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The Big & Dandy Solo Trip Thread

I've tripped in public, with close friends, with not close friends, and alone. After all of my different experiences, I prefer a few of my close friends in a private setting. Solo tripping is okay for me but I never like the feeling of not being able to say, drive, if necessary. I try to clear out my schedule but sometimes I like to ride in a car or walk at the park and I can't do that without a sober driver.
ive had 2 bad trips on acid...and ive tripped solo twice.... you do the math. I think acid makes me realize my social anxiety or something.
What was so bad about those 2 trips? I wanna take some acid when I'm jus chillln alone one day...
its definitely just my personality...not the acid. Acid is probly my favorite drug, when I trip with some friends it's the greatest thing ever!
Solo trippn DMT within the next hour r so..really hopin for a breakthrough this time!

EDIT: Can't remember much after I closed my eyes, which was about 1 minute or less after I cleared the bong =|. I remember everything after opening my eyes though, besides the slipping memory of what had just happened.
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Solo tripping is great!
One of my favorite things about LSD is that I can take it during the day, spend time with friends and explore, and still be able to come home at night and have an introspective trip.
Tripping alone after such days has proven to be a VERY nice way to come down.
I never have a trip sitter. I love to do doses of everything above the highest reccommended on erowid
Its my opinion that DMT is much better alone than with other people.

Its a journey into one's own self, and that sort of experience is one that is easily affected by other people being there. Other people ground you to this reality, as do clothes, and uncomfortable places.

Alone, naked, comfortable in your bed or laying on blankets in a secluded spot of beautiful nature wearing as little clothes as you feel comfortable with.

Music playing softly. Shpongle is a favourite.

Think about/Tell the DMT what it is you wish to gain from using it. Making your intentions and desires clear and direct helps you point it in a direction.

Surrender yourself to the experience.... Allow yourself to fall into the void without any hesitation. Embrace the warmth and positive energy it radiates on such an unimaginable magnitude.
just eat a dalai lama blotter, lets see how this goes :) any suggestions for websites worth taking a look?
I love tripping by myself, I would say that between 75-90% of my trips have been by myself, often out in the bush far far away from civilisation, but also just in my house (or, particularly on acid, in the shower). I think that wandering around by yourself in a place of undeniable natural beauty is all the companionship you need- if my mind starts to spin in a negative way I just need to look around and see that the bush has survived millenia, survived multiple colonisations, I can survive the next 6 hours. I suppose it would be like a devout christian tripping in a church, what can scare you when you know you're standing within Gods house.

I don't like to go out into the bush when I trip on dissociatives, Dr Marcia Moore's unfortunate death puts dissociated aimless bush-wandering in the same category as taking ketamine in the bath for me. But this isn't a great loss, I don't know if I'd enjoy walking around for 6 hours on methoxetamine anyway. Maybe I should try bush-tripping with some 4-meo-pcp, I'm perfectly limber on that. But I digress, I enjoy watching the news when I'm alone on dissociatives. It sounds kinda weird and lame, as well as being a rescipe for a bad trip, but really it's fucking awesome! I mean, sometimes you can't understand anything they're saying and you just get to watch these distorted figures speaking in tounges at you, but sometimes I've found myself being 'sucked into' the news stories. Recently I was watching BBC coverage of the Libyan Revolution and I then found myself thinking how eternal the sky looked in the desert, how the sky the sand seem to meet and strech into infinity, because I was standing on the road to Misrata. Long story short, I lived a brief life as a Libyan teenager who stole a rifle from his uncle and went to fight Ghaddafi before being shot in the head by an African mercenary just on the outskirts of Misrata.

I actually find that television is best used as a trip toy- have you ever watched infomercials while tripping on 8 DOC-sold-as-acid? I learnt so much, maybe too much, about the culture that I am a part of.
I would love to fully trip by myself. The moments where I get away from my tripping partners, or we all share a silence, are always amazingly profound experiences. The only time I have done anything by myself has been 40x salvia, which was wonderful. I had amazing CEVs and OEVs. I also think you tend to learn a lot more about yourself when you're alone.
Like most people I started out tripping with friends but nowadays I find solo tripping so much easier. I'm in complete control of everything and there's no way anyone else can negatively affect my trip. If I need to get into bed, vomit, turn off the music, say random words out loud, try to swim around in my visuals like an idiot I can.
^This is why I love just tripping with really close friends in a safe space. I can do all of that and none of them will judge me! In fact, they're likely to join me.
Only Like Tripping Alone

I don't Know why this is, but when I trip with others ( even people I know a great bit ) It takes away from the trip. It's like I am socially withdrawn and can't communicate what I am feeling. I would much rather sit alone or go for a walk by myself down the rabbit hole than have to feel like people are "frustrated" with me for being so impaired.

Is there really any serious dangers to tripping solo? I know all about having a crisis or two if you go really deep but I don't see how someone else there could help ease a bad trip.

Also It might just be shrooms that does this but social anxiety goes ( boom ) through the roof on even low doses and everything feels awkward with people. Don't know what might be causing these feels.

Input! :D