Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

^ Thats good to hear!

Very overworked but have paid off a mad lump of mortgage so eventually it will be great. Not so much right NOW though.
I am getting a fairly good bonus this year. I call 'guilty' bonus as I was supposed to be replacing someone abroad for three weeks, I had my luggage ready. But sometimes things beyond our control change everything.

I was also going to use this opportunity to take a couple of weeks as holidays but now it seems like a waste of money as I would have to purchase the tickets and I had no plans on doing that. The good news is that this project was postponed which is good if I consider the weather...
Started to kill a guitar cover I decided to begin working on. One of my favourite songs. I usually improvise but this is just a blast. I figured out the key (G# minor, don't usually play in that one), got the chord progression down, and the first hardcore riff which is a little fast paced for me but I am getting the hang of it. Everything by ear too. Really proud of myself actually, this is not an easy metalcore song to play by any means. The first riff was confusing the hell out of me at first, and the chord progression too but I totally got it down. Just need to keep practicing until I nail it.
Have one week clean tomorrow. I just don't do this kind of stuff when I am using opiates as they ruin my creativity and drive to do anything but score. I had to figure out the right signal chain to use as well, and switch between petals and pickups while playing so it has been really fun and I'm still at it!

Shroomy that's fantastic! I would like to play an instrument but I have 0 patience for the practice it takes.
Started to kill a guitar cover I decided to begin working on. One of my favourite songs. I usually improvise but this is just a blast. I figured out the key (G# minor, don't usually play in that one), got the chord progression down, and the first hardcore riff which is a little fast paced for me but I am getting the hang of it. Everything by ear too. Really proud of myself actually, this is not an easy metalcore song to play by any means. The first riff was confusing the hell out of me at first, and the chord progression too but I totally got it down. Just need to keep practicing until I nail it.
Have one week clean tomorrow. I just don't do this kind of stuff when I am using opiates as they ruin my creativity and drive to do anything but score. I had to figure out the right signal chain to use as well, and switch between petals and pickups while playing so it has been really fun and I'm still at it!

Awesome man! Music is the best thing. Filling your time with playing/practicing is sure to fill a void. :) I find music basically like a drug, except one that's really good for you. My best highs in life have been from playing music. And I agree, opiates also killed my motivation to play. I never one time played while I was on opiates (for 10 years).
The sun is out, the leaves of the persimmon are turning every glorious color of orange and I heard some good live music last night with my son. And, my son is still home! He'll most likely be returning overseas sometime before Christmas so I am trying to practice my slippery ability to stay in the present and appreciate every moment rather than jumping into the future where I'm going to be re-living empty nest syndrome all over again. There are two people in my life that I admire above most others and these are my mom and my son. How does one person get so lucky?
I went for a day trip in order to attend to our yearly work planning day. Considering 3 hours in a plane each way and a long and productive dinner to wrap it up, I believe it went fairly well. A lot of information to take in, loads of work to update. Thank God it’s Friday indeed. I am eager to focus a bit on what I must - I am not as exhausted as thought I would be. Great to be home anyway. :)
Just had an amazing, special night with my friend I hadn't seen in 2 years, we used to be in a band together and hadn't seen him since, but he lives in town. We jammed with various people and the music was so incredible, all of us agreed it was a special connection we had and that they were the best playing we felt we'd done in a long time. Non-musicians at the house were raving about how they couldn't believe we weren't in a band and most of us had never met before, they said it sounded like we were playing songs from an album we made or something. Gonna have my band open for my friend's band, and I made other networking connections. I feel like me and all those guys really bonded a lot over music, I made new friends, one of them in particular I think what will become a close friendship (or sort of already is somehow). It's great to have more good people in your network, then we can all help prop each other up in the crazy world of trying to be a successful band. :) And always wonderful to make new legitimate, real friends.

Another thing that doesn't suck... I'm still clean from opiates, still have never had another craving since I did ibogaine almost 4 years ago. I don't think about it often anymore even, that I'm legitimately not an opiate addict anymore, I cured myself. It's not even a thing or concern in my life anymore, at all. My life is infinitely better, it's really unfolded and blossomed in a profoundly beautiful way that I treasure SO, so much. <3 4 years ago I wanted to die every single day and felt the most crushing sense of hopelessness. But today, almost every day is wonderful, I love my life, and I appreciate it so much. <3

So yeah, that pretty much the opposite of sucks. :)
^ that's awesome man. so sincerely pleased for you.

i had a nice weekend, my parents came and visited me and i showed them around melbourne. it was nice to take them to some places and have them say "wow!"
like, nice to give them some understanding why i moved over here and stuff. they seemed pretty pleased that i look really healthy and happy which is kinda the best thing i could do for them.
it's nice to hear someone say you look the healthiest they've ever seen you. i'm kinda proud of that, it's been worth all the hassle of relocating, and life is good at the moment.
My last day of the job I fucking hated was yesterday. It was causing me a lot of stress and affecting my mental health. I start my new job tomorrow, which pays more and is closer to my house. It's a win/win. I can't wait.
^That is a good change for you, zap!:) (btw, I stole that abbreviation of your username from Asclepius--I like it!)
I went to church this morning for the first time in many years. It really felt good to be back.
Welp I'm getting booted from the house I'm living in BUT I got paid today and found a house nearby for pretty cheap that hopefully will work out. I'm also in love y'all! Feels really good
Yes, the weather is changing, I’m glad we had some good rainny days. I felt so refreshing.
^ Happy holidays herbavore!

I am very thankful to have done such a fine group work back at the office. We are now communicating on a different level. Working in team has improved considerably so that I can plan my days much better. After December I schedule my holidays. :)
I'm happy to be back to the gym, eating well, and most importantly I'm happy and grateful to be CLEAN.

I've been doing some soul searching to find out why I felt the need to escape for so long. I've always known it was unresolved issues from the past. I've realized destroying myself certainly doesn't solve anything. So to paraphrase the modern sage Jerry Springer, I've just decided to be kind to myself and others. ; )