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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy DiPT Thread

I'd say if you dislike audio effects, DiPT is not the right substance for you. :)
Well, the cognitive effects of DiPT are probably worth appreciating, even if you don't like the audials; no harm in trying to find a way to enjoy DiPT. :)

the one time I took DiPT, i applied it nasally. it worked exactly as it should work orally, as far as I can tell from reports.
Do you mean same onset time and peak and comedown, or just same balance of cognitive and auditory effects? It would be useful to me, much as I dislike a rapid come-up as a rule, to be able to take DiPT with a more rapidly reached and passed peak. (It's often only at night, not long after a meal, that I get the opportunity.)
both. it escpecially surprised me that the coming up wasn't speeded up compared to oral application.
Ah, shame. I could do with a faster-in and faster-out roa (in relation to the cognitive and physical effects, that is: I can sleep with auditory distortion, but not with psychedelic stimulation). I don't think anyone's commented on the duration of rectal DiPT in this thread? Does anyone have experience of this? Or IV or IM? (Though, really, I'm not sure I fancy using needles: I fear my hands aren't steady enough for this sort of method; wouldn't mind rectal, I think, though I've not tried that method before.)

ETA: I suppose benzos would be an alternative... but I have addictive tendencies, and would rather not have benzos available to me. Are there any trip-killers that aren't so liable to addiction? I guess some anti-psychotics, maybe?

But then again, it's more the long come-up that I want to get rid of, for convenience, since I have a relatively narrow window of normal waking hours where I can take it, as a rule. If I could just shift the main part of the trip so that it starts and ends a couple of hours earlier, that'd be nice.
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I've tried DiPT rectally before; however, it was only 10mg during a time when I was using a lot of psychedelics (and thus, I had a lot of tolerance). Nevertheless, it worked... I felt a bit of the body buzz and low sounds dropped one or two pitches, while mid to high sounds stayed relatively untouched. No mental effects were detected other than a lightening of mood, which was probably just the result of not feeling bored (which was why I was taking so many in the first place). If I recall correctly, the sound effects still lasted significantly longer than the physical effects, but they did not last as long as I would have expected from an equivalent oral dose. But all in all, the dose was too low and the circumstances not good enough to really conclude anything.
I'd like to add that at 50mg, the peak was relatively intense cognitively, the plateau lasted for 14 hours, and I sit here now--38 hours later--still hearing the auditory effects and slight tinnitus. Pitch is gradually coming back to normal, but wow it lasted a LONG time. :)

EDIT: Invert, I want to run your program, but linky no worky... :)
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EDIT: Invert, I want to run your program, but linky no worky... :)
Ah, bugger, I'd corrected that in one place, but obviously not here... sorry! Here's the correct link: http://diptology.pbwiki.com/f/DiPTtest0_1.zip and I'll edit the post above to show the correct link too. Thanks very much! :)

ETA: Let me know if there's anything confusing or not working about the program. Some people find the instructions quite clear, but others have found them rather confusing; I need to work on my phrasing of the instructions. :)
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^ Thanky, linky worky now.

I'll run it in a few days after the effects of the drug have completely worn off. It's been 53 hours and I'm still hearing slight pitch anomalies...

I'm also going to run some tests at my recording studio using sine waves and pink/white/brown noise. An engineer friend and myself will dose at 25mg and determine how many Hz we have to bring up various frequencies to make them sound "normal." Probably going to use 100Hz, 1kHz, and 8kHz, as well as pink and white noise. Not a major study, but just to have an amateur idea.

My theory at this point is that DIPT nonlinearly affects the timing of impulses along Cranial Nerve VIII. We'll compare notes when we're both done, and maybe some of our findings could be useful in your research. :)
I've tried DiPT rectally before; however, it was only 10mg during a time when I was using a lot of psychedelics (and thus, I had a lot of tolerance). Nevertheless, it worked... I felt a bit of the body buzz and low sounds dropped one or two pitches, while mid to high sounds stayed relatively untouched. No mental effects were detected other than a lightening of mood, which was probably just the result of not feeling bored (which was why I was taking so many in the first place). If I recall correctly, the sound effects still lasted significantly longer than the physical effects, but they did not last as long as I would have expected from an equivalent oral dose. But all in all, the dose was too low and the circumstances not good enough to really conclude anything.
Thanks for that info. I'm guessing there's some increase in potency relative to oral, then? I've never taken 10mg oral, but I'd be surprised if that produced a two semitone lowering. Did the auditory effects start and peak much earlier than orally?

I'd like to add that at 50mg, the peak was relatively intense cognitively, the plateau lasted for 14 hours, and I sit here now--38 hours later--still hearing the auditory effects and slight tinnitus. Pitch is gradually coming back to normal, but wow it lasted a LONG time. :)
Gosh, I've never had such a long duration form DiPT (although I've heard of some such durations)! Was this dose on an empty stomach? Also, how long was the cognitively psychedelic peak?
Well I took it at 3PM on Friday, empty stomach, and the peak came about T+3:00. Surprisingly, I had a big dinner at T+4:00, which went down fine, and plateau-ed (i.e., the cognitive effects were maintained) for the next 10 hours, during which I suffered some minor GI symptoms (gas, runs) that may or may not have been caused by the drug. I finally fell asleep around T+15:00.

On Saturday, I woke up at T+24:00 with some slight tinnitus and significant pitch alterations, but the cognitive effects were gone.

It's now T+53:30, and slight pitch effects linger, but no tinnitus.
Well I took it at 3PM on Friday, empty stomach, and the peak came about T+3:00. Surprisingly, I had a big dinner at T+4:00, which went down fine, and plateau-ed (i.e., the cognitive effects were maintained) for the next 10 hours, during which I suffered some minor GI symptoms (gas, runs) that may or may not have been caused by the drug. I finally fell asleep around T+15:00.

On Saturday, I woke up at T+24:00 with some slight tinnitus and significant pitch alterations, but the cognitive effects were gone.
Thanks, that's interesting... Is it possible that the big dinner slowed down the plateau and come-down, or would stomach contents be irrelevant by that stage in the trip? (I know woefully little about the biological and chemical side of how we process such substances.)
Interesting. It's possible that energy diverted to metabolizing food might slow the metabolism of drugs.
DiPT + Methylone?

Has anyone tried DiPT combined with Methylone? Or indeed with MDMA? I notice one post describing a DiPT+MDMA in this thread, in addition to a DiPT+Methylone report at erowid, and Shulgin's report of MDMA+DiPT. From the erowid report with Methylone, it comes not recommended due to body load, but the report doesn't seem to give any detail as to the nature or timing of the bodily issues.

I am contemplating the following combination, to be taken on a stomach that has had a light snack five hours previously:

t+0.00 100 mg DiPT
t+4.00 (or adjust time for whenever the peak cognitive effects have passed, but still in a psychedelic mental state) 80 mg Methylone
t+4.30 If I do not feel uncomfortably stimulated or auditorily in pain, or in any other way problematic, another 80 mg Methylone
t+5.00 Again, this is an optional step, that I might well omit depending on how I feel: 20 mg 2C-B.

Any thoughts on this? I've combined similarly low dose Methylone with low dose 4-Aco-DMT (with a similar timing: Methylone immediately following peak) before to very pleasant effect; and moderate DiPT with fairly high dose 2C-E, which synergized nicely while they overlapped. And I'm thinking, since I never get uncomfortably stimulated or jittery on DiPT after the cognitive peak, and since I'm planning to space out relatively low doses of Methylone, this shouldn't be too troubling.

I should perhaps try Methylone-->2C-B separately before going for the three-way combination. That would probably be sensible, since I've never combined a 2C-x with Methylone (although I have with low dose MDMA).

ETA: Also, would the Methylone or 2C-B chasers be likely to extend the duration of DiPT's auditory effects?
Okay, I did just steps one and two of that planned combination (98 mg DiPT, followed by 80 mg Methylone at t+5.00 hours). The Methylone was rather later than I originally planned (I was cognitively at baseline, and auditorily in phase 2 or 3 (the interesting closed-ear audials had faded to mild high-pitched noise, but perceived nonlinear pitchshift, of on average 2 or 3 semitones, was present)). I don't think the Methylone influenced the remaining DiPT effects at all, when taken in this order: there seemed to be no reincreasing of auditory or cognitive effects in its wake.

It's hard to say if there was any interaction in the other direction, of DiPT moderating the effect of Methylone, because I've not previously taken 80 mg Methylone (a jolly low dose) on a stomach that's had virtually no food in it in the past 10 hours. Anyway, the effects of the Methylone dose were notcieable (whether they be main effects or an interaction), and had a timecourse comparable to what I'm used to at a range of doses: t+20-50mins - warm euphoric empathogenic come-up; t+60mins onwards: jaw clenching and stimulation; but these were very much milder than I'd expect from a larger dose of Methylone, of course, and I could sleep from three hours after the dose (never possible for me at higher doses until at least six hours).

So it looks like DiPT and Methylone with this dosing regime have not much interaction; the one just overlayed the other.

I collected a fair amount of data at each of three octave ranges (around 440Hz, and the two octaves below it) this time, so I'm hoping I will have data that can speak to the perceived nonlinearities of pitch shift.

I also managed to go outside! ... albeit somewhat post-peak. I'd really like to experience the peak effects outdoors (in nature, ideally), but that would - for me - entail being outside from the start of the trip, I think. Which could be quite a challenge, in various ways.

I'll put up a trip report with, I hope, more detail and the quantitative results, some time in the next week.

By the way... regarding rolling out the DiPT perception experiments to other people... I've had little response (just one person) from people trying the pilot experiment: I don't know if this is because of people not having the time (or inclination) to run the program at all (yet); or if people are put off by the task sounding difficult (and apparently depending on perfect pitch; although it really doesn't... I've had data from someone who thought they had no pitch perception at all, but they produced data that suggested they were perceiving accurately, albeit not very precisely... however, I think it probably does depend on having some knowledge of note-names and some, even if very little, experience of hearing or playing music while reading the note names). Either way, I think the best thing for me to do would be two-fold:

1) Continue running the raw pitch perception experiment on myself, to map out in as much detail as possible the sort of stretches and shifts involved; and, once I've mapped that out, write a new program that will allow the participant to twiddle knobs that produce those stretches and shifts (with varying size and direction), and present them with a familiar piece of audio (a snippet of a song, say), distorted, and ask the to twiddle the knobs till it sounds normal again - a nulling paradigm for the nonlinear pitch shift, that should - I think - be an easier task than the absolute perception task;

and 2) In the mean time, distribute a final version of the pitch-shift program I'm running on myself anyway, despite the lack of response to the pilot study, in case anyone does get the chance to do it while on DiPT at some point. :)
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You'll be getting one from me soon, and I think you'll need a little patience--this isn't the most common stuff around.
You'll be getting one from me soon,
Cool, thank you very much!

and I think you'll need a little patience--this isn't the most common stuff around.
Oh indeed... :) I'm anticipating this project taking years in all (maybe decades, I don't know!). I'm sorry if I came across as impatient... I just felt (perhaps wrongly) that maybe most responses to the pilot study would have arrived by now, since it's to be run while not on DiPT. For the proper experiments, I would expect a very slow process of data collection, since there's probably not that many DiPT trips happening each year, and I'm sampling just from a subset of those where people are aware of this experiment and are inclined to donate some of their time and effort to the project.

I don't have a very clear sense of how the auditory effects of 5-MeO-DiPT compare to DiPT (I've not taken the former myself), but - if there are commonalities - perhaps some interesting data could be collected with this (more common, I think) substance.
is it something you have to do tripping?

When I trip I don't like to read instructions and do an experiment or any other stuff like that. Its splashing through creeks, rolling in mud, and burying myself in leaf piles for me.

I'll leave the experiments for the fuckin' birds.

I also honestly don't care if data about drugs like DiPT gets out to the public. I would actually rather it did not. The less people that know about these drugs, the better.
is it something you have to do tripping?

When I trip I don't like to read instructions and do an experiment or any other stuff like that. Its splashing through creeks, rolling in mud, and burying myself in leaf piles for me.

I'll leave the experiments for the fuckin' birds.
:D The pilot study is to do while not tripping, to work out whether people generally can do the pitch perception task. The experiments themselves will be to be done while tripping on DiPT (although, having said that... I will need control data for all the experiments; so people who want to help, but either don't do DiPT or don't want to experiment while tripping, can usefully provide data while not tripping).

I find that, during the peak cognitive effects, I am entirely unwilling to do the task; but I also find that the auditory effects extend a fair way beyond the cognitive effects, so that gives me time to do the experiment (I should try to force myself, some time, though; otherwise I'll never have any data on the open-ear audials in that phase). But, unless you have creeks and leaf piles in your house, or a laptop to take with you, it could be tricky doing both in the same trip.

I can well understand that many would not wish to do an experiment while tripping. :)

ETA: Of course, I'm not expecting people to spend the entire trip at their computer doing the experiment... we're talking a few minutes here and there, at times of their choosing.
I also honestly don't care if data about drugs like DiPT gets out to the public. I would actually rather it did not. The less people that know about these drugs, the better.
What harm do you foresee coming of having greater understanding of the auditory effects of DiPT? Or have I misunderstood you?
Actually, the only entities that have to worry if DIPT is scheduled are the fuckin' birds. The amateurs will still have access just like they can get all their Schedule I stuff over the Internet now.
Actually, the only entities that have to worry if DIPT is scheduled are the fuckin' birds. The amateurs will still have access just like they can get all their Schedule I stuff over the Internet now.
If this is the concern... I don't see that conducting these experiments and reporting the data on bluelight or similar forums is likely to get DiPT scheduled anyway. This is just trip-reports, but with numbers. I'm not encouraging people who don't take DiPT to take DiPT, just asking people who do take DiPT to spend some time collecting data while they're at it; and I certainly won't be publishing findings in journals, since these experiments do not have any formal backing or institutional ethical approval: they're just products of my curiosity.

If the quantitative data is going to get DiPT scheduled; then so is the qualitative data (i.e. normal trip reports). I really don't think that it's a bad thing to have trip reports of any kind, unless they are misleading: isn't spreading knowledge and increasing understanding generally good? And I certainly don't think numbers are more dangerous than words.
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