Quick goodbye to everyone.

zophen said:
^If your family member loved one tried to kill themselves would you just say "oh well it's what they wanted" ? :\

that's a different situation - we are then related and it all matters very much. I was merely trying to point out that your focus on the benefit of BL's interference for the family is beside the point in your argument, as you are in no way connected to that family (well, somehow yes, in the DMT way in which we're all connected, and perhaps since one family member is part of this community, of which you are also a part).

Apart from that, point taken, zoph. And I am glad he's still here and I know that people did indeed do the right thing, because what they did was done with right intent (benevolence) based on the amount of understanding the person has at this time. I am impressed, actually, by the amount of involvement and dedication to a faceless (anonymous) poster's welfare demonstrated by, say, KITD (I don't know who else as I haven't been following this in too much detail). That really is a sign of nobility.

This is not to say that someone like Ravr, who may not have done this, would have based his decision not to act on mere indifference or malevolence. He, too, would have acted with right intent (benevolence) based on the amount of understanding he has at that time - even by choosing to let him go.

I think any "right" and "wrong" comes from intent in a case like that... can we really know what goes on in another person's mind? Can we really judge whether his life is worth living? I believe it probably is, but who am I to say that and impose it upon him? I thereby force someone back into a realm he had consciously chosen to leave, whether wisely or unwisely. I act against their will if I bring them back... I am aware that my philosophy here is quite brutal if you look at it from a "must-save-lives-at-any-cost" perspective though. And I do not know how I would have reacted. I really don't. Instinctively I would have had a desire to save him as well, I guess. All I am suggesting is that there is more to this issue than simply saving lives being a good thing regardless of all other factors.
^I cannot conceive of walking away in such a situation ximot , another human being , you know ?
^ Agreed.

One thing I'd like to point out is the first couple of posts after mepat's initial post took it as a joke ... I hope this, somewhat, serves as a lesson that such statements should always be taken seriously. Thank god someone did [kudos].

It's great to see such a loving, tolerant and supporting family. My thoughts are with you.
Im humbled by the response of a number of BL'ers. How couldnt you be touched when you see genuine acts of selflessness in an age that gets off on cynicism?

Invasion of privacy?
What about defense of an innocent from an accident of nature?
Brain chemistry, temporary insanity, a recent run of fate or simply a lost perspective?

To deny hope is self deception

<3 maddog
wow such a touching thread

nice to know you're recovering mepat, a moment like this can only bring you closer to your friends and family. They all care about you and as u can see so do we, so treasure the happy things in life, dont throw it all away.

Wish u all the best :)
THR......One thing I'd like to point out is the first couple of posts after mepat's initial post took it as a joke ... I hope this said:
as I so often do wth things on the internet and only because I have seen it happen before, and also because of technological ignorance, I just sat and watched....but it certainly made me think about what if it was where I lived......
zophen said:
^I cannot conceive of walking away in such a situation ximot , another human being , you know ?

i know and i understand.
wow, just reading this, such good news. bluelight, in the form of kitty and the few others, saved this kids life. like deecee said, it is a shame this kind of news doesn't make the papers when people discuss us. oh well.

it is funny, because my 10 year old has been maturing insanely lately, and i have been discussing drugs quite a bit (had a feeling one of the neighbors smokes weed, so thought it was time for more indepth convos). the real dangers, the lies, why he needs to stay away from them until he is an adult due to hereditary mental disorders, etc...and i was thinking to myself "should i show him this site when he is old enough??" aside from taking off any really bad posts of mine *wink wink* i believe wholeheartedly now, that yes, it is indeed a good site for my children to be on. i won't lie....i did have my doubts.

susan, my love to you, as a mom, i can't imagine how difficult it would be to handle knowing my son was so sad that he wanted to end his life, it is unbearable to have no control over their safety and happiness.

good luck, and all he needs to overcome this, IMO above all is your limitless love and emphasis on acceptance over judgement.

mepat- glad to hear that you are ok. Life can get you down sometimes and even though it's tempting to give up you have to keep on fighting the good fight. It sounds like you have alot of people who really care about you and that will be your greatest asset when it comes to getting through life's rough spots. If you ever need someone to talk to just PM me
<3 snowflake
Holy shit. I wasn't expecting to get back and find this.

The fact that someone's life can be saved by people he's never met, one of whom is in another country, says volumes about this site and the people on it. Kitty and hoptis, you guys have achieved something pretty incredible and should be proud. That goes for everyone else that helped out as well and took this seriously.....you've reached out and helped someone who might not be here now otherwise. I guess this proves the internet can be much more than just words on a screen, hey? :D

If anything more can be gained from this, I hope it reinforces that suicide threats should be taken seriously. Mepat1111, I've always enjoyed reading your posts and I hope you return at some point. Things are obviously going to be tough for you at the moment.....but I hope you can at least take some solace in the fact that you clearly have a lot of people that care for you and want you to stick around. :)

Words can't express how much admiration I have for what was done here.
Since the other thread was closed, I'd like again to thank the BLers that involved themselves in the situation. Not only did you change the lives of Pat and his family, but you also gave me and I'm sure many others at least a bit more faith in humanity.

I'm glad it turned out for the good :).
As far as whether BL should have intervened or not, wouldn't mepats last post be construed as a cry for help?

If he was serious about just dying, would he come on and post in TDS? I thought BL coming to his aid, in a manner of thinking, was what Pat may have been going for. He cared about his ties to BL enough to post and fortunately those ties were able to help him.

I'd view it no differently than if he had called a friend or family member and said the same thing. And if they got the call, they'd do the exact same thing!

I'm glad he's ok, although I do know WD's in a hospital are not fun and he's got a lot of things to work out. Thanks mepats mom for posting and keeping us informed on his condition. Good luck on the road to recovery; hopefully you'll be stronger in the end and you'll have more character because of it. :)
Update from mepat's Mum

Just a word on whether to intervene if someone says anything at all suicidal - when I was 18, just a year older than Pat is now, I was suicidal but knew too little to get it right. It's now 40 years later and when I think of the great life I would have missed out on it is frightening. What if I had died?! I would never have met the great love of my life. Never have had two beautiful sons. Never have met wonderful friends all over the world. When you are that far down you can only come up. I thank God every day for the wonderful life that I have had. Although Pat was so far down that he wanted to die - he's feeling better and positive again. I'm sure he will confirm this when he's back on line - probably tonight as his Dad is picking him up from the hospital shortly.
Thanks Susan and yes your right of course.

In a weird sort of way Im glad you related that story cos it helps to know that the chances are good that you will understand where he is at and be able to provide genuine support without judgement.

All the best to you and your family.
Patrick, my best to you for a full and expeditious recovery. Your journey is obviously not meant to end just yet. I hope you're feeling better soon.

Susan, you are such a wonderful mother to support your son when he needs you so very, very much.

It is a credit to our sense of community here at Bluelight that KITD, hoptis and others recognized and acted upon the need for intervention. I know one thing I'm thankful for this holiday season - to be privileged enough to interact with the friends I have made, and the friends I haven't met yet, on Bluelight.

You've got a lot of people in your corner, Pat. Get well soon.
To Mepats mother, Susan:

MASSIVE RESPECT for the way you're handling this. If there's one way to beat this kind of problem, it's with staunch backup from your family.
Yeah mepat111, you've got love here bro. I echo everyone's sentiments about a speedy but steady recovery.