when it was already 2.5 hrs since i dosed my drone and 3 hrs since i did pv, at this time I've felt a little bit of a drone come up but mostly masked by pv's long gradual plateau. I was excited and anticipating the drone rush and peak, but it never happened. In fact, I didn't feel anything from the drone, as if the buzz/roll has been completely killed off by MDPV.

So here's my question: has this happened to anyone before? I tried searching BL and no results or related questions. Is it simply that the fact MDPV is such a potent stimulant it in fact masked all the effects i would have rather experienced from the Mephedrone? OR is there some kinda contradiction that relates to how the two substances affects our brain chemistry? Anyways, I was rather disappointed of the outcome and felt that I've wasted some good drone. I ended up not having as much fun at the show, as most of you who are aware, pv isn't really a social lubricant, more like antithesis of social lube lol, and i tried to resort to drinking alcohol to no avail, just felt bloated and sick. Stopped after my second beer.

Any inputs would be much appreciated! Thanks
Binging on a substance for a couple of days without sleep is not semi-responsible use.

MDPV is not something you should experiment with to supplement ADD meds. Doctors are there for a reason.

Also if:

Why were you binging on the substance if it has no recreational value?

That was my own mistakes that I chose, and I binged cus I really had nothing better to do and just wanted to be lab rat, but I still hold my stance that it holds no recreational value, except the excessive urge to redose to chase that initial rush it gives, which tbh is a very shit rush, not all that euphoric. And because of that reason u will have made urself prone to the vicous cycle of seeking something that wasn't even there in the first place. I can get the big deal with amphetamines and esp the appeal of meth, because they can quote produce astonishing euphoria, but MDPV? c'mon guys get real here, it gives as much euphoria as maybe a light dose of dexedrine.

tl;dr but no...

just no...

that's like asking if crystal meth would be a good add med...

there's a reason they make desoxyn...

iirc, crystal meth is infact d-methamphetamine , same ingredient as desoxyn. So yea, if meth can be beneficial to ADD, why can't PV?

its possible.

its kinda like shooting heroin for a headache though.

if your ganna do it take it ORALLY. and be sure you have a mg scale to weigh your dose.

my ROA is sniffing, to my knowledge its more efficient, smoother, and not to mention much much less dangerous than IV or Vape. And I heard oral ingestion is a bunk ROA, because low bioavailablity through digestive system or something like that and you waste a big chunk of it.
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Dexedrine is a recreational substance... Dextroamphetamine. So saying it has as much euphoria as a light dose of another recreational substance... where does that leave us?

There are many users on here that have experienced dreadful side effects from MDPV.

The excessive urge to redose is what makes MDPV such a dangerous substance.

EDIT: Desoxyn is pharmaceutical grade meth, PV is not pharm grade - it's purchased from shady areas of the internet. Apples to oranges.