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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy 3-MeO-PCP Thread: 3-MeO 4 Leaf Clover

I just read this entire 3-MeO-PCP thread. Though I've never done any, it sounds remarkably seductive and forgiving for a PCP analog, with a rich texture that keeps the users going back for more. Maybe one day I'll try it, but I doubt it: both k and mxe induce weeks long lasting, post trip psychosis for me, though I love the seductive siren call of the proverbial disso as much as the next guy. One thing I've noticed is that ya'll's 3-meo seems to act like a trur nootropic on some levrl causing nuanced, smooth text to spring forth from you, its usets, like Marcel Proust writing about the reminscent smell ef tulips as a child on the streets of paris 200 years ago in Swann's way. Oh yeah, I found some good cocaine powder yesterday and somr blue ice methamphetamine, which I'll think I'll stick to. Everyone considers meth to be synthetic and harmful but the best stuff is actially derived by the all natural ma huang plant after de-oxygebating it with a little kitchen chemistry. So while you search for the elusive hypomania of the earlier tan batch I'll be flirting with the full blown variety. Just me and my simple, elegant 2-methylamino-1-phenylpropane.

Yeah if other dissos lead to post-trip psychosis, definitely, definitely stay away from this. As for the meth, to each his own, I've never liked meth, I get way better effects from 3-MeO and basically no downsides except if I go for too long. Cocaine however, that's a nice drug.
I have no chemistry experience but could it have degraded? And into what?

Probably not, arylcyclohexylamines are remarkably stable, it seems. Anecdotally I can say that I've had my MXE for years stored at Room temperature and have noticed no decrease in potency. 3-MeO-PCP for less than a year, but same story.

Hypomanic inducer drug

Hypomaniant. Hypomanogen ?

When I am able to type again correctly I will describe.
Haha, that's dissos for ya.
Maybe it's the batch I have but this stuff is so hit or miss for me. Or maybe it has a stronggg cross-tolerance with other dissos?

Did some DCK on Wednesday and then felt almost nothing from 15mg oral of 3-MeO on Friday.

It's a bummer because when I have felt this stuff in the past it was amazing. I love the manic aspects, it felt like rolling to me at points. Had the most wonderful experiences at a couple festivals. Now I feel like I'm chasing those feelings with no success :(
Hi guys, I went through the entire thread and it sured piqued my curiosity. I was wondering about the idea of hypomania, what does it mean, exactly? And also is 3meo moreish? Not in the "take it til my gram is gone" kind of way, but in the "keep taking little bumps til you're too dissociated to care" way. I'm concerned that it will trigger some selfdestructive behaviors on me.
Mania is an 'extreme' state of elation - feeling on top of the world, very confident and optimistic, often hyperactive and can involve behavior that is dangerous or that one might later regret. When taken to most extreme points it can mean delusions of grandeur or indestructibility etc. Plenty of people have come to the forum in such a state to post things like the hilarious 'we did it' thread: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads...i-it-we-all-believed-in-in-him-and-he-did-it-!!!!!

Hypomania is the milder, more or less benign version of that. It does not involve dangerous behavior and the positive feelings don't take on a delusional character that can make you a threat to yourself or others.

3-MeO-PCP is a bit 'moreish' but compared to plenty of stimulants it is not in my opinion too hard to resist the urge, but it can seem attractive to many people. A difference, in my experience, can be that you must come to terms with the fact that it is not hypnotic like ketamine is so you don't go into a hole in a similar way, but you do 'lose yourself' mentally. So it's important to fight the idea that there is even such a thing as an ideal completely holed or dissociated state you can take bumps towards as such a state can be uncomfortable and dangerous with this drug. Nevertheless some people still do it, but has led to dangerous incidents and frankly doesn't even sound that appealing. I have went up with the dose but not to such dangerous levels.

Hypomania* inducing drug? Well psychedelia inducing drug >> psychedelic so hypomania inducing drug would just be a hypomanic.
Mania is an 'extreme' state of elation - feeling on top of the world, very confident and optimistic, often hyperactive and can involve behavior that is dangerous or that one might later regret. When taken to most extreme points it can mean delusions of grandeur or indestructibility etc. Plenty of people have come to the forum in such a state to post things like the hilarious 'we did it' thread: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads...i-it-we-all-believed-in-in-him-and-he-did-it-!!!!!

Hypomania is the milder, more or less benign version of that. It does not involve dangerous behavior and the positive feelings don't take on a delusional character that can make you a threat to yourself or others.

3-MeO-PCP is a bit 'moreish' but compared to plenty of stimulants it is not in my opinion too hard to resist the urge, but it can seem attractive to many people. A difference, in my experience, can be that you must come to terms with the fact that it is not hypnotic like ketamine is so you don't go into a hole in a similar way, but you do 'lose yourself' mentally. So it's important to fight the idea that there is even such a thing as an ideal completely holed or dissociated state you can take bumps towards as such a state can be uncomfortable and dangerous with this drug. Nevertheless some people still do it, but has led to dangerous incidents and frankly doesn't even sound that appealing. I have went up with the dose but not to such dangerous levels.

Hypomania* inducing drug? Well psychedelia inducing drug >> psychedelic so hypomania inducing drug would just be a hypomanic.

That post was so fun, and very representative of what mania can be. I myself fell in that state a lot of times, but always was very physically impaired to be able to write anything about it.

3-MeO-PCP big&dandies have a lot of posts that scream mania and hypomania too, a lot of them from myself when I was on my honeymoon with the drug.
Regarding how this affects writing, that is one of the most intriguing bits about this chemical. You can often guess whether the author of a post is sober or high as a kite not by how sloppy their writing is but by how florid and flowing their text becomes. This is the new poet's drug, move over absinthe!
Yeah I consistently write in a particular kind of way on 3-MeO, it's one of the reasons I might choose to use it on any given day. Like this short little piece (sort of a trip report but really short) I wrote on it one day. Very interesting effect indeed.

Maybe it's the batch I have but this stuff is so hit or miss for me. Or maybe it has a stronggg cross-tolerance with other dissos?

Did some DCK on Wednesday and then felt almost nothing from 15mg oral of 3-MeO on Friday.

It's a bummer because when I have felt this stuff in the past it was amazing. I love the manic aspects, it felt like rolling to me at points. Had the most wonderful experiences at a couple festivals. Now I feel like I'm chasing those feelings with no success :(

If it's the white fluffy batch, I felt the same way about it, it does seem less mania-producing than the previous batches I've had but as I've used it more I've sort of figured out how to use it and now I really like it, though I do wish I had access to the previous batch as well. I find that it's more setting-dependent than the other batch, but that by repeated dosing of slightly higher amounts over a night, and with sufficient external input (like social activity, or music), I can reach an absolutely hypomanic and magical/sparkly place that has led to some of the most fun nights in memory.

Hi guys, I went through the entire thread and it sured piqued my curiosity. I was wondering about the idea of hypomania, what does it mean, exactly? And also is 3meo moreish? Not in the "take it til my gram is gone" kind of way, but in the "keep taking little bumps til you're too dissociated to care" way. I'm concerned that it will trigger some selfdestructive behaviors on me.

It's not more-ish in the same way that stims or even something like ketamine is. But I find it very easy to rationalize daily use since it's so benign.

It's important to note that this disso is very much different from other ones. It's not really very good for getting dissociated in my opinion. Rather, it's a modulator of mood and mental processes, a subtle thing that can lead to some profound alterations. If you keep dosing more to chase a hole it's going to disappoint you.
About addiction, I feel this one is easier to tame down than any other disso, because of the long-life and stimulating properties, I usually reach a point after a few days of binging where I need to stop, both mind and body ask for it, and effects start to become disgusting. This is a point I will never reach using ketamine or 2-OxO-PCM for example.
Yeah I can vouch for 3meo improving creative writing flow! When im sober or just in my pothead routine I don't ever write anymore. That all changed when I got a half g of this lovely stuff. Most trips on 3meo I would crank out poems, prose, journals etc. They would come to my mind and out of my fingers as quickly and intuitively as breathings. It felt so natural and therapeutic it is one of the aspects of this chemical that blew me away. Playing the drums became second nature as well on this compound.
Yeah I use it for musical inspiration too. I haven't painted in years now but I'm sure it would be a boon there as well.
While I'm usually really bad at FPS games, while on 3meow I'm the fucking boss, I usually open up Battlefield 1 and own the game, reflexes and response time are really improved, and I find myself making complex strategies.

It's also very good at improving creativity and bringing fresh ideas and aproaches while doing music.
MSK do you play BF1 on PC, XB1, or PS4? If PC let's trade Origin names.
So I've been sick, lost my voice for the past 3 days after having a cold for over a week (so a week and a half I've felt sick), but it's back today and I finally feel better! I just did literally between 1 and 2mg of 3-MeO, and those nootropic effects are really kicking in right now, I'm doing an intense work thing that I've been doing for the past 3 work days (worked 29 hours already in Sunday-Tuesday on this same project/task), and I'm making little games for myself and having fun with it despite wanting to punch a hole through my monitor yesterday. I'm making plans to do things I've been needing to do later, like laundry and cleaning, and those things sound nice too. Man, what a great drug. :) Haven't done it since I got sick.
Glad to hear it Xork :D gotta love when mundane tasks become fun. Whenever I get a cold, I never feel like myself, especially if I can't breathe through my nose. It really is a wonderful little compound. Does anyone notice much difference between sublingual and oral dosing? I honestly don't notice that much from nasal to sublingual, just have been steering toward nasal because I enjoy that method with most things :)
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I found oral to be much more "complete" and psychedelic. Nasal dosing felt moreish and a bit artificially stimulating and more ego driven/immediately task oriented.

I guess it could be said that oral 3meo makes me wonder why I am who I am. Whereas nasal makes me want to get immersed in a process or task in this day in the moment without as much concern for philosophical and existential queries like oral dosing. If I'm eating this stuff I wanna lay back in the dark with earphones in and melt. If I'm sniffing I wanna talk my friends ears off about relationships and society and art (and flirt with pretty girls if the option arises)
Haha, that sounds about right. Maybe I've just been going a litttle overboard lately and it's building up in me system. I haven't noticed any uncontrollable mania though, even in larger doses. Maybe it's just the batch like y'all are saying. This is the only batch I've ever had though