Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

Celebrating Halloweedn today/tonight with some good friends. Gonna take a psychedelic, I think AMT, and drink a few beers, and generally have all kinds of fun. :)
Hi all,

Very uplifting posts! I'm happy because I finally realized I can't go back to the way things were in the time before my drug use, but I can restart and make it better than ever. I'm also happy my wife didn't leave me when I gave her every reason to, and our relationship is getting better every day.

Thankful and happy to be part of Bluelight. This place has saved my life, now I can see things clearly! :)

Amen brother. Mine too. I really don't think I was have succeeded without Bluelight. I'd probably be dead now.

^This community saved my life as well. It reaches so many people from every walk of life in a meaningful way. No need here to fit into anything--you can be who you are, where you are and say whatever it is you need to say. I came in as a distraught mother mourning my son's overdose. I found not only compassion for my situation but what I really was craving at the time, which was compassion for my son's situation. In the "real world" of face-to-face interactions the judgments we have to wade through or break past are so numerous--your age, your looks, your persona, your social class, your geographic place on the planet, your political views, religion, clothing, accent, race etc etc etc--we humans find so many ways to divide ourselves from each other and then wonder why each of us is imprisoned in loneliness. This is why I stay and give back to this community. It is a unique place with a lot to offer.
^^ It sure does. :) Bluelight helped to save my life twice. The first time was when I was fresh out of college and had moved across the country. I was beginning to explore psychedelic experiences and I was having some really impactful and important thoughts and experiences, but I had no one to share them with. It was making me feel like I was losing it, that whatever friends I tried to share it with were actually staging an intervention behind my back because apparently they thought I was being crazy for taking psychedelics, and my ex-girlfriend/wife directly disapproved and would not accept it. I found Bluelight and realized there were like-minded people and it gave me an outlet and a sounding board that was so important for me. The second time was when I was in the worst of my opiate addiction 8 years later, The Dark Side helped me to have support on a daily basis, and I also was exposed to ibogaine through here and found a mentor for my own experience, which ended up changing/saving my life in a dramatic way.

I've been moderating here since a few months after I joined in 2006, except for a break of 3 years in 2011-2013. I will always love this place dearly and I will always be thankful for it. <3 Some of my best friends in real life I met on here too. Bluelight indirectly led to me playing music again and re-discovering my life's passion, because my good friend I met on here moved to where I live (coincidentally), and I met my bandmates who got me to start playing again through him. Bluelight has really had a profound impact on my life.
Day off tomorrow, and I'm working home on Friday. Need space and peace, since I would have to do overtime anyway, I chose to stay in and finish my tasks. I'm glad I'm working and find it really nice to have been there for so long but I'm a bit stressed and need to balance.
got to watch a doc look for then try to hit a vein in my arm today. did iv coke and morphine for a long time and collapsed alot of em. so that was pretty funny
Havent touched any heroin since halloween, which was only a .1 smoked. Rolling up on day 3 at 00:00 -- plenty of access of benzos so I'm really happy to be moving forward. Will keep an update of the progress, as thats all its going to be.
Cheers, I reckon I'll be able to get through the final few days of acute w/ds with the benzos. Interested as to how I'll be feeling tomorrow as before halloween I had gone 3 days without anything so halloween was really only a teeny slip.
Snowed today, but my boss let me come in early and leave early. Easy day of school. Actually made progress with a track Ive been working on for a few days and left the session satisfied. Meditated, read, eating now then doing homework later. feeling good. I know not all days will be this easy but I sure have the wisdom to enjoy them while they're here ;)
^ That’s great. By enjoying these moments, I guess you are learning how to live in the present which is quite a challenge to most of us, including myself.
Started to kill a guitar cover I decided to begin working on. One of my favourite songs. I usually improvise but this is just a blast. I figured out the key (G# minor, don't usually play in that one), got the chord progression down, and the first hardcore riff which is a little fast paced for me but I am getting the hang of it. Everything by ear too. Really proud of myself actually, this is not an easy metalcore song to play by any means. The first riff was confusing the hell out of me at first, and the chord progression too but I totally got it down. Just need to keep practicing until I nail it.
Have one week clean tomorrow. I just don't do this kind of stuff when I am using opiates as they ruin my creativity and drive to do anything but score. I had to figure out the right signal chain to use as well, and switch between petals and pickups while playing so it has been really fun and I'm still at it!