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Serious about a psychedelic revolution then help me start one!!!

a drug revolution wont work. pleanty of non-drug related psychedelic things out there (not in a distorted senses way, but definatly still trippy)

some people can use psychedelic drugs and it is benificial, others wont benifit from it, and still there will be even more people that flip out.
but it’s getting rarer and being kept in close circles more than ever after that big bust a few years ago.

I wouldn't be so sure about that; the buzz seems to indicate that this summer is going to see a very large influx of LSD. I won't get into any specifics on a public forum, but preliminary evidence points to good news.

That bust was also not affiliated with any of the "traditional" distribution networks which have been keeping it very low-key for a while. Now that the social and political climate in the US has swung the other direction I think we can expect some nice surprises in store. The old heads won't let us down -- they really do want the people to have cheap high-quality LSD, trust me -- they're just wise enough to know when its important to shut the mother down for a while, ya know.
Slow down Leary.
we tried this before with the hippies, and ultimately violence brought it down.
Legalization doesn't neccessarily mean people will be smarter about how they use it, it means that now more un-balanced people will have access to it, and spoil it for the rest of us.

WWell, WE didn't try it, and I'm no fucking hippy scum arrrright??? :p:) -Untrue statement, I am pure scum.

As to unbalanced people having access to drugs- good. Who's to say what is balanced or not? It seems society is what say it- burn it down (in your mind).

Violence didn't bring the hippie movement down- there was no directed movement, and the likes of Jerry Rubin were naught but complete egoists, hence his remarkable post yippie career on the stockmarket. It just went out of fashion, as most styles eventually do.

Todays hippy-folk look nothing like the sixties types, I reckon- more dreads, triabalsim etc. as opposed to regurgitated Hindu symbols...
The psychedelic revolution is already well underway again, actually, it never really died, only changed. It exists on a continuum from underground to aboveground. The underground is what it has always been, distribution of drugs outside the law, and drug lore being passed down from user to user, and a core group of people who really take the spiritual and personal-growth aspects of psychedelia very seriously. Of course, there are a plethora of idiots who use the drugs irresponsibly to just "get fucked up," a plethora of gangsters in it only for the money, and assorted people who are not so good for the movement in the underground, but what can you do. The aboveground includes scientists doing legitimate research, and there are more and more of them recently. The internet drug community has a connection to both, and is an unprecedented way to share information, particularly about new drugs. Thanks to developments in all three spheres, we are better off than we were a few years ago. Yes, drugs are still illegal, but more legitimate research is done, and access to the drugs is on the upswing, and more and more people are not only taking the drugs, but taking them seriously as spiritual/personal growth tools, and the stigma is starting to slowly erode away even in mainstream society. We still have a long way to go, but we are moving ahead. I for one am very optimistic about the future, although we shouldn't expect massive changes VERY SOON, I am pretty confide3nt that we we will see our hopes realized within our lifetime.

I don't think there is any need to go fucking with the program. Both the underground and the above-ground psychedelic movements are lead by people who know what they are doing. Everyone has a part to play, and should continue to do so, but trying to launch a "revolution" is going to do more harm than good, by attracting all of the wrong sorts of attention, both from L.E. and also from immature people who aren't ready to be a part of the movement.

So sit back, play your part, whether above ground or below, and keep on truckin'.
Great posts all around, 'specially SKL and ROGER your post makes me happy. <3 I believe it, too. Sounds perfectly plausible.

But yeah, I've been thinking about this lately as well... I do have a very significant sense of optimism about it right now. It will be a gradual process, but I do believe we are going in the right direction as a society when it comes to the big bad drug issue.

On a related note, who was following the top ten ideas for change in America contest that Obama's change.org website was running? Number one most popular idea for change... legalize the recreational and medical use for marijuana. That made me smile.
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I'm 100% down and I think we as a community haven't done enough. I would be more than willing to do whatever I can. I think the only things that will allow this change to happen is either waiting and allowing time to pass until the senators in their seats are one in the same as the people on the streets or some sort of cultural revolution. We can't expect things to happen no matter how professionally or business-like we go about it. Thats not how this country started and that's not how this country should stay. Revolution made the country, revolution changes the country. imo of course
The psychedelic revolution is already well underway again, actually, it never really died, only changed. It exists on a continuum from underground to aboveground. The underground is what it has always been, distribution of drugs outside the law, and drug lore being passed down from user to user, and a core group of people who really take the spiritual and personal-growth aspects of psychedelia very seriously. Of course, there are a plethora of idiots who use the drugs irresponsibly to just "get fucked up," a plethora of gangsters in it only for the money, and assorted people who are not so good for the movement in the underground, but what can you do. The aboveground includes scientists doing legitimate research, and there are more and more of them recently. The internet drug community has a connection to both, and is an unprecedented way to share information, particularly about new drugs. Thanks to developments in all three spheres, we are better off than we were a few years ago. Yes, drugs are still illegal, but more legitimate research is done, and access to the drugs is on the upswing, and more and more people are not only taking the drugs, but taking them seriously as spiritual/personal growth tools, and the stigma is starting to slowly erode away even in mainstream society. We still have a long way to go, but we are moving ahead. I for one am very optimistic about the future, although we shouldn't expect massive changes VERY SOON, I am pretty confide3nt that we we will see our hopes realized within our lifetime.

I don't think there is any need to go fucking with the program. Both the underground and the above-ground psychedelic movements are lead by people who know what they are doing. Everyone has a part to play, and should continue to do so, but trying to launch a "revolution" is going to do more harm than good, by attracting all of the wrong sorts of attention, both from L.E. and also from immature people who aren't ready to be a part of the movement.

So sit back, play your part, whether above ground or below, and keep on truckin'.

100% agreed... SKL and I have talked about this in person many times but we are in agreement with this. I love your passion tho! Keep positive and safe <3
First, we need to arm ourselves to the teeth. You know the rules of the game: the revolution will not be televised. Nor will we be posting about it on the internet, because when it DOES happen there wont be any more internet, there wont be any more tv, there wont be any more civilization and technology and the materialistic notions of the West.

And it sure as hell will not come about through peace. Politicians love peaceful protesting because it gets us nowhere. They can take a nap in their office while a million people stand around with signs. But a couple explosions will get their attention real quick.
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First, we need to arm ourselves to the teeth. You know the rules of the game: the revolution will not be televised. Nor will we be posting about it on the internet, because when it DOES happen there wont be any more internet, there wont be any more tv, there wont be any more civilization and technology and the materialistic notions of the West.

And it sure as hell will not come about through peace. Politicians love peaceful protesting because it gets us nowhere. They can take a nap in their office while a million people stand around with signs. But a couple explosions will get their attention real quick.

^Whoa. That's fucked.

The revolution is what you make of it. Mine started about 22 years ago.
We need to stop the demonization of Psychedelic drugs!!! Our mission will ultimately be to legalize these substances as they have no reason to be controlled as they are!!! In the short term goals will be education and hopefully no more demonization. Then we will look to decriminalize and continue education. We will also look to decriminalize all drugs but legalize Psychedelics, Entactogens, Entheogens, Dissociatives and Cannabinoids as well!!!

Inb4 Timothy Leary and 1967. But yeah this has already been going on for sometime now.
Yeah screw taking it to the streets heres what we do. First we build a bomb, not that complicated just something big enough to level the dea headquarters. This is followed shortly by the demands of the legalization of all drugs in 2 hours or we will launch rockets full of VX gas over 4 major cities (the rock style). As the demands are being posted someone drives a heavily armored truck full of binary sarin gas into the white house and detonates it causing the gas to spread over a mile radius killing thousands, proving we arnt bluffing. Of course i would never do any of this but they want a war on drugs they got one.
What we all have to take into account is you need a sizeable portion of the population for any revolution to work.

And lets face it, besides our enthusiasm for psychedelics, most of the population are terrified by these substances.

My own personal revolution has been going strong for more than twenty years. In the past, long, long ago I turned a lot of people on to Pookee mushrooms (Psilocybe Semilanceata). This was before possesion of said mushroom became a crime.

In my jurisdiction one can get up to fifteen years for trading in them regardless of money changing hands ( I gave them away, yes for free). On the plus side, my window sills are full of Lophophora Williamsii's, all legal and above board.

All we can do is spread the word.

Peace and sometimes War, bruddas and sistahs. ;)
Then I said if it was regulated the government could tax the hell out of it and the pills would be clean MDMA, known dosage, and safe.

He advised that I go set myself on fire on the front lawn of the parliament buildings in Ottawa to bring awareness to my cause :p

I am 100% for government regulated drug use. Here is how I would have it established:

1. Fair prices. They MAY be more than street prices, but its also safer and legal.

2. Informed usage. EVERY SINGLE PERSON who goes to take ANY drug, has to take a specific test about that drug and its category. And they have to pass it. If they dont, they cant get it.

3. Widespread availability. You can walk into your local Rite Aid/Walgreens/ w/e and get whatever you want. Again provided you have passed said test.

4. Regulated dosing. Certain things could be used daily (i.e. Marijuana) but others not so much. Subject to research. And no more than a 4x dose amount per week of any drug. Tracked by Drivers license. Dose is figured by weight. 2 dose gives you personal leeway (I personally tend to need a lot more substance for example)

5. Nothing is banned. Responsible use is the only way. Irresponsible use, or things such as DUI will be punished way severely. In the 5 figure numbers.

Thats my game plan. That legislation would save lives, encourage smart use, and get people what they want. Who can complain about it? It takes all the nasty out of it.

Imagine the jobs this would create. New pharmaceutical jobs, new horitcultural jobs (mushrooms, weed). Huge tourism income.

Im right on with this one.
^That sucks, I don't want the government telling me how much droogz I can get. I'll just start trading doses with friends and stocking up, etc. ;)
I'm not telling people you cant get anything. And sure people will circumvent it to an extent.

But again we are trying to control some of the supply here. You cant just walk up and get a kilo of crack.

But enough for like 4 trips a week of ANY drug you want.

Im saying you could walk up and ask for 4 doses worth of each 2c-E, psilocybin, LSD, and DXM all at once. You really need any more than that?

You also dont want to breed a nation of addicts and people who cant function. Some control is necessary.

Its also a hell of a lot better than what we have now.
Not quite picking up on that one bud..

Look my thing is as long as we live in civilized human earth, we are going to be under some governments rule. Now you can obviously go move to zambia and do all the drugs you want. At the cost of malaria and shitty water.

I for one love america but its a little tight up the ass I think we'd all agree. You have to be willing to come to the middle. No way is the country going to just say "here have everything you want"

But hopefully we can get to a point where we at least get something.
Unfortunately, I agree with you on the need for government and laws. But in my heart I'm an old anarchist who dreams of a distant future, where we've evolved to the point were self-governance is a viable possibility.

Back in the real world though...............