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☮ Social ☮ The Big & Dandy Movies for Tripping Thread

Took a little 2ci and watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. Thanks for the suggestion, hot as fuck daughter and many cool scenes!
I don't want to derail...but I'm in search of a particular movie.

It came up in a similar thread (which I can never find) and was mentioned with movies like holy mountain, baraka, and koyanisqatsi. A lot of people said it was perfect to watch on Ketamine because there were a lot of trap doors, and gravity changing hole type stuff. Someone posted a screenshot and it was a man who looked sort of like a goat with a lot of blood on him. Anyway, I've been dying to watch it on ket but can't figure out what it is.

Anyway, my suggestions for LSD would be something bright and colorful. Planet Earth on blu-ray after a long trip is incredible. I also really like kid's movies(3d animated ones), they have nice lessons and are really pretty. I would save the movies for coming down though, peaking you can lose interest a lot.

Perhaps the movie you are looking for is Pan's Labyrinth?
the imaginarium of dr. parnassus was incredible on DOI, i bet LSD would work even better for it.

waking life, of course.

pink floyd live in pompeii

i like fight club when i'm tripping. don't watch it for your first time whilst tripping.

the fountain... conceptually and visually amazing.

the fifth element isn't too conceptually deep or meaningful, but the bizarreness of the world it occurs in goes well with tripping IMO.
I have been telling people about how they have to watch this movie "microcosmos" all my friends are like ... "ahhh !!!! the bug movie!!!!!" when we talk about it lol.

Its just like this video of highdef footage of various bugs and lizards and birds and shit just doing the shit they normally do in their normal habitat, normal day to day things, such as catterpillers having an orgy, or slugs making out with eachother, or all sorts of tripped out weirdness, and its so unbelieveably cool to watch when your tripping.....

Anyways, I was just searching for cool trippy movies and found some website that had a top 10 list, and microcosmos was on the list!!!! I felt a sense of acomplishment, like "hah, finally someone else has figured out that i have had it figured out all along" lol
Never tried watching a film while tripping, however I think Enter the Void shall be the breaking of this, looks very interesting.

Oh and of course I can imagine that Baraka would be a film that would work while tripping.


The Fountain is another candidate, with many psychedelic undertones, however when i watched it high as opposed to sober I had absolutely no connection to it and I'd hate for psychedelics to do the same.
Eh I hate watching movies tripping...but some that I did enjoy:

Ghost in the Shell (both of them)
The Matrix

and the show Home Movies on adult swim
Eh I hate watching movies tripping...but some that I did enjoy:

Ghost in the Shell (both of them)
The Matrix

and the show Home Movies on adult swim

I've watched the whole Matrix Trilogy on 2C-T-7 and it was awesome :D
the thing about watching films while tripping is;

You put the film on at your "homebase" for your trip, and chill while you cut the acid up and while you take the acid, and roll a blunt or joint or whatever, taking your time, after watching like 30 minutes of the movie (30 minutes after you took the acid) you go outside and smoke that joint or blount, , then you come back inside, roll another joint and by the time your done rolling that you should be fucking set on your way to a fantastic trip, with a joint allready rolled incase things get hairy....

I got kinda caried away, the point is that you dont watch the whole movie all at once, except sometimes in the afterglow its nice to watch some meaningful movies like maybe the last 2 hours of the trip + the afterglow
Donnie Darko and Ghost in the Shell are up there... Paprika too. Paprika would be awesome on LSD or any other powerful psych... if I had some 5-MeO-AMT I would totally pop some and put in GITS. Anime of any kind rocks on psychs. Watching DBZ on a 2nd plateau DXM trip actually made it quite interesting lol.

The Matrix will fuck with your head... it fucks with mine sober... Fight Club was, ironically, a great movie to watch on hallucinogens too. I watched it on 2C-E and 5-MeO-AMT. Talk about a total mind fuck.
Fantasia 2000, hell of a movie to face sober I cant imainge it on a trip great music overall outrageous I ordered a copy just for next month when I do 5-meo-dalt again I will watch it.
Perhaps the movie you are looking for is Pan's Labyrinth?

Thanks for trying, but after much research it turned out to be Cremaster Cycle or something to that effect. Will be downloading it and kettin' out to it eventually.
Fantasia 2000, hell of a movie to face sober I cant imainge it on a trip great music overall outrageous I ordered a copy just for next month when I do 5-meo-dalt again I will watch it.

Naaa the original Fantasia is where it's at...true synaesthesia!
Thanks for trying, but after much research it turned out to be Cremaster Cycle or something to that effect. Will be downloading it and kettin' out to it eventually.

You have got to be joking. Obviously you are, right?

Oh, you mean "K-etting" to a film...I thought this thread was about films good on PSYCHEDELICS!

While possibly very slightly intellectually interesting, this sounds like the most effete brain-wanking art-gallery crap I have ever heard of, and it does not appear to be the slightest bit "psychedelic", let alone, not available (except part of film 3, according to Wikipedia.)

"Its conceptual departure point is the male cremaster muscle, the primary function of which is to raise and lower the testes in response to temperature."

Oh dear. Sounds like some angry smart-alec self-declared "artiste"'s big FU to the taxpayers who funded his "project" if you ask me.

You'll do FAR better to follow just about any suggestion above... prepare to be terribly disappointed about the potential of psychedelic film watching.

Perhaps I am wrong, and I will have to download some of this and see what it looks like. But Id suggest something by REAL artists like Reggio/Glass (Koyaanisquatsi, Barakka, etc. if you want something arty, or other story-related films suggested above.

I mean this may have been in museums, but it sounds like just a really overblown ego-trip to me... I hate that kind of "art."

"Everyone come look at my ***EPIC*** film/multimedia very important ART project and tell me what a genius I am!"

I mean, anyone who starts out telling US he is going to make an "epic" film series, is an a-hole... the public or history will decide what is "epic"... you dont just declare you are making one.


I thought this was an obvious joke, but apparently it is real... here are a couple pictures from this self-described "Masterpiece." This shit is why the public does not want its taxes supporting anything artistic... THIS excrement is what gives it such a bad name... I think I am going to be sick to my stomach... OMG this is REAL!




The Cremaster Cycle is an epic art project consisting of five feature length films, together with related sculptures, photographs, drawings, and artist's books; it is the best-known work of American visual artist and filmmaker Matthew Barney.

The Cremaster Cycle was made over a period of eight years (1994–2002) and culminated in a major museum exhibition organized by Nancy Spector of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City, which traveled to the Museum Ludwig in Cologne and the Musée d'art Moderne in Paris from 2002-03. Barney's longtime collaborator Jonathan Bepler composed and arranged the soundtracks for the films.[1]

Barney has described the Cremaster cycle (1994–2002) as "a self-enclosed aesthetic system consisting of five films that explore processes of creation."[citation needed] The cycle includes the films as well as photographs, drawings, sculptures, and installations the artist produced in conjunction with each episode. Its conceptual departure point is the male cremaster muscle, the primary function of which is to raise and lower the testes in response to temperature.

The project is filled with anatomical allusions to the position of the reproductive organs during the embryonic process of sexual differentiation: Cremaster 1 represents the most "ascended" or undifferentiated state, Cremaster 5 the most "descended" or differentiated.

The cycle repeatedly returns to those moments during early sexual development in which the outcome of the process is still unknown — in Barney's metaphoric universe, these moments represent a condition of pure potentiality. As the cycle evolved over eight years, Barney looked beyond biology as a way to explore the creation of form, employing narrative models from other realms, such as biography, mythology, and geology.

The films were not made in numerical order (1–5), but rather in the order 4, 1, 5, 2, 3 – precisely, 4 in 1994, 1 in 1995, 5 in 1997, 2 in 1999, 3 in 2002. The numerical order is the thematic order, while in order of production the films increase in production quality and ambition, and they can alternatively be viewed in any order, as different views of a set of themes and preoccupations.
The films are significantly different in length; the longest (and last-made) in #3, at over 3 hours, while the remaining four are approximately 1 hour each, for a total of approximately 7 hours – #3 itself is almost half the total length. There is precious little dialog in any of the films; only #2 features significant dialog.[2]
An important precursor of the Cremaster Cycle is Drawing Restraint, which is also a biologically inspired multi-episode work in multiple media, also featuring the field emblem.


As of 2010, the films are not available on mass-market DVDs. The films are primarily available via periodic screenings,[3][4] and in bootleg versions, as on peer-to-peer networks.[3]

Palm Pictures, the distributor, has not made the series available on DVD, though there were some rumors and announcements to this effect in 2003.[5][6] So far, only an excerpt, "The Order" (from episode 3) has been released on mass-market DVD.

The full series was released in a limited series of 20 sets of DVDs, sold each for at least $100,000, in custom packaging – as fine art, rather than mass-market movies.[7] In 2007 one disc (Cremaster 2) sold for $571,000.
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1. ODDSAC by Animal Collective and Danny Perez
Thanks for reminding me of this! I've got it now and plan to watch it tonight.

Imaginarium is all over the place narratively but some of the scenes are orchestrated so sublimely that it makes up for it. I love Dead Man. It's pretty cryptic, so it's an acquired taste, but the last time I watched it tripping I felt like I understood every word of subtext, and there's Bible worth of it in this spiritual epic.
Sorry for being such a judgmental jerk about something I haven't seen, above. I mean, I love alot of the Surrealists classic work, and in its time all the more "proper" elements of society ridiculed it exactly as I am doing to Cremaster. So if you do download and watch part or all of it, do let us know how it is.

Hopefully it's not as silly as it appears and actually has something deeply important to say about the process of creation. Whatever that is. How it relates to the raising and lowering of testicles is I guess just over my head at this point... ahem.