Quick goodbye to everyone.

what an amazing board. i've been so low before and suicide crosses my mind daily, not even being an addict. and this inspired me to keep going. great just great!

if i ever feel the need to kill myself i really, really hope i post about it on here first.
Has anyone else noticed that the posts by myself, edarrin and my mother (wwwdot) are all screwy? The post by edarrin is under my mother's username, my mum's post is under my name, and my post is under edarrin's name :s

Curious indeed...
panic_in_paradise said:
^ woh! KITD...?

have you been eating tuna SandyClut ? i only ask because youve said you dont swim.

Wtf??? PIP, your posts seem to be getting more and more inexplicable as time goes on.

nope, my inexplicableness is of my own free will

an example of your mached inexplicablality.
"PIP is having my babies. And i do not care what he, or his Missus says about it."
- MR Candyslut

I read this entire thing today, and I can honestly say that I feel safer than I've felt in a long time.

I recently was discharged from a mental health institution for severe depression and suicidality + anxiety in all of its glorious forms and panic disorder. Quite the rap sheet, non? Anyways, I have seen some of the darkness that I'm sure a lot of you have seen; It's so good to know that here we can find comfort in knowing that we will always find acceptance and support.

I am truly touched.

I am also blessed with an incredibly supportive mum, one who's rocked the 60's & 70's and has helped my father through alcohol rehabilitation. While reading this thread, I realise how much I support I have in more than one aspect of my life.

I'm so glad to know that I'm part of a community that is really fighting for the human race, and not against it.

Don't hate,

<33 Peace to everyone, Keep safe and Keep on loving.
panic_in_paradise said:
nope, my inexplicableness is of my own free will

an example of your mached inexplicablality.
"PIP is having my babies. And i do not care what he, or his Missus says about it."
- MR Candyslut


Alright, what are you talking about?
i feel guilty though about how OT this is becoming but, ask sandyclut if you need details. *pssst willow11, i wouldnt if i were you*

sandyclut, i cant make you babies, babies live in a mommies tummy. the closest your gonna get, and the best i can do is to make you some ginger bread baby cookies. is that ok?