TDS pets thread with added ooomph!

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Forgot about this one.. haha!


Probably one of my favorite dogs on BL! How old is he?
Hi guys <3

I'm feeling really depressed right now, my cat is really the only creature I feel I can rely on to keep me somewhat grounded at the moment...

Here are some photos of her:








Her name is Evil Betty btw :)
Thanks :)

Yeah this breed (Cornish Rex) is really "funny looking" - as you put it - I guess, because they only have the down hair (the shortest of the three types of hair cats have), kinda like the Sphinx, only the latter have no hair at all :)

They are also really nuts personality-wise, very energetic, running and jumping around a lot, they like to get to the highest place they are able to (as can be seen from some of the pictures). Also, this one really likes to exert her power in presence of other cats (see the last picture, it's from her childhood - she is about 2.5 years old now), hence the name Evil Betty =D
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KStoner that is a great photo!! I love your dog, she is gorgeous <3

Hi guys <3

I'm feeling really depressed right now, my cat is really the only creature I feel I can rely on to keep me somewhat grounded at the moment...

Here are some photos of her:




Her name is Evil Betty btw :)

<3Cornish Rex FTW<3!!!!!!
I am in LOVE with her Recept!!
KS- very cute picture:)
Dogs are so fun......they just want to be right up on all the action!
My current favorite is 'Magnificent Muckety Muck' for my old pup

Okay, you HAVE to tell us how you got to that nickname!! :D

Our kitties go by many many names.
"Sushi" actually gets called "Missy" most of the time...go figure :)

And we frequently add "-kins" to all their names e.g. Smoodgeykins, Tobykins, Missykins.

Our bird "Buzz" gets called "Buzzard" or, more frequently by me "Little Cunt" (because he is me on this...)

And our dog "Cosby" of course has many names e.g.
Lil' Nugget
Mrs Nezbit
The Nozlet

And so on and so forth :)
Ha! I gave him some rice with his food one day and somehow he had a big clump on his forehead. He strutted from the kitchen looking all noble and kingly and then I saw the rice.

His name is Shaman soooo...

'Shaman Raman Noodles'
'Stinky Butt'
'Puppy Power'
'Sha Sha'
'Poop Monster'

LOL at 'little cunt'. Thats awesome
Ha! I gave him some rice with his food one day and somehow he had a big clump on his forehead. He strutted from the kitchen looking all noble and kingly and then I saw the rice.

Hahaha that is gold!! Love it :D
Toby's leopard impression after he's been watching too much Big Cat Diaries =D <3

....yes he is ON the heater...and it's turned ON! 8o
This kitty is obsessed with heat, as in he can't get enough of it. We have to put a t-shirt over the heater for him to sit/lie on, otherwise he sits/lies on it anyway! And we don't want him to burn his bum.

I think it stems from when he was a kitten, he was an abuse case that I rescued, and I think they used to leave him out in the cold at night in the middle of Winter when he was a baby kitten. That's the only thing we can come up with to explain his heat obsession! I've never had a cat that has been quite so needy of heat...

Isn't he handsome though :)
Not that I'm biased or anything.... ;)
Glad his story ends with a good warm home.
Oh god so many kittehs! n3o TOby is so beautiful! Ocean you have some real cuties, the pic of the white one with the wide open mouth really needs to go on, just gotta come up with a good caption.

I really need a cat. When I was growing up my family was adopted by a lonely hungry kitten, I loved her so much and she lived to be 19 and and died when I was in college. Its time I find one, or two, or fourteen to bring home.
^^ Thanks! I agree, so many gorgeous kitties in TDS :)

Praxis, can you actually get yourself a kitty?? If so, you definitely should. Pets are such a beneficial thing to a person's life <3
Our kitties go by many many names.
"Sushi" actually gets called "Missy" most of the time...go figure :)

Hang on, you have a cat called sushi?? Me too! I always get comments on what a weird name it is. I've never met anyone else who decided to call their cat that.

(and yes, I named myself after her).
Hang on, you have a cat called sushi?? Me too! I always get comments on what a weird name it is. I've never met anyone else who decided to call their cat that.

(and yes, I named myself after her).

Yeah totally!! Hahaha I have a distant drunken memory that I PM'd you a few yeares ago telling you that I had a cat named Sushi :D :D :D
I could've just dreamt that though :)

Photos of your Sushi???
memphiseve, Hemi is SO CUTE!!! We have a kitty DVD too haha how funny is it. They LOVE it huh!
Kittiiieeeees <3 <3 <3
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