Share something POSITIVE from your day vs. it's all around you

Feeling good today, yesterday was a little rough purely due to overthinking a current situation. I decided I just need to find out if this person is into me, so I can stop wondering. I'm good with it either way, it's just the not knowing that's throwing me for a loop, because I'm really into her and I feel kinda stuck about it until I know one way or the other. So I just asked her if she wants to do something with me this weekend, we'll see what she says. If she does, good, we'll do that and I'll ask her how she feels if it doesn't become clear on its own. If she doesn't, I'll just ask her how she feels. Either way, then I'll know and I can either rest easy knowing it's moving somewhere, even if very slowly, or I'll know I shouldn't hope for that and move on.
I feel optimistic about my current situation. In a few days i have realized that i care about my job too much so im putting so much expectations on myself and other people. I am learning to let go and just do the best i can for this year and plan my job hunt for next year. I am extremely excited to go into my second interview for my part time job on Thursday and i hope to get hired on thursday so i can start.
Still getting stuff done, man it can take a while to dig oneself out a huge whole.. I swear there has to be a top to this and I will reach it someday.. :sus:
Still getting stuff done, man it can take a while to dig oneself out a huge whole.. I swear there has to be a top to this and I will reach it someday.. :sus:


Gonna go to a family friend's dinner in an hour. Gotta keep myself from eating too much. uhhhmm maybe not! :D
don't feel as batshit crazy today as i did yesterday. and going somewhere beautiful.
chinup;12538091I said:
I don't feel as batshit crazy today as i did yesterday. and going somewhere beautiful.

Glad to hear it, I hope that it's a sign of good things :)

Had a rough weekend and was anxious about having to speak to another doctor on the phone for my pain meds as my normal doctor is on holiday. I was worrying about nothing (as usual) all went well and I feeling a little more chipper as the day progresses
I got a ton of things done.. I have been getting a ton of things done.. getting things done is good, cause I don't like stress.
I was worrying about nothing (as usual)
happens to me sometimes as well.

i woke up this morning dreading life. turned out to be a good day. successfully appealed a private parking ticket that my dumbass would have made into a war. got going to the dentist over with -- nice drive during work. stock market kicked ass. passed by some rare, ethereal, picturesque creation while wandering around during lunch. and now i'm eating diner with my family in two hours to celebrate my brother graduating college and being signed on full-time with the company he did his internship with.

a good day.
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Hangin out with a bler later tonight :D

Nice! I've ALWAYS had a good time every time I've hung out with Bluelighters. Most of those are now some of my best friends actually, in real life. :)
Oh hell yeahh! I haven't seen him since last yr so tonight will be funz. Im currently livin a hectic worklife so might as well relax once in a blue moon
It's very important to relax and have fun as often as you can manage to while still doing what you need to do. :)
My birthday was great even though i was stressed beyond words i managed to enjoy myself.
Cleaned out my inbox meh i wish there was more storage for pms and all my inbox is always full.:\
Got things straightened out with my new boss today and only tomorrow and I'm on holiday for 9 days straight :)