The MA heroin thread

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I don't even know what this argument is about anymore but, most bluelighters will tell you that both smell and appearance are poor indicators of potency. It can be dangerous to think that you can tell potency without testing or trying. Other than that the best way to prove that you know what you're talking about is to prove it in your posts. No one has ever gained cred on this site because they say they should.
I can see how what I wrote pissed some people off and seemed like it was directly addressed to them, it was actually a post in another thread that I saw a few days ago that pissed me off. It was someone putting down tar heroin....again! I've done a lot of tar and some of it dissolves with no visible cut whatsoever and the purity is right up there with good ECP....It's like, at least try it before you start talking about how "the dope in Greenwich Connecticut is waay better than the dope in LA!"....pisses me off and I'm from the East Coast...

I know there's people on here who have probably had connections for dope straight off the keys they came into the US in, but it's definitely a lot less people than who seem to think that!...(No kid, that half-finger of raw you got wasn't broken straight from a kilo)

It just gets me, people who think their dope is 70% pure....I saw some DEA seizure chart the other day that was misleading as hell, it might have been linked on BL somewhere, it was giving the price per pure gram of dope by state, and the prices were like $700 and up! Not to say we don't get 70% pure dope sometimes. but a New England gram, for the prices it goes for these days, there's just no way it's 70 could only tell if you tested it really, but dope coming back with no visible cuts doesn't mean shit as far as purity goes either. It just means a complete idiot hasn't gotten hold of it yet!

You guys who have been out there know, the inner-cities on the east coast are loaded with all kinds of heroin dealers with all kinds of different dope of different strength with different cuts..It changes hands so quick, Nobody knows exactly how pure it is, exactly where it came from or exactly how it was produced....I hate it when people make blanket statements about the quality of the dope they get when they really have nothing to go on other than what "they think"...

And yeah, it definitely seems like a "young kid thing" to believe that all the drugs you get are 100% pure and sprinkled with fairy dust and that "your guy" is the younger brother of the leader of a Central American trafficking ring that imports heroin into the US! You look like a complete wigger that borrowed his mothers car to drive to the hood and cop, you've only been doing it for a year, and YET you're so cool and have so much street cred oozing out of your pores, you were able to get connects for pure product within minutes of just driving into the hood! Most of them sell their own people product that's as stepped on as much as it can be and still sell, but you're such a cool white boy, they saw YOU comin and went straight to where the pure uncut product is stashed to make up your bag!!

I'm sorry, it just gets to me sometimes!
I can see how what I wrote pissed some people off and seemed like it was directly addressed to them, it was actually a post in another thread that I saw a few days ago that pissed me off. It was someone putting down tar heroin....again! I've done a lot of tar and some of it dissolves with no visible cut whatsoever and the purity is right up there with good ECP....It's like, at least try it before you start talking about how "the dope in Greenwich Connecticut is waay better than the dope in LA!"....pisses me off and I'm from the East Coast...

I know there's people on here who have probably had connections for dope straight off the keys they came into the US in, but it's definitely a lot less people than who seem to think that!...(No kid, that half-finger of raw you got wasn't broken straight from a kilo)

It just gets me, people who think their dope is 70% pure....I saw some DEA seizure chart the other day that was misleading as hell, it might have been linked on BL somewhere, it was giving the price per pure gram of dope by state, and the prices were like $700 and up! Not to say we don't get 70% pure dope sometimes. but a New England gram, for the prices it goes for these days, there's just no way it's 70 could only tell if you tested it really, but dope coming back with no visible cuts doesn't mean shit as far as purity goes either. It just means a complete idiot hasn't gotten hold of it yet!

You guys who have been out there know, the inner-cities on the east coast are loaded with all kinds of heroin dealers with all kinds of different dope of different strength with different cuts..It changes hands so quick, Nobody knows exactly how pure it is, exactly where it came from or exactly how it was produced....I hate it when people make blanket statements about the quality of the dope they get when they really have nothing to go on other than what "they think"...

And yeah, it definitely seems like a "young kid thing" to believe that all the drugs you get are 100% pure and sprinkled with fairy dust and that "your guy" is the younger brother of the leader of a Central American trafficking ring that imports heroin into the US! You look like a complete wigger that borrowed his mothers car to drive to the hood and cop, you've only been doing it for a year, and YET you're so cool and have so much street cred oozing out of your pores, you were able to get connects for pure product within minutes of just driving into the hood! Most of them sell their own people product that's as stepped on as much as it can be and still sell, but you're such a cool white boy, they saw YOU comin and went straight to where the pure uncut product is stashed to make up your bag!!

I'm sorry, it just gets to me sometimes!

I've done some really great tar before. It's just like the east coast out there.. good shit and bad. Simple as that.

Haha, and that last paragraph got me laughing. So true with the new users always thinking they got "pure" dope or uncut, blah blah, throwing these stupid purity percentages they pulled out of their ass or heard from their dealer and actually believed. 8( Hah. Newbies.
23 days completely opiate free. Life was pretty intense during my last run. Feels amazing to wake up and not have to worry about impending dopesickness. Let's see if I can stay away for at least a long while.
^Great job man! I felt so good when I was off everything. Now I'm on suboxone....which sucks. I used to think I felt pretty normal on it, but since having almost 1 1/2 years off it, I realize it still suppresses my real feelings....

Stay away man! did you go to rehab? We were worried about you for awhile!
Yeah man, I robbed a dealer and some other stuff happened and I ended up getting sectioned by the courts but it could have been a lot worse, despite it still being a bad hit. I ended up kicking cold turkey in the detox, refusing both the methadone and subutex protocols. I went in with a screaming habit, having been shooting a mixture of heroin & dillies up until that point. The first 4 days of withdrawal were a nightmare. Insomnia, puke, lie down in pain, puke, continue to just lay there in pain, and so it went. I did get librium and clonidine, which basically did nothing except I would catch like 45 minutes of sleep once in a while, which was amazing in itself, considering I can't sleep one bit when in withdrawal.
Like on the "psych ward tip"

Happened me a few times! You did seem almost suicidal to me, maybe I was reading too much into your posts but....Glad you're okay now! Robbed a dealer shit....

I have a friend back east who robbed a dealer just about a few years ago...

He called the guy and asked him to front half a gram....He said no....He sat for a few hours sick and then called the guy back, said he needed 5 grams! He set it up to meet the runner and it was on! the way that guy did business was, you'd call him, set up a place and time and then go to the spot at the designated time. when the runner pulled up, you'd hop out of your car, take a ride with him and he'd drop you back off somewhere close to your car. It was always a parking lot with stores or restaurants so nobody really noticed it even happen.

He hopped in the car with this guy and waited until they were on a side street, the guy handed him the shit and he just pulled up his shirt and showed him the hammer in his waistband! The guy just stopped the car and hopped out with it still running....It ended up being awkward as hell because he had to walk 10 minutes back to his with 5 grams of dope and a gun on him! He died of an OD 2 months later....and that particular guy got busted and deported back to DR, at least that's what I heard....but for a few months that guy was lookin for him! He kept offering me dope to give him up and at the same time telling me that if I copped for him he'd cut me off!

I hope this guy's not looking for you still! Shit, half the time it's not worth it for them to chase you down and do anything so they just won't fuck with anymore, but if you get the wrong dude who doesn't give a fuck and lives by the whole hardcore "respect and payback" thing...look out! It's funny though, I've seen a lot of people rip off dealers over the years and they usually just blow it off!
23 days completely opiate free. Life was pretty intense during my last run. Feels amazing to wake up and not have to worry about impending dopesickness. Let's see if I can stay away for at least a long while.

That's great. I'm jealous.Seriously,Good Luck.
Hey guys, I'm curious as to how many Boston,Western MA(you know,out past RT. 128) and/or the rest of NE peeps are acually livin in these area's(re: this threads purpose)? Not that I care but can anyone from anywhere else post here? I'm just asking.
There area few city or state specific threads. The purpose is purely social and yes anyone from anywhere is welcome to post but, I assume that most of us are from MA or else the thread would have died as many have. I'm not surprised that it's still alive as it's no secret that our state hasa certain affinity for opioids but, we hardly compete with the Chi thread.

So I had to wait for my dude to reup which means I just copped. Met at a store and just as we were leaving a cop pulled through, stopped, put it in reverse and watched us all pull out. Scary shit. The whole time driving by I was praying that he didn't follow me. I guess he didn't get anyone which was weird considering how he posted up.
Not all doctors can prescribe subs, right? My shrink made me promise to stop doing dope. I told him I did. (Which, at the time I actually DID). He said no way, I was too far gone to just go cold turkey and I told him I had two subs that I broke into bits and used for 4 days and it worked...

He looked at me, dumbfounded and told me:
a) i shouldn't be taking meds willy nilly - self prescribing
b) he can't even prescribe those, how the hell did I get them?

So what happens? A doctor goes to a class or something and gets a permit?

It's pretty easy for any doctor to get the license to prescribe sub, they just have to go to like a little week-long seminar on addiction and opioid maintenance....
Nocturne, you have lived up to your name - its 310am here, and you've got me jonesing for a ciggie which I happened to buy today because I was in a different county where they're $5 - $6 bucks cheaper than in mine (plus i got 75 cents off from a promo on the label!) - so, ultimately, reading this post is sending me out to the driveway for a ciggie. Good thing I don't have a job interview until 430 pm. (A phoner, thank & praise Bob) Gonna have to go BL Mobile. LOL Wonder if I can get it on my tablety reader thing?

Your post reminds me of a quote in the book Please Kill Me, which is the oral history to punk rock bible of sorts. And I think either Hell or Lloyd said - 1/2 of the high was copping....the drama/suspense of it all. I'll have to go look....
Gwen, Chicago and lurking cos you guys lurk on our Chi thread! LOL

I need to stop copping, for a couple very important reasons, but the thrill of copping, snorting, and riding out of Holyoke with a cigarette in my hand and the classic rock radio station blasting is too compelling. The routine is a high in itself, and if it becomes too much of a routine, I'll finally experience the dreaded "dope-sickness" for the first time. Scary.
Drs can rx sub after a one day course i believe. Thats why so many older drs who are partly retired get into the sub business, sooo much cash. Most dont take insurance so
Drs can rx sub after a one day course i believe. Thats why so many older drs who are partly retired get into the sub business, sooo much cash. Most dont take insurance so youre talking a few hundred here and there it stacks up quick. My old dr actually got a fake 20 once from some junkie go figure and the bank actually called the secret service lol. She was always worried about the dea coming in and auditing her stuff. She didnt talk to cops either and was very untrustful of the police. Perfect kind of drr lol.
Not all doctors can prescribe subs, right? My shrink made me promise to stop doing dope. I told him I did. (Which, at the time I actually DID). He said no way, I was too far gone to just go cold turkey and I told him I had two subs that I broke into bits and used for 4 days and it worked...

He looked at me, dumbfounded and told me:
a) i shouldn't be taking meds willy nilly - self prescribing
b) he can't even prescribe those, how the hell did I get them?

So what happens? A doctor goes to a class or something and gets a permit?
Did you tell him that he can't perscribe heroin either but you can get that too.
I have tried counseling and I don't tell them everything because I don't want to someone telling me what I should or should not do. That's probabally why I am so fucked up.
It's a miracle I've never been caught, since I rip those suckers open and snort every last bit once I'm in my car. The one-way streets help when I'm looking in back of me to make sure no cops are riding by while I'm parked.
Fact is, the people who get busted and mentioned on MassLive all did stupid things to get the cops' attention. Mostly stuff like illegal U-turns, not renewing registration, or running a stop sign/red light.
I obey all traffic laws, but I'm still scared shitless of being busted.
And yeah, maybe I do pretend I'm living some kind of rock and roll dream. If only I played my bass more, I'd feel a lot cooler. :p
Just got back from copping. My guy wound up getting into a fight while he was grabbing for me and took a lot longer to come back than usual. My stomach was knotting up from worrying when he didn't come back right away. I trust the guy as he's come through for me every time, and even got me a little extra last weekend, which I considered an early b-day present(just turned 30). So when he wasn't back in the usual 3-4 minutes, I worried something happened to him. He'd left his stuff with me, and I was chilling with a friend of his, who also swore he was always good.
As much as I enjoy the whole process of copping and consider it a high in itself, it messes with my head when I have to wait too long. It's not like I'm in WD or anything, but so much about dope is psychological. When I snort my bags, the anticipation before the high sets in is another high. But after having gotten bad bags in the past, I'm nervous about even that now.
I'm pretty new to the whole game, having done only oxies and CWE vicodin until this past April. Guess I'm still learning the ropes with heroin.
But in the end, I got my shit, snorted my bags, and smoked my Marlboro 100s when I was about 5 minutes from home. Good times. All's well that ends well, I suppose. But even while I'm high as a kite as I type this, I wonder how long it'll be before my luck finally runs out. A couple weeks ago, I even had some minor WD. Depression, sweating, and my muscles even seized up one night. I'm told some people quit altogether after they finally experience really bad WD, but I know that's not the case for most people, otherwise there'd be a lot less people going to NA meetings.
Ah, the itch is kicking in now. Love the itch. :) Guess I'll either play some videogames, or watch The Sopranos.
Hey Noc...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Was sittin here hopin the crazy nod I had last night would come back. The last few weeks have been man hasn't given me any work in a while so it's been a struggle just to get a fix every day. As low as my daily dose has been(1 or 2 if it was a good day) I should have just kicked and be done with it. But yesterday was a good day my brother copped a few and hooked me up with two this morning...Nuttin like a couple o' baggies in da morn with my coffee and cig!! Then my man came through with a quickie job (or at least before I saw the size of the yard I had to mow. His tenant was in P.R. for like 3 weeks and that lawn was about 8 inches high) so I was there trying to mow this monster grass(which was wet btw) and the mower sounded like it was going to choke to death. So finished that in about 2 1/2 hours and the guy threw me a twenty and I went skipping merrily on my way to my girl's for 3 bags. Did those and my boss all of a sudden gave me another job to vacuum and detail out the inside of his truck. I was feelin like a new man ( it's amazing what a couple of bags will do for your stamina) and so I did that and wrapped up about 7pm. Got another twenty and of course had to go see my girl....3 more and headed home. I know what you mean about driving home with a couple in my pocket and the music blaring (Old Skool Freestyle, of course) with a cig danging from your lips but constantly checkin the rearview for cars that seem to follow too close or the same car following for miles...

Well anyways when I got home I slammed those home and hopped on the PC while I rolled a few cigs...My brother was laughing his ass off cause it took me about 2 hours to roll 2 cigs, man I was noddin sooo hard I found my face on the keyboard more than once...I was like ok think it's time for a quick nap then maybe I'll get it together a bit....that was about 11o'clock... now it's 4 am and I'm up getting my BL fix. Wish you could take the high and take it off like a shirt and hang it up and put it back on whenever...Idk what the heck I'm talking about....must be still a little high ....well I hope today's a good day too....BL'ers I'm out....
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fresh outta detox and all benzod up....first place i come is BL heroin discussion hahah lets see how long i go. in all honesty i dont really wanna use dope but my veins are calling for something. fuckin needle fetish.
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