TDS pets thread with added ooomph!

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stardust.hero said:
Go through your cat loving life saying fuck you to all the naysayers. They obviously don't have the same gift we have in appreciating animals for who they are as very complex and individual beings.

Oh, for sure. No one's taking the love I get from my kit-kats away :D <3

herbavore said:
I used to tell my husband that I wanted the baby to know sound of the deepest peace there is. It truly is the sound of pure contentment, absolute safety and bliss.

herbavore said:
Omar made me LOL and I keep scrolling back up to look at him again---that expression in the 2nd picture is classic!

Hahaha I know; I think he knew he was posing - for Feline GQ, perhaps ;)

Indeed, what a beautiful piece of imagery! This is exactly how I feel about the sound of a cat's pur. It is - to me - serenity :)

n30phy7e said: is not strange in the slightest for anyone to have 2 cats. Cats are awesome!!

Word =D Thank you!

<3 You're all awesome lol. Continuous love....

~ Vaya

Sleeping beauty. Seriously, how cute can a lizard get??!
Man that is ridiculously cute!! :D Look at his lil legs! <3 It's like he just passed out there lol
Lol I always wake up in the morning and see him in all sorts of funny positions.
The sand has a heat mat under that spot so he is mega comfortable
Oh wow Vaya! I can relate to people thinking you're weird with the amount of animals you have. I felt so awkward telling my parent and my best friend that I was getting a 3rd dog. (I know we aren't keeping him but it wasn't the fact that we couldn't handle 3 dogs, It was that the dog was a bit odd and not getting along with our current dogs.) I heard my mom bite her tongue when I told her I got a 3rd one. I don't think a lot of people understand because they think a "normal" person has one or two dogs. I think a lot of people who have dogs just have them for the simple fact that they think it is a normal thing to have a dog. They like having the image of being a "dog person", a dog owner. They don't particularly have it because they are a dire dog lover and find immense joy from sharing their life with a dog and knowing them on a very deep and personal level.
IMO its because people can't comprehend that you could actually have a relationship of similar depth with something that never speaks than with something that does. Its like theres two types of people, the people who love their animals and the people who LOVE their animals. The latter does not make a distinction between human or animal love, they are one and the same. They are all our companions. Its pretty comical to me though, that the people who love animals can't really see it, or maybe its just that they hadn't noticed. I've always been lucky to notice small things in life, like the fact that in the most intense experiences in life, it isn't the actual words that matter, its the fire they light inside of your heart. It makes me sad to know that people are so blocked of or look at animals any differently from themselves with the exception of knowledge. Later on i'll post up some pics of my old buddy, he recently had returned to the Earth. So sad as he was one of the closer beings i've ever existed with(our story should be a book, ha he came to me exactly when I needed him, I choose him and everything, was one of the most perfect beings I had ever been graced to exist with as well, that mother fucker was never sad unless you were and even then he was always there to cheer you up anyways, because of his partial husky descent it actually appeared that he was smiling nearly all the time the way his mouth was outlined in black and his lips curved)but by now time has healed that wound and I simply wonder when/if we'll ever meet again/what it will be like.
Heres another friend, my cat Moe.
Trip your lizzy look so comfy. Me and my boyfriend call it scomffff when our dog look extra comfy. Your dragon is totally scomff.

Help <3 I am so happy to know there are people in the world who think just like I do. Animals are so amazing. I don't have to talk to my dogs to know that we both have an amazing connection that is stronger than a human and I could probably have. If only I could think like dog, then I would be able to make it through this world in one piece.

Unconditional trust and forgiveness and love.

And Moe <3 he looks absolutely scomff also. I hope to know the joys and love you all talk about with cats. I have never owned one before but I would love to.
I love that pic of Moe, Help!! He is gorgeous :D <3

stardust.hero said:
Me and my boyfriend call it scomffff when our dog look extra comfy.
I am totally stealing this, if that's cool? :)
@Help??, I love everything you said up there and I love that picture of Moe.

@Trip--your lizard is a character! You should have a little sketch book of gesture drawings of all his best poses.:)

I just go through this thread alternately squealing and talking baby talk and generally being overwhelmed with cuteness<3.
Oh good GOD!!! That is the best exhibition of scomff I have seen thus far!!

Is Cosby doinitrite??


Smoodge definitely had it down-pat ;)
this thread has turned so sleeeepy!!
@herbavore; that is a great idea! i like trying to sketch him, but he has such a unique little head its always really hard to capture it in my drawings.
@stardust's most recent scomfy photo; AWWWWW!
that picture is the greatest snoozing pet picture i have ever seen!!
Smoodge definitely had it down-pat ;)

Scomff monorail cat is scomff!


I am in the, unfortunately, long and complicated process of procuring a kute kitty kat for myself and hope that he/she has half the character and love to give as all of the putties in this thread.
lol He's sleeping falling down!! Cosby is definitely doin it right. And dawwwww Smoodge <3 He is the master. He had it mastered from pic one with the laying on face super scomff pic. We need moar Smoodge awkward scomff pics!!

I am in the, unfortunately, long and complicated process of procuring a kute kitty kat for myself and hope that he/she has half the character and love to give as all of the putties in this thread.

I want a kitty so bad. I hope I get a super affectionate Smoodge if I can convince my boyfriend one day to let me get one. :-D

Boy cat or girl cat? From all you kitty owners? Which do you like more?

I prefer boy dogs. I think they're more affectionate. Girls dogs are jerks :p.
For cats: Male, and ginger tabby if possible. I have never met a ginger boy that wasn't completely 110% made of love and affection <3
Your dragon is one handsome fellow Trip! If you could pass along the message to him that would be greatly appreciated. Unless, of course, you are worried that the praise would go to his head. I don't know whether reptiles are vain or not. =D

I would like to propose that we have the thread title changed to 'TDS pets thread with added scomff!'

All in favour, raise your pet's hand/paw/tail/other appropriate appendage.
^^ On that note, we have to start a new pets thread because this one has reached 1,000 posts!!
Thank you 4sak3n for the new thread's title! ;)
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