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The Big & Dandy Solo Trip Thread

Most people in this world are just looking for a buzz when taking a drug, even mushrooms! If you are around these types of people they will only distract you if your intentions are different to theirs. While they are looking at all te pretty colours and patterns, you are looking to answer some deep questions and gain insight. You must do this alone or with others who understand.

Regarding dangers to tripping alone it's just a case of starting low and building up to higher doses to see how you handle it. Most people on a proper full dose of mushrooms or cactus or ayuhasca will just curl up on the floor. Perfectly safe.

Social anxiety on a substance that enhances your perceptions is always going to happen in a world full of jittery people who have mixed emotions, often hostile and awkward. I suggest to just stretch it out, Yoga and Pranayama. Helps me a lot when I'm coming up hard on anyting, allows the energy to flow better and focuses my mind away from negative feelings.
Daily meditation can change your entire perspective on things, highly suggest this to help you progress further.
Awesome Input! Yeah I am a high doser and have never had a big issue parse because I really am one of those curl up on the ground kind of people and like to explore deep into my psyche. When I am around others I get annoyed ( not at them but at me ) because I cant think the way they do any think something is wrong with me.
I like deep introspective convos with people but also for them to be experienced and understanding that if I want to rub my face on carpet for 3 hours there is nothing weird about that. haha

If you want to run around and be high functioning then do speed not psys :p lol
I don't know how deep and consolidated is your relationship with these people, with compounds like Mushrooms i would trip only with real good friends or my gf and not with people i know even from long time but i don't have that complicity and great feeling, with those, if i have to try, i would choose substances less spirtitual like 2Cx or 4-ho-met for example.
This is because i wouldn't feel free and comfortable to share some deep emotions or thoughts with people i don't trust completely, that i'm sure they wouldn't judge me and would undestand me in the most absurd situations, there must be a certain esteem for these people.
And i'm my opinion is not that easy to have relations like these, i have few friends i like to trip with with any susbtance and for now my best tripping partner is my girlfriend.
I'm sure it also depends much on the character, this is true for people like me that are sensible, introvert and introspective.
I've tripped much solo in the past but now i definitely prefer tripping with my gf, maybe the trip could be less insightful and useful and more ludic but still more enjoyable and less risky for me.
For example i won't be able to take most psychedelics in a public place like many people that i know do without problems, i would fall certainly in a bad trip and it already happened, i really can't undestand how someone can take a good dose of LSD and go dance in a disco or rave party, thats unbelievable for me.
Anyway I do not know what to advise you in this regard if not cultivate good friendships and create a deep intimacy with these people.

From my experience there are far bigger risks in tripping solo because when you are really high you can be extremely confused ending up doing foolish and dangerous things.
Furthermore if you are having bad times with the aid of good and intelligent trip sitter ,that knows you very well, situation could get better quickly, he may be able to reassure and distract you to the point you could enjoy again the trip.
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When I go into IV DMT, I like for someone to watch over me to make sure I get the needle out. There's barely enough time.
When I go into IV DMT, I like for someone to watch over me to make sure I get the needle out. There's barely enough time.

Had and Issue like that arise with some very good china white ( BAM ) there it went XD not pretty to wake up too.

Azzo I really couldn't agree more I honestly wish some days we all were tripping just so I felt comfortable there is a pseudo-Psychology paper on alienation with those who have not had high level spiritual experiences and I think I fall into the category of it hard for me to voice my thoughts in a linear manner for someone who hasn't visited to understand.
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I'm not sure if i'm doing the right thing but i always try to open people mind about psychedelics, i often speak of these topics with guys i don't even know well that never tried real psycehdelics, if not MDMA and such, ending up giving them free doses of chems i have to try them, obviously after having explained how they work and the risks.
In few cases taken by the enthusiasm, and mostly caused by that damned beer, i ended up tripping with them to found out very clearly while in the trip that i wasn't even remotely compatible with these guys; and probably i already knew but i was beliving is some sort of miracle channeled through the entheogen that would have transformed them into profound and interesting people.
Instead ,as would be expected and logical, i was the one who ended up having a bad trip while them were having fun with their foolish speeches and 'crazy fairy lights'
After some experiences so shitty now i think twice before taking these crappy decisions =D
Oh how I know what you mean LOL! I remember tripping with my "friend" and I am on one big time and he is one of those lets play tricks on people trippers. He just kept picking on every little thing I did Finnaly I said you know what makes trips so much fun smoking Salvia He said whats that and I said you will see :D Loaded a nice bowl of 30x said here try it....... That shut him up. Not something I am proud of at all haha
ahah that was really a bastard thing =D
Well i did nearly the same with one 'friend' mixing 2C-P in his tea when he didn't know 8)
But as always it ended up with him enjoying the time more than me :D
At least for once, however, he complained all the day about something real...the stomach ache :-D
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Is there really any serious dangers to tripping solo? I know all about having a crisis or two if you go really deep but I don't see how someone else there could help ease a bad trip.

Nothing's wrong with tripping solo, like 95% of my trips are, heck if we're just talking group tripping and not just socializing while tripping, I've only done that once.
I also only trip solo but then again i'm a very solitary independent person in normal waking reality.
I also only trip solo but then again i'm a very solitary independent person in normal waking reality.

Honestly me too not because I like being that way but more like that is just how it turns out. I feel a lot more comfortable being silly by myself then with those JUDGEMENTAL EYES lolz
I'm the same way. I always prefer to trip alone. Rather, I should say that I always regret tripping with others. It always bring me fear that they will not be able to handle it so then I spend most of my trip worrying about them. Doesn't help that all my friends kind of use me as their "spirit guide" for psychedelics because I'm much more experienced than they. So the pressure is on me to spot any warning signs before they become an issue. Feels like babysitting and detracts from my personal experiences. I've since made it a pact that if my friends wish to trip, I will sober-sit them, and vice-versa.

-edit- And by "sober-sit" i, of course, mean alcohol or ketamine are permitted.
Wen I trip with others I always feel like they look to me like some kind of wizard. Since I always knew where the mushies and RCs were at when I lived in Texas (I was born and raised there so I knew where everything was), everyone just expected me to know everything and guide them. And most casual trippers (that don't read up) still don't know as much as I do, so I still get treated the same having left my home state.

I don't like that role though, because I am experimenting myself. So I just have to make sure no one (who I am responsible for) takes higher doses than I ever have, and exchange ideas while they are tripping (even though that leads to them thinking I shone some light on them (even though THEY are half of the conversation, so I am learning as well), and that leads expecting me to be their spirit guide or something, I don't know what they think.).

But tripping alone (or once everyone else tripping is asleep or leaves) allows me to watch TV, or watch weed dry out from being in Orange peels (amazing to watch while tripping), or watch fire burn (equally amazing). Which I would really rather do alone, than to do and share with other people and then them expect something of me. I'd rather share it with them when they are in a less bizarre state. But in the less bizarre state, no one really cares except for females and people who are confused about religion or broke as shit or black (Black people (in Texas at least) love to talk about "higher education" stuff, especially when they are drunk) :D .
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Tripping alone on mushrooms for the second time was one of the most beneficial things I've done for my life. At the end of the trip I was contacting lots of people who I had problems with in the past, and helped my relationship with my parents as well. It's almost a shame though, because sometimes when i am offered psychedelics, I have to refuse them simply because I am with the very company offering! haha, that sounds mean, but nothing like that, just aware of myself.

My times tripping around others are always fun, and I've certainly had powerful, emotional experiences around others, but the reduced verbal stimuli adds for a more spiritual element to the trip. On many psychedelics, there will be a point near the peak that I go off on my own anyways. Post-peak on shrooms i am always down for a party though :D

I still have not meditated on any psychedelics, something that is more difficult than it sounds...
I've probably said it before but I think whether tripping alone is mostly a challenge or mostly a relief and a source of elation and freedom depends on where you are on the introvert vs. extravert scale. I have always been able to entertain myself without a problem when alone and being with other people is not always easy for me, with trusted and loved ones it is not a problem but I can easily get overwhelmed and confused most of all by complex social dynamics in groups. I got a nice label to go with that :p

Anyway apparently some people can despair when they are left alone it seems because they are more unsure of what to do with themselves. It is not pleasant to be at either end of that scale, I'm sure - so there is no right here though balance is probably healthy.
In any case tripping makes things inside you amplified, sensitive, alive and bubbling to the surface. You quickly show a lot of sides of yourself and juggle with them or have them fall apart in orchestrated harmony so that you yourself are lost and the not-self prevails somehow. This process, this journey must be different depending on how those sides of your(-)self relate to the world and to other people and where you derive your self image. And I am convinced it determines what tripping solo means for you.

But regarding that balance, I guess there is something to say about it being wonderful if you are able to sustain a good psychedelic experience both alone and with other people. That is probably a sign that you are not too hung up either way.
And that said YaDang I agree that tripping alone can be a very important experience that is unique in a way that is directly related to that being alone. If anything I think tripping with someone else comes second to that: think about it... how can you expect others to know who you are / understand you / experience you and love you if you don't have such connections with yourself? But then again sharing tripping experiences with someone close to you that really go to the edge and beyond, that kind of reflection brings it yet to another level and I don't see how spiritual non-self realisation and self-actualisation (via integration) are complete without it.
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Sometimes it can be useful to have a grounded mind to bounce ideas off...it turns out many times I think I have unique insights...I'm really just high on drugs...sometimes one needs to hear reason to get any kind of meaning out of PDs which can be applied to real life...also...it can be useful to have a sober genius on hand to make coffee and pack bowls, and tell me not to go for walk alone in my pjs/flipflops
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First time LSD solo tripping

I could use some advice from more expirienced trippers around here (see that no one has been posting in a while, but I hope someone will show up ?).
So, I'm planning on tripping alone on LSD next weekend (actually, not completely alone, my dog will be with me ?). Reason I wan't to do this by myself is because I wan't to gain some more insight and resolve some inner conflicts I'm having. Also, I'm totally an introvert, and I can get socially anxious around other people. I did have bad tripps (really bad, like tottaly paranoid) but on speed and weed combo, and it was always after three days of non-sleeping, and always around other people, never when I was alone. This would be my second time using LSD, the first time was with my boyfriend, I did one blotter, and when it kicked in I did get extremely fearfull and anxious, but I escaped into solitude and managed to get over it pretty quickly, and the rest of the trip was amazing. I'm definitely sure I want to do this by myself, but I do have some second thoughts because of my bad speed expiriences. I have three blotters, friend who tried it took one, and he says it was pretty intense, but he had no visuals and stuff, said only the colours were more vibrant. He is not expirienced tripper also, and he did it in a completely different setting, on a rave. I, like I said, am looking for a genuine spiritual expirience. Any thoughts?
The speed and weed and sleep deprivation reaction does not seem relevant. With that combo pretty much anyone could go completely paranoid and anxious!!

Think I wrote in this thread before about what I think of solo tripping being different for introverts vs extraverts. Tripping with other people can be extra awesome and valuable but it can also be difficult or a burden. Just like being with other people general, in sober, can be.. and that also varies depending how social you are. Or if you can handle being confronted with yourself... for some people being around others is a reassurance, like they know they exist, they know who they are, or even derive their self-value from their persona.

Anyway I appreciate that you want a spiritual trip but I would start with one blotter. At a rave things can get relatively more intense because it's a more intense setting, generally you want to take a low-moderate dose at a festival or rave unless you like losing the plot.
If you don't really know potency, it's hard to say how much to take anyway... but here is the point: it is wise to learn how to 'work' with LSD at a doable dose first, then if you got a feel for that you can try a higher dose at a later time. I get that you tripped before, but not in a solo setting.

Take it one step at a time, there is always another opportunity later. Even if you run out of acid before you get to a seriously spiritual trip level. Eventually you'll find more psychedelics.

Diving in the deep end tends to be a challenge and a risk. Just realize very will if you are willing to accept possible consequences of a very rough experience.

Going more gradually towards the deep end still poses hurdles but you maximize your ability to learn to deal with the type of experience. And thereby your chance of 'success'.

Nothing wrong with low-moderate doses if you devote time for yourself, meditate, lie down and get carried away by music... Some diy sensory deprivation could help.. etc.
The art is not to take a shitload of drugs and go hard, but to get a lot of mileage from a little bit.
Ego and terminology issues

Dear Admins,

Please could you post the following post in the following subsection? Psychedelic Drugs - The Big & Dandy Solo Trip Thread? I would greatly appreciate this, if it's possible. I'm sure you can understand the subject matter is quite personal and private, and not something I would want every member knowing about me, should any of the members I know happen to stumble across the post. If the post would have to stay in the anonymous posting subsection I do not believe that it would be seen by anyone who could properly understand and answer the question, or indeed even have a clue as to what I'm trying to say and ask.

"I would find it very helpful if someone could clarify exactly what they meant when they refered to the ego in the context of this thread and discussion, and used terms like "letting go of the ego" and "ego loss".

In more everyday usage of the term, in my understanding at least, the term refers to a persons self image, and is often used disparangingly, for example; as in 'that person is such an egotist, he has far too high an opinion of himself and of his own importance'.

In a more purely psychological / scientific /academic context the term can refer to a persons sense of self.

In terms of this thread what is the meaning? This is of great interest to me as i think i may have issues perhaps caused by an unstable ego. For example irl i occasionally have ego-related issues; sometimes (especially when certain substances have been consumed) and if something positive happens, like a female looks at me in a way that i interpret as her thinking something like 'that guy is really good looking' instead of doing the logical thing and perhaps trying to engage the girl in conversation if the opportunity arises, and taking things from there, i will sometimes have something of an ego-explosion instead, and become quite horribly conceited for a while, until i either self-correct or someone else corrects me by muttering 'big headed wanker!' in passing, or something like that. My ego then levels out again.

Other times I'm the opposite and will be quite down on myself and have an uneccesarily and innaccurately low opinion of myself. These are the 2 polar extremes, most of the time im somewhere inbetween, reasonably well adjsuted with a reasonably appropriate self-opinion.

Regarding psyches and the ego, I have consumed MXE on a few occasions, and became horrifically ego-centric on one occasion in particular, feeling like the whole universe was revloving around me and my thoughts and actions. I gather this is a recognised effect of MXE upon the mind. At least one other member gave me that impression by admitting to similar feelings when on MXE. I last took LSD and liberty caps many years ago but am planning on taking some 1P-LSD pretty soon, partially to have a kind of mental 'spring clean.' In this context what is ego loss, or letting go of the ego? Could someone describe the process and what it feels like? And how to achieve it, if it doesn't happen automatically? Ive always tripped alone on MXE, but this will be my first time tripping alone on 1P-LSD. I feel it could be extremeley beneficial for me to loose my ego for a while, rather than feel like some kind of God in my own tea-break.

I did try to talk about my ego issues to my drugs counselor at the time on one occasion, telling her about my occasional problems with over inflated ego. I got the clear feedback that she not only agreed, but went further in adding that i sometimes appeared to have delusions of grandiosity as well. Of course i keep all this under wraps as much as possible so that it doesnt have much direct impact on my life. But the intense introspection of a solo LSD trip may help me to understand my ego issues much better, maybe even totally resolve them. But first i would need to know what ego loss, and what letting go of the ego truly means in concrete non abstract terms, what kind of thoughts would i need to be having to cast any light on this?

If anyone feels this is too much to be trying to fix myself, by myself, and would be better leaving well alone please say. Perhaps i could just make a note of any fresh insights or ideas that come to me during the trip, 'park the thoughts' on a notepad for the remainder of the trip, and take them to my next counseling session, and have a professional work through the issues with me, rather than dwelling on them for too long all by myself, when I simply just may not be equipped to find all the answers within myself, without any external guidance or direction."

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.