TDS pets thread with added ooomph!

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Memphis-Your second picture makes me want to cuddle your kitties- they look so snuggly:)
That teacup look real comfy

I could get a cat, I live on the 22nd floor and leave the windows open most of the time in the summer, that would have to stop.
Yeah totally!! Hahaha I have a distant drunken memory that I PM'd you a few yeares ago telling you that I had a cat named Sushi :D :D :D
I could've just dreamt that though :)

Photos of your Sushi???

Really?? I don't remember, but then my memory is often bad when it comes to PMs. I would have thought I would have remembered that though, given how obsessed I am with my cat. :)

Here's a link to the photos I put in my journal of her ages ago. I actually don't have that many recent ones, as unfortunately when I split with my partner last year he got custody. :(
Toby's leopard impression after he's been watching too much Big Cat Diaries =D <3

LOL great shot. He's just chillin there with a "this feels soo good" look on his face. Paws just hangin over.=D He looks so content...just him and his heater and he's good!
this is my baby<3
his name is rocco
they have a bad rep, but as you can see, pit bulls can be very cuddly and sweet:)




but he is very landlords or maintainence guys busting up in my apartment %) ...... no cops wanting to search my car when he's in there growling at them =D
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^^My little pit always has her face like Rocco does in that first pic! Espcially if I'm telling her to get off the couch, she'll hide it even more, just lookin at me with those big eyes. LOL that last one is awesome too. Zena(my dog) loves being under stuff and hidden.

I really can't stand the people that raise these dogs to be mean, causing many which are rescued to never have a chance.


EDIt: ^^She was begging for something in this last one. Probably a burger
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this is my baby<3
his name is rocco
they have a bad rep, but as you can see, pit bulls can be very cuddly and sweet:)




but he is very landlords or maintainence guys busting up in my apartment %) ...... no cops wanting to search my car when he's in there growling at them =D

Look at that cute puppy face!!!! They are soooooo damn innocent!
No one has any ferrets?? I think they are the ultimate 'upper' in the pet world....I'd post some pictures of mine, but I'm not quite sure how...
^You can go to and upload the photo.....then copy the link written out next to 'forums' come back and paste it here!!
I had a ferret years ago.....I have a serious rat phobia and it was very hard at first because my ferret (Belimawr) reminded me of a rat and I hallucinated rats and mice for a few weeks......(I'm a little nutty when it comes to rats....I will have nightmares and hallucinate for a while if I see one- it does something bad to my brain;)) hahahaha Ferrets are NOTHING like rats....
But I got over it and now I see ferrets and think they are adorable! I miss my little guys sometimes.
I hope you post a few of yours!
Fleet!! Hes my portuguese water dog! He loves the ladies!!!=D

This next one is Crystal. She's my other portuguese water dog, both her and Fleet are brother and sister. Its funny how in some species of dogs that when a brown and black dog breed, there puppies are either all brown or all black. I've never seen any mixed brown/black in a single dog.
D's I've been around a portuguese water dog before, and he had an awesome personality and was just one happy dog!

The pooch quite comfortable up on the couch, sleeping in...
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Fleet!! Hes my portuguese water dog! He loves the ladies!!!=D

This next one is Crystal. She's my other portuguese water dog, both her and Fleet are brother and sister. Its funny how in some species of dogs that when a brown and black dog breed, there puppies are either all brown or all black. I've never seen any mixed brown/black in a single dog.

Nice dogs! Are they the kind that have webbing between their toes and can swim deep underwater?
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