Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

Maybe. Let's hope for the best. Good luck with your treatment.
Actually started drawing again. That's a start. A few weeks ago I met with a lost connection and we saw one another again this past weekend. We made art together and that was the first time I have since I dropped out of college (even my art class alone gave me a mental breakdown). Due to past trauma over my entire art portfolio being thrown out (obviously linked to more than just that).

Fresh start <3 :) how I look at it now. I can't wait until I go down and see them again. They're my muse. For now I will continue making art on my own.

I never collaborated with someone like that before and I got to decorate the walls of their house too.... nobody let me do that before.
^that's really exciting, Xstay.

It is supposed to rain here today--can't believe how we went from temps over 100 to temps in the mid 60s in a matter of days but the garden will be happy for the rain.
So I was told today that someone will be writing about my life, and my struggles with addiction and alcoholism. I have never been in a book before.. this is really cool!! I am really excited that I get to meet with this writer/author next week and go over my story with them. ^_^
Totally awesome D's !!! So cool . Imagine how many people you will inspire !!

I feel GREAT today. I've got 2 sales my first day back at work and the office is very happy with me.
I feel like my normal self, happy . Im joining in on conversations with co workers instead of just wishing I did.lol because of anxiety.
I only feel ok because I ate a QUARTER of a 1 mg zanex. IM NOT high . I already know I CANT keep eating it. been there done that . I'm well aware. But maybe I SHOULD see a doctor. I just never wanted to be on Zoloft or psyc meds cus I don't want to be a zombie! Just NORMAL! But I'm considering it today.
Lets pretend the next 2 days are one long day so to wind down this grind of week, "today" (tomorrow) I get to brew beer with my class for the first time.

However I am so tired and will not have time to relax anytime soon (or even then). So for now I grind.
I'm just happy I've gotten half day off and have finally slept yesterday. What a blessing that was, the benefits of that are amazing as I get much more energy! :)
I was lucky enough to meet someone on bluelight that I sort of clicked with,and circumstances actually allowed us to meet. It's been awhile since i had someone I felt like I could talk to about anything. It actually means a lot to me. We got to hang out for a few hours today. Pretty cool :)
^ It's aways great to meet someone. These new feelings you nurture can make you happy,

I'm free today, my son went camping, my daughter is at the University. Just me and my wife and we are not even 49!
After 14 years I have finally realized that certain drug categories is really not my cup of tea, feels kind of liberating.
I have a new succulent :) heres my first go at having a "green thumb". Excited to take care of something living though.

Its Sunday and I get to do whatever I want today (which probably means homework but oh well). Things going very well over here (especially when im not on the grind from when I open my eyes until I close em at night)
It's a relaxing day, the weather is helping so we went for a long walk this morning. And I feel rested. Ready for the week!
Thats whats up Erikman, I feel the same way. I did 2 positive things over the weekend, and even though I had to wake up really early for both of them, am really glad I did.

I am craving some chocolate, really grateful that I am able to ride my bike to the store for some candy.

The weather is really nice out and about so going to take full advantage of it.
I've been searching Craigslist for pet rats. Yes I love rats. They make great pets . Mine are always free range. Like I let em loose in my room. And since I'm moving into my co workers house I'll have my own room and I can't wait to have some furry friends again!. Get this though, I finally got a response back and the person adopting them out has the same name as me .LOL. Yup. Ment to be.
@D's, speaking of chocolate, it's actually a great thing to have nearby for moments of cravings. It helps, sugar + cocoa = energy/ endorphin :)7
^my dad has mentioned that, too. hershey bars especially.

i FINALLY got some sleep last night. just went for more cigarettes. that's about all i want to do today, since it's hot af out
Glad you were able to get some sleep, it does take time for the body to recover from all the shit we put it through, its taken me over a year before i started remimbering first and last names when first introduced.
@erikmen, yes I keep it around at all times, and i use it for cravings, mostly use it because I love chocolate!
I got a promotion today, I will be the next peer mentor supervisor at the treatment center that I work at.
This will take place by next Friday. :))
^ That's great D's. It seems you are doing pretty well.

Speaking of chocolate, the rule in my place of work is that you should always bring chocolates when you travel. So there's always a couple of bars around. :)
The 20*(F) drop in temp made the day so much more pleasant and my work crew excelled, I have no idea if the two are connected or not but both are welcome. The new guy fit in and found his niche rather quickly and we seem to be a well oiled machine atm. I got some important electronic paperwork done (read; 1/2 company business- 1/2 BL lurking), but I work during my lunch break often to ease my conscience and always buy Powerade drinks for the fellas.

AP's: Dark Chocolate rules
Working for the Government that is not my own for so long has made it possible to see the world. That's good I suppose, but there's a moment in life you just don't want it anymore but I feel it's too late for me. I am thankful for my job, I simply wanted some more time for me.
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