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The Big & Dandy 'How have Psychedelics changed You' Thread

First acid trip...

Up until that point in my life i had been depressed, after i started smoking weed the depression subsided a bit, it came from just being bored and jaded with how monotonous life seemed to be.... I saw my life for all the negativity and none of the good things that i should have been happy for. Had i never smoked weed or dropped acid, i probably would have shot myself.

At the point where i did drop acid i was not depressed, but rather content with life, enough to feel safe taking acid without it making me freak out....

The night i did it, i was filled with such a powerful and pure happiness that it goes beyond all words to describe, any synonym for happy is just an insufficent adjective..... The happiness i felt went beyond all sanity and reason. I laughed because it felt good to laugh, and laughed at myself for laughing at laughing.... It was like one giant awesome cycle of joy....

During that trip i came to realize that i had so very much in my life to be happy for and how for the longest time i saw life for all of the darkness and for none of the light.

I stepped outside the next morning to a beautiful spring day, the sky was blue, the grass was green, and the birds were singing happily. The first thought that crossed my mind was "life is wonderful".....

That trip was one of the most purely beautiful experiences of my life, and was nothing but a good trip. But while beautiful, it shook me to the core.... For days i hardly said a word, i needed time to think, sort it all out, and integrate what had just happened.... It was difficult to put what i had gone through into words, but writting it all down seemed to help.

I wish i could find those pages.... but they seem to have dissapeared....
I can't think of a certain trip, but I think my DMT trips have really made me question society and the world. I think I am more laid back now that I have starting tripping, but I don't actually know if my personality has changed.

I always get so confused by the world when I'm tripping on DMT. It is a really strange feeling that I get about half of the time, but I love it.
I have had a ...

* top level mushroom trip (5g - all caps) that changed my life for the better.
* top level salvia trip (full bowl of 15x - all in one hit) that changed my perception of life for the better.
* top level MDA trip (IV ~100mg) that changed my life for the better.
* 2nd or 3rd level 2c-E trip (IM 5mg) that changed my perception of life for the better.
* top level Ketamine trip (IV ?mg - really intense K hole though), also changed my perception of life for the better.

The mushroom trip was a lot like most mushroom trips, however when I reached the peak things quickly became way too psychedelic (a lot more than I expected) and I was 100% dissociated. I ended up lying on a sofa, forgetting who my best friend was, while also having no idea who I was. I also was unable to speak, and had really perplexing OEV's which yielded me outside of my body. It was a rather spiritual, beautiful trip. The peak lasted for 4 hours, during which time stood still. It was a sense of experiencing infinity, and I had an overwhelming sense that my soul is immortal. Overall, I recommend everyone who has a stable mind try mushrooms. They are truly one of the most amazing psychedelics ever.

The salvia trip was rather interesting. I got some salvia, and smoked a mostly full bowl of it on top of some MJ. I finished the bowl while listening to a song. When I started tripping, I very carefully set my bong down on the ground (which, in reality, involved me dropping it around a foot from the ground). The music seemed to go on, but it seemed like time was being stretched. I had a really intense OEV in which I saw all of these people - and I for some reason found them familiar. I deducted they were my ancestors, and they were all in a grid formation, each within a cube. As the music kept going on, the cubes were being peeled away, one after another, down a line and another line until the cube was about to be completely peeled away. I saw each person in each cube breathe in and out as they were being peeled away, it was so realistic looking. I expected to be peeled away with them, and awaited it, but it never happened. When I came out of it, I noticed my bong was on the ground and had spilled a good bit of water. I then had a good understanding of how dissociating salvia is. Overall it helped change my view on life, I really enjoyed this experience.

The MDA trip was the best life changing experience for me. I IV'd around 100mg, and started coming up really quickly. There was instantly a bell ringer (like IV cocaine or IV ketamine) and I felt myself come up really quickly. I started vomiting profusely and my blood pressure and breathing and heart rate surged. Then, all I could see was visuals. I was flying down a vortex. I was being pulled somewhere. When I came out the other side, I was met by God. He introduced me to heaven and hell, and I saw the grand scheme of karma laid out before me. People truly got what they deserved in a "perfect" sense at the end of their life. At this time, I was exceedingly overjoyed with my life, and knew how I wanted to live for the rest of my life. I then saw something I'll attempt to describe but it's rather hard to visualize. There were a few dozen "screens" I was looking into - each was a year or two of my life. I in a sense, saw the totality of my life before my eyes. I saw where I came from and where I was going, and I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. It gave me a great sense of satisfaction that I knew what was to be for my life, and that I would do great things with my life. I had an overwhelming feeling that God is love, and that while you cannot bring material things from this world with you after you die, you can bring the love and friendships and family connections you have with you as love is forever. It was such a beautiful feeling to know I would be OK for the rest of my life and after that. I even know that this is as happy as I will ever be in life, and knowing this does not disturb me in the lightest. It goes without saying that IV MDA is very, very intense.

The 2c-E trip was nice and interesting. I split 5mg into two muscles, and waited a few minutes for the come up. Within 5 minutes or so, I was vomiting profusely, and felt as if I was vomiting up my soul. As I finished vomiting, I began having this really profound OEV trip, and everything was shaking. It was a lot like the intense visual distortions MDMA can give after a first-time user takes a high dose. I felt that the trip was rather manic after a while, and went with my girlfriend at the time (now engaged) to go get heroin. After using heroin, the trip was more calm. Definitely a rather intense experience, loaded with visuals.

Lastly, the K experience was wonderful. As I did it, I literally was like "No way!" The bellringer was phenomenal. I couldn't believe how high it got me. I remember trying to pay attention to what was going on, but it was really hard. I had to remind myself to take breaths, it was as if my body wanted to take a nice long break from having to breathe. I have had a lot of experience with K, so it's kind of a unique experience and hard to relate to outside of the classical effects people get with it. I guess you would've had to been there.
I've been depressed a lot through my teenage years...But as soon as I was introduced to LSD, all of that changed. It made me realize how beautiful life is and that I have something to live for. However, my perception of reality wasn't really permanently altered until recently when I tried ketamine! I am still stunned to this day. Very powerful experience.
I've been depressed a lot through my teenage years...But as soon as I was introduced to LSD, all of that changed. It made me realize how beautiful life is and that I have something to live for. However, my perception of reality wasn't really permanently altered until recently when I tried ketamine! I am still stunned to this day. Very powerful experience.

Some people will say no good things can come from drugs...

Speaking from personal experiences and the positive experiences of others, some drugs can help people. LSD is one of those drugs, i love talking to people after their first acid trip, many say it was one of the most beautiful things they have ever expeirenced and that it changed their life....

Psychedelic drugs can change your life, often for the better....

I have talked to few people who ever regret trying acid at least once... I know people who have done it once or twice but don't want to do it much more than that. They saw the power of it and knew it was not something to take all the time.
I personally believe that all trips should change one for the better in some way...Even when you experience a trip that isn't stereotypically "good" (happy, blissful, easy, etc..), I believe that you can still get something out of it. Just as in life, adverse experiences foster growth and build character. One time, I was tripping shrooms with my good friend on his back porch when his mom made an unexpected appearance...Suffice it to say, this seriously altered our plans and setting. We were forced to adapt to these unexpected circumstances and nonetheless I made the best of my trip. On the other hand, my first acid trip was probably the most awe inspiring experience of my life...It was pure truth/understanding and it felt like a much needed shower for my brain. Luckily I had a notebook and was able to record much of this seemingly divinely channeled wisdom. Simply put, this is why I love pshychs...So much potential for growth/understanding.
Well yeah, the first time I ever tripped on any psychedelic (which was actually DOC, not LSD) I freaked out hardcore! I had to get some people on IRC to help calm down my trip. But once it was over, I felt like it got some work done. But I don't know, maybe it was just the DOC. If I would have started with LSD, it may have been much different. Ever since I tried LSD, I didn't find DOC to be worth anything anymore.
I have been changed for the worse, Ive been a daily cannabis user for the past 5 years also I was doing MDMA, Pills or Mushrooms nearly every weekend for about half a year. Had the fair share of good/bad trips on shrooms but not anything like what I encounter now.
Ive done LSD 3 times now in the past 2 months my first time I took 2 hits and had an amazing experience, 2nd time I took 1 hit and had a relatively good experience, 3rd time I took 2 hits and had the most insane head fuck ever.
Since then every bad thought and paranoid thought have been plaguing me, it still feels like even when I am sober I feel myself coming out of the LSD waves all the time from the last time I took it, every day the thoughts come back and I have this great feeling of fear and depression come over me I have now since these thoughts and feelings quit everything including cannabis.
Have not had a spliff now for over 3 days and im still getting the negative thoughts coming over me at points.
What you lot reckon? Am I a schizophrenic? I mean some of these thoughts are utterly ridiculous but my mind takes them on so real it cant be defined. Things like... I think I do things that I dont know im doing or dont remember doing, I keep thinking that im shouting my thoughts out loud etc, I notice people starting at me and it makes me think about that first one ^^ that I may be doing things I dont know im doing and people are all looking at me, laughing at me etc..
All of my trips seem to change me in one way or another, but in terms of measurable effects:

1. A high-dose LSD experience. A few days later, I realized my chronic teeth grinding during sleep was simply gone. It's never come back, and my jaw thanks me. Dopamine related?

2. 20mg of 2C-E, at which point I realized that mephedrone is not a drug that a healthy mind is interested in. "Once a month" with mephedrone is not the same as "once a month" with MDMA - one provides long-term benefits to me and my partner, the other wastes my time, money, and leaves me in a worse mental state than before. I'll admit (and during the trip, realized I must admit as part of honest to oneself) that I had a bit of a habit - far less than many, perhaps 1-2g a week at the worst, but a destructive and pointless habit nonetheless. It's been 3-4 months and I can look at lines cut out on a table at friends houses and simply say "I don't like the stuff anymore, pass the bong instead". It's not that my willpower has been increased - it's that my desire for it is gone.
Anyone have any insight into mine^^ ? Also what is a breakthrough, ive heard people talk of it but dont really know what it is?
Anyone have any insight into mine^^ ? Also what is a breakthrough, ive heard people talk of it but dont really know what it is?

To me it sounds like anxiety - and for me, that results from trips where I feel like
"I can handle it" and end up removing myself from the effects of the drug instead of relaxing and actually experiencing it.

It's like the difference between when you first take E and you're talking a mile a minute and not realizing it, and the later trips where you lose the magic as you consciously observe yourself and think "hrm, I'm talking a mile a minute, must be an hour or two into it.. hrm... hour to go..." etc, etc. You know - that type of destructive crap.

My guess is that you took the third trip in a familiar place, got bored as fuck, and had nothing for your mind to chew on - so you just chewed yourself out.
Sounds about right mate the 3rd trip I was with 2 friends both on Lucy aswell as 1 sober friend.
The trip started off all good not really any visuals but felt pretty happy & euphoric, we smoked some ganja etc, and started talking shit, after a while it felt like when my mates were talking to me, everything they were saying was about me or against me. I started asking things like am I fucked in the head? and whatever they replied was not a straight answer and was just other things trying to trip me out and fuck my head up more, I was still not having any visuals throughout.
At one point I just stood up and said right im off home coz u lot are fuckin with my head, somehow my mate managed to twist it round and I was convinced to stay, another thing.. when I was sat there I would look round and the sober friend and other mate would be say playing the Xbox360 I would look back round and instantly they would be doing something else, the xbox would be off and they would be sat watching TV?? I think that is why I have these thoughts about could you do something then not know youve done them and not remember doing them like stupid shit sat in the corner spazzing out or something then pop! be sat there and not know if that just happened?
A breakthrough trip is something usually associated with DMT or Salvia.

Sub breakthrough you are still "here" there is still a sense of the world around you being the same world around you even if it is covered in fractals....

With a full blown breakthrough experience you are hurled into it, you lose touch with reality by the sheer power of the experience. Some will describe DMT as being shot out of a cannon....

I have never had a breakthrough dose of DMT, Salvia on the other hand i have experienced.

I have been hurled into a white abyss twice, the first time there was a giant red and white circus tent, the next had an infinitely streatching system of interconnected tringles made of candy canes and people. The next time i broke through i experienced my death and judgement in the form of a talk show before stepping into a camp fire barefoot and getting a few small 2nd degree burns....
I think that is why I have these thoughts about could you do something then not know youve done them and not remember doing them like stupid shit sat in the corner spazzing out or something then pop! be sat there and not know if that just happened?

It seems to me that the major conflict was trying to keep together the social behaviour a "night with mates" would imply on a powerful dose - playing xbox, shooting the shit, etc.

Sounds to me like you were just zoning out hard (when they're playing xbox and you're trying desperate to remember the appropriate social conventions in this situation) and then coming back a while later.

I personally would never take LSD in the manner you described - I like to be in a place where I can spend an hour balancing on a log, or sitting playing with my feet, or doing whatever the hell my brain wants to do without some fool running up to me with a devil mask on going "ooga booga booga!" thinking he's hilarious.

To me the point of these drugs is to give yourself a consequence free environment, and then explore this environment and yourself. Trying to do the exact same things you do sober in the hope that it'll make it more fun is a recipie for disaster.

Realize you're normal, what happened is normal and would happen to other people, and it's just the result of a shitty situation rather than something wrong with you.
All my trips have changed me. I would consider a "bad trip" one that would not do that.
100 mg IV ketamine trip, shifted my perception on certain aspects of my life
My first acid trip made me appreciate life and everyone around me way more.
All of my dxm trips made me realize how everything and everyone is connected everywhere.