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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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So u use a 2mg pill a day, split into 4ish IV doses. I have tried injecting soboxone (no rush), but im trying to overcome a needle fetish also. So I try to keep injecting my subs to a minimum.
2mg would last me 2 days, I only use 1mg a day. 2mg split into 8 doses = 0.25mg per dose.
yea I was on 4mg, then I found a dope connect and went on abit on a binge. Parents found out when they saw the tracks they told the suboxone doc and want me take 16mg a day. I mean should I make a fuss about it? It is a high dose. But 16mg does help with cravings. Iduno My parents think I should quit opiates when they force me, but they will never learn you dont quit until you wanna quit

I hate having a father who is a psychiatrist... he thinks medication can fix everything.

lol.. 16mg Suboxone is not a REALLY high dosage. I am on the same dose as you. If you are coming off a big opiate habit and you start at 2mg/suboxone - that is FUCK ALL and won't even touch your withdrawals. :\

I have been on 16mg/day for awhile now, and been clean 68 days from opiates. Although I'm still on benzo's, my addiction doc is tapering me off of Clonazepam, right now I'm on 1.5mg BID for Clonazepam, lowers it about every 30 days by 0.25mg. I've tapered too fast off benzodiazepines before, with valium which is fucking stupid. Because if you have a high tolerance to benzodiazepines, Valium is not a good benzo to taper with, since it is so weak, it may have a long half life, but its actual "effect" only lasts 1-2hrs. Clonazepam has a long half life as well, and the good thing about it is that, its actual "effect" lasts more like 1-4hrs. :)

Anyway, you guys are lucky down south, because up in Canada here we have to pickup our Suboxone dose daily. They don't write scripts and just hand them out to you up here, you have to earn privledges, by remaining clean with good urine test results. Once I get some carries, I might try an Oxy again, just for the hell of up, because I can always just go right back on the Sub. At 16mg/day I still have cravings, but not severe cravings. I'm also depressed, but I've been depressed ever since I was 16 years old, so it has nothing to do with the Suboxone.

Anyways, damn I wish I lived in the U.S. sometimes, I just don't like the way the law enforcement is down there. Other than that, the U.S. blows Canada out of the fucking water (especially if you live in the praries in Canada). Weather wise, most of you in the US are so damn lucky compared to us Canadians. I'm jealous :!
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SUBOXONE recreational use cause of problems?

I know someone who "occasionally" takes a piece of a suboxone 8 mg - so maybe 2 mg a day or every other day in the morning and occassionally takes a xanax or lorazepam. Well, this person always seems to be in a daze, forgets things all over the place, always tired/sleep but has insomia, is irritable, as well as low/no sex drive. Could all of this be caused by taking a low dose occassional suboxone on a long term basis? Would the effects of the 2 mg taken in the morning last into the night - like a pill hangover? Please help. Just need info or if I should look into some other health problem causing these symptoms. Personal experience would be helpful, i googled it but not much on recreational use.
What you have described doesn't sound like suboxone. Of course, perhaps this person is taking something other than what they've told you. I don't believe anyone can answer your question objectively, all any of us have are our own experience.
Doesn't really sound like this person is using 2mg of suboxone every day or every other day. It sounds like something deeper than that like maybe depression or some other medical condition?
IV Suboxone?

Hey so I keep hearing different stuff about IVing suboxone

I hear that it'll throw you into precipitate withdrawals, then I hear that it wont.

I hear that you get good feelings from it, and I also hear there is no rush.

Anyone with experience done it and can elaborate?
its not worth your time

if you can get other opiates that are IV ready do so

But if you really wanna shoot bupe get a micron filter or do multiple cotton filtrations if you have to

Without a tolerance it gets you really high but it doesnt pack a rush like heroin

It'll kick in hard in a few minutes but it's not overwhelming in that pleasant special way like heroin
Dazed, depressed, pissy, sleepy in the day but insomnia in the evening. Its all just classic signs of mid - long term opiate addiction. Time to cut that shit out and get clean or fall further down the hole.
Suboxone imo seems to have little recreation value if any. Speaking from personal experance ive done full 8mg subs with a very low opiate tolerance and felt nothing. Suboxone mixed with a benzo may enchance the effects of the benzo.
I HATED snorting bupe - I thought that was a waste

But I feel like IV Oxy gives a small rush with a short duration. Is it similiar to that? Or is Oxy more similiar to IV Heroin?
i've been on suboxone now for a little bit, but i only take it whenever i take breaks off heroin.. and i never got high off suboxone once, i only put it under my tounge but i still read that people get fucked up off that.. i normally take a pill or 2 a day and feel nothing but my withdrawals gone and a slight headache, how much would i have to take, like 3 of them?
I dunno about suboxone, but that shit is a myth about pricipided WD. If you shoot your first dose than ya, its more the bupe thats throughing you in to WD than anything. But, after more than a few days stabelizide on the shit, than yeah. You can slamm it. I never have shot that orange kool aid shit, but I can say unless your the most opiate naive person than shooting subutex/suboxone wont scratch that itch..... I wish I could practice what I preach, but yeas, its better to save those veins fro the good drugs boys and girls, than wast them on junky salvation like shooting your buprenorphine....... whait a minute I just shot 6mgs of subutex, I gotta lay on the couch and really cocentrate on that shit for it to make a differance......
Sorry, I didnt mean to be un clear maybe alittle drunk (not high though). I just meant I have alot of expierence shooting Subutex, I dont know about suboxone. But, what I can say about Buprenorphine . Its like going out on a good date with a good hand shake at the end, instead of feeling some tits..... Im not qualified to say Bupe might rock your world...... It didint do much for me though.
if you dont have an opiate tolerance it can be nice

just dont do too much or it will make you sick

bupe lasts a long time and if you over due it you'll feel like shit for 24 hours +
what if you have a decent tolerance?

Like u've been shootin maybe 150-200mg of oxys a day

Would shootin 2mg of suboxone do anything? Especially if u weren't withdrawing - but had been a few hours since ur last oxy
Do not shoot it then , I had no idea you had an opiate history like this

Its not going to get you high no matter what dose you take

Save the bupe for when you run out of oxy and snort it in small bumbs like 1 mg a piece every hour till it holds you

With a tolerance like yours bupe will never be recreational to you until your detoxed for a lengthy term
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