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The Big & Dandy Taking A Psychedelic Poop Thread

I can have normal bowel movements under the influence of LSD and psilocybin no problem.

I run into serious trouble pooping on 2C-E.
^Classic. I love those moments when someone gets a tiny glimpse of your state and retreats in pure bewilderment and confusion, it's like being the monster in a Lovecraft story.

Are you that guy who always smears shit all over festival toilets? I always wonder who those folks are, who leave foul handprints inside each and every portaloo. I've never understood quite what state you have to be in to decide that fingerpainting with your own excrement is the best course of action.

WTF ! I was just about to write the same post. We had the lovecraft moments quite often traveling home on the train after party's.the horror in their eyes, amazing.
have to post this, took this last year while tripping, walked into a hotel for a poo and then i met this guy. was maybe laughing a bit to loud in the cubicle but i didnt arrange it like that....sure there are millions of made on purpose pics like that but this one was accidental.

Every time I do methylone I know I am about to start getting off when I need to go... no matter how recently I've already gone, it just seems to trigger those nerves or something, because I ALWAYS have to take dump... and THEN I start feeling that swimming woozy wonderful climb towards the methylone buzz... and the inevitable wank =D

So do gay blokes actually get an erection when they take a shit? I always thought that was just a question for the juvenile among us, but you raise an interesting point (whether the g-spot gets stimulated during colonic evacuation).

And yeah we should have hug emoticons on BL, it could spare a lot of the grimbliness. <3

Yea, OK.

But how could he not LAUGH at the "elevator to hell" experience? I mean, isn't that just a brilliant movie comedy scene... guy enters porta-potty and suddenly KERCHUNK! it turns into an elevator and starts clattering down down down... door opens... and there's old Bealzebub, horns, tail, pitchfork, surrounded by flames, fire & brimstone, cackling maniacally. Hilarious! Genius!

But, for the guy to allow one little freaky 5 minutes in the porta-potty on acid to CAUSE HIM TO SWEAR OFF ALL PSYCHEDELICS FOR LIFE? WTF?!?

Isn't that just a hugely excessive OVER REACTION??? It just seems so lame and pathetic to blow 5mins in the john like that into a huge major life-decision to NEVER TRIP AGAIN, it really begged to be ridiculed. I mean REALLY... it was just one little dump in a smelly place fer cryin out out, get the fuck OVER it!

I agree that it would be a real shame to let one bad experience put you off a lifetime of tripping. Hopefully it didn't and the guy is having lots of shits and giggles. :D
^umm... no, zero sexual thrill from crapping, at least in me and the vast majority of gay blokes. It's not just the sensation but the entire situation that makes anal sex exciting you know. And why ask only "gay blokes"? What about all the women you see taking it in the rear and apparently really getting off on it in straight porn? You should also ask them, dude.

Anyway, glad someone agrees that the guy on the "Elevator to Hell" was vastly over reacting.... it's such a hilarious and classic scene to imagine... he shouda come outa there not quivering and terrified to the core but rather laughing his ass off =D
I personally have no problem pooping on psychedelics. My boyfriend, on the other hand, was constipated on acid once and felt like he was pushing out his intestines and had to keep checking every few seconds to make sure he wasn't.
Dwayne, you 'gay blokes' are the closest thing to women we have here in the BL trip poop thread ;D

Abortion - he's talking about the rush you get when stims come on - I used to do stims years ago and I would always feel this initial exciting rush coupled with the need to shit - your body voids your bowels as a reaction to the CNS stimulation.

Coke users and crackheads have it so bad they often fart, have to shit, or puke from the sight of rocks/coke. I never was a cokehead tho...

oh and back on topic:

I get the deed done, usually trip out on the bathroom walls rather than my own shit or whatever... don't spend too much time on it... 4-ace and shrooms make me pee so much next time I'm going to rock a big piss jug so I can just unzip and piss in the jug instead of having to go to the bathroom. I bet you fuckers are gonna copy me now. Just remember Futuretastic was rocking a piss jug while tripping first.
Portaloos can be unbelievable. Like on festivals. Unbelievable.nightmare.horror.

But really not enough horror to stop me tripping.
First, I would never go to a port-a-potty to piss, even sober. Second, why carry your piss around in a jug, even while tripping? You can piss, like, anywhere. The only reason to go to a port-a-potty is to shit, and even that isn't a good enough reason sometimes. =D

I would still like to see photos of you carrying around that piss drug all trippn face. Hahaha ;)

Lookn forward to a gooooood acid dump this weekend. :D
Omg I can't believe this thread got Big & Dandyfied lol =D

So much awesome shit in here

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Aw, it's so wonderfully grounding, just as you feel that you might become pure knowledge, transcend the physical altogether, you're suddenly involved in this primal, unavoidable thing, this basic activity that reminds you of the animal that you essentially are, of the folly of trying to ignore the fact that you are a beast of flesh and blood.

Love this quote. Funny how, as a psyche user, you can identify when one sentence or paragraph is going to stick with you and resurface whenever you next decide to trip.

Anyways, my personal preference is muddled on the subject. One almost all psychedelics shitting is pretty satisfying. On 4-AcO-DMT, however, I hate it. For some reason that drug tends to produce a lot of gas (A LOT of gas). So the shits are usually very uncomfortable.

-edit- and I stand firmly to the belief that the bathroom is the trippiest fucking place in the house.
^Classic. I love those moments when someone gets a tiny glimpse of your state and retreats in pure bewilderment and confusion, it's like being the monster in a Lovecraft story.

"With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know."

It is consensus among my friends that taking a break on the throne is the best mental spot-check we can do.
This one time I was mad on acid and alprazolam and my neighbor opened the toilet door at 6 o clock in the morning and finds me standing on the toilet bowl in the dark, with my arms out and making noises like an airplane.

WOW ! lol.

>Originally Posted by Solipsis
>This one time I was mad on acid and alprazolam and my neighbor opened the toilet door at 6 o >clock in the morning and finds me standing on the toilet bowl in the dark, with my arms out and >making noises like an airplane.

Just what the hell exactly was your neighbor doing IN YOUR HOUSE at 6am? Invited him over night before for some LSD and a fun little game of Hide The Sausage? <snicker> Not that there's anything wrong with that!