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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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2mg couldnt quite hold me today so I had to dose the other 2 for a total of 4mg tonight, but this is the worst day of H withdrawl so I am hoping to taper downward tomorrow by 2mg again. This is still a 2mg taper from my first full day of W/D so it will be a continuous taper by day 6.

W/D symptoms have remained bearable, but I am very ready to get rid of this terrible anxiety.

Reading in a warm blanket has helped, and constant hot showers, but I don't want to have to take any more sub than what I am on so I am just going to continue toughing it out if I can without raising my dosage any.

I don't want to substitute one habit for another, just get off H and jump off subs then ride out the last of the w/d.

I did this using methadone once and timed it just right to not get any wd at all. Sub HAS to be a better option for this, the trick is getting off at the right point. When the H w/d is gone and no tolerance has yet built for the subs is where I am hoping to come out at the end of the week.

Pray for me please. I am winning this battle but I know the hardest part will come once I AM clean.
i need to get a sub dr now with my insurance a bottle of any amount of sub is 50$!!!!!!!
I get as many Suboxone as I'm prescribed. So, if it works better for you to only get as much bupe as necessary, you can do that. Or, if you're still paying a flat rate, see if you can get a higher daily dose, and then keep yourself at where you are now (so as to build a stockpile for later to get your $'s worth).

Yes I am paying for the service, not the drug so I might see about 4-8mg doses and try and stockpile so I can taper myself without having to convince them that it is the best way to do it.

Will keep this thread updated with how I go. The price is $25 per week if anyone else in Australia is interested.

I had a lot of gratitude for the staff who helped me get on Suboxone too - I told them how much it meant to me for sure.

I have been very grateful to the lady who has been helping me through this, she also runs a group and does one on one counselling so I will be seeing her regularly through the process. Once I finally get off it for good I'll be sure to send her a present. I'd imagine you'd get a lot of wankers working a job like she does so any gratitude she gets would make her job far more satisfying.
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i need to get a sub dr now with my insurance a bottle of any amount of sub is 50$!!!!!!!

That's a good deal compared to no health insurance.

If you get at least 30 N8's a month, that puts a mg of buprenorphine a little under 21 cents.

Not a bad deal at all.

2mg couldnt quite hold me today so I had to dose the other 2 for a total of 4mg tonight, but this is the worst day of H withdrawl so I am hoping to taper downward tomorrow by 2mg again. This is still a 2mg taper from my first full day of W/D so it will be a continuous taper by day 6.

W/D symptoms have remained bearable, but I am very ready to get rid of this terrible anxiety.

Reading in a warm blanket has helped, and constant hot showers, but I don't want to have to take any more sub than what I am on so I am just going to continue toughing it out if I can without raising my dosage any.

I don't want to substitute one habit for another, just get off H and jump off subs then ride out the last of the w/d.

I did this using methadone once and timed it just right to not get any wd at all. Sub HAS to be a better option for this, the trick is getting off at the right point. When the H w/d is gone and no tolerance has yet built for the subs is where I am hoping to come out at the end of the week.

Pray for me please. I am winning this battle but I know the hardest part will come once I AM clean.

Once your clean, you should be able to enjoy all the $ you have and you can spend it on better things in life. It may be harder once you actually are clean, but I think you'll find plenty of enjoyment out of life as is.

I wish the best for you man, I hope it goes well and I'll be talking to you later.

For recreactional effects how long does it take for sub to hit you intranasally?

I have seen froom 10 minutes to 1.5 hours.

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, also.. 60mg of OC makes me feel good I snorted 2mg almost an hour ago and I feel it a llittle. I have 2mg left should I snort that or take it sublingualiy?

the 2mg of sub got me pretty high. should I try to rail the other 2mg 8-12 hours later or would it be better if I waitid until tomorrow?

feels like about 40mg of oxy just just not as euphoric
Day 5 of zero H usage.

2mg is now holding me just fine as of last night, so I took another 2mg this morning, and will be only taking 1mg tonight before bed. I am getting pretty sick and tired of being sick and tired, but I know I am through the worst of it now which really helps.

I plan to take the 1mg tomorrow morning then go all day and night no matter what effects I feel, then take .5mg the following day for a little relief, and then I'm jumping off for good.

This should give me one day of semi bad w/d and then hopefully only semi severe for the last few days until the sub is out of my system.

With the help of the suboxone this so far, has been the easiest detox yet from H, but I know I still have a big battle coming when I finally jump off the sub in a couple days. I can do this.

I am staying positive, reading, and just trying to keep busy and not let any thoughts about drugs into my head.

I just replace them with thoughts of a clean future. So far it is working......

Keep praying for me if you believe in that, and I will do my best to help others when I am better.
I've found that trying to take myself to some desired dose is pointless. You need whatever you need, so trying to reduce yourself to some dosage that you think is "better" is counter-productive.
im curious to hear if any cities have been having less od's since suboxone got big. someone i know who does a lot of smack also is prescribed subs and uses them at least once every couple of days and whenever he uses i never see him get as high as he used to before the subs. ive seen him do bundle shots and not even be that trashed and i know it's because the sub is so sticky. im sure this is happening with a lot of people..which is a good thing, i guess.

I'm not sure.

But yes, people don't get as trashed off of heroin when they're taking buprenorphine.

For recreactional effects how long does it take for sub to hit you intranasally?

I have seen froom 10 minutes to 1.5 hours.

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, also.. 60mg of OC makes me feel good I snorted 2mg almost an hour ago and I feel it a llittle. I have 2mg left should I snort that or take it sublingualiy?


Save it for later, 2mg is the most you'd want to take at once for a recreational dose.

I have never snorted Suboxone before, but it should kick in within 15 to 30 minutes, like most other snorted substances. Factoring in the time it takes to prepare for insuffulation, it seems as if it takes almost as long as the sublingual route.

While it may start to effect you within a half hour or less, insuffulated wise, it will still take an hour or two until you're peaking.

You should dose out your doses of buprenorphine by at least a day for recreational doses, so that you don't get fewer effects out of the next dose.

You "could" take more within 12 hours if you wanted to, but I would suggest waiting a while so you can get the most out of it.

Day 5 of zero H usage.

2mg is now holding me just fine as of last night, so I took another 2mg this morning, and will be only taking 1mg tonight before bed. I am getting pretty sick and tired of being sick and tired, but I know I am through the worst of it now which really helps.

I plan to take the 1mg tomorrow morning then go all day and night no matter what effects I feel, then take .5mg the following day for a little relief, and then I'm jumping off for good.

This should give me one day of semi bad w/d and then hopefully only semi severe for the last few days until the sub is out of my system.

With the help of the suboxone this so far, has been the easiest detox yet from H, but I know I still have a big battle coming when I finally jump off the sub in a couple days. I can do this.

I am staying positive, reading, and just trying to keep busy and not let any thoughts about drugs into my head.

I just replace them with thoughts of a clean future. So far it is working......

Keep praying for me if you believe in that, and I will do my best to help others when I am better.

Good job man! I'm rooting for you, I'm glad that tapering is going well for you, and I wish you the best.

I have to run though, but I'll be back online later tonight.


I've found that trying to take myself to some desired dose is pointless. You need whatever you need, so trying to reduce yourself to some dosage that you think is "better" is counter-productive.

Well, yes, if your goal is maintenance. His goal is to detox with the assistance of Suboxone so that he has a better chance of succeeding.

Suboxone can be used for the short term, or long term.

You don't have to give into taking Suboxone every day if you don't want to.

I really need the answer to the kast qyestion uo here


It's up to you, no one can "answer" a personal preference question.

Taking 2mg at a time is a large dose for most people who use opiates for recreation, so why don't you wait until tomorrow?
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well im 16mg of a day now. after being on 4 I decided to use dope afew days.... parents found out bla bla... balls got busted. So now im on 16mg a day. My urge to use has def still decreased... but the thought of never noddin again scares me.

Also like opiates I can sustain an erection but cannot ejaculate. I havent masturbated ina month.... and this shit is gettin old lol. My doc says it will fade? What are your guys experiences
well im 16mg of a day now. after being on 4 I decided to use dope afew days.... parents found out bla bla... balls got busted. So now im on 16mg a day. My urge to use has def still decreased... but the thought of never noddin again scares me.

Also like opiates I can sustain an erection but cannot ejaculate. I havent masturbated ina month.... and this shit is gettin old lol. My doc says it will fade? What are your guys experiences

I've never been on such a high dose, but I haven't had an issue with this. Buprenorphine seems to make sex very euphoric for me. Opiates may delay ejaculation but I definitely can still cum every time.

Try tapering down with Suboxone for a while, 16mg is a bit of a high dose.

As your opiate tolerance lowers over weeks and months you may get a better effect out of Suboxone.

Don't worry about "never nodding again", just try to live life without opiates for a nice long while, so that later in your life you can still use them without relapsing (possibly, I guess not everyone gets back there).

As for your doctor saying "it will fade", that's not true. If it would have "faded" then you wouldn't have that problem initially, without anything changing nothing's going to "fade". He needs to suggest you take a lower dose, like I did TBH.

Try out taking 2mg or 4mg and then increasing it by 2mg intervals throughout the day as needed, see what you actually take.

Anyone heard from eight0eight lately?

Nope, last I heard he finally got clean and was using some meds to help with the comedown, maybe he's trying to get his life back together at the moment before he visits us again.

Some people find Blue Light triggers drug usage so some people, once they get clean, stop logging in.

I found this site to help keep me clean actually, which is why I'm here often lol.
I've never been on such a high dose, but I haven't had an issue with this. Buprenorphine seems to make sex very euphoric for me. Opiates may delay ejaculation but I definitely can still cum every time.

Try tapering down with Suboxone for a while, 16mg is a bit of a high dose.

As your opiate tolerance lowers over weeks and months you may get a better effect out of Suboxone.

Don't worry about "never nodding again", just try to live life without opiates for a nice long while, so that later in your life you can still use them without relapsing (possibly, I guess not everyone gets back there).

As for your doctor saying "it will fade", that's not true. If it would have "faded" then you wouldn't have that problem initially, without anything changing nothing's going to "fade". He needs to suggest you take a lower dose, like I did TBH.

Try out taking 2mg or 4mg and then increasing it by 2mg intervals throughout the day as needed, see what you actually take.

yea I was on 4mg, then I found a dope connect and went on abit on a binge. Parents found out when they saw the tracks they told the suboxone doc and want me take 16mg a day. I mean should I make a fuss about it? It is a high dose. But 16mg does help with cravings. Iduno My parents think I should quit opiates when they force me, but they will never learn you dont quit until you wanna quit

I hate having a father who is a psychiatrist... he thinks medication can fix everything.
yea I was on 4mg, then I found a dope connect and went on abit on a binge. Parents found out when they saw the tracks they told the suboxone doc and want me take 16mg a day. I mean should I make a fuss about it? It is a high dose. But 16mg does help with cravings. Iduno My parents think I should quit opiates when they force me, but they will never learn you dont quit until you wanna quit

I hate having a father who is a psychiatrist... he thinks medication can fix everything.

Well, if you need a high dose, it's really up to you. You shouldn't make a fuss if you think you need 16mg, but if you feel like they're forcing you on a high dose for no reason other than to make you miserable, that's kind of unfair.

If you keep taking Suboxone for a while, you should be able to taper and then you'll start to feel better. Give Suboxone a chance to work, I know it's hard to wait that long. I've been there. Eventually I was tired from switching back and forth from heroin and Suboxone, so I just kept doing Suboxone, and I liked not coming down at all a lot more than the high of heroin.

After a while, my opiate tolerance dropped a lot, and I feel a lot better now. I get a much better effect out of buprenorphine at a very low dose, and don't have any opiate cravings, desires to use again, etc.

So really, only you and your doctor can determine how much medicine you really need. If you think 16mg is too much, explain it to your doctor and I'm sure he'll lower your dose.
Well, if you need a high dose, it's really up to you. You shouldn't make a fuss if you think you need 16mg, but if you feel like they're forcing you on a high dose for no reason other than to make you miserable, that's kind of unfair.

If you keep taking Suboxone for a while, you should be able to taper and then you'll start to feel better. Give Suboxone a chance to work, I know it's hard to wait that long. I've been there. Eventually I was tired from switching back and forth from heroin and Suboxone, so I just kept doing Suboxone, and I liked not coming down at all a lot more than the high of heroin.

After a while, my opiate tolerance dropped a lot, and I feel a lot better now. I get a much better effect out of buprenorphine at a very low dose, and don't have any opiate cravings, desires to use again, etc.

So really, only you and your doctor can determine how much medicine you really need. If you think 16mg is too much, explain it to your doctor and I'm sure he'll lower your dose.
Yeah i have no real issue with 16mg. its a "her" lol and il talk to her when i see her on friday.
Yeah i have no real issue with 16mg. its a "her" lol and il talk to her when i see her on friday.

If you explain to your doctor that you want to taper down eventually to help with the side effects, I'm sure she would help you with that.

Maybe you could be switched to 12mg per day, and then the next month if you haven't relapsed at all, maybe 8mg per day.

I know 2 months seems like a long time but you'll have a much lower opiate tolerance then. It's really up to you what you do - use buprenorphine or another opiate, that's really up to you.
If you explain to your doctor that you want to taper down eventually to help with the side effects, I'm sure she would help you with that.

Maybe you could be switched to 12mg per day, and then the next month if you haven't relapsed at all, maybe 8mg per day.

I know 2 months seems like a long time but you'll have a much lower opiate tolerance then. It's really up to you what you do - use buprenorphine or another opiate, that's really up to you.

Well my dope connect was busted, and OCs are to expensive these days. so using opiates isnt much of an option.

CH how much suboxone do u take per day and how long have u been on it? j/w
Well my dope connect was busted, and OCs are to expensive these days. so using opiates isnt much of an option.

CH how much suboxone do u take per day and how long have u been on it? j/w

I've been on Suboxone for over 15, or 16 months now.

When I was first on it, I took 6mg sublingual per day. Eventually I tapered down to 2mg per day, to make a long story short, I was relapsing at 2mg per day. I got bored of using heroin, so I switched to IV buprenorphine 3-5x a day. I use 0.25mg at an average of 4x a day, so I'm at 1mg per day.

Suboxone can last you quite a long time if you ration it out right.
I've been on Suboxone for over 15, or 16 months now.

When I was first on it, I took 6mg sublingual per day. Eventually I tapered down to 2mg per day, to make a long story short, I was relapsing at 2mg per day. I got bored of using heroin, so I switched to IV buprenorphine 3-5x a day. I use 0.25mg at an average of 4x a day, so I'm at 1mg per day.

Suboxone can last you quite a long time if you ration it out right.

So u use a 2mg pill a day, split into 4ish IV doses. I have tried injecting soboxone (no rush), but im trying to overcome a needle fetish also. So I try to keep injecting my subs to a minimum.

My question is why not just take 4-8mg a day sublingually... yes you wont get the 100% BOA with shooting and will need more suboxone but you wont need to inject. Even though suboxone contains no binders and isnt bad for your veins are you gaining anything over taking 4-8mg sublingually?
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