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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy 3-MeO-PCP Thread: 3-MeO 4 Leaf Clover

^absolutely this chemical is its own beast. I wonder what it could be considered to "do" if it isn't a true dissociative. What sets it apart in you all's opinions?
Well, it's a dissociative anaesthetic, it's just not that anaesthetic...

Nitrous or K will knock you out, DXM will also immobilize you in steps - first screwing up your gait.

Things like PCP, 3-MeO-PCP, 3-MeO-PCE i guess, in my opinion R-ketamine, and probably the xphenidines don't really seem to do this but make you lose your mind before you lose consciousness or most of your motor skills.

What is a true dissociative? One that anaesthesizes you or starts to at reasonable doses while also being psychedelic and scrambling your cognition and memory?

What something like 3-MeO-PCP does seems complicated to answer, especially how it does it and why other dissociatives don't do it or vice versa. I've tried discussing it in NSP / ADD forum multiple times:

But I'm honestly not satisfied with this.

Is it really just reuptake inhibition and that sort of thing, that keeps you up and about? Same for diphenidine. For starters, it doesn't feel like that to me - things like DCK or S-ket feel to me like they just have activity that things like 3-MeO-PCP don't. Activity that makes me feel heavy like a bag of bricks. I'm pretty sure that adding a monoamine reuptake inhibitor to that doesn't make that feeling just completely go away? Taking a stim and a sedative together does not feel like being sober either.

How it feels is never any good evidence though.

Although the precise interactions between ketamine and NMDA receptors are still being elucidated [21], enough evidence suggests a relation between ketamine's analgesic and anesthetic properties and NMDA channel blockade [21-23] to consider the NMDA receptor ketamine's primary site of anesthetic action. However, there are interactions with other systems that may also be relevant.


Considering 3-MeO-PCP acts as a potent antagonist at the NMDA receptor but doesn't produce anaesthesia quite as much... the big question is: which interaction with other systems is responsible?

Oh I may have one answer:

The hypnotic effects of ketamine are caused by a combination of immediate channel blockade of NMDA and hyperpolarization-activated cation channels

Sleigh J, Harvey M, Voss L, Denny B. Ketamine-more mechanisms of action than just NMDA blockade. Trends Anaesth Crit Care.

So Ih channels after all..
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Whatever it's classification I find 3 meo pcp to be on par with if not more psychedelic than MXE, it never felt like hollow hypo mania to me, in fact I treasure many of my experiences on 3 meo as some of the most positive, downright spiritual experiences I have had the pleasure of having! It may be worth noting that I almost always combined kratom when I was using 3 meo which I found to heavily alter the nature of 3 meo in a much more positive "glowing" fashion. In fact I would place some 3 meo in a 2 oz shot glass with a gram of finely ground kratom. This ritual took on a religious feeling after many successful positive trips.
I'm in love. I find it very psychedelic as well. SO functional though. I've been pushing it lately, and so far it's been forgiving. Taking a break soon. Combined with etizolam is almost too blissful. I've kept it going all day, seriously considering not sleeping to keep the feeling going...MOORISH. I know this is the honeymoon phase but I'm loving it. Such a wonderful compound. I wrote a mini TR in the smoking DPT thread, but last nights experience with a pretty large dose of 3-meo and and freebase DPT was hands down the best combo I've ever tried. Maybe the timelines of each separate substance just lined up properly, but I've read a few reports of that combo being lackluster and I urge those who have it available to maybe give it a try.
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Got a new batch recently. It is like the first times. I described it to a friend as such:

"Feels... softer. More subtle. Sneaky. Not really less strong just hits me with fluffy cotton ball gloves on."

Every baggie I've had is the same, white fluffy crystals. This time had a couple large shards but otherwise similar. I've had varying effects. 4 different batches. First one was as described above. I put it into vodka in a 3mg/ml solution and my friends called it liquid love. After we went through that, I got a sharper, more psychedelic batch which led me to my "hole" experiences. I was more irresponsible with this in my personal use, eyeballing doses of powder, it was more mechanical and less magical but more compulsive. Third batch was the same, now back to the fluffiness. The batch I have now acts like a binder, a connector, or a glue when a group takes it together. Mild telepathy has been experienced with 3-meo-pcp. It seems to elevate its users to a state of collective consciousness to some degree. This is with my closest friends, mind you, so we already share a bond, but this substance strengthens that bond to an uncanny level. I love this drug.
I haven't tried it in a group setting yet. I have some friends that are willing to get pretty weird, but I feel like as soon as I say "PCP" it would be game over haha. They are not familiar with analogs, and not interested, I tried to explain 4-aco-dmt to them once and they just said "oh, chemical from the internet with a long name? No thanks" Bummer ?
Yeah a lot of people are like that. I knew this girl who asked me if I could get LSD. I could get 1p-LSD, so I went over there and told her about it, and she and her boyfriend were like, oh, we don't do synthetics, and threw me a bit of scorn. I was like, you realize LSD is synthetic, right, and so is MDMA? They were like, uh, no. I was like, uh, yeah. =D

LSD and MDMA could both be research chemicals right now if they hadn't been discovered a long time ago... They could have discovered 4-MMC a long time ago and that would be the big rave party drug, and then MDMA came out and a bunch people would be like, "ugh, no, that's a weird internet chemical". Or ETH-LAD could have been the lysergamide that became popular first and LSD could be a research chemical. It's so arbitrary.

But yeah, the PCP in 3-MeO-PCP freaks a lot of people out. I did, however, introduce many of the members of my friend's band to it, and once they got past the initial squeamishness, they love it a lot.
The only (mild) argument the natural vs synthetic people can make is that naturals typically come with a long history of use. The assumption is that with enough time, the proper correlations of effects and risks will just clarify by themselves. Which yes usually happens I guess, which makes it somewhat of a valid point.
But none if this really matters if you're not also aware of a bigger argument which is what synthetic means and why for a big part, the distinction can be meaningless.

If the notoriety of PCP would be true, the PCP in 3-MeO-PCP should probably freak people out. It's just that with alcohol or weed you get so many accounts of people who have a positive result with it, but with PCP never except from Steve-O :p . But you do hear about the babies and the faces getting eaten. So unfair. :p
Haha yes! I mean 4-aco-dmt has been consistently synthesized since what, the 60's? And luckily somehow it's remained on the market, but it's been around, and tested, I would say almost as much as LSD. I love it "we don't do synthetics". I wouldn't feel so bad about it if people didn't show me some "scorn" like you said.
Also, one time I let a friend of mine (that doesn't want to dabble in RCs) hold onto my stash for a night or two cause I didn't want it at home. He and another guy I know got
bored that night and mixed what they told me were "scoops" of 4-Aco and DPT into a water bottle and split the whole thing between them. They had an awful time, and blamed the "dirty, internet chemicals". When I got my stuff back I realized they must have put at least about 150mg of each chem in that bottle no joke.
It's people that give the substances a bad name. Same with PCP. If it was never abused so heavily, who knows if it would have ever gotten the stigma it had today? Not saying I'm in a hurry to try it, I've personally never even seen it in real like.
I do synthetics either if your synthetics are just randomly shuffled organic groups. But if it's an ester of psilocin which IS natural, and partially or completely turns into psilocin in the body, it's more trustworthy than your randomly shuffled organic groups.

As an example ketamine or DXM which compared to natural products are pretty alien substances, are harder to just predict what their issues might be. By now, fortunately numerous related issues have become clear anyway... but with something like diphenidines or even NBOMe's things are only *just* starting to nearly become clear. Or not even probably.

PCP used as a niche dissociative in a psychedelic scene is possibly also used differently than some random guy living in a ghetto. Maybe random (and not to their fault drug-ignorant) guys in the ghetto are just more likely to get into trouble with it producing those stigmas compared to the rare random "psychonaut" wanting to try the fabled pcp.
Yeah a lot of people are like that. I knew this girl who asked me if I could get LSD. I could get 1p-LSD, so I went over there and told her about it, and she and her boyfriend were like, oh, we don't do synthetics, and threw me a bit of scorn. I was like, you realize LSD is synthetic, right, and so is MDMA? They were like, uh, no. I was like, uh, yeah. =D

LSD and MDMA could both be research chemicals right now if they hadn't been discovered a long time ago... They could have discovered 4-MMC a long time ago and that would be the big rave party drug, and then MDMA came out and a bunch people would be like, "ugh, no, that's a weird internet chemical". Or ETH-LAD could have been the lysergamide that became popular first and LSD could be a research chemical. It's so arbitrary.

But yeah, the PCP in 3-MeO-PCP freaks a lot of people out. I did, however, introduce many of the members of my friend's band to it, and once they got past the initial squeamishness, they love it a lot.

The apprehension is understandable I suppose. Current stuff can give off a scary vibe to the untrained eye & ear.. In the end, them turning down 1p I'd imagine is their loss.. I've never done it but I reckon it to be on par with "the real deal" although I know it probably has its own unique values to it.
Sheeit though if someone offered me something of that caliber and I hadnt heard of it I would be quick to say "well hold on, let me look it up real quick and are you sure of it's authenticity?"
I certainly wouldn't shrug it off in the brave farcery of wearing "natural" on my sleeve. Fuggin dolts.
I'm in a "city" but not necessarily a big city (sandwiched right between 2 big cities though) and the real scenes seem to be happening there. Where I'm at, even the real drug users are pretty conventional. Prefer their drugs to be monosyllabic and tried and true. Also know some people that pride themselves very much on being "that guy" that knows "the guy" that knows the family and all that to get psychs. Which is why I love the internet. I had a falling out with the local let's say family member and now have a hard time getting access to certain substances. Hate the hierarchy associated with LSD and the like. It's not an all exclusive club. Still carry some bitterness about that. I guess what I'm saying is I get the feeling some of these people won't try different substances because they have access to LSD and feel a sense of superiority and are "above" RCs. of course LSD is amazing, the alternatives can be as well. Like I said I can't help being bitter
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Oh boy, how I love those igorant drug users. I once had a friend declining my amphetamine paste while he was doing cocaine because he "don't do synthetics". Because of fucking course cocaine is a natural compound extracted from the coca plant. I still smile today remembering that.

Back on topic, I want to suggest that the effects variation between batches you people are posting about lately could be related to set&setting, tolerance and lose of magic instead of related to the batch itself? I'm saying this because I have 3 different batches of 3-MeO-PCP that were pretty similar on effects during my honeymoon with 3meow, and half a year after I'm not getting at all the effects I had back then (With every one of the 3 different batches). Mania and magic are gone, and I feel more letargic, less creative, and a bit of mind fog when I take it (Since September that's only once a month, but I binged like if tomorrow would be the Apocalypse for a while)
Back on topic, I want to suggest that the effects variation between batches you people are posting about lately could be related to set&setting, tolerance and lose of magic instead of related to the batch itself? I'm saying this because I have 3 different batches of 3-MeO-PCP that were pretty similar on effects during my honeymoon with 3meow, and half a year after I'm not getting at all the effects I had back then (With every one of the 3 different batches). Mania and magic are gone, and I feel more letargic, less creative, and a bit of mind fog when I take it (Since September that's only once a month, but I binged like if tomorrow would be the Apocalypse for a while)

No, I've been using this batch for about a month and it is consistently and markedly different from my middle two batches. This is not just set and setting. Certainly not tolerance because this batch has a certain magic the previous batches lacked. My friends agreed, this is better.

And I'm pretty sure it's all been 3-meo-pcp because aside from the differences we noticed all signs lign up. Haven't had any lab tested cuz that's expensive here in the US.
I just read this entire 3-MeO-PCP thread. Though I've never done any, it sounds remarkably seductive and forgiving for a PCP analog, with a rich texture that keeps the users going back for more. Maybe one day I'll try it, but I doubt it: both k and mxe induce weeks long lasting, post trip psychosis for me, though I love the seductive siren call of the proverbial disso as much as the next guy. One thing I've noticed is that ya'll's 3-meo seems to act like a trur nootropic on some levrl causing nuanced, smooth text to spring forth from you, its usets, like Marcel Proust writing about the reminscent smell ef tulips as a child on the streets of paris 200 years ago in Swann's way. Oh yeah, I found some good cocaine powder yesterday and somr blue ice methamphetamine, which I'll think I'll stick to. Everyone considers meth to be synthetic and harmful but the best stuff is actially derived by the all natural ma huang plant after de-oxygebating it with a little kitchen chemistry. So while you search for the elusive hypomania of the earlier tan batch I'll be flirting with the full blown variety. Just me and my simple, elegant 2-methylamino-1-phenylpropane.
Holy fuck words won't describe where I went be careful with this compound. it will teach whether you like it or not. when I am able to type again correctly I will describe.