Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

The day is relaxing (other than up/down stairs and corridors) and peaceful.
No to little stress cause im still tryin to figure out wth is really goins on - lifelong.

Goin fairly smoothly until I see reported content then anxieties ya know.
All is great, thanks.
Massage day today, my massage therapist is DOPE. Just reread The Electric Koolaid Acid Test and went through a large memory recollection and just started The Right Stuff... WOW those people are hard core balls.
Had a way more positive methadone clinic doctor visit feat psychiatrist + 2 workers. Shiiiiit monica why the stress? This nikka just surfing on da waves
Milk and honey day is up in two days. Hitting the new facilities in the gym tomorrow. OMG deficiencies in magnesium and B vitamins caused by acid blockers are resolving with ASTONISHING results. Acid blockers are beat shit.. get off them.
Got a beardshaver for early xmas gift. Literally this is clinically flawlessly priceless, methinks I might have a momemtum of contentness going on right now.
My partner is coming home after being gone on a trip. I was getting high in various ways while she was gone, which felt good in the moment but I was spiraling in a negative way. With her back, I want to be present, mentally and emotionally and energetically, which gives me an effective incentive to be sober.
...but I wish I had some of Lil's cream puffs, too :(
technically two days ago beautiful experience walking through a snowy wood to a creek with a winding cascade of tiny rapids and waterfall I was walking right in the water with tall boots majestic winter wonderland plan on going back with snowshoes it’s wilderness out there I want to move down there about forty five minutes away
Next three days off.. start the holidays already

Going to grab the herbs for herb crusted prime rib and then it’s well over time to relax
My neighbor's adult daughter knew I would be spending Christmas alone and and gave my neighbor a large a assortment of home made cookies to give to me. They are good and lots of them. Great variety also.
Im unlimitletly happy that I have managed to form a something I can honestly call with a smile on my face call a good life. My friends are the best Ive ever had, sadly only 1 lives in my city so they are kinda everywhere. As life has taken such a radical turn for better I am grateful every fucking night for dozens of things. :reggae: :rellyhigh:
I got to visit the natural reeded sandy shore of a lake today vast in size might as well could have felt like an ocean beach picturing Cape Cod pretty lil whitecaps being hurled by the gusting wind sprays shot up my nostrils hah turned head up to take a deep breath of rushing wind coming straight at my face over a hundred feet from the water