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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy ETH-LAD Thread

I don't have lsd, and I am so happy with the ethlad (i don't want to wet those) - and the 1p so far is not dissapointing so I will keep those dry too, but I may yet throw all the rest into the water... just make some L-drops, maybe next week.
Eth has been by far my favorite lysergamide to date, 1p was underwhelming for me but may have just been improper lay by the vendor, as for the 5 chemical mixture I'm actually thinking about giving it a go one day, I shall call it....holy helLSD
good name.
I guess i could spare one tab of each to make a mix in a tiny jar with water, and spill it out evenly
Might be one for the books, unfortunately I was only able to write 1 excerpt on my blind test report today, been super busy at work with the coming hurricane
Several months ago there was talk on this thread about eth lad no longer being produced after this year.. Has anyone heard any more on availability? It still seems to be widely available from what I can tell.
def. a steep dose response curve.

50ug was a light +1, pleasant and non-threatening; 250-300 is boundary dissolving space food... +3 in 45 minutes, playing with a +4 in another 15, rolling around on the floor, completely busted open to the universe, both my gf and i... complete, profound boundary dissolution. barely able, but able to get up and walk.

if ald-52 is capable of such a state, im sure it would be well past 500ug, and confusion would take the spotlight.
The more I take this chemical the more hit or miss it becomes; sometimes 300ug would be breaking into boundary dissolving territory and sometimes it takes 450-550 to get the same effects. Guess I got an unevenly laid sheet :p
Does anyone have experience with staggering doses of ETH-LAD? How much did you take, and how long did you wait between?

[edit: just to be clear, by "staggering doses" i don't mean insane doses, but "taking some, waiting, then taking more"... LOL)
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at the cost, who would do staggering amounts just considering the benefit of regular amounts.
it does not usually work that more makes everything better.
Lol I assumed blisters meant staggering in the sense of taking a bit, and then another bit later, rather than staggering in the sense of extreme.

If that's the case, I think 50ug followed by 50ug half an hour later would work well to smooth over the intense peak-plateau but haven't tried it.
sorry for misunderstanding, 1/2 followed by 1/2 an hour or 2 later works well
I bet 1/3 1/3 1/3 is good too with ~1 hr between.
Yesterday I did 1/3 1/3 and was pleased, I almost never do it 'staggered' or 'staged', but I liked it.
Does anyone have experience with staggering doses of ETH-LAD? How much did you take, and how long did you wait between?

[edit: just to be clear, by "staggering doses" i don't mean insane doses, but "taking some, waiting, then taking more"... LOL)
Seems to give your trip a 'breathing' when taken 45 minutes to and hour in, tried it at two once due to a lackluster trip and it didn't do much if anything
Well, good thing I didn't stagger my dose. Took 1.5 hits last night and was surprisingly underwhelmed. This after a month break from psychedelics.

I've only taken ETH-LAD about 4 times, but now that I'm getting more familiar with it, I'm starting to notice a pattern - where is the emotional content? I was tripping with a friend, and neither of us felt any of the ego-dissolution and mental unpacking that LSD brings. In my case I felt emotionally numbed by the thing, which was a bit disturbing. We had a fun time listening to music, but had trouble communicating, and not just on a cognitive level. In my case I felt no urge to say anything - there wasn't even any internal work going on. No self-analysis, no self-critique, no processing of any kind. We both agreed that this was pretty weird for a psychedelic. We've taken 1A-LSD together before and it was nothing like that - no inhibition. We picked each other's brains for hours on end.

I'm curious to know what others are getting from this drug in that particular respect, and whether this changes at higher doses.
I think you're right that it's less ego-dissolving than LSD, and paradoxically I find it's also less ego-building/pumping than LSD. I did find ETH-LAD to be quite emotional though, but a different mode of emotion than what's at play with LSD. For me, ETH-LAD has been a lot in the realm of the emotions of passion, attraction, love. LSD on the other hand I find to play more with intellect, analysis, heirarchy, ego. On both of these substances at higher levels I've found myself observing/contemplating the nature of existence, but from very different angles.

I've had only a few experiences with ETH-LAD though, so my impressions aren't fully cemented.
Does anyone have experience with staggering doses of ETH-LAD? How much did you take, and how long did you wait between?

[edit: just to be clear, by "staggering doses" i don't mean insane doses, but "taking some, waiting, then taking more"... LOL)

Hey, why not both? "Staggering staggering doses - for when taking heroic doses no longer does it for ya!" =D
"So you start out by plugging 75 mg of 5-MeO-MiPT, followed by a "buttplug" dose of LSD (it's like a "thumbprint" dose, just plugged). That way you'll already be ego-dead from the Moxy by the time the acid hits you and kills your ego again! Also, keep in mind that 5-MeO-MiPT is known for its aphrodisiac qualities, so you'll probably be furiously masturbating at that point. Just a heads up in case you're not down with committing ego-necrophilia on yourself!"
Well, good thing I didn't stagger my dose. Took 1.5 hits last night and was surprisingly underwhelmed. This after a month break from psychedelics.I've only taken ETH-LAD about 4 times, but now that I'm getting more familiar with it, I'm starting to notice a pattern - where is the emotional content? I was tripping with a friend, and neither of us felt any of the ego-dissolution and mental unpacking that LSD brings. In my case I felt emotionally numbed by the thing, which was a bit disturbing. We had a fun time listening to music, but had trouble communicating, and not just on a cognitive level. In my case I felt no urge to say anything - there wasn't even any internal work going on. No self-analysis, no self-critique, no processing of any kind. We both agreed that this was pretty weird for a psychedelic. We've taken 1A-LSD together before and it was nothing like that - no inhibition. We picked each other's brains for hours on end.I'm curious to know what others are getting from this drug in that particular respect, and whether this changes at higher doses.
Me too find that ETH-LAD is lacking something in the emotional part.. I experiencede this material maybe 6 or 7 times in the 100-200 mic range, and always gives me something neutral, with a a subtil dark feeling in the background... it has nothing to do with the emotionel explosion found in 1plsd and mostly ALD52
Does this stuff turn to shit quickly? I received some blotters a year ago and while my wife had a +++ I merely had a + or ++ which had me worried they weren't properly dosed, but I figured it's because I've had hundreds of psychedelic experiences

I've tried them again recently and they didn't do shit, so either the ones I had last weren't dosed at all or the substance decomposed.

We are planning to dose again at night time on NYE after I've dropped my daughter of at her grandparents, so I might just throw them all in a liter of water and see how it goes.

-Has anyone witnessed their material go bad?
-Does anyone know how stable ETH-LAD is in water? If it remains stable for a short while I'd have a chance to try the solution before NYE.