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SLR Social vs. It's on like Donkey Kong


Moderator: SIED
Staff member
Jul 23, 2009
Never seen the notebook but sappy shit like that I generally like. Titanic isn't my favorite movie because I enjoy nautical shit.
I have not seen The Notebook either. I guess I should watch it.

I did just watch the documentary "The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia" on Netflix. That shizz was hilarious. That was right up my alley.
I have not seen The Notebook either. I guess I should watch it.

I did just watch the documentary "The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia" on Netflix. That shizz was hilarious. That was right up my alley.
Movie date? :)
haha this should be renamed the Ryan Gosling thread. Has anyone seen Drive? That movie is fuckin awesome, some great car chase scenes. I'd shag his neighbour in that movie.
haha this should be renamed the Ryan Gosling thread. Has anyone seen Drive? That movie is fuckin awesome, some great car chase scenes. I'd shag his neighbour in that movie.

It should yes. Or we should make one. =D
Y'know I actually didn't like Drive...I thought it was a pretty boring film tbh. Nothing happens! And there's like one car chase. I just don't really understand its appeal. Aside from Gosling, that is. ;)

^ me, erry day

Proof needed.
It should yes. Or we should make one. =D
Y'know I actually didn't like Drive...I thought it was a pretty boring film tbh. Nothing happens! And there's like one car chase. I just don't really understand its appeal. Aside from Gosling, that is. ;)
I like robbing, fighting, car chase movies...Reminds me of my youth.
Fair enough. I figured it must be me since everyone seems to love it anyway. And the acting/soundtrack is really good all around.
Fair enough. I figured it must be me since everyone seems to love it anyway. And the acting/soundtrack is really good all around.
I have a very broad taste in movies, music, most things in life. In fact, i watch pretty much anything. Most things fascinate me. The opening Drive scene is good, when they do the robbery and he gets away from the helicopter hiding under the bridge, then goes to the game and walks out with the fans, clever.

Ya its got good songs in it. I like that one when he's cruising in the car with the girl. The scene in the elevator where he pashes the chick then stomps the guys head in is pretty full on. So's the one at the end when he gets stabbed. The ending is weird though, i want to know if he goes and gets the girl and they drive off into the sunset with all that money.
Agreed, the beginning of the film is really cool. I think it's mostly that I'm not much of a movie person in general and I get bored very easily unless there's a lot of action/ I particularly like it for whatever reason.

It's also interesting in an 'artsy' sense IMO - the idea of the beauty of violence and all that.
Thanks everyone for the advice!!! It was nice not making a thread about it and getting different opinions. :)

Oh pretty_diamonds. Is she attractive and do you think he's the type to not only cheat but be so blatant about it?

I mean there is flirting with potential and then there is just shit talking. Do you trust him?
She is attractive. >o< He usually likes caucasian but he likes me and I'm (spanish/asian). This girl is asian. I KNOW he wouldn't cheat on me because he's been cheated on twice before (both 2 year girlfriends). I guess I just thought it was disrespectful to me to be hitting on a girl so blatantly in front of me.

Ughhh Pretty_Diamonds that really sucks, not cool on his part. To be honest yeah, he's clearly attracted to her, but that's not necessarily as bad as it sounds. I'm sure you've been attracted to other men since you've been in a relationship with him, it's perfectly normal. He was a total prick rubbing it in your face like that and IMO you were completely entitled to get mad at him, but now that he knows to keep it to himself, so long as he doesn't act on it is it really that bad ?
Also I dunno, if I were about to cheat on my girlfriend I wouldn't be so obviously flirty like that in front of her. It'd be pretty stupid. It sounds like he's just a little naive about the thing and barely even realised it would bother you.
Yeah, being attracted to other people is normal but hitting on them is UNACCEPTABLE! True, I think I nipped that in the bud. :wink: BUT, I got annoyed when he brought it up like it's "soo awkward at work" and it's all MY fault because he feels like he can't talk to her. Talking =/= hitting on. I just couldn't believe he was trying to get sympathy from me. It was like he didn't think he did anything wrong! He really thinks he was just being "nice". But how said, how would you feel if I said, "WOW, you look so GOOD--hot sexy daddy!" to a guy that I hardly knew. HM?!!?

Gah annoying :(
There is a difference between being nice/complimenting someone and hitting on them. I'm completely fine with my boyfriend telling another girl that she looks nice. But if he goes out of his way to do it, and it happens a LOT, then I'd have to wonder! I think some people don't understand boundaries. How long have you been with him? Just curious.
Two years and we've been living together for 1.5 years. Like I said, I don't think he would cheat on me but I just wasn't comfortable with him being so flirty with her. Especially since she's at his job a lot (he works at a bar = lots of alcohol = potential.. cheating? IDK >.<)
I guess I'm supposed to close the other social thread dammit. I'll try to move the last page so we don't lose some of the stuffs.

STFU waao. Don't make fun of me you pussy.
Haha I think you got it Lysis : P

Yeah, being attracted to other people is normal but hitting on them is UNACCEPTABLE! True, I think I nipped that in the bud. :wink: BUT, I got annoyed when he brought it up like it's "soo awkward at work" and it's all MY fault because he feels like he can't talk to her. Talking =/= hitting on. I just couldn't believe he was trying to get sympathy from me. It was like he didn't think he did anything wrong! He really thinks he was just being "nice". But how said, how would you feel if I said, "WOW, you look so GOOD--hot sexy daddy!" to a guy that I hardly knew. HM?!!?

Yeah definitely agree...but I do think it honestly sounds like he's just completely oblivious to the whole thing and hardly even understands how it could hurt your feelings. Which, although a little dumb, is probably a very good sign cuz it would suggest he loves you enough that he doesn't think this sort of thing should feel like a threat. If that makes sense :)

Ya, Ms.G use to do stuff like that to me and get upset and say I was over reacting when I was like "Mehr, don't like. pwees stop?"

Then I did the same thing a few times and lo and behold, she got really upset but also understood why it sucked and stopped.
Agreed, the beginning of the film is really cool. I think it's mostly that I'm not much of a movie person in general and I get bored very easily unless there's a lot of action/ I particularly like it for whatever reason.

It's also interesting in an 'artsy' sense IMO - the idea of the beauty of violence and all that.
Yeah I've been to the movies with girls and gotten bored so just fucked up the back, that Tom Hanks movie road to perdition is a good example. I watched it a few years later though and actually enjoyed it.

It is interesting in an arty sense. That jacket he has with the scorpion on it is cool, i want one. But he wears it nearly the whole move, wtf!!




ahhhhh, you're a latina. That explains a lot. ;)
Explains what exactly? :sidewaysglance:

Yeah definitely agree...but I do think it honestly sounds like he's just completely oblivious to the whole thing and hardly even understands how it could hurt your feelings. Which, although a little dumb, is probably a very good sign cuz it would suggest he loves you enough that he doesn't think this sort of thing should feel like a threat. If that makes sense :)
Yeah. I guess so. :p I'm happy and I hope it never happens again. >.<