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So.... who cares about the meth addicts?

Dexamphetamine can also be prescribed legitimately for depression in Australia (or WA atleast) aswell currently.
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Dexamp can be prescribed for a whole heap of things off label... Provided a psychiatrist believes you need it.
The problem with doctors today is that they receive so much funding from drug companies pushing their newest 'anti-psychotic' or 'anti-depressant' that they have no choice other than to prescribe these new ages drugs that quite frankly -- Do Not Work.

You go into a doctors office and have a look at how many of the pens or writing paper are covered in the name of the newest drug out there and think about it.

They have these names shoved in their faces all day. And most of these new drugs they don't even understand how they work -- They Just Do, apparently.

Everyone knows how good dexamphetamine is for depression (it fixed me and so did MDMA but thats another topic) yet hardly anyone is prescribed it.

Simply because these drug companies want to push their new drug line such as "ZYPREXA" (most horrible thing ever all it does it make you feel dizzy and put on weight) or "CITALOPRAM" which only gives you a headache from lack of Serotonin in the brain.

These new age drugs are so complex it's not funny. What ever happened to the simple drugs such as Valium and Dexamphetamine which we all understand how they work and there aren't the fuzzy side effects.

What happened is the government spin doctors got on the band wagon and the war on drugs is also what happened and now we as consenting adults cannot even have the proper treatment we need!!
Dex is great for depression in the short term, as long as you are still taking more dex.
I'm all for helping meth addicts, i'm just worried that it's not really possible to like stabalise them on some kind of amphetamine drug. As for a drug with minimal withdrawal effects compared to benzos, alcohol, opiates ect, it seems like it would be doing more harm then good.

It almost seems better in my mind for them to detox, and just cease drug use all together, because if they actually wanted to quit, they would do just that?

But then again i don't have direct experience with being addicted to meth, so i'm willing to put my ass on the line and have someone put me back in my place if what i've just said is completely unfair and wrong.
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It almost seems better in my mind for them to detox, and just cease drug use all together, because if they actually wanted to quit, they would do just that?

Oh yeah, and in a perfect world, NO-ONE WOULD ABUSE OR BECOME ADDICTED TO ANY DRUGS, EVER.....

Well I'm on the tail end of week 2 and about to roll into week 3 of no sleepless nights, it feels strange, I'm certain I've gained weight :\ and I'm still sleeping about 10 hours a night. Classes begin next week, so then the real test of will begins - going to hit the gym, to hopefully increase energy levels, as feeling sluggish & slow is most definitely not my forte.... clearly! :|

Getting over sleeping too much and not achieving anything. Frustrated even. Although I've been mega sick which hasn't helped me any, either.
Well I'm on the tail end of week 2 and about to roll into week 3 of no sleepless nights, it feels strange, I'm certain I've gained weight and I'm still sleeping about 10 hours a night. Classes begin next week, so then the real test of will begins - going to hit the gym, to hopefully increase energy levels, as feeling sluggish & slow is most definitely not my forte.... clearly!

Getting over sleeping too much and not achieving anything. Frustrated even. Although I've been mega sick which hasn't helped me any, either.

Well done girl!

I'm helping a friend atm, by providing lots of encouragement and suggestions for helping overcome the desire. She had abstained for over a year but holidayed back home recently where she went hard on the pipe for a few weeks. She's finding it difficult, especially the lack of energy, but she's very determined has found applying herself to work really helps. She also does outreach volunteering where she does a great job. I actually stepped her up to a position of more responsibility, which she was initially unsure about, but ended up handling well. The satisfaction she's experiencing is providing a strong driving force. And that's the key, enjoy the satisfaction, indulge in it, it can be so motivating and sustaining. If you're like me you also get it from studying, so best of British to you hyroller :)
there has been little reputable evidence to suggest that methamphetamine dependance can be solved with dexamphetamine. long acting opiate replacements such as methadone and buphrenorphine cannot be judged against dexamphetamine- that would be like judging an antipsychotic against alcohol. Adam winstock did some research recently regarding this, unfortunately even with a small sample size the results were not encoraging from memory. both opiate and amphetamines substances work in such different ways on the body- most dependant methamphetamine clients would generally present with psychiatric concerns rather than withdrawal related concerns.

people who look for dexamphetamine as a replacement therapy find it difficult to manage the use of this medication properly once they have their hands on it. there is a lot of reseaarch that discusses the implusivity and dis inhibition caused by methamphetamine. Ive met a few people who have tried to do this by lying to a psychiatrist and have ended up with an even bigger tolerance and more psychiatric hospitalisations.
I know of one case where dex seemed to have worked as a replacement, at least long enough for the user to return to normal life and stop taking meth.

This guy, an IDU, had previously had a heavy habit but stayed clean for 5 years, taking dex intermittently during this period. Then one day he decided to give meth ago again and 3 weeks later he was a complete mess; paranoid psychosis etc. He lost his very good job, and his wife and child left. He simply ignored all of them completely during this period. Some months later (he still had a script for dex, for another aliment btw) he stopped using meth, again substituting for dex. Today he's completely sober, enjoying life; good job, lovely girlfriend, and enjoys a happy and friendly relationship with his ex and child.

How much dex played in all this is hard to say, but the decision to actually give up was probably greatly influenced knowing he had the amphetamine to fall back on.
I care

I care about meth addicts. It is a very destructive drug. I thought however i was being very constructive while using it, but its not my drug of choice. I have a good friend who is a 45 or older year old male. He uses major quantities of good quality meth. He still works as a painter each day, I don't know how he does it, but he works his ass off, literally; he's about 85-90 lbs and 5'5. He plays after work with his little hobbies. He is very talented as a musician. But he knows the meth is killing him. I feel for him, but I can only help him to an extent. I tried to turn him on to opiated. I gave him onlt 1 mg of suboxone and he was so nauseated and hated it. I did feel badly because he had hurt his neck by falling off a ladder on the job and had asked me if I had any pain meds. Well everyone is different. I personally realize that it's a fun high for a season, but I cannot do it only maybe 2x every month at MOST. I just know it's psychological for me and I sleep it off. Some people seriously go through major depression and anxiety. But my best advice is porbably going to piss you off, but truly, you can eat more, force yourself, drink LOTS of water, and try a few valium or other benzos. You will sleep through the hard part and then the rest is that you need to change your whole lifestyle, who you hang with, where you go what triggers tou, and find out why you turn to meth, If you want to quit, you can There are thousands of us who have, but you need supportive people who have been there, I suggest Narcotics Anonymous, or a Pentecostal Church, anything positive and different than the usual routine, I knoe=w it is a lot harder to do while you r in it. But I can almost guarantee you will look back at this experience and laugh at how it once had control of you. But do not fool yourself either, any addiction is more powerful than us alone. We need to hit bottom, humble ourselves, never condemn yourself, but ask for help Hope this helps. ~ Opiaddict
meth and adhd

I do not know because I do not have ADD or ADHD, BUT I do have a friend who does and she claims that coffee puts her to sleep, but to me she always seems jacked up, nervous, overly talkative, even argumentative to the point where it is starting to get between our friendship. She is so stubborn an naive about medication that she won't even take tylenol, seriously. She does piss me off because if what she is saying is true, blaming her impulsive stubbornness and rudess on her AHDH, I would rather have her on speed.
I've been prescribed modafinil for my meth addiction. I need to take a higher dose than prescribed but it manages to make me feel somewhat "normal" although more flat than when I'm high on ice obviously. I can't feel it come on, but I notice I'm awake and functioning. This is day 9 meth free for me and usually I'd still be in bed trying to wake up enough to go pee, but instead I'm at work and I can actually concentrate.
That's interesting.

I regained my energy levels via physical activity and exercise.

I'm hardcore, haha.

Been a bit slack and down this week though so haven't done much and can really notice the difference. I could kill for a crackpipe but honestly fuck that shit :!
Sanity I did the clinical trial for modafinil in meth withdrawal; they said I'd get the results of the study but so far I haven't. That's interesting that you've been prescribed it though, I hope that means the clinical trial was succesful but from what I have heard the results weren't clinically significant. Do you know if you're prescribed it for meth withdrawal, or did the doc give it to you off label?
Technically it was prescribed off label. But I'm doing the stimulant treatment program at St Vincents Hospital and it was a drug and alcohol doctor with the program that prescribed it to me as part of my treatment. I'd definately say it helps.
Nope, in Sydney :) I know that I'm not the first one to be prescribed it for that purpose as well. I think its their first step in replacement therapy before dexies.
I've never been addicted to meth. Never would wanna be. I'm a stressed out person naturarally. Just tried it a few times. & the come down was horrible. I can't imagine how a meth addict would feel after using for a long period of time.
Maybe stims arn't the answer to help quit meth. Maybe u need help during the w/d using downers to sleep off the the sketchy feelings. maybe prescribed benzos for a while. than taper off the benzos would be a good idea as a program.
ppl may choose to re-dose because they feel stressed/anxious/paranoid. & benzos would seem to me like a good approach.
fuck, why dont they just induce ya into a comma for a few weeks. ud wake up thinkin to yourself. finally, a good nights sleep!

I'm not an expert but sleeping is what u need to repair your body.
treat downer addiction with tappering & treating upper addiction by converting to downers & then tappering off them...
^^ Benzos or anti psychotics are basically the first line medications (if any) you get for meth withdrawal. I have never found them helpful, and the main symptoms of meth withdrawal are extreme fatigue, tiredness and lack of motivation anyway. Benzos have their place in some people's meth withdrawal, but only a small one imo.

Sleeping is only one small part of your recovery. With meth, it's less about the short term withdrawal, than the long term PAWS. I consider the main struggles involved in quitting meth are the effects from the downregulation of dopamine receptors, and the anhedonia, lack of motivation, and terrible greyness/flatness this can cause for months or years after quitting.