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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy Fluorexetamine (3-F-2’-oxo-PCE; FXE) Thread

Has anyone tried this one orally yet? I'm on suboxone so plugging things isn't very convenient for me and my sinuses have taken a beating over the last 10 years throughout my addiction.
Have yet to try it orally but I've heard it's apparently got some decent potency. Another lesser used ROA is smoking/vaping, not sure of the health effects of that but it certainly works. Melts into an uncanny looking crimson liquid when it's vaped and hits very hard.
Have yet to try it orally but I've heard it's apparently got some decent potency. Another lesser used ROA is smoking/vaping, not sure of the health effects of that but it certainly works. Melts into an uncanny looking crimson liquid when it's vaped and hits very hard.
I tend to not enjoy vaping dissociatives. I've tried vaping a few dissociatives and each time it ends up just feeling like a really shitty nitrous hit. I need to take a bit of a tolerance break. I'm needing ridiculous amounts of Dissociatives to feel anything
'The Mythical Calculus', 50mg insufflated FXE (2-oxo-3'-fluoro-PCE).

Setting: a land far across the Atlantic, at a gathering of hard-core entomologists, night-time on a sandy riverside.

Set: I have embarked on an intense 2-month internship at the greatest research lab in the world. The stress has led to a constipated mindset that I would like to be unravelled. I am somewhat experienced with dissociatives: 3-MeO-PCP, 3-HO-PCP, ketamine, nitrous oxide, dextromethorphan, have all been bioassayed in previous years.

Approx. 50mg insufflated on a knife edge, terrified that my columella will be sliced. It is hoovered up in one nostril swoop; a bitter taste, with undertones of outer space.

Onset is felt within 5 minutes. Gravireceptors seem over-activated, my spinal cord is heavy. This is undoubtedly centrally active, no PNS-activation in these parts. The world appears acausal, discombobulated. How did I get here? Who are these people? Who am I? I have no idea. It seems as though I've been in a state of amnesia for weeks, and have only just woken up to the fact that I am alive...I begin to feel lost in the social situation, and quickly resort to the fantastical world of my imagination.

+15 minutes: Balance is noticeably off-key. I speak in calculated, atomic prose. The moon, in its geometric majesty, becomes an object of worship. My outstretched fingers form mirrored series, triangles, squares, around its light. The Moon, her vaginal essence, shines brightly in my triangulate worship. In a sober state of consciousness, I would usually reserve such weirdness for my own company, but I had no such inhibition under fluorexetamine's influence. I had ideas to pursue, and so I pursued them voraciously. The Pythagoreans really missed out on FXE, in its hexagonal beauty...

I make a conscious decision to become more like the Pythagoreans, to worship and pray to the Sun, Moon and Star's glorious symmetries.

+30 minutes: I stare at the insects that gather around a UV light. The strangeness of their existence is felt with force. Weird angels with green blood, frantic arachnids. I contemplate on the absurdity of the gene stream, its strange serpentine movement, that my existence is merely a note in the Song of the Gene. I am inconsequential to Entropy's transcendental hand. I began to feel a faint terror of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Ideas surrounding physics rummage through my internal monologue. The insanity of Life is made fully visible, that Science is merely a childish game played in order to think we know what we're doing.

+45 minutes: π becomes substantiated into my loins, heavily. π seems to be bleeding into my mind. The world is infinite. I tell my new friends that my name shall henceforth be Pythagoras, that shapes should be worshipped, their ecstasy felt. I laughed in the shadow of the question mark, I juggled it and transmuted it to the groaning pause of a semi-colon. Thoughts were abstract, mathematical, mystically mathematical: there was no 'I', the 'I' refrained from his game, FXE did not go inwards into my emotional fibre, into the archaeology of my psyche. No. I delved into the emotional core of π. This opened the mathematical chorus of heaven directly into my cerebrum, its mathematical chorus sang so sweetly, so joyously, that my ears began to weep.

I want to apologise to π for my Sins, for masturbating and smoking marijuana, for not dedicating more of my precious Life to understanding Nature's grand mysteries.

+1-1.5 hours: This seems to be the peak. The emotional constipations that had been accumulating for weeks in my mind had vanished into thin air. I was lost in the present moment, curiosity was a ferocious wind driving me. I was surrounded by people of Knowledge, and probed them as to why Waves form, the sex life of insects, and the role of Alsace-Lorraine in WWI. I felt an overwhelming satisfaction that I had found the loveliest of people, the best type of weirdos.

Newton occupies my mind. Mystical calculus; Newton absorbed God's genital and ejaculated its atomic prose. Quanta that spin, fandango, cha-cha slide their sinuous tongues around the delicate flavour of their quark neighbours.

I feel as though I could embarrass God with my mathematical insights. The pernicious viciousness of Yahweh, his jealous tentacles unable to fathom the raw arylcyclohexaminergic power of FXE. I want to shit on the Bible using recitations of mathematical axioms. I feel so powerful, intellectually powerful, that I could fart on Yahweh's grave. (Is this a consequence of arylcyclohexylamine's Ego-inflating power, or a result of a superiority complex that was already ingrained into my psyche?...)

A cosmic serenity holds me. FXE is psychopharmacologically tailored for communication with Aliens. If a UFO was to land on our terrestrial land, then ensure that at least 50mg FXE is snorted beforehand. This will ensure that unknown forms of communication will become more tangible and easier to grasp. I then realise why John Lilly used ketamine and sensory deprivation tanks to communicate with dolphins...the malleability of my mind to abstract concepts is at its peak.

+2 hours: I decide that the Universe is in the shape of a Klein bottle. That the frilly outskirts of the Universe are the electron's kilt. That our conceptions of space are wrong and infantile, that the Universe is recursive, that Its outermost regions occupy the very same boundary as the innermost regions. I worry that this is merely dissociative delusion, and that my ideas are not as paradigm-shattering as I believe them to be.

It is time to leave. It takes me around 10 minutes to decide whether I want to leave in the first place. My thoughts are discombobulated when it comes to resolving a minor social kerfuffle. I become obsessed with the geometries of the passing city. I have a strong desire to watch an Adam Curtis documentary, to understand Control Systems.

I arrive home and re-write a pamphlet I have been writing for the past few months. Ideas sprawl frantically from mind to pen to paper. I am so intellectually stimulated that I have no desire for sleep. I draw an understanding as to why Dr. Jason Wallach has dedicated his Life to attempting to understand these mystical substances. This fragile neuronal jelly whiplashed by FXE's numerical grace. I feel prophetic, writing away in the crevices of my room, as though I am a prophet who has been revealed forbidden wisdom straight from the Tongue of the Lord.

The mental stimulation is wonderful. I refrain from amphetaminergic stimulants due to their cardiovascular effects, yet FXE's stimulation appeared to be entirely intellectual. If only there was a way to chemically maintain the intellectually stimulating effects and remove the urotoxic effects of the ACHs...

The next day, I feel awake to every contour and detail of Life's architecture. I go to an anatomical oddity museum and am intrigued with a ravenous fascination...perhaps this is the beggining of a lifelong fall into the Ecstasy (and Madness) of Science.

I would highly recommend this substance to any psychonaut attempting to understand the chemical landcape of their mind. If you have emotional barriers towards studying mathematics, insufflate 50mg FXE and see whether these self-enforced barriers erode away. Mathematical, precise, geometric, visionary - four words to describe the profundity of this substance. If you see flyers for the Mythical Church of Fluorexetamine, take a guess as to who founded it...
Glad you had a nice time ! :)
I tried this a few weeks ago and had a pretty good time. Approx. 50mg insufflated over the course of a few hours kept me pretty dissociated while still being able to play risk of rain and talk over voice (not very well...). It felt like ketamine, but warmer and more functional. Music was *amazing*. The comedown was longer than ketamine's by a few hours, and had a slight "edge" to it.
This was fun to snort with speed and meth, but sucked when IV. Impossible to go to hole even on larger doses and surely not safe. I almost got respiratory failure (don't know IS this The right word) when took 2mg per kg IV. Be careful.
'The Mythical Calculus', 50mg insufflated FXE (2-oxo-3'-fluoro-PCE).

Setting: a land far across the Atlantic, at a gathering of hard-core entomologists, night-time on a sandy riverside.

Set: I have embarked on an intense 2-month internship at the greatest research lab in the world. The stress has led to a constipated mindset that I would like to be unravelled. I am somewhat experienced with dissociatives: 3-MeO-PCP, 3-HO-PCP, ketamine, nitrous oxide, dextromethorphan, have all been bioassayed in previous years.

Approx. 50mg insufflated on a knife edge, terrified that my columella will be sliced. It is hoovered up in one nostril swoop; a bitter taste, with undertones of outer space.

Onset is felt within 5 minutes. Gravireceptors seem over-activated, my spinal cord is heavy. This is undoubtedly centrally active, no PNS-activation in these parts. The world appears acausal, discombobulated. How did I get here? Who are these people? Who am I? I have no idea. It seems as though I've been in a state of amnesia for weeks, and have only just woken up to the fact that I am alive...I begin to feel lost in the social situation, and quickly resort to the fantastical world of my imagination.

+15 minutes: Balance is noticeably off-key. I speak in calculated, atomic prose. The moon, in its geometric majesty, becomes an object of worship. My outstretched fingers form mirrored series, triangles, squares, around its light. The Moon, her vaginal essence, shines brightly in my triangulate worship. In a sober state of consciousness, I would usually reserve such weirdness for my own company, but I had no such inhibition under fluorexetamine's influence. I had ideas to pursue, and so I pursued them voraciously. The Pythagoreans really missed out on FXE, in its hexagonal beauty...

I make a conscious decision to become more like the Pythagoreans, to worship and pray to the Sun, Moon and Star's glorious symmetries.

+30 minutes: I stare at the insects that gather around a UV light. The strangeness of their existence is felt with force. Weird angels with green blood, frantic arachnids. I contemplate on the absurdity of the gene stream, its strange serpentine movement, that my existence is merely a note in the Song of the Gene. I am inconsequential to Entropy's transcendental hand. I began to feel a faint terror of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Ideas surrounding physics rummage through my internal monologue. The insanity of Life is made fully visible, that Science is merely a childish game played in order to think we know what we're doing.

+45 minutes: π becomes substantiated into my loins, heavily. π seems to be bleeding into my mind. The world is infinite. I tell my new friends that my name shall henceforth be Pythagoras, that shapes should be worshipped, their ecstasy felt. I laughed in the shadow of the question mark, I juggled it and transmuted it to the groaning pause of a semi-colon. Thoughts were abstract, mathematical, mystically mathematical: there was no 'I', the 'I' refrained from his game, FXE did not go inwards into my emotional fibre, into the archaeology of my psyche. No. I delved into the emotional core of π. This opened the mathematical chorus of heaven directly into my cerebrum, its mathematical chorus sang so sweetly, so joyously, that my ears began to weep.

I want to apologise to π for my Sins, for masturbating and smoking marijuana, for not dedicating more of my precious Life to understanding Nature's grand mysteries.

+1-1.5 hours: This seems to be the peak. The emotional constipations that had been accumulating for weeks in my mind had vanished into thin air. I was lost in the present moment, curiosity was a ferocious wind driving me. I was surrounded by people of Knowledge, and probed them as to why Waves form, the sex life of insects, and the role of Alsace-Lorraine in WWI. I felt an overwhelming satisfaction that I had found the loveliest of people, the best type of weirdos.

Newton occupies my mind. Mystical calculus; Newton absorbed God's genital and ejaculated its atomic prose. Quanta that spin, fandango, cha-cha slide their sinuous tongues around the delicate flavour of their quark neighbours.

I feel as though I could embarrass God with my mathematical insights. The pernicious viciousness of Yahweh, his jealous tentacles unable to fathom the raw arylcyclohexaminergic power of FXE. I want to shit on the Bible using recitations of mathematical axioms. I feel so powerful, intellectually powerful, that I could fart on Yahweh's grave. (Is this a consequence of arylcyclohexylamine's Ego-inflating power, or a result of a superiority complex that was already ingrained into my psyche?...)

A cosmic serenity holds me. FXE is psychopharmacologically tailored for communication with Aliens. If a UFO was to land on our terrestrial land, then ensure that at least 50mg FXE is snorted beforehand. This will ensure that unknown forms of communication will become more tangible and easier to grasp. I then realise why John Lilly used ketamine and sensory deprivation tanks to communicate with dolphins...the malleability of my mind to abstract concepts is at its peak.

+2 hours: I decide that the Universe is in the shape of a Klein bottle. That the frilly outskirts of the Universe are the electron's kilt. That our conceptions of space are wrong and infantile, that the Universe is recursive, that Its outermost regions occupy the very same boundary as the innermost regions. I worry that this is merely dissociative delusion, and that my ideas are not as paradigm-shattering as I believe them to be.

It is time to leave. It takes me around 10 minutes to decide whether I want to leave in the first place. My thoughts are discombobulated when it comes to resolving a minor social kerfuffle. I become obsessed with the geometries of the passing city. I have a strong desire to watch an Adam Curtis documentary, to understand Control Systems.

I arrive home and re-write a pamphlet I have been writing for the past few months. Ideas sprawl frantically from mind to pen to paper. I am so intellectually stimulated that I have no desire for sleep. I draw an understanding as to why Dr. Wallach has dedicated his Life to attempting to understand these mystical substances. This fragile neuronal jelly whiplashed by FXE's numerical grace. I feel prophetic, writing away in the crevices of my room, as though I am a prophet who has been revealed forbidden wisdom straight from the Tongue of the Lord.

The mental stimulation is wonderful. I refrain from amphetaminergic stimulants due to their cardiovascular effects, yet FXE's stimulation appeared to be entirely intellectual. If only there was a way to chemically maintain the intellectually stimulating effects and remove the urotoxic effects of the ACHs...

The next day, I feel awake to every contour and detail of Life's architecture. I go to an anatomical oddity museum and am intrigued with a ravenous fascination...perhaps this is the beggining of a lifelong fall into the Ecstasy (and Madness) of Science.

I would highly recommend this substance to any psychonaut attempting to understand the chemical landcape of their mind. If you have emotional barriers towards studying mathematics, insufflate 50mg FXE and see whether these self-enforced barriers erode away. Mathematical, precise, geometric, visionary - four words to describe the profundity of this substance. If you see flyers for the Mythical Church of Fluorexetamine, take a guess as to who founded it...
Thanks god you didnt even try to check the value of π under the effect. You would have think you got crazy as you discover the real value is 3.144 not 3.141...
I tried this again last night and really enjoyed it. Again, approx. 50mg, insufflated over the course of 2 hours. It felt remarkably clear-headed and less confusing than ketamine, but didn't really have the same sense of warmth my last dose had. Reheating and eating some leftover enchiladas was an experience.

Chopping the crystals up with a razor blade took a while though - has anybody tried making a nasal spray out of this?
I tried this again last night and really enjoyed it. Again, approx. 50mg, insufflated over the course of 2 hours. It felt remarkably clear-headed and less confusing than ketamine, but didn't really have the same sense of warmth my last dose had. Reheating and eating some leftover enchiladas was an experience.

Chopping the crystals up with a razor blade took a while though - has anybody tried making a nasal spray out of this?

Fold it in tinfoil and roll over it with a lighter :)
I tried this chem and experienced a lot of negative effects and very few positive ones. I thought this one would be good considering all the trip reports. I just felt disphoria and odd unpleasant dissocio effects. Got really pretty almost clear hard to break crystals everyone seems to love it even all the replies on my vendor are really good lots of people say it's better than ketamine I didn't experience that tho, might give it another try. Maybe it effects some people differently but I found dmxe to be the best dissocio I've tried I did 2 gs in less than a month it was so good, trying to get that chem again
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I tried this chem and experienced a lot of negative effects and very few positive ones. I thought this one would be good considering all the trip reports. I just felt disphoria and odd unpleasant dissocio effects. Got really pretty almost clear hard to break crystals everyone seems to love it even all the replies on my vendor are really good lots of people say it's better than ketamine I didn't experience that tho, might give it another try. Maybe it effects some people differently but I found dmxe to be the best dissocio I've tried I did 2 gs in less than a month it was so good, trying to get that chem again

Yeah I'm having a similar experience with this stuff. Makes me feel weird the next day too. The stuff I have is GC/MS tested FXE so it's not an issue with my sample.

I much prefer 3F-PCP.
So I don't have a full trip report to post here but had some weird effects from this one so I tend to not like the risidusl stimulation from dissos and was kind of wary about trying this because people say it's stimulating.

I started with 30 mg about 20 minutes later another 30 I was trying for a hole and didn't want to overshoot.

A bit later I did 60 and was still lucid no hole but pretty wobbly and out of it but got distracted for 45 minutes by a phone call from someone in the hurricane so went back to it after and did 90mg

Finally got to what the closest thing to a hike is I think It was pretty short lived really lucid and less dissociating than ketamine ime.

After this j was tired and tried to sleep for upwards on an hour couldn't sleep so I took some oxazepam which I don't know the dosage of as they're pressed diazepam from the UK but confirmed both by vendor and lab urine test to be oxazepam.

I fell asleep a short while later but I started sleepwalking that night I ended up breaking my travel tv as it was on the ground of a family members house I'm visiting I've never sleepwalked before. It got knocked over and fell onto my PlayStation controller breaking the screen.

I've had a really rough time with work lately I do lockers in businesses and schools and whenever I ran into whatever I hit my first almost lucid thought was a bank of lockers fell on me.

Then I finally fully woke up realized where I was and laid back down.

I'm not sure if this was an effect of the drug combination the fxe being stimulsting but the oxazepam putting me to sleep or just stress related due to work (just quit that job though start a new one Wednesday) but I figured I would report this incident here anyways

Oh and I also noticed weird effects the next day like someone else mentioned like I just felt kind of out of it and depressed but again this could be related to my horrible week of work and stress later on yesterday I learned another friend relapsed and overdosed but is alive so that was bothering me a but too but I digress.
i wouldnt snort this stuff, halogens on positions other than the ortho are extremely painful to snort.
i wouldnt snort this stuff, halogens on positions other than the ortho are extremely painful to snort.
How come? Why is this position different to the others? My friends didn‘t find it particularily painful to snort.
ok, ortho is less in the open. 2fma is easy to snort for example but 3fmp or 2c-i burned like hell. the pain isnt worth it and can really fuck up the comming up. plus that its rarely the best roa for many drugs. the high produced can be much more bad than dosed rectally or orally for example. but this isnt the case for the ach's or speed. but i would never snort a 2c again, it just dulls the experience but some like simstim like it that way, especially for 2c-b. i dont snort drugs that often anymore, im getting old. and there are always the guys that love snorting drugs (we say ziehgeil) just like junkies with their needle fetish. i know some old junkie stories where people just injected plain tap water when they had no H atm.
I don’t post around these parts too much but figured I’d throw in my 2c.

I don’t really find FXE remarkable.

First, absolutely brutal on sinuses. Maybe a small 20mg bump here and there would be fine, but anything more than that and you’re going to spend the rest of the night tending to inflamed sinus passages (though it’s nothing a couple Tylenol couldn’t fix). Thankfully, I find oral ROA to be a more satisfactory experience overall than snorting, so that works out in the end.

Second, I’ve seen a few say that not only did this have no negative effect on their bladder but, on the contrary, it actually seemed to improve(?) bladder function. My experience is the complete opposite. This is one dissociative I find does more of a number on urinary frequency than just about anything else I can recall over the last 15 years. I take green tea (EGCG) supplements and triple-up on nights I toy with dissociatives, but that seemed to be of no help when it comes to FXE. This material had me making more trips for tiny pointless pisses than anything else I can recall.

Third, while this is the newer (non-stimulant cut) batch, there is definitely a stimulating quality to this one that I find borders on tediously annoying. It’s not a traditional amphetamine type stimulation, more of a kind of vibrating restless energy that just. won’t. fucking. quit. I can sleep on just about anything but after a night of FXE I end up tossing and turning and flopping around in bed for an ungodly amount of time, shortest was 3 hours and longest was 8 hours (and that’s just once I’ve crawled in bed, which is usually around 6-8 hours after my last FXE dose). I don’t know what it is about this one and I’m envious of anyone who says they can sleep fine after this no problem, but in my experience FXE makes falling to sleep afterwards a bit of a nightmare. The last few times I used this material I ended up just staying up the entire next day to try to keep my sleep schedule resembling something vaguely normal.

Fourth, despite starting low initially before going up to some pretty substantial doses, this stuff is pretty mild no matter which way you cut it. There’s no hole to speak of. It’s far far far too lucid to get close to anything in that realm. My highest dose was 535mg (oral) and even that was spent scrolling through newsfeeds and listening to music. It’s enjoyable in the same way MXM (Methoxmetamine) was, which is to say it’s a cozy chemical to sit around and do much of nothing on, but like MXM there’s no hole, no magic, no immersive quality to be found. It’s incredibly surface-y for a dissociative, very mild and functional. I felt a nice glowing sensation as the doses got up there, but this is about as close to MXE as a buzz saw is to peanut butter. I’m always baffled how every new dissociative always has a few folks astroturfing the internet calling it the next MXE.

I’ve seen some remark that this is more potent than K, but my experience suggests otherwise. Even with my sky high K tolerance, 500mg K would hole me to Pluto and back whereas 500mg FXE had me feeling a comfortable dissociative buzz but still fully capable of getting up and making frequent trips to the bathroom without so much as a stumble or motor skill mishap.

Given the high price of this chemical (especially compared to the $15/gram I used to pay for MXE) on top of the large dose size you need to get anything vaguely enjoyable from it, I find this to be one of the most cost prohibitive research chemicals to ever cross my path. I just don’t find anything about it very interesting.

It seems the further we get from the MXE days, the less and less interesting many of these new compounds are. Or maybe MXE just spoiled me.

Between the sinus issue (which is admittedly mild, but a nuisance nonetheless), the urination frequency and the long period of sleepless/restlessness that follows, on top of the high cost vs low reward nature of this chemical, I find this one to be of little value. YMMV. Someone wake me when actual MXE is back. I'm beyond fatigued playing lab rat with these new empty calorie dissociatives.
I don’t really find FXE remarkable.

thought so myself, althought never trying it.
after having tried the really lackluster 3Cl-PCP i was relatively sure that no Halogen on the 3 position of an ach is anything but mediocre. 3-Alkoxy or alkyl functions and even a 3ho which i found to be lame too, is more useable.
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thought so myself, althought never trying it.
after having tried the really lackluster 3Cl-PCP i was relatively sure that no Halogen on the 3 position of an ach is anything but mediocre. 3-Alkoxy or alkyl functions qand even a 3ho which i found to be lame too, is more useable.

You're not missing out at all. No hole, no magic, no deep space exploration. Your feet stay firmly grounded to the planet from start to finish, even with Herculean doses. Save your time, money and bladder for something worth a damn.