Quick goodbye to everyone.

mepats mum

But what shall I call myself? He is refusing to let me be mepats mum any longer.
mepat1111 said:
But what shall I call myself? He is refusing to let me be mepats mum any longer.
You should create an account called 'mepat's mum'. That would be hilarious. :D
Zophen, I took your advice and called myself wwwdot (for "warm, wise and wonderful") personally, I thought mepat's mum was OK.
Mr Candyslut - I know people take drugs because they want to and that they enjoy it and life but sometimes the drugs take over and make life hell. If anyone gets to that stage I'd like to be there to help. In the meantime, let's keep people alive and well and happy.
I love to see that my mum can take both a harm reduction point of view:
wwwdot said:
In the meantime, let's keep people alive and well and happy.
But at the same time be there for people who DO want to give up drugs
wwwdot said:
sometimes the drugs take over and make life hell.
My mum rocks! =D
hmmm... so have u stopped taking drugs or are we gonna re-live this experience in a month??
aztecx said:
hmmm... so have u stopped taking drugs or are we gonna re-live this experience in a month??
I believe it's already been established that I have stopped taking drugs...

mepat1111 said:
I am not going to be taking any other drugs in the future, I'll be on regular urine tests to it's out of the question for me.
mepat1111 said:
The methadone is going great for me, it's really helping in that I have no desire at all to be doing other opiates. I was in my uncles room today (alone) and I saw his stash of oxycontin out, there would have been easily 1000mg there and he would not have noticed if I had taken any of them. Well guess what - I didn't. I simply found him and told him that he should probably lock them away so that I'm not tempted in future
what a great name, wwwdot! you seem like an amazing woman and mother! :)
i look forward to reading your posts
This thread had me in tears, awesome to those who helped him. Good luck with your battle against addiction mepat1111 keep at it and you will get through it.
so much PLUR it hurts :D

good to hear you pulled through. it's a good lesson on suicide, how you really can't trust the way you're thinking at that one point in time when you do the unthinkable.
the grass will always be greener, so don't let the way you're feeling in a period of your life, take it all away.
All i can say is wow... this thread was one of the most amazing I have seen in a while. I only wish I coulda helped in some way, I have been to that point before mepat. I just wasnt able to actually do it, Im glad to hear your doing well now if you ever need someone to talk to We are all here for you. This board rocks and thanks everyone who helped him out.

P.S. to mepats mum You rock, if my mother knew i visited a site like this the way you found out.... I dont wana know what she would do. I applaud you for joining this gr8 family
*Ben wipes his eyes

This is really touching in alot of ways.

We learn from others mistakes, as well as other's triumphs. We have learned from your mistake mepat, and now I hope we can learn from your recovery.

Although physically you are thankfully just fine, events like these in our lives can leave your life and mind unstable to say the least. We are here to help you sort through it all, I'm glad to see you have very strong support from your family.

I'm just really glad to see that you are ok.
Mepats mum would be a perfect name...........its how we know u already.

Oh and Zophen,,,,,,,,,,Im 46 so nah nah nah nah nah...........lol. your only a bub.
Good to know that in the darkest hours of your life, when it seems you are totaly alone, if you are a bl'er, there is hope yet.
Glad I joined
I cant believe i've just read this thread after this long... this is amazing. theres not much i can say that hasnt already been said, but its good to know we're among good hands - i hate people who dont understand good will.
Pretty good thanks mate, haven't been on BL much lately, been trying to not spend too much time on the computer as this is where I usually spent time snorting OC after OC.

Life is doing ok at the moment, outwardly anyways. My job is going well, family life is good, only used drugs once and it was an ecstacy tablet, very spur of the moment, regretted it straight after, not planning to do it again. Inwardly life is a bit of a struggle, I think opiates tended to mask my depression and anxiety a fair bit, and since quitting they've been worse than ever. I've had to up my dose of bupe to 6mg from 4mg as it really wasn't holding me at all, was getting anxiety attacks at work, cravings real bad, etc. etc.

The cravings are still pretty bad, whenever I'm in my uncle's room talking to him I can't keep my eyes off the stuff. I'm making a real effort to not make friends at the methdone/bupe clinic, I don't want to have hookups for H, and that's a perfect way to make them. I've been going to NA meeting a couple of times a week, they're ok, I dunno if I'm gonna continue or not though.
P.S. to mepats mum You rock, if my mother knew i visited a site like this the way you found out.... I dont wana know what she would do. I applaud you for joining this gr8 family[/QUOTE]

I think maybe you underestimate your mother - most people do what has to be done when the time comes. If the child you love is in trouble you will do just about anything to get them throught it. It has not been an easy time for any of us - huge stresses on family as well as on mepatt. I know he is battling with depression and anxiety and we are doing the best we can to help. Fact is, we have never had a problem with addiction and although we want to help, we don't really understand it. Many of you DO understand so hang in there and help where we can't. I so appreciate you guys allowing me to come in here - especially KITD who I love and hope she does come to the Land of Oz with cookies - we have a bed and BBQ waiting.
wwwdot said:
P.S. to mepats mum You rock, if my mother knew i visited a site like this the way you found out.... I dont wana know what she would do. I applaud you for joining this gr8 family

I think maybe you underestimate your mother - most people do what has to be done when the time comes. If the child you love is in trouble you will do just about anything to get them throught it. It has not been an easy time for any of us - huge stresses on family as well as on mepatt. I know he is battling with depression and anxiety and we are doing the best we can to help. Fact is, we have never had a problem with addiction and although we want to help, we don't really understand it. Many of you DO understand so hang in there and help where we can't. I so appreciate you guys allowing me to come in here - especially KITD who I love and hope she does come to the Land of Oz with cookies - we have a bed and BBQ waiting.[/QUOTE]
What I think you forget sometimes mum, is that not all parents are like you and dad. Now I don't know the situation with this person's parents, but I know plenty of parents who wouldn't go to half the trouble you guys have gone through to help me through this.
mepat1111 said:
I think maybe you underestimate your mother - most people do what has to be done when the time comes. If the child you love is in trouble you will do just about anything to get them throught it. It has not been an easy time for any of us - huge stresses on family as well as on mepatt. I know he is battling with depression and anxiety and we are doing the best we can to help. Fact is, we have never had a problem with addiction and although we want to help, we don't really understand it. Many of you DO understand so hang in there and help where we can't. I so appreciate you guys allowing me to come in here - especially KITD who I love and hope she does come to the Land of Oz with cookies - we have a bed and BBQ waiting.
What I think you forget sometimes mum, is that not all parents are like you and dad. Now I don't know the situation with this person's parents, but I know plenty of parents who wouldn't go to half the trouble you guys have gone through to help me through this.[/QUOTE]

Well I too must congratulate you on your response to the whole crisis. I know I put my own parents through hell all through the 70's and 80's as I ran amok I mean completely off the deep end. Can't go into it as it's a book. Notdick-sizing here either (forgive the expression), just to emphathize my point. My parents would never have the open minded and goal orientated behaviour approuch. Ithink it it is because they didn't know it. I'd imagine that you and I are around the same age, give or take a few. My parents are older now (late 70's).

Anyway what I was going to say was that I hope if/when my turn arises I'm able todeal with it as well as you seem to.

I've been on both sides of the fence and have a wealth of experience to share with my daughter. I just don't want to make her angry with me once/if she discovers that dad's an addict so that our communication breaks down. That is crucial I think because I believe it is the root of the problem between me and my parents.