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The EADD I'm Fucked Megathread v. I'm starting to like Dubstep...

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Think my ish was on the conservative side...

Off for a wonder

.... toodle pip
Trippy nutted at the mo, feels a bit like LSD or something, with stomach discomfort,

edit: actually scrap that, very AMT esque, tyrpamine feeling headspace
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I'd prefer some mephedrone over MDMA right now..

MDMA stopped doing it's ting :\

Plus they're two different drugs.. Each to their own and all that :p

Shit.. I want some mephedrone.. haven't done any for years.
Jel, I want a drug taking man friend...

*Gets inundated with cock pics* WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN THAT.

Meph is lurvely, still wish I had coke tho.

Hahahaha. TOO LATE! :sus:

I'm fucking loving it, first time I tried it too, I'm well impressed, like it better than coke. We just added some 6-APDB too it, shoudl be good =D
oooo wouldnt advise adding 6 to it... can be a bad combo. but each to their own. felt wrong the last time i did that, thought the buzzes would work together nicely and almost had the opposite effect
First time as well Pagey? Even more jealous, fuuuck. Can't believe you've not done it before. Most people like it better than coke from what I've seen, surprised that I don't because it was my first 'proper' drug experience (other than shit coke at a club) but yeah. Still prefer coke ;P Getting such bad urges to buy some now, urgh. Going to be near my £120 a gram amazing as shit coke dealer when I move over to my other house tomorrow as well, oh dear.
Don't ruin mephedrone with 6-APDB! Mental..

Mephedrone is perfect just the way it is.. the only thing you need to add to it is more mephedrone.
Meph is the shiz if you get decent stuff. Mdma is not something I'd take each weekend, it's a time and a place drug I think. My favourite of them all but I love love love to rail lines of cheese (meph) it's what I do to wind down on a weekend rather than get drunk. Can't stand the feeling of being drunk and I hate hangovers with a friggin passion
Wicked stuff isnt it, meph comedowns are brutal for me, ended up ditching it for awhile and doing MD every weekend, ended up with badass sleep paralysis and brain zaps, serves me right though. pretty much ditched em both now and stick with decent phet
Fuck, hope I never get brain zaps. I'm so glad I don't get comedowns from meph, bet it won't last though. I am only 19 after all and have been taking drugs less than a year ;p I'll enjoy it while I can I guess!

Still need to try more drugs, I am so boring.
I don't come down off mdma. I get a lovely afterglow. Meph gives me a pretty shit come down but I always take two etizolam so it's all gravy. I don't think I'd take owt without benzos on hand. Worst come down for me is speed though. It's hellish. Still rather that than a hangover though. Dunno what it is about hangovers but I'd rather be dead. Just bribed my friend to go shop and get me some cigs. 5 fags I'm giving her. Beats walking though.
Back when.. well.. when i used to go on mental Meph binges (10g's for.. wait.. is price discussion allowed here, i forget?).. I had some horrible come downs.. no.. Horrible times..

It was probably due to my many years of abusing stimulants to the max, MDMA, amphetamine, etc but the paranoia was unbearable.

You know when you can hear talking in the other room but can't make out any words? I knew they were talking about me. I knew they were laughing at me.
Don't consider yourself boring for not having tried many drugs. that makes you clever. you never know which is gonna bite you in the arse and end up an addict with a habit to feed. How I'm not physically addicted to benzos after abusing them for 2 and a half years I'll never know. Take it easy, be safe. I've tried pretty much all I want to try bar acid and heroin and that's only because id probably end up hooked.
Fuck, hope I never get brain zaps. I'm so glad I don't get comedowns from meph, bet it won't last though. I am only 19 after all and have been taking drugs less than a year ;p I'll enjoy it while I can I guess!

Still need to try more drugs, I am so boring.

Shhiiiit sonnn.. If I could go back in time and talk to my 19 year old self I'd say something like:

Dump that bitch. Seriously.. She's the spawn of Satan.. but also.. calm down with the drugs! You're only ruining it for your future self (Me you little prick, now grow up)
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