So Fresh and So Clean-02/23/02-The Asylum, Springfield, MA

been raving 3 years on and off, been candy for 2 and i dont see any sign of me putting them away soon.
Alright well it was a pretty good night, must say.
What made the night for me was the music and the dancing, as I couldn't find alot of friends that I wanted to :(
But I met a couple BLers, even though I forgot some of your names, so instead of name each of you (like I normallly do) I'm just going to say that it was a real pleasure meeting ALL of yah!
We got to the venue at around 11:20 or so and went to the back of the line. After about 30 minutes, we had moved a total of 10 feet. At that rate we would have gotten in at about 2 o clock in the morning, so I went to the back and asked the bouncer if we could pay him 60 bucks just to let me and my friend in. Mission complete! Later I heard we even got a discount cuz the prices got jacked up to 40 bucks! The beginning of a good night for sure.
We got in during Freaky Flow's set, and danced. It was really good but way too fuckin packed, so we decided to look for our friends alot too. SpaceMonk-E's set I liked, alotta fuckin' energy when that dude spun :) Christopher Lawrence I didn't hear much of, but what I heard was pretty good. My favorite set of the night has to go to Todd Buckler, his set had me dancing all the way through, and thank you PartEkidRepsAcosta for telling me he was spinning! At the end of his set we pretty much left becuase we decided it wasn't going to get any better than that, plus we had an hour and a half drive home.
Ok, and I'm sorry but Q-Bert sucked sweaty donkey nuts. He had like a 20 minutes introduction: "the masta illest turntablist around yo, mad props to this kid!" and then it was like "what the fuck how can you dance to this crap?" it was like someone was playing the original mario bros. and that was his music. I swear it was so funny when the MC would go "yo Q-Bert in the house, make some noise show yo love!!!!!!!" and everyone was just silent lol. That happened like five times.
Oh and did anyone see that FUCKED UP DUDE? He had no shirt on and was mad hairy? Yo the first time I saw that dude I was mad freaked out lol. Then later on in the night we went to rest near the outside exit and saw him standing outside with cops and security watching him. I got NO clue what that dude was on, but it provided much of my entertainment for the night :) THANKS FUCKED UP DUDE!
pretty good time last. definstely som ill sets, thst g i went to the 22 meeup but iwas bscilgl a conglomernt who whoi 'd see five mintes erlier.i ha a grest time afterward. i love jsmsl and tedy
WOW! kristin were you sleepy when you wrote that or what you even spelt you name wrong :D
*Oh and i just got back from WWF i got pritty embarresd cause i was sitting next to my mom and her boyfriend and they kept spilling beer over the people infront of us but i'm glad i whent i got to what my mom's boyfriends son (age 8 ) scream cuss words at the wrestlers he didn't like and i'm glad i was there to drive my parents home, you know your driving when you mom has 3 cups of beer at once (one in each and and on in the seat cup holder) :\ oh well, it's not like i don't like to drink so i geuss i can't pass judgement.
[ 24 February 2002: Message edited by: ScaryRaver ]
hahahha it was chill. the fucked up guy was good... and space monk-e was off the hook... and christopher lawrence no disappointment there.
im sorry about the previous post of mine. After taking a nap i am in a much better mood. It was nice to meet all of you at the 11:00 meetup. I kinda lost track of time and forgot about the 2:00 one, oh well.
Hopefully i will see all of you again at Tru Luck 3 (if i ever find a ride).
Time to sleep now. Peace.
Oh and I must say, I partied sober and had alotta fun. I was dancin' more than eva and really uppity.
Whether it was thanks to the caffiene pills or not, partyin' sober is mad fun!
OverallI thought the oaree was banging. My only porblem was TOO many people.. way too many but iots all long as I had dancing room I was happy =) aw man I just got hme like half n hur ago I have bene upmfor povver 24 hours prolly running on like 30 w/.osleep Im beat as a umm somethin thats beat =)
hmm shout out times
TEDDY =) well we deffinlyu made up fir OYKwhen yuu had jyst meissed me :D . Your such a sweetie *blows kiss* We should partee more oftann. =) *smells hands* mm raver barboqure... yummy lol and again thanks for everything =) your the sweetiest kid ever :D
Jammy..ima call you that from now on mayt? kay =) It was really nice meetincha. You are too funny.Hope we can partee/chill agin sometime in the near future =) We need to keep you away from mirrors on the wall th0 ;) heh you are the shit.
Steve~ it was nice seing you again. I didnt see you bustin out any moves on the floor =Þ gegegeg but your sweet. =)
AngelicK that was fun You were hadrdcore fuckin those whippits :D heh props for hat shiznit. It was really nice meeting yah.
bdreligrrl hey girlie. It was nice meetin yah. =) We also should partee together sometime.
ScaryRaver ~ it as nice meetingcha even tho we didnt talk that much its all good. =)your stil a sweetie in my book
and to the other people that where there...Jess. Billy... umm the other kid workn the mirror for a while and aw cra I firgt th ther kids anae... I think thgere was a John? bah I dunno hullo to you guys you all rock.
msan..I need sleptt
shi Im dead had a fun nite/morrnin thi@@ *****huge snguggle huggs to everyther oene I chilled withnlats nite******
I need sleept aw man sorry this post is much a mess but I wntd ti pots and I prollyforgot some shit so I will be back and say more shit =) hows that sounds? kay iM outtie
**much luv**
[edit] aw man did I really type that? shit sorry guys. Anwyays I had a wonderful sadi too many peoples but I met some wonderful ones so its all good. :D Haha that flat tire was not fun.. Im sorry you ahd to go thu all of that Teddy =( I feel really abd and I wanna make it up to you. Next time we partee it is not gonna be like that =) hahha and yes the less said about the after party would be better. And as for another after party is concerned dont worry I am all over that. I know I was a bit quite sorrta but I dint know any of youz. So uh yea let me know when we aer gonna do that again! And can someone clue me in to what happened at about... oh god know what time it was but when everyone pass out.. did everyone even pass out? oh god dam I cant rmemeber!!! shit SOMEONE HELP MY POOR LIL SRIVILED memory...
as set wize goes.... Freaky was da shit n Lawerence..even tho he was tracnce he still rocked the house and I enjoyed it muchly I was dacing thu his whole set. Feelgood rocked my socks too. QBert...blah didnt like him that much
For anyone I forgot Im sorry again just yell at me and tell me I for got you! And now I am just rambling I dont think anymore needs to be said Im outtie. Thanks for the memories! MUAH **huggs**
much luv
[ 25 February 2002: Message edited by: comEmEEtAlicE ]
hey all tired and cracked out from last night...freaky flow and mc flipside were amazing but other than that i wasnt too impressed with the was way too hot and crowded , plus my friends who drove all the way up from jersey were online when they closed the doors :( so me and connell left early and i got to sit on a crowded bus back to new york city from providence at 7:30 a.m. i think it's safe to conclude that NYC parties are still the best! lol...
scaryraver- speaking of WWF.. I just got back from Providence and had dinner at Fire&Ice, and who the fuck was at the table directly next to me then Rob Van Damn, I shit you not. Fuckin wild.
nice, tripple H (NH born and raised, still lives here to) kicks angles ass.. sorry if it ruin's in but of course he's gonna beat ass in his home state everyone in the area was yelling angle sucks specialy my drunk parents lol
Seems like those who were at the lil afterparty can't seem to spell for shit. cracked out can we say. no more blow dryers for me. dave, we were lookin for you to come with us, but your dumb ass already left. we gotta do that again. dave and christina have to come this time. Thank you very much kristen for being there for me. Teddy ur the fuckin man. Good times. I know i said i wasn't going to anymore parties, but after last night. who knows. As long as there is an afterparty or whatever, i will go. lol. ok well i am stil out of it, so i need to go to bed. have a nice night everyone. adios.
Okay, despite the party being too crowded and hot, I had a GREAT time last night. Freaky Flow and MC Flipside were off tha fuckin hook, Q-Bert I really liked, Christopher Lawrence is one of the few trance djs I still love ;) , and I finally caught Todd Buckler's set (also dope).
Met and/or chilled with SpeekahPhreekah, Maui2K, DancinXTCangel, MrJaMal, AngelicK, TopRocka, ProvJungleKid, nyjunglebunnie, -spiderman-, Droppie5, Phreeloader, ScaryRaver, comeetalice and god only knows who else. They all fuckin rawk, I can't wait till Sugar and Countdown to see em all again. I think its safe to say there were an insane number of Bluelighters at this party.
As for the afterparty...heh... the less said the better, right guys? ;) LOVE the typing jobs by Alice and Kristin (who I didn't realize posted when we got home this afternoon...I was already passed out on her floor). Jamal, you were a sight to behold, hahaha, as was Teddy. What I wouldn't have given for a video camera to capture the madness. Oh and Teddy: don't forget to make Jamal your new signature ;) "do you have any compact mirrors?" hehehe.
Well, thats about all my brain can think of, I'm just glad I made myself wait until 11pm to type this, after 8 hours of sleep... otherwise it would've looked like the rest of the afterpartiers summaries (soon to be edited, I'm sure.) ;)
Peace ~Katie
alright, so for anyong who read my earlier post, it is now deleted. umm sorry about that. haha. i had a mad good time last night. buckler's set was bangin, and freaky flow doesn't even need to be mentioned. nice to meet this of you who i haven't had the chance to meet yet. pretty fun after pary as well. well, from what i remember of it. teddy and jamal are the best guys ever. we definatel need to do that again. even though i dunno when my next party is actually goonna be. maybe not for a long time. even though i say that all the time. dave, we tried to find you to bring us with you, but i guess you had already jetted.
This party was a blast for me. I must say now that I've found a new found respect for DnB after listening to Freaky Flow!! When he started playing ragga, I went WILD! Steve knows what I'm talking about.
Other than Freaky Flow, the rest of the music really sucked.
Last night was supposed to be the night where Charles Feelgood would prove to me that he could pull a better set than he did at "I had a Dream" at the Hammerstein in NY. He failed miserably.
Best sets in my opinion were Mo7s, Freaky Flow of course, Sobi One, and Dirty ol Frank. (you should see Frank dance hahaha)
I'm not even gonna get into how crowded it was....
This party was worth going to if not only for the incredibly cool BLers I met. Guys, we OWNED the Asylum last night!!! I swear, everwhere I went, I was always within close proximity to another Bler. We hung around each other all night. You guys are MAD kewl!!!
Shout outs:
Kristin/AngelicK I swear, we have like this 6th sense to notice stupidity and ignorance....hahaha We were on the same page all along. You know what I'm talking about. hehe "Thank you and good day!" lol
Katie/BdReligrrl You too. You're mad chill. Thanx for protecting me from NYJunglebunnie. And fuck everyone else yo! Dance your ass off!! lol Like my new sig? hehehe
Ericka/ComEmEEtalicE You and your friend Ingird are mad cool. We must go to the grocery store again.....
Jamal What can I say man? You're my new hero!! You're the chillest of the chillest!! Delayed reactions? lol
Connell/ProvJungleKid/Con Artist My fellow connoisseur of veterinarian delights. You should've gone to the after party with Kristen, Katie, John, Jamal, Ericka, Ingrid and me......lots and lots of fun.
NYjunglebunnieIt was fun playing with you. I agree, NY parties are better. You just had a bad time because you suck!! ;)
Steve/Maui2k Had mad fun chillin and scopin out grrlz with you at this party. You've got mad positive energy.
PartykidRepsAcosta Kewl meeting you too, man. We gotta chill sometime.
Kev/KayDub The friendliest BLr!! Another one who bringz cool vibes. Glad you came. Not my fault your punk ass can't handle pressure.. LOL
ScaryRaver Had fun dancin' with you even though you killed me with your Street Fighter moves. lol Next time, I'm gonna drop some capoiera on ya ass!! :)
Jay/Icey Good seeing you again bro. Missed seeing you string your lights. Probably had no room due to how fuckin' crowded it was in there.....
Dave/TopRocka Nice to finally meet ya. Your mad chill. I was checkin' your moves bro...
DancingXTCangel even though our meeting was brief it was nice to meet you too.
Spiderman Eveytime I meet you, you jet. hahaha Nice to meet you though...
Droppie5 Thanx for taking the initative to come over and talk to me. That made me feel real good. We had an awesome convo. I appreciate people that talk to me like they've known me for years. Hope I made sense. haha
I know I missed some of you.... If I did, it's because you're just not cool enough to remember! LOL
Hope to see you guys at Sugar.
[ 26 February 2002: Message edited by: Speekah Phreekah ]
i love myself.
Teddy and Kristen have to be 2 of the coolest cats i know. we all need to chill way more often.
[ 25 February 2002: Message edited by: MrJaMaL ]
teddy is sooooo right there is only one way to decribe what i saw when frank was dancin' and thats "dirty dancing" it was a style all his own. i love chillin' with him at parties tho cause he's definatly a cool guy to shoot the shit with...
yeah, we definately do. bring yo asses to my place sometime and we'll chill non-party style.