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☮ Social ☮ The Big & Dandy Movies for Tripping Thread

Oh yeah, totally agree with the film "Legend" being perfectly suited to watch tripping, almost as though it was designed for that! Totally epic!
Jodorowsky is amazing trip viewing, though I prefer El Topo to Holy Mountain, tbh.

I've also lost count of the number of times I've seen Baraka tripping. Watching that film on shrooms is practically a ritual for me, and an experience I highly recommend to everyone.
Oh yeah, I totally agree, there's just something about the atmospheres and attitudes... some of the ideas Joker was expressing even started making sense! When he goes to visit TwoFace just after the explosion, in his hospital room, on why he is sowing chaos, his diatribe about all the supposedly good people with very bad PLANS, how they are really just obsessed with everything going according to PLAN even if the plan has HORRIFY consequences... about how all it takes is one little thing going OFF PLAN and everyone PANICS! Just too profound and SCALP TINGLING **IDEAS**

This scene and the Heath Ledger joker always made me think of RAW and the discordians vs the illuminati. fnord
Pink Floyd The Wall, of course.
Then Basketball Diaries. I felt like I was shootin the heroin as they were in the movie lol.
And don't laugh, but my last trip I really enjoyed the last Harry Potter lol ;)
I find tripping raises the intensity level of pretty much any movie but I especially like movies with beautiful visuals when tripping. Stuff like Baraka and Winged Migration is incredible, of course. I also have a lot of fun watching kids classics like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! Donnie Darko was great too.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the first time while on mushrooms - the first half of the movie was awesome! Then the second half scared me shitless for some reason haha
Movies to Watch

Here are a few movies I recommend watching in your adventurous times ^_^

Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton)
Fear & Loathing LV
Dazed & Confused
Human Traffic
Tron (mainly for the music <3 Daft Punk)
Pineapple Express (classic movie)

Any of these are good, and there are more. Share what movies you recommend and those you don't. Oh and speaking of movies I don't approve of while using is The Beach with Leonardo Dicaprio, freaked me and my buddy out watching it. We were on molly and was the first time both of us had seen it, but if you are brave you can watch it.
I watched Enter The Void the second time I did MXE and it was such a cool experience. I had no idea what the hell was going on but I had a blast just staring at the screen.
Was going through a really intense mushroom trip one time and zombieland with woody harrelson in it helped me out alot brought me back to the point where i could speak and talk about the very intense "ego death" experience i just had went through. the comedy seemed very funny to me which usually isnt that funny since iv seen the movie so amny times. the visual effects in the movie just added to the visuals i was already seeing on the screen was really cool, some stuff in the movie would trip me out to, i would just laugh really really hard ha.

fear and loathing of course.

i also like the big lebowski tripping(john goodman cracks me up along with donnie) i also enjoy the the men who stare at goats or even burn after reading, o brother where art thou is pretty funny to, no country for old men even. i really enjoy cohen brother films, when i want to watch something kinda different ill watch ancient aliens or even drug ducumentries if im not to busy running around my place exploring like a child lol

take it easy everyone
^You really wanna watch Grave of the Fireflies whilst tripping?

Also this thread is redundant, this shall be merged with the appropriate thread when I am sober or some staff other than myself is so inclined.

(PS. to the OP...fuck tim burton in underland, that was a horrendoust movie. I add all rotoscoped movies from Richard Linklater or Ralph Bakshi to the list)
I would recommend, "Steppenwolf", which is based on the Herman Hess novel of the same name. It stars Max von Sidow and was made in 1974. This is a good film to watch on a lowish dose of a psych.

Synopsis from ImDb:

"In the bourgeois circles of Europe after the Great War,can anything save the modern man? Harry Haller,a solitary intellectual,has all his life feared his dual nature of being human and being a beast. He's decided to die on his 50th birthday,which is soon. He's rescued from his solipsism by the mysterious Hermine,who takes him dancing, introduces him to jazz and to the beautiful and whimsical Maria,and guides him into the hallucinations of the Magic Theater,which seem to take him into Hell. Can humor, sin,and derision lead to salvation?"