• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Random questions thread - shit you wonder about

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What is the purpose of that small packet labeled SILICA GEL - DO NOT EAT that one finds in stuff (handbags, medicine bottles, etc. ) one buys?
Well why do they put it in medicine bottles if you're not to eat it?
What if it broke and you ate it by accident?
yes they dream, but its more like concepts than actual visual scenes. I'm too lazy too look for sources, there's some threads in PD about "do blind people trip?" that has some related reading
joannie_mhm said:
Well why do they put it in medicine bottles if you're not to eat it?
What if it broke and you ate it by accident?

They put it in medicine bottles cuz they think its a better idea to preserve the medicine so it stays good long enough for you to take it, and they hope that if youre old enough to be able to open a childproof cap that you also understnad D-O N-O-T E-A-T. ;) lol. It would suck without the silica gel cuz then the shit would get all wet and damp and nasty, and then you couldnt take it anyways so might as well take the risk I guess. who knows.
The only thing I've seen in a medicine (non precription) bottle is cotton, I've never seen a packet of silica gel in one.
^ me too. that said, i understand that my world view does not equal the world.

related reading: silica gel

I take a multivitamin but it doesn't have 100% daily value of Vitamin A (70%), K (31%), Calcium (10%), Phosphorous (5%), Magnesium (10%), Biotin (13%) and Chloride (2%).

Should I be taking supplements for these? I've never even heard of Biotin or Chloride.
^^ The multivitamin is to supplement the nutritional value you should be already getting from other food and drink. If you are still eating regularly (and at least some of it could be considered healthy) then I you definately don't need to add an extra 100% of your RDI of things via supplements.

In case you're interested, here is some info on Chloride and Biotin. You can see from having a read through there that it's pretty easy to maintain your RDI's of these and other essential elements in your body if you think about what you eat. :)
I sometimes monitor what i'm eating through a program and it appears that I'm not getting anywhere close with calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It doesn't give info on Chloride or Biotin.

The link you provided says that "Biotin serves as an essential coenzyme for four carboxylase enzymes, each of which is important in metabolism." Would taking a supplement of it help my metabolism?

Thanks :)
^ You don't need a huge amount of Biotin, and in fact a percentage of your required dosage is actually manufactured in your digestive system, so the amount required varies from person to person. From what I've found, an actual RDI has not been established, possibly due to insufficient data.

From reading about it now, studies apparently show that the estimated average daily intake for people living in the US to be from 40 to 60 mcg/day in adults. Adequate Intake is placed around 30mcg/day, so you are quite possibly getting enough without even knowing it, and from reading about the symptoms of Biotin Deficiency (include hair loss and a scaly red rash around the eyes, nose, mouth, and genital area. Neurologic symptoms in adults have included depression, lethargy, hallucination, and numbness and tingling of the extremities), you'd know about it if you were deficient.

Having said that, excess intake is not likely to hurt you (except perhaps your wallet). A statistic from the bottom of the linked page says that in infants with suspected deficiency, they are given 50-200 times the Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake. 8o

I would think that for a number of the elements you need, (especially the ones in small quantities in your multivitamins,) can be found spread widely among normal foods. Bear in mind that the multivitamin has it's quantities set specifically to counter the average (or expected) deficiencies of the population. Unless you have good reason to be worried about being deficient in a specific element, I wouldn't go overboard on supplements.
i get heating pads for menstrual cramps and they say on them "Do not use for more than 8 hours in any 24-hour period." Why is that? It's still giving off heat for another few hours, why should I take it off? Does it leak strange chemicals at that point? Do they think I'm going to burn myself? Because I don't take it off until it's not warm anymore.
but it's already been on for 8 hours and it was much hotter then. at the end it's just sort of warm.
i goburned from a heatin pad

maybe somthing about body temp
or precation agints leaving iton ll night
wizekrak said:
Why are most American serial killers white male suburbanites?

because most americans are white sububmanites, and males do most of the killing.
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