The MA heroin thread

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fresh outta detox and all benzod up....first place i come is BL heroin discussion hahah lets see how long i go. in all honesty i dont really wanna use dope but my veins are calling for something. fuckin needle fetish.
Hey Effect!! Congrats on the recent detox, gotta do it sometimes just to take a break and hopefully something sticks to ya when you're in the groups all gooey and sharing 8) I know what u mean bout that damn needle fix. I do so many cotton shots just for the psychological benefit(?) I get. I'm planning a detox real soon like next week so that when I get out I'll be clean for my court case, just in case they try to bring up my past charges, doubt it but you never know...
hey thanks much for the support man. i just stocked up on some benzos and dexamp to help with the paws and i feel great. i also have about 6mg of bupe just in case. for the first time in a long time i feel great without heroin and i really think im going to stay away from it for at least a few weeks. obviously thats just a goal for myself and would love to kick this shit for good but im trying to be realistic.

i also have a job interview at a deli on monday and am really looking forward to being a productive member of society again. only problem with that is money is a huge trigger for me and that first paycheck is going to be a tough one to not just hand over to the dopeman.
Thats awesome man, having a plan makes things do so much smoother. If you want it theres not a reason in the world why you cant have it.
hey thanks much for the support man. i just stocked up on some benzos and dexamp to help with the paws and i feel great. i also have about 6mg of bupe just in case. for the first time in a long time i feel great without heroin and i really think im going to stay away from it for at least a few weeks. obviously thats just a goal for myself and would love to kick this shit for good but im trying to be realistic.

i also have a job interview at a deli on monday and am really looking forward to being a productive member of society again. only problem with that is money is a huge trigger for me and that first paycheck is going to be a tough one to not just hand over to the dopeman.

Good to hear, brother. Keep it up. It'll only get better. Getting a job and working towards adding other positives to your life is what really helps people stay sober. You can't just take away dope. You need to add something/multiple somethings to fill the void left. Positive things.
Thanks, RaZka!
Yeah, the worst is when you're trying to type something, but you space out with your finger on a key, and you see nothing but ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd filling up your screen. Even worse when you're talking to someone and accidentally send that. >_<
I got 5 bags tonight. Did 3 around 11, then did 2 more about a half-hour ago. Enough to get me really messed up, but I think my tolerance is getting to be too high. So I decided this is gonna be my last hurrah, at lease for a while. Ideally, I'll stop altogether. Not gonna kid myself- this isn't a good thing for me to be doing. It's just good that I have a place where I can talk about it without being judged. I'll still come around here to report my progress though, so you certainly haven't seen the last of me yet. ;)
Haha, that's why I'll never go on chat when I'm stoned....yeah I'm going to chill a bit cause that day my tolerance went sky-high too so when I did a couple the next day I didn't even feel them:p
Thanks for the support guys. Good news is I got the job at the deli, but I just took my last 1mg clonazepam and I got about 5mg of bupe left but I feel like I might cave and buy dope tonight. Im on day 10 without dope and my last bupe dose was 1mg 2 days ago so Im thinking I got about that much left in my system.

I'm so bored man and I don't wanna do dope, but I just don't feel like being sober.
I recently just went thru danvers detox too but left after 24 hours with 2 other fiends and got high. I cluldnt handle the 5mg of done every 4 hours for a full day. I was w/d bad while on the done. I finally caved in a did a 24hr Sub detox at home which wasnt too bad. I hate the few days after whwre u sweat thru all your clothes in bed and the paws are killer. My anxiety has been fucked.

none of our business

Btw what's the least amount of time before I can do dope when I'm on sub. I'm on a 8mg strip a day at the moment. I'm thinkin 36hours? I'm really not tryna go back to H but my needle fixation has been so intense the last few days that I'm goikg to pop. I've been doing cottons but who am I kidding. There's nothin but cut left in that shit. Anyhow good night BL.
I'm an idiot 36hours is def not enough. Isn't the HL 33 hours? I've been on it for 4 days so 32mg total.
As far as subs go you can dose dope practically right after. The only time you'd be in danger of precipitated WD is if you were high on dope and then took sub or took sub too close to your last dope dose. Not the other way around. The bupe has a much higher affinity to your receptors so if you take it before dope it will just block some of it but if you take it too soon after it will kick the dope off and potentially send you into precipitated WD.

Also I think bupe HL is like 72 hours or something like that. So really your dose from day to day builds on the previous day. Like I said though you can take dope but, it might block some of it.
Oh ya I know about precipitated w/d. I did that mistake the first time I got scribed it and went to the pharmacy right after the doc and popped that shit under my tongue. I was sick as fuck in 3 mns when the bupe kicked the opi's off. I did a shot 2 days ago and got a tiny rush for a minute and was able to eat. It then blocked it right away after that. I'm prolly gonna wait 36Hrs and hope I get a teeny weeny nod. Btw how do I get back to Mobile view from the Full Site view? Any1 know?
Up at the top hit settings then under My Account hit General Settings and at the bottom there's a pull down menu titled "Forum Skin". It's in there
Just got home empty-handed. The guy I usually trust never came back with my goods. Now I'm in a rotten mood. >_<
That sucks man. Going from thinking that you're gonna get high to excepting that you just got ripped off is not fun.
Just got home empty-handed. The guy I usually trust never came back with my goods. Now I'm in a rotten mood. >_<
Damn, I'm so sorry that happened to you....Been there when after a while you get that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize the asshole's not coming back, and it's like what to do?? Go out and try to track him down not knowing anyone else to trust or just cut your losses and move long were you dealing with this guy? Maybe something happened out of his control and he got beat and didn't know how to come back and face you....Maybe....
Man, I was up in Danvers not too long ago and completed the detox. Their dosing regimen was adequate enough for me. I relapsed with all intents and purposes after I couldn't get placed in the holding upstairs. Went on an absolute tear shooting heroin and dillies every day and finally got sent down to Brockton. I was there for well over a month and kicked it cold turkey because doing the ORT route ultimately does not work for me. Everyone thought I was dead for at least 3 or 4 days. Got out, found a living arraignment and have dabbled very sparingly since. It's killer not getting dopesick anymore and I've had no problem chipping at all. I've even been offered free dope and have had to turn it down because I used a day or so previously. Not even trying to catch a habit again. I know peoples feelings on chipping and how it leads back to addiction but it's been working for me and having suffered to get to this point I feel I have way more discipline not to use on a regular basis because I will undoubtedly get sick again. We'll see how life goes...
Just curious, how long did you wait before you started chipping? Glad to hear you're doing alright man.
Thanks Johnny, and to answer your question I had a solid month and two weeks of full sobriety. It's worth mentioning that I had every intention on using again because my ultimate goal was/is to strive for moderation and not total abstinence.
That's why I asked man. I just always figured it would take longer to get all the way back to square one. To where you want the drug but, don't physically need something. I think that's a fantasy that a lot of us have. How long were you hooked if you don't mind me asking? Did you feel at all sick after you first used again?

Anyways be careful man. I hope this works for you.
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