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Smackie Thread

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Have you IVed h before foots? I started smoking it then found snorting was much more efficient and has a nice strong come-up so switched to that. I would usually snort 3/4 of my dose and then smoke the other 1/4 to get a nice synergistic come-up. Smoking h is fun too. Ive used rectally a few times but like you mentioned I found it too hit and miss, sometimes it would work a treat and other times I got absolutely nothing from it. Being constipated when you're addicted to opiates makes rectal dosing a bit trickier than with other drugs, I imagine the times it doesn't work it ends up getting stuck and absorbed into your poo which isnt a nice thought but it seems to be the logical conclusion. I havnt tried IM and I don't think I'll go out of my way to try it, i guess i might if someone offered and the gear had been micron filtered but it seems like a good way to get a nasty infection. No route compares to IV when in comes to smack, for me. Since I figured it out I haven't gone back, I've exclusively IVed (except for last night when for nostagia's sake I smoked a tiny bit) since early September when I first managed to get it right. The rush from good gear is pretty much unrivalled, it totally brings your addiction to a new level though, I'm more psychologically addicted to smack than I have ever been since switching.

Christ Id probably buy off non-addicts if I could but I don't have that option, the guys I've stuck with have got it pretty sorted though, they have massive long term habits (one guy is probably going to lose a limb soon, he's had multiple golden staph infections and god knows what else, it's a mess) but have been really good to me since I became a regular. My main guy goes out of his way to sort me out, I think partly because he wants to boof me but we also have mutual respect and have a good system and don't fuck each other over, I'm always straight up, almost always on time, pay what he asks and don't play any games or ask for ticks and don't red light myself or him and for it he gives me good sizes and reasonable prices. His gear is usually good too, lately it's been some of the best I've had in aus since I started using. I've got one more shot saved up for tonight and I'm thoroughly looking forward to having it once withdrawal kicks in from my dose this arvo.

I wish I had a friend that used, Im glad none of my friends are addicts, I wouldn't wish it on them ever, what I mean is it would be nice having someone to use and share with. Every one of the addicts I've met through the street scene and become friendly with have all fucked me over and turned out to be wolves in sheeps clothing, the more genuine they've seemed the more devious they've turned out to be. One guy especially I thought was a genuine dude but he started stealing off me and taking more than his share when wed put in together. The last time I had anything to do with him we actually had a big convo about how ratshit it was that most addicts were lying, cheating arseholes and would still rip you off even after you've helped them out when they've really needed it - it turned out that night he stole over a point from my share of the half we put in for together while I was taking a piss (it was in my car, after I dropped him off I noticed it wasnt wrapped up the same as how I'd left it and had looked as though itd been done in haste). Id also bought him a pack of smokes earlier that night out of good will and the prick still helped himself to my stash. He'd also been ripping me off when it was his turn to pick up for us, Id had suspicions and found this out through someone else later. I'm sure this has happened to many of you guys as well in various ways, I don't care about that scumbag anymore, it was a valuable lesson learned and even though he's a cunt I know he'll be feeling bad about it, having a guilty conscience is his punishment.

Has anyone here got any interesting tales about being ripped off? Is there any warning signs you look for when buying smack and dealing with people associated with it that you've learned to look out for? Like you said tent I try to follow my gut, many off the times I've been hustled I knew something was wrong but out of hope or desperation I ignored the signals. There's been a couple of times I've been glad I have some street smarts and have followed my gut, there have been times when I was sure I was being set up and felt like id managed to get out of a potentially nasty situation. I think my appearance makes me more of a target than most in the scene, I don't look like your stereotypical addict or thug and there are plenty of predators in the fringe of the street scene who will take advantage of anyone if they think is easy prey. One of my dealers heard of someone being robbed and bashed who fit my description and was worried about me which was quite nice to hear, I'd like to think that because of my reputation of being a reliable guy certain people I deal with would look out for me but really my past experience leads me to believe that's probably not the case. I agree christ - having heroin legalised and controlled for addicts would save many people putting thenselves in these stupid dangerous situations, all considered it would surely cause far far less harm to users and society. The fact is things would have to get pretty bad to deter me from taking the risks i do to use and its just not something I think the government and police can hope to control unless they had 10 times the resources they have now. Having legal heroin available to me would, despite the fact I'll still be using an addictive drug, change my life for the better in quite a big way. I'd be safer, healthier, have more money, not be have to break the law and fund massive criminal syndicates and be better ingratiated into, be able to contribute more, and function better in our society.

I've also had a couple of lucky close calls that had nothing to do with being clever, once after picking up while wearing headphones i happened to overhear, in the silence between two songs on my iPod, a couple of guys walking behind me planning to king hit me and rob me. I was totally alone and completely vunerable so I just bolted and got the fuck out of there, since then I've always taken my headphones off and kept vigilant when in any situation that could lead to trouble. Another time a friend and I were walking home drunk and a guy came up and started talking to us and by chance my friend turned to put his beer on a fence so he could roll a smoke and saw a gang of dudes creeping up on us. I didn't have any idea of what was up and all of a sudden my friend shoved the guy as hard as he could onto the road and sent him sprawling and yelled 'run cass!', while running we could hear the guys yelling that they would stab us and all that jazz, it was a lucky escape. The same friend and I weren't so lucky in another situation, while stupidly trying to buy pills off a couple of guys in an alley outside a club my friend had a knife pulled on him and I ended up getting the shit kicked out of me and got slashed across the neck with the knife, it wasn't pretty but it could have been much much worse. I'm not a violent person at all, I've only ever thrown a punch when it felt like i absolutely had too and every time I've been thrashed (which has been a few times now, only once in melbs but my home town in nz can be a violent horrible place, especially at night and considering the massive gang problem) ive never even thrown a punch. Anyway I'm derailing another thread with my pointless ranting and I think it's time for this shot! God damn I love those steri-filts, they make filtering a dream and save time and smack, if you haven't used them ask at your local nsp next time you grab some rigs, they're usually only 50c each and they're worth every cent.

Goodnight everyone.
I've never IV'ed Cass, drugs and me get on like a house on fire and I've made a choice that I wont go there because if I don't know what it's like, I can't miss it. Since actually getting a proper opie habit it's crossed my mind a few times, but I won't ever do it. I know that drugs can make you cross lines you think you never would so maybe I should say I don't think I'll ever do it. I think the most risky situation for me would be if I was already fucked up and someone offered, funnily enough though everyone I know at the moment smokes smack, even my dealers. They're taken aback if I snort it.

It's crazy you've had so many violent situations and/or close calls Cass, it makes me wonder if I've just been lucky. I always thought I was pretty 'street smart' and aware of my surroundings and especially in some of the suburbs with dodgy reps I spent my teenage years in, I used to think avoiding trouble was quite easy if you just knew the right way to act. I suppose it's part of growing older but when I think back on some of the reckless things I've done I think maybe I was just lucky, walking around rough suburbs or the city alone in the middle of the night, or trying to score off random people alone or with another female friend. I've (touch wood) never had any violent confrontations or crimes against me when scoring or otherwise. I don't look like the typical addict either and I suppose a female is always a bit of a target, I think though especially in the suburb I go to score the fact I spent my teenage years there and know a lot of people helps a lot. An ex boyfriend of mine has a reputation as someone you don't fuck with so maybe the general perception is fucking with me could cause too much trouble, I don't know.

As for being ripped, it's only happened once when the 'rock' in the water balloon happened to be a piece of folded up cardboard with a tiny amount of smack stuck to it. Another time I had a close call, I was driving to the usual house and saw a few people on the corner of the street which was the first thing to get my attention. When I rocked up though I saw people at the gate and thought, oh yeah, it's on. So jumped out, start walking to the house and the people on the corner start waving their arms at me frantically, so I went back to the car to sit down and scope out the sitcho when the guys at the fence turned around enough that I could see the 'police' across their backs. That scared the shit out of me, just how close I was to walk right into the arms of the cops, my powers of perception were not on that day. I ended up driving down to the people on the corner and gave a guy a lift home, and got an awesome deal of smack for helping him, so it all worked out in the end.

How did you first get on to smack Cass? I think it would be harder to break into the scene without knowing a group of people who use. I'm glad to know a few people who I can use with who aren't just drug friends, including a BLer who was a friend first, but every so often we'll use opies together. That's the best way I think, being friends first and foremost, and not having it revolve around the drug. I sometimes wish I had a female friend to use with though - it seems like female non-addict users of heroin are hard to find. By that I mean the girls I know who use tend to have their whole lives revolving around smack, compared to even having a habit but still working or studying or whatever.
As for being ripped, it's only happened once when the 'rock' in the water balloon happened to be a piece of folded up cardboard with a tiny amount of smack stuck to it.

First time scoring in Melbourne I was ripped off. Won't say where obviously. I have no idea what I was sold but needless to say when I put it in the spoon it did not dissolve. So frustrating as it was a (kind of) long drive. Went back right away and found a nodding Vietnamese guy who spat a few balloons in my hand. Now that wasn't half bad :)

Don't do them anymore but I can reminisce. So many stories, like most opiate users I guess ;)
I think Burroughs tells of this rule in 'junky' expect to get ripped from time to time. It always happens when your desperate ; ie. when your regular dealer falls thru . Your usual street instincts go out the window when your hurting and
Some people take advantage of this. Just have to take it on the chin and try and minimalize the chances of it happening to often.
It's a fucked game out there... When you score you feel like their helping you out... Most just want your dosh no matter how honest and friendly they seem, I guess it's a bitter lesson you learn over time. When I used to have regulars I would always take my scales and make sure I was getting the weight that I paid for.
i've made sure to have more morphine than actually needed for christmas day - am quite proud. and a decent supply of valium, something has restrained me from going overboard, losing self control and eating the bottle wihin days and leaving me well short and all too familiarly going through withdrawal. NOT THIS FUCKING TIME I TELL YA! HA!
I'm resisting to use up my morph tmorrow aswel:) got my 45mg of Done to get me by. Don't wanna risk using in the morn and being sick during Xmas lunch out of town. Plus the hassle of cookin up the morph into multiple shots to get through the day.
Hope everyone has a great day with family and friends:)
Be safe!
Merry Xmas My Friends :D
mmm woke up to a lovely christmas shot of morphine. had a whiskey laced with 15mg valium afterward. was a lovely, relaxing start to this hellacious day!

"ahhhhh" = sigh of absolute relief!
Nice one tent! I woke up to a lovely fat shot of delicious potent smack, god damn it was nice. I followed up with another shot before the big Christmas lunch and pied out nodding, full of meat and trifle, so far it's been a damn fine christmas. I don't drink so I popped a couple of Valium at the park and attempted to ride the bowl at the skatepark, I ended up breaking my arse on the coping but due to the cocktail I'm on I won't feel the damage until tomorrow. Right now I'm lying on a picnic blanket in the sun in the park surrounded by some of my closest friends, its such a good scene. My last shot is wearing off so i reckon I'll be nipping off to the loo in half an hour or so.. Life is dandy.

Haha my girlfriend and I got the funniest surprise present this morning, about a year ago we lost her vibrator while we were looking for a flat and staying at a various friends houses - I went out to have a smoke on the front deck and there was a small box with 'merry Christmas cass and Sheila from Santa' on the card and lo and behold in the box was her vibrator! Haha we don't even know who dropped it off but they must have come by sometime in the middle of the night to drop it off, what the fuck!

Merry Christmas team! X
Aw you guys are making me feel like I should treat myself to some xmas smack too. Maybe I will as a pressie to myself, and what better way to celebrate my first pay from my new job than to blow it all on heroin :)
Hey no fair, I can't find anyone to buy off out my way. Probly for the
Best though as I have too much cash laying around ATM.
Lucky the MS Contin will keep
Me a little warm:) but yes you should treat yourself to a great time... It's Xmas and what the hell are we working our guts out for but to indulge once in a while and detach ourselves from all the bullshit... So life can be enjoyed for just one moment.
Night All:)))))))))))))))))))))
Tried plugging my usual dose of smack, 3ml of warm water lubed and placed for 25 minutes. Didnt feel anything from it. I made sure I inserted it properly without the solution dripping out. Is the BA just too low? or I messed it up somehow? I donno but railing is a lot more fun experience for me, if the rectum method would work better id prob go with it. I may try it some time in the future again but for now I cant afford to waste anymore by experimenting.

i've plugged smack a few times now and it does indeed works but it creeps up on you.just suddenly your nice n high no rush or anything.personalty i'd prefer to snort or IV smack,they both kick in quicker and have better effects imo.
Aw you guys are making me feel like I should treat myself to some xmas smack too. Maybe I will as a pressie to myself, and what better way to celebrate my first pay from my new job than to blow it all on heroin :)

And mission completed... ;)

This smack is so sticky, maybe a bit damp...I can't get it all off the spoons after crushing.

Anyone else feel like they have to rotate through their dealers to stay good with them all? Some of mine change their numbers/addys so often I feel like I have to score off them regularly just so they keep me upto date with how to contact them and I don't lose them.
And mission completed... ;)

This smack is so sticky, maybe a bit damp...I can't get it all off the spoons after crushing.

Anyone else feel like they have to rotate through their dealers to stay good with them all? Some of mine change their numbers/addys so often I feel like I have to score off them regularly just so they keep me upto date with how to contact them and I don't lose them.

yeah I used to do that quite often mostly with my weed dealers though. Throughout the years Ive learned how scummy ripoff pricks some dealers can be so I prefer just to have a main one, always great quality, extremely pure stuff and constant with no fuk arounds. Id rather have one reliable dealer than 5 shit ones LOL
yeah me too i like to have one main suppler but it dosnt hurt having a few back ups..my main dealer atm can get pretty much anything i want and all at good prices (for WA) and is a really decent fella witch is kinda hard to come across when it comes smack n shit so no point in changing up :)
sustanon said:
Id rather have one reliable dealer than 5 shit ones LOL

Of course, that goes without saying. I wouldn't keep a shit dealer unless I had absolutely no choice. The dealers I keep are all decent, and it's definitely worthwhile having a backup IMO. Relying on just one person is risky - people get locked up, drop out, move away...and if you're relying on one person, that can leave you pretty fucked.
Haha footscrazy, oh how badly it will leave u fucked :( as I am. Hope everyone had a safe xmas
Did a 30mg morph today after a little H binge and I reckon 30 mg is equal to around a point of good quality H. Minus the initial euphoric rush.... That doesn't compare , however The M rush does have longer legs and is still noticeable for up to 15 minutes .
Could be due to the body load of IV morph .
Also on a maintenance of 40mg Done, only after skipping my dose for 3-4 days can the beauty of heroin begin to shine through.
The hits in the first day or two of skipping are nice but don't completely satisfy the senses.
Any I'm a little fried from NYE so Happy New Year Friends!
Hope everyone enjoys their right to make themselves happy in whichever way they choose!
^i definitely notice a longish rush with morphine. had a shot the other day after skipping a day and it hit me harder than usual and lasted a good 15-20mins. the high does have a body load to it, in a gentle way, though.
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