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The Big & Dandy 'How have Psychedelics changed You' Thread

i'd have to agree that the majority of my trips changed my life in one way or another. the more recent trips (3 yrs ago to present day) have been more profound and i think it's because i'm better able to understand what it is i'm seeing, feeling, thinking, etc; i think it also has a lot to do with letting go and being extremely open minded.
Pretty much every trip has changed me in some way or another, but my first time on acid was the one that had the most profound effect on me. Actually, a lot of my early trips were more life-changing than the ones I have now, probably because the experience itself was still so novel to me at the time. Plus in retrospect I feel like I was chasing after a ++++ each time I tripped, so it would have been only a matter of time before I had another, the way things were going.
I'd say a fair few have changed my life in the sense that i understand how the human minds thought process works down too a pin prick, and how to direct that energy to get the most out of life. :)

Ever since i first tripped on acid, i was always chasing something deeper.. like i would think 'Well if 1 hit can show me all these possibilities, what can more show me?' And since then i've always been pushing myself deeper down the rabbit hole (not necessarily by upping the dose, but by letting my mind go completely and embracing the drug). It took me about a dozen or so trips too get to a point within my mind where i had a strong understanding of what was going on with my thoughts, and how to use it too my advantage. I've had a couple of times where i've actually been able to turn the effects of the trip 'off' mid-peak by thinking about something, and then changing my thought pattern again to turn it back 'on'.

I've taken this knowledge of understanding too my sober life, and i can say it's helped me see and feel things in a different way then people around me, and its awesome because i understand so much of whats going on lol.

<3 Psychedelics :)
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The vast majority of my 406 psychedelic trips completely changed my life.

you have counted all of them?

i lost track somewhere along the way....

I would say my first acid trip was the most life changing, i learned that i need little more in this life to be happy than to simply being alive, and to appreciate and take happiness from the little things in life.

My last salvia trip did not change me, but it reaffirmed my belief in not fearing death... That night i died mentally and almost psychically after stepping into a fire but that is beside the point... Ever been tripping on something and realize "i am dead" and have that realization with no panic or anxiety, to stare death in the face and not flinch... If you told me right now i had a set time to live before i just dropped dead, i would accept it and enjoy the time i have left, besides were all dying its just a matter of how fast and when you cant fight the inevitable so why worry about it...
jamaica, I was being facetious.

Honestly my 8000 breakfast meals may have been just as life changing as my psychedelic trips. Everything you do changes your life, usually.
For me, the most reality-altering and life-changing drug experience I've had is the first time I did mushrooms. That was about a year ago, and prior to the trip I only smoked pot three times. I almost feel it was so intense I don't need to trip again, like there is no purpose for extra trips. Now, I divide my life into pre-shrooms and post-shrooms. I got HPPD from it, though. People have halos/auras now. Anyone else feel this way about a single experience?

Auras are not HPPD....everyone can see auras as a child, we just lose the ability to as we get older because we don't bother.
My first mushroom trip was life changing in a way, however more recent trips on other things (mainly lsd) have culminated in a change of views and beliefs, so these together were life changing rather than being so individually.

Unfortunately I felt that I ended up tripping too often and my view of reality had skewed a little... it was becoming a little harder to stick to my original goals in life such as a good career even though this is a really crucial time in life. I decided to have a break - lets see how long it lasts!
i think a few years ago i would have said "3 or 4", but now, having more distance to the trips, i`d say everyone of them. some more drastical than others, but all of them changed me somehow.
I agree, brainbug. When I was tripping off one compound or another every weekend or every other, the magic bled out. It started becoming very run of the mill. But since starting med school and all the psychedelic abstinence that entails, I've been doing mind-fuck drugs significantly less, maybe once every few months. Since then, each one has been a profound, absolutely beautiful. I mean, the recent stress and face of mortality have certainly come into play but there's something more. Doing psychedelics too frequently definitely defeats the purpose.
I can't really think of a trip that changed my view on life after it ended. There have been times where I think I've found the ultimate truth or something like that, but them I'm like, "Dude, it doesn't make sense that robots control the world, maybe it's a metaphor...Aww shit, metaphors." One time I took too much bromo-dragonfly and blacked out/passed out (I don't know, there was no sitter.) I woke up not remembering why my room was trashed, thinking that there was some weird inheritance dispute with these three people I didn't recognize, and still tripping enough to think that I could see my lymph nodes. Only two weeks later did I realize all of that was false. That was a weird moment.
Auras are not HPPD....everyone can see auras as a child, we just lose the ability to as we get older because we don't bother.

i don't recall ever being able to see auras as a child and i have quite vivid memories from my early childhood.
i've learned a lot about myself, but nothing's changed at all. i have the same job and same goals and same problems i've always had. i understand why i desire what i desire, and why i freak out when i freak out, but nothing's changed. for example, i've always known what social situations make me freak out and that i should avoid them... and tripping let me know what exactly it is in those situations that give me horrible anxiety and anger/fear, but in the end... the answer is still to avoid those situations.

i understand why i can't tolerate school, but i'm still not going to school. i know why i'm too afraid to get a job with more responsibility (and pay), but... I'm still afraid, and even if I never figured out why that is, I would still be working at burger king for the rest of my life like i am now.

it doesn't matter if you understand how the universe and yourself works. you have to follow the rules either way, whether you're talking about gravity or the electromagnetic spectrum or your attraction to the opposite sex.

I've never had a single trip that signifigantly altered my personality or perspective. And if you're going by more materialistic or political measurements, then tripping has had no impact on my life (aside from owning a few less video games than I could have).
For me, the most reality-altering and life-changing drug experience I've had is the first time I did mushrooms. That was about a year ago, and prior to the trip I only smoked pot three times. I almost feel it was so intense I don't need to trip again, like there is no purpose for extra trips. Now, I divide my life into pre-shrooms and post-shrooms. I got HPPD from it, though. People have halos/auras now. Anyone else feel this way about a single experience?

I would consider the possibility that the auras you are seeing are not HPPD, but rather, you tuning into something that has been there all along.

I see auras as well, but I have had to work at it and literally train myself to see them. It was a huge goal for me, to be able to tap into seeing auras. It is an accepted and respected ability within the "new age" community.

Read some articles online regarding the human aura and see what you think. When I first started seeing auras I only saw the outline of the ernegy and not the color, but as I became more comfortable with it I began to see flashes of color.

In terms of life changing trips...thats a tough one. I have had many trips that have changed my life in the sense that they have given me new perspective or the ability to see things in a new way. Nothing terribly drastic like tripping and then quitting my job or anything like that.

My first acid trip occured at a time in my life when I was not ready to let it change my life or else it very well could have. I was not willing to accept views of reality that stepped outside of Christian doctrine at that time in my life, and the loss of ego did not jive with my perception of reality so I fought it for the entire trip. Needless to say, that was a horrible trip.

I have also had trips that occured at a time in my life when changes were coming, and that trip kind of ushered in those changes or shifted my energy enough to allow me to accept those changes.

Some of my most memorable trips, that definately changed my perspective, did not really change my life in a noticable way. Although, many of my meditative and spiritual pursuits have been improved because of psychadelics.
Read some articles online regarding the human aura and see what you think.

i googled auras and the first article i found had this to say about drugs:

True Dangers of drugs

There are mainly two things that can seriously damage the information stored in our astral body and hence hurt us for many lifetimes to come: drugs and a loud noise. Both can actually significantly reverse the Universal process of our conscious evolution. Let me explain why.

They can destroy or even erase important information already stored in our consciousness and replace it with false data. Such re-programming of consciousness may take us many lifetimes to correct. The extent of the damage depends on how long a person has been subject to these harmful influences.

I have held long and exhausting discussions with people who used hallucinogenic drugs. Nearly all of them were impressed by “visions”, “trips” or “hallucinations” and argued that drugs help them to increase their awareness. Actually, nothing can be further from the truth than such a statement. The ability of Astral travel is a natural ability and every child can do it. There is absolutely no need to use drugs. All you need is to learn meditation, concentration and practice them everyday.

Imagine getting a University degree in engineering or medicine for watching ads and scrambled fantasy movies on TV. This is what drugs do: entertain you. You will need to re-learn everything from the beginning if you ever need to USE the knowledge, erased by false and distorted information generated with drugs. There are no shortcuts in the spiritual and conscious evolution. This is the Law of the Universe.

Many people ask me for the “evidence”. Consider this: every civilisation on Earth, which used drugs collapsed to nothing within a few generations. For example, in ancient Egypt 17,000 years ago people constructed a Great Pyramid from @50 tonne solid stone blocks. The Great Pyramid is comparable in height to the highest 20-th century buildings (146 m), and even today is positively impossible to build anything similar, using any amount of money and time. But when their descendants started using drugs, not only did they lose all their knowledge and all their sciences, but no one actually remembers what the Great Pyramid was for. Today “scientists” can only wonder. The entire civilisation decayed to nothing.

If you use drugs, you risk being re-born in your next lifetime as a cripple, retarded or both, simply because there might be not enough information in your consciousness (your subconscious mind) to build your new body properly.

“The Universal Law is well established and is as strictly enforced as that which controls the planets revolutions around their suns. If you make a mistake, you pay the penalty – immediately, in ten years time, or in ten centuries time, but all errors must be paid for.”

The Universal learning occurs because everyone has to face the consequences of his/her own mistakes. That way we learn what is a mistake and ultimately learn how to live a life. What if we won’t? I guess that those of us who are absolutely stubborn and do not want to learn will get destroyed and re-cycled, as everything in Nature.

i've seen a very similar attitude towards drugs expressed on many other websites dealing with auras. i'm just curious as to how all of you feel about this?

maybe i'm just afraid of being reborn as a retarded cripple but there's a part of me that doesn't want to believe in stuff like this anymore.

also, to those of who you can see auras, why don't you take the james randi challenge and win the 1 million dollars he is offering? even if you don't want the money, you could always donate it to charity.
Well, I think all of that is crap.


There is a lot of mumbo jumbo you have to wade through in regards to new age ideas. There is a lot of mumbo jumbo in general associated with religion.

Just look at all the crappy info out there on ecstasy, it drains your spinal fluid etc. Everything out there is not accurate, you kind of have to dig to find things that are of value and ring true.

I personally think that using drugs respectfully can teach us a lot about spiritual concepts and I wish there was more acceptance of psychadelic drugs in spiritual communities. The Native Americans seemed to "get it"...

Maybe 10% of what I read online I really find valuable. A lot of it is junk.

I agree that you don't "need" drugs to reach higher states of consciousness. I have achieved out of body experiences while sober, just like I have achieved them while on drugs. But I don't think using drugs is wrong, or somehow counter evolutionary to the path of your soul.

My drug experiences have helped me a great deal in regards to my spiritual pursuits. This author cannot tell me otherwise. His or her observations regarding the way things work are no more valid than mine. Maybe he is projecting his own needs for this lifetime onto others, I don't know.

In short - I don't think using drugs is going to get you reborn as a retarted cripple.

It seems to be the ass-kicking, far too overwhelming trips that make occasionally wonder if I will make it out of that do the most permanent changing for the better; and when fucking around with various pure psychedelic compounds, it happens on a pretty regular basis...
maybe i'm just afraid of being reborn as a retarded cripple but there's a part of me that doesn't want to believe in stuff like this anymore.

hahahha! =D that made me laugh out loud


its all about intention ~ and the alignment of your actions (i reckon)

i've only had one truly life changing trip ... a few years back, magic mushrooms and mescaline... on a sacred mountain...

i quit my job and went returned to my home town with a fresh new perspective on life and my role in healing the biosphere ...got my roots down into the earth... discovered my love for nature and conservation/seed collection/ecological restoration/trees/rivers... ect ect...

i've had a few trips since, but its just like opening the same window again... it has served its purpose .. now the work i have to do involves overcoming fears/blockages in my life... being the change i want to see in the world ... and i personally dont feel that taking any more psychedelics will get me further along this path...

having said that .. i had another mushroom trip last week and communed with a bug and a snail.. that was very shamanic and pretty amazing experience... but my energy is suffering a tad now and the real change comes about from listening to my intuition... staying grounded ... following my gut instinct and staying in touch with the spaciousnesss that pervades all things and not getting to attached to my 'story' ...

None - however some trips have allowed me the perspective to see what I might need to do in order to alter things which I thought needed altering.

Psychs can show you the door - you need to walk through it.
trips that changed you

Hey guys just wondering if you guys have had any trips that have changed you for better or for worst. If so please give a detailed description of the trip and how it changed u