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Smile thread? Smile thread. Smile thread!

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^ No Sydney gig though. Peats Ridge over new years + Bris and Melb shows.
That blows. No way i'm going to that Peats Ridge thing either.

May have to devise a plan of some type
My housemate is making bbq.

It involves haloumi + mushroom kebabs with garlic butter.

He is a good housemate.
Make sure to give him a scratch behind the ears to reinforce and pavlovianly condition such good behaviour.
We have internet again! Yay! I really can't live without it.

Also, I have a bottle of wine and a skype date with my desert-dwelling friend. I love Friday nights which don't involve bras.
^ Amen to that.

And Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.

Whatever happened to Christian Slater?
I'm paying someone to clean my house tomorrow. In just over 12 hours I will have a clean bathroom and oven; the prospect of both excites me no end.
About to walk to Gloria jeans to grab a vanilla chiller (extra coffee +++) to survive this hot hot day.

Then i'm planninng a swim @ Kirribilli pools right under the harbour bridge and Luna park.

Coffee is the only think making me happy this weekend.<3
^ Me too :)

We've had a cracker weekend - firstly, a surprise visit from one of my oldest friends who is traveling around Australia... he spent the weekend at our our place; it was so good to have a proper catch up. We had a working bee at a family members house and got a heap of stuff done. We spent last nigh sitting on our back deck, listening to the rain, talking about everything and nothing for hours.

Today has been a cozy-stay-inside day, catching up on life admin and chilling out.
I had a really happy smile moment the other day. I was watching Dexter and my bf was painting my fingernails and toe nails. :) Spoiled! I took pictures of his handy work :) but he wiped my computer and reinstalled windows for me so I have to reload my picture program first. But this thing runs like new. :)
Having a boss who is also a mentor and friend. I never thought such a thing existed.
^ It's rare, and i'm so happy that you've come across someone like that (it's who I think it is? If so, she's fantastic) <3

Seeing you happy makes me smile :)

My smile is that while my cat is really quite sick, he's going to be ok... on medication for the rest of his life, but it will be a good quality of life.
hahaha, heard about that on the radio yesterday. i had a quick chuckle until i checked my bank account and realised the bastard didnt hit my account up.
I have the interwebs back at home now :)

Been so so so long since I have had a chance to watch some nasty as porn :p
I received a Random Act of Happiness today from someone (although not really that random - thanks, babe :)) and it topped off one of the best days I've had in quite a while. Feeling light again feels so good.
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